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Pilot Blamed For Indonesian Crash


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Pilot Blamed For Indonesian Crash

JAKARTA (UPI) — The pilot of a Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737 had been given 15 warnings not to land before his plane crash landed in Indonesia, killing 21 people, a report said.

The finding by Indonesias national transport safety committee relate to the March 7 incident in which the jet, flying into Yogyakarta from Jakarta with 140 aboard, slammed hard on the runway, the Antara news agency reported.

The plane then plowed into fields and caught fire. The crew and remaining passengers escaped through the emergency exits.

The findings said the pilot, despite the 15 warnings from the Ground Proximity Warning System, landed the plane even though the jet was traveling atan excessive airspeed and steep flight path angle

The plane also used an instrument landing system approach without informing ground control, which had cleared it for a visual approach.

The pilot in command descended steeply in an attempt to reach the runway, but in doing so, the airspeed increased excessively," the report said, noting that the pilot did not hear or disregarded the warnings.


October 22 2007

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Pilot Blamed For Indonesian Crash

The findings said the pilot, despite the 15 warnings from the Ground Proximity Warning System, landed the plane even though the jet was traveling atan excessive airspeed and steep flight path angle

Only 15! :o Pretty unbelieveable isn't it!

I wonder how long it will be until the findings of the recent Phuket crash are released.

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