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You think its love?


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Thank you LPCustom69. We just bought a house and are set to close in 3 weeks. Smaller house, about 1600 sq ft, 2 car garage etc, with an expanded piece of property, has 200+ year old Heritage Oak trees which are as wide as the house ! Indigenous Florida palm trees mixed in.

I sold my house when I left to live in Asia a couple years ago. Big show off house that almost broke me ( won't do that again). So this is really a new start for the both of us.

A professional web developer is making overtures at accepting a partnership agreement in return for a few hundred hours work on our Vietnam websites which are really at this point Hanh's business with me being the primary investor and "screener". I'm rebuilding my coin business and am overloaded, especially since people are generally speaking running out of options with regards to investments and gold of course does well in this kind of environment.

Governments really seem to be out of control and this makes my financial life better which is contrary to most business. Ahh to be a libertarian in a libertarian business with all the socialist's and worse running the world into the ground these days.

We're hoping to take a trip back to Vietnam in a few months before it gets overwhelming here. I don't think that Hanh misses it, but I do.


Mr Vietnam  :o

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Thetyim. You say, 'with Thai girls the families allways come first'. What girls are you talking about?? God, what a statement! maybe the bar girls yeh?!. I know many who leave the county and their FAMILIES to live with their partners because they love them. Surely if their families were put first they wouldn't leave them?? You'll have to visit us in London one day. Here you can meet many Asian women who are happy in the UK with partners or by themsleves. Yeh ofcourse they don't forget about their families back home but for sure they recognise their husband and family as a priority.

I hope you not assuming 'bar girls' are the same as the rest of Thai girls?

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Very true i agree. My fiance lives in Surin, and we will be married in august. We are going to live in Pattaya. Sometimes her family have problems, and she tells me about them, but never asks for money for her family. Now she only has siters, brothers, nephews, and nieces. Her parents are deceased.

her son and myself are the prioraties in her life.

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With due respect and best wishes to those who are in love...or already married a Khon Thai lady. I have two set of answers to your so called problems. First answer, I notice that most of you are involved with girls who are from poor families, bar girls, and so on. There is nothing wrong with that, because you are in love. Period. Therefore it is univeral and acceptable that their families do need your help. To them you are a rich son-law, and they will depend on you.... you have to live with it. The second set of answers..... if you had married a girl who is educated, middle class, or from a rich family, then the scenario would be different. Her parents will size you up.... and will hope you and her daughter can manage and not seek financial help from them instead. There fore, it is an internationl scenario and has nothing to do a country's culture. In conclusion, life is want you want, then that is what you get. " Love is a many splendoured thing"
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Question really is:

How many guys quote they have met their lady in a resturant or a shop, maybe on a train but in the past maybe 1 month or 1 year ago they worked in a bar and these guys never find out because they refuse to "dig deeper"and are happy with what they don't know about their dream girl.

I take my hat off to the Bar Girls they are at most alot more switched on than the "crying in my milk farangs" I have met.

Sat on the Fence



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