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I C The Yoobamrung Gangsters Are At It Again


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It is a sad day for Thailand and the development of Thai politics to see the picture in today's papers of the Yoobamrung trio again. To have to see someone who was charged with the murder of a policeman and because of being the son of one of LOS's supposed "influential" people and basically OJ Simpson his way out of the charge (including a flight from justice that in his case took him to another country for almost a year as a fugitive from justice) being touted as a candidate for election from Bangkok in the upcoming elections shows the pathetic state of the domestic political scene.

That this person is not languishing in jail is bad enough but to see that the Thai state and society cannot shame such people at least to keep their heads down...well, what can one say. To all who may not be familiar with the antics of this family...just google them or search the archives of The Nation or the Post. TIT

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Well, the US has Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan to keep them occupied and we'll have these wannabe criminals for our viewing entertainment!

In spite of the sarcasm, it is sad that they would ever even have a chance in politics, but then again, wasn't it Italy that had the porno star running for office?

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Cop-killer is a bit more of a crime than making porn.... IMHO


Duangchalerm Yoobamrung, who is the son of the former justice minister, Chalerm Yoobamrung

Related threads and posts:

"At Least No One Was Murdered This Time, Chalerm's Boys At It Again"


"Chalerm, sons join People Power Party"


Thaivisa search by posts on Yoobamrung


Edited by sriracha john
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one can only hope that it is a "phase" that all countries must pass thru during their political development. my country, the usa, sure had such gangster types in office during periods of its history but to see it "up close and personal" in LOS and in this day and age...it's just too bad that it seems every country must repeat the mistakes of others before they can learn their own lessons.

just seems like all the political ghosts of eons past are somehow resurrecting themselves for the upcoming elections...even buffoons like Chavalit...come on...give me a break!!! But can't be too hard on the Thais...my fellow citizens seem enthralled by, and elected twice I am sad to say, a buffoon as well.

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So sad to say but it is the way things seems to be going these days and it's not only in Thailand. A french singer who kill his girlfriend was just release from prison after serving four years for an eight years sentence, She was not just anyone, she was the daughter of a promenent actor belove by the french. He beats her so bad she spent five days in a coma before dying.

There are tons of those example like this specially in the US, Phil Spector was just found not guilty. A girl was found dead in is house, he claim it was suicide. Countless of rich kids get away with murder on the basis that were temporally insane, no one is just crazy anyomore or dumb or stupid everythhing have a fancy name now.

So sad no one take responsibility for their action anymore. The last school shooting in the US, which is common now, the 14 year old had so many guns at home bought for him by his mother, his arsenal also include a hand grenade, can you imagine. But after all these shooting you will never hear anyone says they should tighten the gun law, it's taboo.

Oh well life goes on

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