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Married In Thailand..divorce Where?

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If you were legally married in Thailand, then this marriage is considered legal and binding in other countries, therefore you can get a divorce using the instrument in your country of domicile.

The question is how easy is it to do? In Australia you must be separted legally for one year then apply through the family court.

In LOS the process, I have been led to believe is much easier, just the reverse of the registration at Amphur.

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In Thailand, if it is by mutual consent, with all property rights agreed, thenone just pays a visit to the Amphur with one's intended 'ex' and process the papers.

However a contested divorce is just as painful as elsewhere.

With regard to location - although not being an expert on this matter (only been through two divorces) I would suggest that as the legal marriage in Thailand is almost universally recognised, then a divorce in any of those places that recognise the marriage would be sufficient for Thai purposes.

Again, there will be a difference between contetsted and amicable divorces, wherever the event takes place.

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In Thailand, if it is by mutual consent, with all property rights agreed, thenone just pays a visit to the Amphur with one's intended 'ex' and process the papers.

However a contested divorce is just as painful as elsewhere.

With regard to location - although not being an expert on this matter (only been through two divorces) I would suggest that as the legal marriage in Thailand is almost universally recognised, then a divorce in any of those places that recognise the marriage would be sufficient for Thai purposes.

Again, there will be a difference between contetsted and amicable divorces, wherever the event takes place.

That is the correct answer!!

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My first marriage was to a thai girl we married in thailand at that time both of us lived in the states does this mean we have to travel back to thailand to divorce??? No I divorce her in the state of Tenn USA The marriage happens in thailand and it is registered it is considered a legal marriage in the US.

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The main point is if the marriage is recognised in that country then the divorce can happen there. My second marriage was to a southpacific soapdodger, we were married in Oz and the divorce happened over in her neck of the woods, the reason we did that is because it was so much easier and quicker than Oz, no decree nisi and absolutes there, just a paper saying the marriage is no more.

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