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Daddies Girl


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i have a dear friend who works in the medical profession. she speaks great english, is beautiful and loves to dance and have a great time. she is a party girl who would love to meet a nice farang bloke.

this girl is nearly 30 and still a virgin. she sometimes stays out late, but she always has her family calling her to see where she is.

she is a GOOD girl.

so, to the OP, i say go for it. she sounds like a decent girl whose family love her. you are right to keep your guard up a little, and i would say do this in any relationship, not just with a thai woman.

Why any attractive 30 year old woman is still a virgin by her own choice is beyond my comprehension. Would any of you gents choose to stay a virgin until you were 30 +, unless you were planning to enter the priesthood? My opinion of someone like this is that they have a problem relating to men, don't really like men and/or sex. I would definatlly want a reasonable time for a "test drive" before marrying someone with such a status.

They are out there in bigger numbers than you think. I dated two (although they were mid twenties not 30), one caved in to her desires after a couple of months and had a regular relationship with me for as long as that lasted and the other made me wait so long I told her the truth that I couldn't wait any longer and broke it off. My personal opinion is that it is unhealthy for adults to not be having a vibrant sex life with thier partner and to wait until mid twenties or 30's is unnatural but I do understand Thai culture and it's "good girl wife material" mind set so don't judge it too harshly.

Damian Mavis

I expect a wife or GF to have a healthy level of interest and proficiency in sexual matters. I would not waste time and money with someone who is going to behave like an "old maid autnie", and won't do this and won't do that. Men who have got women like this as partners are good fodder for the hooker trade. As for "Thai Culture", hopefully it should be evolving and modernising, as in other places. The "Thai Culture" issue in this case and other's is often bull $shit fed to the Farang (and perhaps Thai suitors), because the lady thinks she will appear more virteous or fetch a higher price for marriage. In my opinion, some of these ladies claiming to be virgins, may not in fact be such.

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Hi OP,

Just curious OK?

What is it that you like about this girl?

Why do you wanna have a partner?

And to Bambi, yes better you not drive a car, ha ha ha just kidding.

Take care all!


She's intelligent and funny and of course im attracted to her. We feel very comfortable togther and the conversation is good. Even when we don't have much to say we just enjoy each other company. She has introduced me to most of her friends and work colleuges and made me feel very welcome.

As for why do i want a partner i'm don't really know how to answer that. Companionship i suppose and somene to love and trust.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everybody please listen to me.

He say all this to me tOO 2 years a go after that f u c k i ng hall

She's intelligent and funny and of course im attracted to her. We feel very comfortable togther and the conversation is good. Even when we don't have much to say we just enjoy each other company. She has introduced me to most of her friends and work colleuges and made me feel very welcome.

As for why do i want a partner i'm don't really know how to answer that. Companionship i suppose and somene to love and trust.

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Her family is a (relatively) normal, conservative Thai family. It sounds like you have a winner. Tell her about your past, a little at a time. You don't have spill everything out all at once.

Take it slow and the best of luck to both of you.

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Someone wants to teleport these people into the 21st century. There are no gooks and goblins out there and whilst safety is very important, so is having a life. Clinging onto some ancient virginal history would have the daughters locked at home. It is time for the parents to let them go and live by themselves.

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Is the OP 34, as he claimed, or 14? He sounds very fragile.

Total nonsense about about. As for being fragile, is there an age limit?

No one want this man and this lady that why they met :o

Ok here we go. It appears my ex has somehow been following my posts. The odd thing is she knows i use TV often, but she never knew my username. All i can say is that you have basically proven what you have done. The original post could have been anyone about anyone, but you know it describes what you have done and it has hit a nerve. I think it is in the MODERATORS interest that this topic be locked as i have received person abuse via email, as well as my family back home in the UK. I don't want this to get into a slagging match. All will say is that you have made yourself look like a fool baring in mind no names were mentioned. Grow up.

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His lady could buy the house? With whose money? Her money?? I would like to know if this idea holds up with her and her ever-loving parents and let's not forget sin sod. Sounds like he has a bit of further negotiation to be done.

Yes, Sinsod. Money will come into this sooner or later.

No free rides in Thailand.

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He stay my husband house and free good <deleted> ck from me for more then 1 years and he pay for my house just 3 months....

I know i'm not that good .

I guess you're ok thisisme except for the free fvking part.

You should know that's against the Code of Conduct :o

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He stay my husband house and free good <deleted> ck from me for more then 1 years and he pay for my house just 3 months....

I know i'm not that good .

I guess you're ok thisisme except for the free fvking part.

You should know that's against the Code of Conduct :o

I think that what thisisme is trying to say is that He (a.k.a TommyGun) lived in the house that her husband (whom she has been separated from) bought and while he (TommyGun) received free sex for more than a year, he (TommyGun) only made 3 monthly payments. I don't think thisisme is saying that she was living with her husband at the same time that she was living with and having sex with TommyGun.

I'm not saying that I believe what either thisisme or TommyGun are saying. I'm simply trying to see if what thisisme is trying to say is being misinterpreted because of her poor English skills.

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I suppose this is getting entertaining so here you go.

