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Tot Speed Down To 10 Kpbs...what The F**k Is Going On! :(

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I've posted numerous times but still no answer...

So I'll keep posting every few days in the hope that someone will eventually know what is going on with TOT or if there is any hope at all?

I'm thinking of moving out because of this TOT problem, has anyone any rumors as to what is causing this insane slow down of international speed or if there is any hope at all that they will EVER fix it?


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We upgraded from Goldcyber 1024/512 to 2048.

Speeds are no better although I can download at 212 KB/sec after 2 am until 7 am.

I told them about high speed only at night and 10KB/sec in daytime and there may be now too many users in the area, also a few internet cafes.

The service is going downhill fast.

Technical support keep you in the dark every time.


same here done speed tests all morning and afternoon about 258kbps on goldcyber 2048/512.

I want them to put me back to 1024/512 least the speeds were consistently better than this cr*p


Posters keep bagging this generic beast called TOT.

Yes its the company you do business with and are connected to and pay the bill to - but there is a lot more to the story under the skin.

Advertised ADSL speeds are the speeds to your ISP's server. NOT to the Internet.

I am in Chiang Mai. My "speed" to a Bangkok server is 1807/419 on a 2048/512 plan (5pm today). I am with TOT.

So I know everything at my end - and at TOT end - is working fine.

If you aren't at least getting this part right - then you need to address that.

http://www.speedtest.net/ will allow you to check with a Bangkok server.

International Speeds today arent great. Singapore 527 / 414. Los Angeles 78 / 101.

I can normally get a speed to Singapore the same as Bangkok. So today obviously the bottleneck is the CAT gateway out of Thailand.

University / College / School holidays in Thailand - lots of usage ?

My average surfspeed outside Thailand today is 33.81. Yet my download speed is 1340. Measure your Surf Speed at http://www.numion.com/

So my "server speed" isnt the problem. Internet speed today is slow.

TOT only has so much of the bandwidth to International. And if TOT is slow to International - then safe to say the other ISPs will be as well.

Thailand has international bandwidth of 20,801 Mbps (20.8 Gbps). And Internet Users : 13.416 (Million) Users - http://internet.nectec.or.th/webstats/home.php?Sec=home.

What does the CAT gateway out of Thailand look like ? Check it out if you are interested.


If you dont get the basic TOT (or your ISP) server speeds right - then nothing for you is ever going to get better from the Internet.

My house is 20 years old and had phone lines running all over the place. I replaced the telephone line inside the house from the TOT junction to the house. New splitters on the telephone extensions. I had TOT come to the house and check all ADSL connections. No charge for that service when I had that done.

If you are still not winning, ask your phone company if ordering a new phone line will give you better speed options. Does your phone line connect to an old technology switching station ? Is your ADSL port very congested with a lot of users ? Ask for a switch.

Do you have a good modem ? Connected to a UPS ? (If your connection drops out a lot - that can sure help).

There are lots of tips and advice out there to help get "your" end of the Internet Connection maze as good as you can get it.



It doesn't make any sense because 2 weeks ago I was getting 350-500 kbps 24 hours a day. I've been with TOT for 3 years and it's always been like this.

This change is drastic and sudden, nothing to do with more users, unless TOT signed up like 5 000 000 people in 24 hours?

Speed is 40 times slower and that change happened litterally overnight.

Something is very, very, very wrong with this situation and I would like to get to the bottom of it...


my speeds have been up and down for 2 weeks now at various times of the day, i'm with maxnet in pattaya, one thing i have found is after reseting my modem about 5 times (disconnect) and doing the TV speed test each time, I did manage to get it up o full speed, don't know why. I honestly think the policy in Thailand is to try and sell you and charge you for the highest speed they can then spend all their time trying to make it as slow as possible, in business I would have though the opposite is better for your customer but we are in thailand and that kind of thinking doesn't seem to exist (Customer Service)

I think they are <deleted> with us because in a sick way they can and there is nothing you can do because maxnet tot etc etc are all the same, you have no better alternative.


Currently upcountry we can’t log into Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo. The only websites available are Thai sites like Kapook etc on our TOT ADSL connection. :o

Forgot to add, even the AIS international phone connection is bad.

Currently upcountry we can't log into Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo. The only websites available are Thai sites like Kapook etc on our TOT ADSL connection. :o

Forgot to add, even the AIS international phone connection is bad.

currently way up country dowmloading a 500mb file from usa while i did this test (TOT IP star) - half usual speed


We upgraded from Goldcyber 1024/512 to 2048.

Speeds are no better although I can download at 212 KB/sec after 2 am until 7 am.

