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How can i hire a maid?  (and maybe a driver)


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Easiest way or wait til you get there and just ask around....

For ex.

Nice maid

Description: Trust worthy, good cleaning, good cook, hard working, child care, pet care.

Posted By: serah

Price: Bht.7,000.00


Posted On: 6/24/2003

Ad Expires: 8/23/2003

Region: --

City: Bangkok

State: --

Country: Thailand  

Phone: 065338311

URL --


for Pat>>>


Submit under staff wanted> :o

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  • 9 months later...

Yes, one can hire cheap but in the bargain you will be hiring two new family members you will be responsible for, I got rid of both a few years back and am happier now, I have raised my children already and don't want to have a rerun of having children around. Cynical, not at all, I have been in the LOS for many years and enjoy it immensley, if I didn't I would leave of course.

Good luck on finding a reliable maid and driver.

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it's pretty hard even for Thais to find good help. My Thai cousin has had a couple of maids and nannies up and leave with no notice, a driver who simply decided not to turn up anymore, leaving his kids in the lurch.

Best bet is to ask around other expats who are leaving town and can recommend anyone with a good track record.

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it's pretty hard even for Thais to find good help. My Thai cousin has had a couple of maids and nannies up and leave with no notice, a driver who simply decided not to turn up anymore, leaving his kids in the lurch.

Best bet is to ask around other expats who are leaving town and can recommend anyone with a good track record.

You are correct but the price will be expensive, if they speak English then add more, it they know how to prepare ahan farang then add more extra Baht, etc., etc.

I have said it before and I'll say it again, go as long and far as you can without hiring a maid or a driver.

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it's pretty hard even for Thais to find good help. My Thai cousin has had a couple of maids and nannies up and leave with no notice, a driver who simply decided not to turn up anymore, leaving his kids in the lurch.

Best bet is to ask around other expats who are leaving town and can recommend anyone with a good track record.

You are correct but the price will be expensive, if they speak English then add more, it they know how to prepare ahan farang then add more extra Baht, etc., etc.

I have said it before and I'll say it again, go as long and far as you can without hiring a maid or a driver.

How about a bar girl that can drive and cook as well has her own speciality :o

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  • 1 month later...

I can cook. so what would a BG cost per month?

I do not want to risk owning or driving a car in SE asia. I learned about a few folks waiting for their house to sell overseas to get the funds to pay for an accident.

What about local drivers. Is it an ask around?

I would mostly need them to getmy daughters to school.

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Most of the schools have a van or bus for that use,so after you are here and find which school you will be using,check with them,,sometimes a song teau will be contracted for that use,our kid goes on one every day and it costs 10 baht a day.

As for the cost of a BG--what ever the traffic will bear.

But like has been said,I think you will find hired Thai help very undependable.

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When we lived in BKK we just nicked a maid from my place of work. We just asked the most hard working one of she wanted to work for us instead. Better pay, shorter hours. She turned out to be totally reliable - it happened a couple of times that I forgot cash on the table etc, sometimes equal to several months salary for her. She never touched it and she needed few instructions. Whenever we go back to TH she always want to meet us.

My experience from hiring a Thai maid is just positive.

Treat them well and they will treat you well. If you on the other hand pay minimum salary and treat them like sh*t, don't expect them to be reliable.

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  • 2 years later...

hello, i am thinking of "hiring" my burmese girlfriend as a maid, so she can stay in my residency in thailand, how pretty unsure on how to go about it.

any1 with advise here?

not sure if this is the correct section to post but i'll just try :o

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When we lived in BKK we just nicked a maid from my place of work. We just asked the most hard working one of she wanted to work for us instead. Better pay, shorter hours. She turned out to be totally reliable - it happened a couple of times that I forgot cash on the table etc, sometimes equal to several months salary for her. She never touched it and she needed few instructions. Whenever we go back to TH she always want to meet us.

My experience from hiring a Thai maid is just positive.

Treat them well and they will treat you well. If you on the other hand pay minimum salary and treat them like sh*t, don't expect them to be reliable.

Excellent idea and a very good closing statement, but with the proviso that familiarity breeds contempt.

People in Thailand are generally not as 'married' to their jobs as you might think, and people just up and leave, not because they don't like the work or anything like that. Simply because they want to go back to their town/village.

We have had a lady look aftre our house near Krabi for ages now and never let her know beforehand ehrn we will be there. The house is always well maintained and cleaned etc . . . never had anything to compalin about, on the contrary.

Our apartment in BKK is anotehr story - we had two caretakers have their boyfriends move in with them, as well as their kids when we were absent . . .

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