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The Best Stunts I Have Seen On The Roads.

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I recently saw a guy riding a motorbike without actually controlling it!!

Maybe some one can explain to me how it worked. Let me explain. The motorbike had only one person on it, which is amazing in itself. He was sat sidesaddle on the very back of the seat. His hands where not touching the handle bars and he was not facing forward. He seemed to be making no contact with the bike other than his arse, and he didn’t seem to be taking much notice of anything. He could quite easily have been reading a book. I did several double takes before accepting what I was seeing. My wife informed me casually that she had seen it before and that it was a modification. I have yet to figure out how it was done. He was travelling in a straight line, but even so.

Has anyone else seem this or have any idea how it works? :o

I would say this is the most amazing thing I have ever seen on the roads of Thailand. Has anyone seen anything more incredible on the roads?


I seen a tire come off a bus truck and car all at the same time I decided to hide in my uncle's truck in the bed until all the rubber ceased to move down the road :o

what you saw was probably a modification of some type was it a performance bike or just a regular one?


The best stunt I have ever seen in Thailand was in HUA-HIN

There were two men on a mo-to-sy, :D one facing forward, driving and one facing backwards. :o

The one at the back was holding the handles of a wheel barrow.

This was made worse because there were two terrified Thai men squatting in it.

If the handles of the barrow had been dropped the two men would have been catapulted out.

As they passed me they were doing about 50kph. :D


You sure it was not a ghostrider on the frontseat!

I dont know about a ghostrider :o on the front seat but the two in the barrow were as white as ghosts. :D:D



yeh you really see some weird shit on the motorbikes.

I was on a bike a while back and another guy came past at about 70 laying front down on the seat with his legs trailing out the back and changing gears with his hand.


I was travelling down to Samet once in a minibus and was having a conversation with a South African couple.... We suddenly realise that both the driver and the "co-driver" are asleep.... the amazing thing is we are still ploughimg down the road at 60 miles per hour and in a perfectly straight line... anyway we manage to wake the sleeping beauties and persuade them to pull over for 30 mins and have a drink etc...

Could've been a lot worse........



Seen in Bangkok:

-You have seen these guys carrying rolls of fabric on their Vespa scooters... Once I saw a passenger sitting behind him... on the top of the rolls...

Another time with the same kind of load, a passenger lying down on the "floor" of the Vespa with his legs on the fenders... (and trying not to touch the break pedal)

-How to carry a heavy front door on a motocycle?

Vertically! The passenger had the door standing on his lap, his hands on both sides and his forehead putting pressure on the door to keep it straight!

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