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Most Embarrasing Moment In Thailand!

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thought it might be amusing to hear a few. Anyway, here's mine ......

Many years ago, was on a 10 day binge in Pattaya, left some beach bar in the hot afternoon and stumbled around looking for my hotel. Suddenly saw what looked familiar and somehow managed to find my room. Sometime later awoke to a scream and there was a maid standing by the bed distraught at my naked self. I was quite pissed off that she had just walked in like that so I grabbed a towel and went to complain to the manager. He listened patiently as I explained the situation and then calmly informed me that I had actually checked out 3 days before!!!!!!

thought it might be amusing to hear a few. Anyway, here's mine ......

Many years ago, was on a 10 day binge in Pattaya, left some beach bar in the hot afternoon and stumbled around looking for my hotel. Suddenly saw what looked familiar and somehow managed to find my room. Sometime later awoke to a scream and there was a maid standing by the bed distraught at my naked self. I was quite pissed off that she had just walked in like that so I grabbed a towel and went to complain to the manager. He listened patiently as I explained the situation and then calmly informed me that I had actually checked out 3 days before!!!!!!

never had one :o

thought it might be amusing to hear a few. Anyway, here's mine ......

Many years ago, was on a 10 day binge in Pattaya, left some beach bar in the hot afternoon and stumbled around looking for my hotel. Suddenly saw what looked familiar and somehow managed to find my room. Sometime later awoke to a scream and there was a maid standing by the bed distraught at my naked self. I was quite pissed off that she had just walked in like that so I grabbed a towel and went to complain to the manager. He listened patiently as I explained the situation and then calmly informed me that I had actually checked out 3 days before!!!!!!

never had one :o

Yeah, I've never had a 10 day binge in Pattaya either.

I'm sure the Thai hotel managers are very thankful for that.


Too many embarassing moments to recount, but some of the more memorable ones have to do with entering the wrong toilet! Of course, I wasn't as embarassed as US Senator Larry Craig.


I was invited to a siminar at the BKK headquaters of one of our major suppliers, they had invited their UK GM over for what was the start of a new venture for the company.

The local manager told me he had made extra special efforts to ensure that the whole thing went well, employing a bevvy of beautiful contract staff from a BKK publicity company.

It turned out that the visiting GM was indeed impressed. A little too much so, forgetting to lock the toilet door. A group of use went into the toilets and a Thai collegue pushed on the unlocked cubical door to reveal just how impressed the visiting GM was.

Sitting through the rest of the seminar across the table from this guy was a tad embarrassing.


Witnessing the GM of the Amari Watergate waiing his cleaning staff was almost as embarrassing.

thought it might be amusing to hear a few. Anyway, here's mine ......

Many years ago, was on a 10 day binge in Pattaya, left some beach bar in the hot afternoon and stumbled around looking for my hotel. Suddenly saw what looked familiar and somehow managed to find my room. Sometime later awoke to a scream and there was a maid standing by the bed distraught at my naked self. I was quite pissed off that she had just walked in like that so I grabbed a towel and went to complain to the manager. He listened patiently as I explained the situation and then calmly informed me that I had actually checked out 3 days before!!!!!!

Your story sound very familiar, when I was working at the airport, one of the customer( Italian guy) told me that story. I thought that it was a joke to start a conversation with me. hehehe Anyway, if i were you in that sitaution. I may keep my mouth shut.. lol no no no don't worry ..not that embarrass.. :o ( just wondering why farang guys like to naked in their room? haha ha just wonder but have never see)


I was taking a shower one day about 5 years ago. Unbeknownst to me, my landlady had brought her friend over to meet me as she considered me someone of good habits "for a farang" and "maybe rich" too. I exit the shower wearing nothing but a too small towel, which I'm holding with one hand. I see the ladies standing in front of me so I execute a one handed wai and lots or Khor Torting. Simulateously the lawyer girl I'd been dating enters the house and throws herself prostrate in front of the guest giving that wai reserved for royals. Whatever embarrasment I'd already felt began to grow as I rushed upstairs to change.

Well anyway, that's how I met Chao Duang Duen Na Chiang Mai. It turns out she was a lovely and understanding lady and I've met her many times since. I even went to live with a cousin of hers, another local chao, for a couple of years.


Living in a condo on the top floor near a university, I had taken a shower and when I finished, I realized I didn't have my towel. I usually hung the towel on the balcony, so I stepped out to get it. The wind blew the balcony door shut and it was locked. Alas, the towel wasn't out there. In the next room was a group of University students who were playing guitar and singing, all I could do, after standing in the dark for about 1/2 hour was crawl around to their room as they couldn't hear me.

I'll never forget the look of surprise when they saw a naked farang standing on their balcony. They were helpful, got me a towel, and thank goodness my front door wasn't locked!

  • 2 weeks later...

The Most embarrasing moment i witness was on a boat from Samui to the national park and the boat didnt have a toilet.

One british lady really needed to do a number 2 and i think she had the runs, she tried to hold it but lets just say I was so embarrased for her.

She stuck out the hole boat, i nearly puked because of it and we still had 2 hours to go on our trip, the worst part was she was not bad looking.


I have a lot of funny story to tell about things that happen to me in other countries.

But not Thailand related.

Yes you can say it is as I am living in Thailand now but not sure if my experiences (Outside Thailand) while living in Thailand will count.

Let me know.


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