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Police Car Searches


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I would like to know if anyone else has had this experience.

I was driving, exited an office building on Asoke around 10pm, going south towards Rama 4, when two policemen on a motorcycle caught up with me and waved me over to stop just before the light at Sukhumvit. I had gone only a very short distance. I also recalled policemen on a motorcycle emerging from across the street right about the time I exited my office building, so I assume it was the same ones.

They searched my car thoroughly, including under my seats and all in the boot, and also searched all my pockets. I had some toilet tissue in my back pocket, worn out from sweat and wear during the day, and they really went through that carefully.

They checked my driver's licence, not international but no problem they were not interested.

They did not test me for alcohol. Nothing but hidden drugs in the car. They seemed quite professional about it. All in all it was only about 5 minutes. It could have been more, so I don't see this as a very big ordeal.

I don't mind searches for drugs because I know drugs cause a lot of problems for people, society and crime. This is not a complaint. This is all OK, no problem. I was fully cooperative. It is comforting to see some control to keep drugs off the street and the mafia in check, and hope Thailand and Sukhumvit don't degrade like a lot of hot spots in the world with many crazy people and criminals, so I encouraged them when it was all over.

However, I just wonder whether anyone else has experienced this, or whether I was specifically targeted?

What seems strange is why was my car searched, not someone else's? I felt like maybe I was targeted, but why? Mistaken identity? Why did they choose me? I was not suspicious in any way I can imagine. There is nothing about my history, business, associates (as far as I know, but I'm in a very conservative business field) or appearance which would make anyone think I am involved in drugs. People who know me would think the opposite. I am conservative and ordinary, not young and I am a family man living with my wife and children.

I'm just curious whether others have experienced this recently. Have the police stepped up their searches of cars? Any other new antidrug efforts like this? Or what's happening here?

Edited by expat-global
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I would like to know if anyone else has had this experience.

I was driving, exited an office building on Asoke around 10pm, going south towards Rama 4, when two policemen on a motorcycle caught up with me and waved me over to stop just before the light at Sukhumvit. I had gone only a very short distance. I also recalled policemen on a motorcycle emerging from across the street right about the time I exited my office building, so I assume it was the same ones.

They searched my car thoroughly, including under my seats and all in the boot, and also searched all my pockets. I had some toilet tissue in my back pocket, worn out from sweat and wear during the day, and they really went through that carefully.

They checked my driver's licence, not international but no problem they were not interested.

They did not test me for alcohol. Nothing but hidden drugs in the car. They seemed quite professional about it. All in all it was only about 5 minutes. It could have been more, so I don't see this as a very big ordeal.

I don't mind searches for drugs because I know drugs cause a lot of problems for people, society and crime. This is not a complaint. This is all OK, no problem. I was fully cooperative. It is comforting to see some control to keep drugs off the street and the mafia in check, and hope Thailand and Sukhumvit don't degrade like a lot of hot spots in the world with many crazy people and criminals, so I encouraged them when it was all over.

However, I just wonder whether anyone else has experienced this, or whether I was specifically targeted?

What seems strange is why was my car searched, not someone else's? I felt like maybe I was targeted, but why? Mistaken identity? Why did they choose me? I was not suspicious in any way I can imagine. There is nothing about my history, business, associates (as far as I know, but I'm in a very conservative business field) or appearance which would make anyone think I am involved in drugs. People who know me would think the opposite. I am conservative and ordinary, not young and I am a family man living with my wife and children.

I'm just curious whether others have experienced this recently. Have the police stepped up their searches of cars? Any other new antidrug efforts like this? Or what's happening here?

have you upset somebody ,as they normally leave us farangs alone :o

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Police searches late at night of foreign nationals either driving or as passengers in vehicles seems to be common in the Asoke area and just east on Sukhumvit. I have written of a number of similar reports in my weekly column over the last few months.

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However, I just wonder whether anyone else has experienced this, or whether I was specifically targeted?

Not lately, and not in a car.

The last time i refused to be searched, and told them that i would only allow them to search me inside a police station, and please with a warrant, and that they would get a complaint in case they would find nothing, which they wouldn't have. The two cops left on their motorcycle without searching me.

It is not unknown that during such searches drugs are planted by the cops.

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A few years ago I was walking to McDonalds next to democracy monument when I became aware of a motorcycle driving slowly behind me (on the pavement). I turned round to see two BIB signaling me to stop while they dismounted their bike. One asked me where I was going and why. I replied "to McD's for a cheeseburger." They then asked me if I had any heroin or ganja which I replied no. They then searched all through my pockets, smiled and went on their way.

I was dressed in jeans and a shirt, have no tattoos or weird hairstyle etc, so in that area I wondered why they chose to single me out ?

Not the first time I have been searched in that area but it almost seemed like more than a random search.