I told them about high speed only at night and 10KB/sec in daytime and there may be now too many users in the area, also a few internet cafes.

The service is going downhill fast.

Technical support keep you in the dark every time.

Ad tech support: That's because they have no clue. They can't tell you what they don't know.

I am seeing the exact same phenomenon: At night, things are peachy with 200Kbps downloads. During the day, the service is a lot worse than it's been. It seems to vary from day to day, but there is usually some time where 5Kb/s or less and just plain outages occur.

This is happening since the 2048 "upgrade" so I can only assume it has to do with TOT's technical incompetence of handling the switch. The systems are funky.

Tung_Thaid is of course right that the speed outta Thailand quite often drops and that's the IIG's fault.

However, my reading of tea leaves suggest that the current issues mostly have to do with the nation-wide upgrade.


I just got off the phone to a friend who now works at NTT, It appears that NTT have shut off two high speed links to Thailand for non payment this week. These links are usually reserved for high priority traffic which is now being given priority on other links - hence the reduced service.

This guy is usually reliable in his info. So perhaps this is the answer to the 10kbs link issue the op is seeing. Then again it could be the usual telecoms engineer to engineer rumour mill.


All of these services that we are complaining about have degraded for international connections since we were "upgraded" a few weeks ago.

My theory is that there is no "fault" with these services that is going to be "fixed".

The services are advertised as "best for Thai surfing" and I believe the bandwith allocated to international use has been restricted to allow more bandwidth for Thai domestc use. This means that the ISPs can upgrade our speeds for domestic use only.

By also restricting bittorrent download speeds and FTP download speeds they are able to provide their advertised speeds for domestic use.

It probably wouldn't be allowed in most countries without prominent statements from the ISPs, but TiT and we do have the option to pay more for a premier service to get the sort of service we were used to a few weeks ago.

I do hope I'm wrong, and it IS a temporary fault, but it's going on for too long.

I just got off the phone to a friend who now works at NTT, It appears that NTT have shut off two high speed links to Thailand for non payment this week. These links are usually reserved for high priority traffic which is now being given priority on other links - hence the reduced service.

This guy is usually reliable in his info. So perhaps this is the answer to the 10kbs link issue the op is seeing. Then again it could be the usual telecoms engineer to engineer rumour mill.

wouldn't surprise me!

I looked at the NTT site. Leased line at 2Mbps is a mere 105,000 baht pm. Max ADSL is 1M/512k at a bargain 39,000 baht pm. And these are the cheaper Bangkok prices.

I miss my 4Mb in the UK :o


Here in Pattaya I have just been upgraded and the speeds have dropped right off. Also, for the last 2 days the ADSL connection has been dropping out and cancelling requiring a reboot of the modem.

Was ok on 1024/512 but now on 2048 it is crap. I feel like I want to go back to my very stable 512/256 which was Bt500 and must now be free !


It's quite simple. TOT has added ten thousands of 'lines' to the existing capacity to accommodate the new subscribers (because the price went down to THB 590). Then they made up a story about an excavator accident which thorned up cables and make it believe that is the reason.

Then they 'upgraded' the existing cybergold customers to 2MB (locally!) without being able to provide enough international bandwidth. I foresee that, whlie new subscribers flock in, the speeds will even get worse.

Going back to 1mb/512 makes only sense if you want to save a little money. You won't get your old speeds back.

The same happened with True. When they started with their service, speeds were great. When more people subscribed, speeds went down. Then they

got more IP numbers and new equipment and things improved.

currently way up country dowmloading a 500mb file from usa while i did this test (TOT IP star) - half usual speed


Did someone unplug New York?:

193363102.png :D

'Frisco's OK though:

193363623.png :o

I'm on Maxnet 2560/512.

currently way up country dowmloading a 500mb file from usa while i did this test (TOT IP star) - half usual speed


Did someone unplug New York?:

193363102.png :D

'Frisco's OK though:

193363623.png :o

I'm on Maxnet 2560/512.

I get the same for a few weeks already also.International speeds are horrible but for one or another reason san francisco is rocking.Some explanation?


No explanation why San Fransisco is faster...but it doesn't matter unless you plan to visit a San Francisco website!

I'm thinking of starting a petition against TOT and MaxNet.

If any body would like to draft one I'll post the form on one of my websites and people can go online fill it out and print it.

I would then like to collect a copy of it and present it to TOT and TT&T management, doubt it will help but it might...

I also see a lot of angry Thai customers in the office. This change is backstabbing the whole country actually, not just us foreigners.