I left me ex a few months ago after finding emails she had sent to various men while we lived in the UK. This was only 3-5 months into our relationship 2 years ago. As i said i discovered these only a few months ago. This email is from one man only. There were dozens which also lead to sexual conversation and handing out numbers.

The Man

Hi P

I am really pleased you only like me , and I am beginning to like you too

!! Just dont offer me sex !! I want to get to know you I want to be friends

first , love and sex will folllow and believe me if we want each other it

will be wonderful and I hope I can give you enough , I will really try !!!


And I dont see a lot of girls I dont have time I am too busy !! If you

want to wait then lets wait til next week I am back on Tuesday !!!

The Ex

how can i see someone else?i only talk with you and i like you.

i bet you see lots girl.

i'd like to see you tomorrow but i will wait when you have a lot time for


The Ex

I sorry to said that to you... i just think you might just want sex from


i feel bad now..i'd like to meet you but tomorrow ican't.

wait till you have a lot time.

sorry if i talk with you not nice

The Man

well i think we should meet, maybe go for a drink have a chat and start to

get to know each other , I wont have too much time tomorrow but when i get

back next week I could arrange to spend a lot of time with you !! Perhaps

you could even come to stay with me sometime !! What do you think ?

The Ex

how long can you stay and talk with me here?

you might not like me

The Man

will see you tomorrow during the day , lunchtime , you tell me where

,lets be friends first !!

The Man

Have you done this before ? [be honest]

And I thought you wanted a relationship

The Ex

ok.i'll find when he away. if we meet in evening where would you like to


i'd like to meet you here because my son with me and easy for me.

i hope you not mind abput my son.


The Ex

he gone to work in Manchester every day.. he sometime live there not come


I don't know when he stay in manchester agin.

i don't know what to say.. i very want to see you.

would like to get to know you more.

hope you like me .


I suppose i could have made this up and taken the time to perfect the broken English but im not that bored.

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While this is starting to get personal. If anyone would like the Hi5 info please email me. I just feel sorry for the third guy if there is one. Oh yeah. What she said about TLL is true and the playing online pool. Revenge is sweet sometimes, afterall i was paying the bills. She just stuck to pay now. Regarding bills i totally understand why her still husband as never sent a dime over the 2 years for her or unfortunately her son. And stupidly i was trying to get her the help through Guesthouse here. Sorry i wasted your time

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He stay my husband house and free good <deleted> ck from me for more then 1 years and he pay for my house just 3 months....

I know i'm not that good .

I guess you're ok thisisme except for the free fvking part.

You should know that's against the Code of Conduct :o

I think that what thisisme is trying to say is that He (a.k.a TommyGun) lived in the house that her husband (whom she has been separated from) bought and while he (TommyGun) received free sex for more than a year, he (TommyGun) only made 3 monthly payments. I don't think thisisme is saying that she was living with her husband at the same time that she was living with and having sex with TommyGun.

I'm not saying that I believe what either thisisme or TommyGun are saying. I'm simply trying to see if what thisisme is trying to say is being misinterpreted because of her poor English skills.

Her husband stopped paying for the house when she left him. I was paying for it while in the uk for around 7-8 months, and around 10months while living here as her husband refused to support her or her son. I now know why.

The thing is i have not spoken to my ex for months. Only last week a received emails in my hotmail telling me to <deleted> off, and a coment about seeing my post on TV and because i have blocker her this was her next move. So god dam_n what, get over it we're finished. Geuss you still care!

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After i broke up with me ex, a few weeks later a met a lady in a coffee shop. I asked if the seat was taken next to her, she eventually introduced herself in perfect English that puts me to shame. After a short conversation i explained i was travelling back to the UK, we casually exchanged emails and said we would say hi from time to time. Staight away i assumed she was after one thing because of my previous experience

So... did you meet her in the coffee shop as you say or did you "meet" her on the internet through thailovelinks.com as thisisme is saying?

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After i broke up with me ex, a few weeks later a met a lady in a coffee shop. I asked if the seat was taken next to her, she eventually introduced herself in perfect English that puts me to shame. After a short conversation i explained i was travelling back to the UK, we casually exchanged emails and said we would say hi from time to time. Staight away i assumed she was after one thing because of my previous experience

So... did you meet her in the coffee shop as you say or did you "meet" her on the internet through thailovelinks.com as thisisme is saying?

Lets face it we can both say what we want. The difference is i have paper work to prove what she is like, on pc and hard copy. She even told her sister her BF is a bad man and she should find someone else. This was because he wasn't ready to marry. They only knew each other for 3 months. He's now married and since bought the parents 20 rai of land, now hes great! I feel sorry for the poor Austrian guy living in Austria working at Scania..

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After that my question is. Do i tell her about my past, as this is makeing me un-easy sometimes. And is it normal to be a Daddies Girl at 30.

You didn't answer my last question but I never answered your original questions, so here goes. 1) Yes you should tell her about your past at least as much as she is interested in knowing. She may not want to know anything about your past. My current wife doesn't like me or her discussing the past. 2) Yes it is normal for Thai women living with their parents to follow their parents' rules out of respect for them.

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