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A few years ago I was walking to McDonalds next to democracy monument when I became aware of a motorcycle driving slowly behind me (on the pavement). I turned round to see two BIB signaling me to stop while they dismounted their bike. One asked me where I was going and why. I replied "to McD's for a cheeseburger." They then asked me if I had any heroin or ganja which I replied no. They then searched all through my pockets, smiled and went on their way.

I was dressed in jeans and a shirt, have no tattoos or weird hairstyle etc, so in that area I wondered why they chose to single me out ?

Not the first time I have been searched in that area but it almost seemed like more than a random search.

are you acting strange? don't drink too much coffee...

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A few years ago I was walking to McDonalds next to democracy monument when I became aware of a motorcycle driving slowly behind me (on the pavement). I turned round to see two BIB signaling me to stop while they dismounted their bike. One asked me where I was going and why. I replied "to McD's for a cheeseburger." They then asked me if I had any heroin or ganja which I replied no. They then searched all through my pockets, smiled and went on their way.

I was dressed in jeans and a shirt, have no tattoos or weird hairstyle etc, so in that area I wondered why they chose to single me out ?

Not the first time I have been searched in that area but it almost seemed like more than a random search.

are you acting strange? don't drink too much coffee...

TOO MUCH SUGAR!!!!!!!!!! :o

No I mean when I was younger and a newbie in LOS I spent a lot of time around the KSR area. People getting searched randomly is quite common there.

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Perhaps you came from an area known for drug transactions or you may have unwittingly entered the premises of a known trafficer. It happens everywhere. I recall walking through a drug dealer corner in London and being swarmed by coppers. (They were nice about it though.)

Not a pleasant experience, but seeing as we all gripe about mafia and crime and demand action, we sort of have to tolerate these types of events if we want our gripes to be addressed.

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Some the "policemen" here target farangs because they know that we often like to smoke ganja etc, and are looking for a big payout. I was stopped around the Thong Lo area and have heard of others being stopped. The intention is certainly nothing to do with protecting society.

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Not a pleasant experience, but seeing as we all gripe about mafia and crime and demand action, we sort of have to tolerate these types of events if we want our gripes to be addressed.

These searches could be a lot worse, and there is no significant social order campaign these days ... so it could be much worse. I think that in general you may be right and we shouldn't be so idealistic. The road to h*ll can be paved with idealistic intentions. Like you say, we should tolerate these events.

Edited by expat-global
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Well hello, it's still It's a third world feudal dictatorship where corruption is rife; people tend to forget that sometimes. News at 11.

LOL, your post starts like a paris hilton quip :o

3rd world or not the coppers of any country will random search you if you are in certain areas. Almost always it is in THEIR interest, not societies. In LOS it is for monetary gain, here in the UK it is to do with promotion, which = monetary & status gain.

We need police, but do not ever trust the bastards, whichever country you are in.


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However, I just wonder whether anyone else has experienced this, or whether I was specifically targeted?

Not lately, and not in a car.

The last time i refused to be searched, and told them that i would only allow them to search me inside a police station, and please with a warrant, and that they would get a complaint in case they would find nothing, which they wouldn't have. The two cops left on their motorcycle without searching me.

It is not unknown that during such searches drugs are planted by the cops.


I have lived here for 10 years, I have neither personally or otherwise heard of drugs being planted on farangs whilst in the street.

Funny too, that of the 00's of users on this forum, NOBODY has ever stated likewise!!!!

There is a forum rule somewhere about writing falsehoods?

But then again, I seem to remember that Col Pyat admitted being a drug user so maybe the company he keeps is considered high risk !!

I have been stopped several times in my car, never searched, I think on most occasions they are just looking for their 200 baht :o

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Well, of course they plant drugs on people--you don't really think that people who get caught with drugs actually bought them or use them, do you? I worked in a prison for a time--it's the largest congregation of innocent people on earth!

I always try to cooperate with the local police here. They can make life difficult. A word of advice--always speak English--they usually get very tired of trying to communicate and just let me go. Of course, none of these have involved a search of anything more significant than my insurance papers!

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Never been searched in a car or a taxi, but several times walking around the Khao San area I've been stopped and searched. They'd go through all my pockets, take my cigs out of their package and smell them, look through my wallet and any bags I was carrying, and once even made me take off my shoes so they could search inside. Then they'd thank me and drive off on their motorcycle. One copper who searched me was very polite, he asked permission before searching me, and then apologized for the inconvenience afterwards.

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I was stopped near Pantip once with my wife and her sister in the taxi. The girls weren't searched but I was. The wife whispered into my ear to keep a sharp eye out to make sure the copper doesn't plant any drugs on me. He smelt my ciggies, went through everything. Of course he found nothing and let us on our way.