I again tried to check my speed. I used the Thai Visa test. I started the test at 11:36 and gave up at 12:00. The download test was 70 percent finished and the speed was 42.

You think your connection sucks? I have TOT Ipstar 256/128. I downgraded from 1024/512 because it stunk too. This works the same but it is cheaper. :o


Chiang Mai, Hangdong, TOT GoldCyber subscriber.

After the upgrade and since September 17th, it’s been horrible as everyone says.

Before the upgrade I consistently got download speeds between 850 to 877

24 hours a day, to New York, Seattle, San Fran and all the other International test points.

Now I am always under 100, sometimes 10 to 20 unless I am testing from 3 am to 7 am. Then my speeds return to pre 9/17…. should have been called 9/11.

I can understand adding more users could slow the network down, but not overnight and coincidently after some upgrade?

How about we all coordinate and show up at a TOT office at the same time complaining. Have 20 or 30 angry falangs holding up signs, and then watch TOT officials jump through hoops for a change. Of course I realize it will get us no where and the problem will not get resolved any faster, but maybe I’d feel better.

I am not a network expert but was thinking each class of TOT service, GoldCyber, SilverCyber and BestCyber, all run on different servers. If I switched from GoldCyber to BestCyber which is the old speeds GoldCyber use to be, maybe there would be a lot less users on that particular server and my speeds would return to pre 9/17 levels?

Here is another speed test site some one on TV posted and I like the results display. Check my download speeds, just a little faster then dial-up.



P.S. had my Thai speaking friend argue with the manager of the Hang Dong TOT office and got the Internet portion of my bill reduced from 1,000 baht to 700, (for this month only). The 300 baht is nothing, I'd much rather have the speeds back.


No gripes from me.

...and there'd be no gripes from me if I only used those servers:

193549838.png 193550036.png

New York is still ridiculously slow on Speedtest.net:


...but it's not too bad on Speakeasy.net - about 980 kbps - which is about 40% of the 2.5 mbps advertised speed. :o


both telcos need a new slogan "TOTal shiTTT"

found out today that the brain donor pretending to work at TTT didn't log my last payment into their computer so TOT have disconnected my landline... however the maxnet still works...kinda!!


both telcos need a new slogan "TOTal shiTTT"

found out today that the brain donor pretending to work at TTT didn't log my last payment into their computer so TOT have disconnected my landline... however the maxnet still works...kinda!!


Ha, ha! You couldn't make it up, could you! :o I reckon the problem with these utility companies is... most of the people who work there ONLY know their own little job - they have no idea how what THEY do fits in to the whole organisation. There's probably only one or two guys who know how the whole company works, but the majority just don't have a clue.

So they don't know how important it is for them to push that little button and get your payment logged. They have no idea what happens if they don't do their job, and they probably don't care. So any mistake by any of these people, and you're cut off/disconnected/whatever. And their motto is, of course, "the customer is always wrong". :D

No gripes from me.

Try running the speedtest.net on a server not located in Thailand....such as a USA server...usually a differeny story.

The last tech at ToT asked me to do the speed test with the Bangkok server :o

I explained to him that WWW stands for WORLD WIDE web.

Let me make it clear that my Goldcyber 1024/512 dropped to dial-up speed before we'd heard of the upgrade, that's why we upgraded to see if there would be an improvement. None, unless it's used from 2 to 7a.m.

They run it just like cities here allow construction of more and more buildings but struggle to supply water to them.

I'm thinking of moving ......... what is causing this insane slow down of international speed

Have you tried moving? It might have nothing to do with the international gateway, but just the phone connection in your soi? Have you tried other ways of getting on the net and comparing results? For sure net access in Thailand is behind the times so I wouldn't expect much for your baht.

I've posted numerous times but still no answer...

So I'll keep posting every few days in the hope that someone will eventually know what is going on with TOT or if there is any hope at all?

I'm thinking of moving out because of this TOT problem, has anyone any rumors as to what is causing this insane slow down of international speed or if there is any hope at all that they will EVER fix it?


I think there is no hope that a "Privatised" former Public Thai entity will ever get it together. ToT in Surin upgraded me to 1.5 G Down/512K up. The only time I ever saw anything close to that was the 15 Minutes the Tech was here. For the last three days, I couldn't even hold a Skype connection. The typical speed in the past two weeks has been less than 200 Kbps in Thailand, thaiadsl speed test. and less than 30kbps through the gateway, frontier.net speed test...New York.

The international issue is that ToT elected to avoid investment, so they lease BW on CAT's gateway. It is very limited...since it is one of only two Gateway servers out of Thailand.

I give up. There is NO Internet service in Thailand... :o


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