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Viagra . . Oh Not Again !


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Hi there all,

A question from a newbie, it may have been asked before, but I can't find it after performing a search.

I will be visiting Northern Thailand in November, I have a small quantity of Viagra which I would like to bring with me.

Is it legal to bring into the country or am I likely to get grief at BKK International.

Any help appreciated.

ID :o

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I had no trouble bringing in 200 anti-Viagra tablets.

"anti-Viagra" ?

Would another name for those be "downers" ? :o

Seriously, recent tv report showed large Viagra counterfit export operation in China. (Counterfit basically sugar pill.)

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No definite answer, but I see no problems, as long as you don't bring in commercial quantities. It must be clear to the customs officer that it is for your own use. If you got it by prescription from your MD, a copy of the prescr. is helpful.

Most probably you will not be asked to open your luggage and no need to declare personal medicine on the customs form. IF, you are to open your bag and if they find it, probably everybody has a smile...

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As Alex stated, if you have a prescription, bring a copy with you. (This applies to all prescription medicine(s).)

If you are traveling to/in a countries with laws regulating controlled drugs, you could be charged with possession of a "controlled substance" and possibly end up being fined, worse yet in jail, unless you can show proof of a doctors prescription.

Your dispensing pharmacy should be able to provide you copies of your prescription(s).

(RK-I'm still curious as to what "anti-viagra" is! :o )

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