He asked for my passport but I told him I left it at home, he shrugged.

For some reason the missus told me not tell him we are married, but he would have worked it out due to the fact we have the same surname.

No money, no loss, no worries. He was just doing his job.

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However, I just wonder whether anyone else has experienced this, or whether I was specifically targeted?

Not lately, and not in a car.

The last time i refused to be searched, and told them that i would only allow them to search me inside a police station, and please with a warrant, and that they would get a complaint in case they would find nothing, which they wouldn't have. The two cops left on their motorcycle without searching me.

It is not unknown that during such searches drugs are planted by the cops.


I have lived here for 10 years, I have neither personally or otherwise heard of drugs being planted on farangs whilst in the street.

Funny too, that of the 00's of users on this forum, NOBODY has ever stated likewise!!!!

There is a forum rule somewhere about writing falsehoods?

But then again, I seem to remember that Col Pyat admitted being a drug user so maybe the company he keeps is considered high risk !!

I have been stopped several times in my car, never searched, I think on most occasions they are just looking for their 200 baht :o

My stalker is back.

Don't speculate on the company i keep, please.

And yes, it is rather obvious that there are many things you haven't heard of. One of them is manners.

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I was stopped near Pantip once with my wife and her sister in the taxi. The girls weren't searched but I was. The wife whispered into my ear to keep a sharp eye out to make sure the copper doesn't plant any drugs on me. He smelt my ciggies, went through everything. Of course he found nothing and let us on our way.

He asked for my passport but I told him I left it at home, he shrugged.

For some reason the missus told me not tell him we are married, but he would have worked it out due to the fact we have the same surname.

No money, no loss, no worries. He was just doing his job.

There are many Thais in jail because of planted drugs. One of my wife's cousins spent several months in jail. Lucky for him he never touched the bag the cop planted, and after finger printing the bag only the cops prints were found, and the cop then lost his job, and was then during the drug war later on imprisoned for selling himself.

Foreigners are sometimes targeted for money, or for other blackmail, which includes working as an informant and/or seller for the cops.

Be very careful - there are some very nasty elements in the police here.

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I was searched by a couple of BIB after getting of the bus at the Ekamai station. I thought it was pretty clear that they were hoping to find something illegal and catch an opportunity to enhance their incomes. I had a backpack with me as I was going on a short trip, so I looked like your usual lone male low-budget traveler -- probably the type they profile as a good candidate to be carrying a little ganja or something worse. I suspect these guys kept a regular post there and frequently searched anybody who looked promising, i.e. young (especially lone) travelers with backpacks.

Edited by pattyboy
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Driving from Chiang Mai to Sukhothai on a regular basis and always stopped at the police check points. Many times they would wave a dozen or more cars ahead of me through and upon seeing me in the distance, point for me to pull over. Always searched, car gone through very thoroughly and eventually we got to know the group. We'd usually buy a pizza from the Dukes in CM before leaving and eat that as we were traveling in order to save time. As a result every time we were stopped we would get out of the car carrying a pizza box. After about the fifth time of being stopped we bought a second pizza for "the boys" and presented it to them with a smile. We were never stopped again but always got a friendly wave as we went through the check point. BTW, this was local AND Provincial Police, nice fella's.

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However, I just wonder whether anyone else has experienced this, or whether I was specifically targeted?

Not lately, and not in a car.

The last time i refused to be searched, and told them that i would only allow them to search me inside a police station, and please with a warrant, and that they would get a complaint in case they would find nothing, which they wouldn't have. The two cops left on their motorcycle without searching me.

It is not unknown that during such searches drugs are planted by the cops.


I have lived here for 10 years, I have neither personally or otherwise heard of drugs being planted on farangs whilst in the street.

Funny too, that of the 00's of users on this forum, NOBODY has ever stated likewise!!!!

There is a forum rule somewhere about writing falsehoods?

But then again, I seem to remember that Col Pyat admitted being a drug user so maybe the company he keeps is considered high risk !!

I have been stopped several times in my car, never searchhai Visa. I ed, I think on most occasions they are just looking for their 200 baht :o

My stalker is back.

Don't speculate on the company i keep, please.

And yes, it is rather obvious that there are many things you haven't heard of. One of them is manners.

I would respond, but I fear for a suspension which would spoil my chances of winning the football competition on Thai Visa :D .

In stead I will report this for contravening Thai Visa rules. Grow Up!!

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I would respond, but I fear for a suspension which would spoil my chances of winning the football competition on Thai Visa :o .

In stead I will report this for contravening Thai Visa rules. Grow Up!!

Report as much as you want.

Stop stalking me. You have a very unhealthy obsession with me and my posts. No harm intended - but i am not gay, i am not interested in blokes, and if you try to get my attention by your consistent stalking - forget it.

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