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Ear Infection: What Do I Do?

Wrong Turn

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I have an ear infection. It's been so long, I'm not sure if it just goes away naturally, or if I need to get anti-biotics for it?

Anyone? What should I do?


For an "Outer" ear infection (Soggy Ear) "Otosporin" ear drops are effective, for an "Inner" ear infection go see a GOOD doctor.

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A little more info, please:

-how do you know you have an ear infection (describe symptoms)

-are you talking about outer or inner ear?

-have you been seen by a doctor? If so what did he say?

-what if any meds have you taken or applied so far?

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A little more info, please:

-how do you know you have an ear infection (describe symptoms)

I've had them before.

I also went to medical webisites to confirm the symptons. A fair question though, Sheryl.

-are you talking about outer or inner ear?

I'm not a 100% sure, but from the symptom I read about it, it's outer.

-have you been seen by a doctor? If so what did he say?

I only went to a pharmacist. They didn't look at my ear, they just gave me some anti-biotics. I am still concernced however.

-what if any meds have you taken or applied so far?

I took an anti-bioitic tonight.

Thanks for the responses, and in particular, Sheryl's follow up questions. (Some posters such as Peaceblondie, and others have read my posts on another channel hundreds of times.)

Thanks, Sheryl.

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I've actually been in the hospital with a difficult ear infection in Thailand- they're hard to treat; I wouldn't recommend trying it on your own, especially if it has been awhile.

They'll inject you with massive quantities of antibiotics (if you're hospitalised) and they'll also make sure you take a mucolytic to keep things nice and runny inside- you can get this over the counter, various brands (acetylcysteine is the chemical name).

I really don't think you should wait on this one.

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Take the guesswork out of wondering if it's inner or outer ear infection.

Take the guesswork out of wondering which antibiotic, if any, to use.

.....do these by seeing a physician and do so without further delay as you yourself said "It's been so long".... being deaf is no fun.

Edited by sriracha john
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Take the guesswork out of wondering if it's inner or outer ear infection.

Take the guesswork out of wondering which antibiotic, if any, to use.

.....do these by seeing a physician and do so without further delay as you yourself said "It's been so long".... being deaf is no fun.

hEar hEar SJ,

that is what any sensible and even a bit touched person like myself would do instead of asking John Doe all about it.


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The ear is seperated into 3 different areas.... your discription is all over the place...

So let me tell you a little bit.... maybe that will help.

1)Outer ear, consists of the ear lobe (auricle) & ear canal

2) Middle Ear, this is where the 3 little bones are housed, it essentially begins at the Ear drums & ends at the outer wall to the inner ear (cochlea)

3) Inner ear, the cochlea

Now I am not sure where your infection is... but due to the amount of pain you are describing I am thinking you are talking about the Outer Ear, because when that thing becomes infected it hurts like the devil on crack. Now amoxil could be used, Omnicef, Keflex are commonly used for infected tissue type situations, which is what the outer ear is pretty much made of.

What is also used to medicate outer ear infection is liquid drops, and sometimes a medicated wick (sp) is inserted into the ear canal. Which is basically a medicated miniture tampon inserted into the canal.

Now for middle ear infections amoxil is also used, so is cipro. Cipro is a hard hitting antibiotic and I have been on it and probably still suffer from it. There are other physical treatments such as myringotomy (sp). Basically the ear drum is purposely punctured, and the middle ear cavity is then allowed to drain. Sounds painful.... but 200$ says you will rather have that done than go through the pain you are in now. Most folks that suffer from a middle ear infection to the point that the ear drum spontaneously bursts like a full balloon due to the amout of pus etc in the middle ear cavity, state that after the ear drum bursts it is a massive releif. Speaking from experience, I have to agree. A tube may be inserted also to keep the ear drum open and allow the middle ear to heal etc.

Inner ear, probably not related at all. So I am not even going to go into that.

excerpt taken from medhelp.c-m

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Used to have them as a kid, so bad I cried. Nothing to fool around with if you ask me. At least go to a Pharamacy and ask for drops now.


I have an ear infection. It's been so long, I'm not sure if it just goes away naturally, or if I need to get anti-biotics for it?

Anyone? What should I do?


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What do you do? If I were you I would go to a doctor, get him to take a swab for culture and sensitivity (even if the doctor says no need, insist), start antibiotic prescribed by the doctor, ask doctor when to come back for result of culture and sensitivity and follow up with the doctor re culture and sensitivity to make sure that on correct antibiotic, finish the course of antibiotic (maybe the one started on but maybe changed after culture andsensitivity result), go back to the doctor if need be.

I have seen too many infections go ballistic because no swab was taken for culture and sensitivity.

I have seen locals come into a pharmacy complaining of gut pain, the pharmacist prods then with 2 fingers and prescribes antibiotics for a day or two!!!!!!!!! Crazy, but these people are poor. I think you are not so poor so do the sensible thing.

Edited by Tammi
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To quote wpcoe writing on another topic:

"I had a series of ear infections and each time was given systemic antibiotics (a different one each time) to the point where I was on antibiotics four times in three months. My main concern was building up resistance to antibiotics, but secondarily to depleting the probiotics that belong in one's digestive system."

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Got my first ear infection here since the last one 35 years ago and it won't go away even though I got treatment with different antibiotics over two years. The only thing that seems to have worked lately is Nurofen for the pain and swelling and keeping the ear dry after showering, I use a hair drier to get rid of any moisture in there. I'm looking for earplugs for showering.

I also wear headphones a lot at night when racing online (no neighbor would appreciate that screaming Formula One engine) and the headphones seem to make it worse even though I keep them clean.

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Thank you everybody. I read, and appreciate all of your responses.

Yes, I went to the doctor today, for an anti-biotic, a painkiller apparently, drops, and something else. The Dr. told me it was a middle ear infection.

This morning I woke up with excruciating pain. Constant pain. I couldn't get my mind off of it. B-line for the nearest emergency room at a hospital.

I am taking the anti-biotics, and hopefully this stuff will discharge.

Again, thanks everybody.

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The thing is, middle ear infections rarely just show up. They are usually due to a domino effect. What happens is something occurs that causes the eustachean tube to close off. If it remains closed off long enough, infection starts to settle in.

So long storry short, if you have swelling going on in the throat area, the eustachean tube may be closed off due to that swelling. So not only should one be treated for a middle ear infection, one should aslo be treated for whatever caused the swelling in the throat.

It is common for a person to both recieve anitbiotics and antihystimines while being treated for a middle ear infection.

I hope you improve....

take it easy.

Dr. D

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In the Uk I use Sofradex (only on prescription from quack) when I get an infection and usually works within a day or so.

In Bangers however you can buy it over the counter in Boots and Foodland for summit like 99bt a throw....but check the bottle first for verification....works.

Had the lot since I was a kid....polup removel in half a dozen countries (including Bach Mai in Hanoi...Great Docs) Mastoid"ectimy"in Uk and Australia and even had a ear blown off when i hit a land mine in Cambo......Thanks Dr (Col) Singh of the Indian Medical Batt.for sewing it back on.... :o

pain in the ar...ere..... :D

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In the Uk I use Sofradex (only on prescription from quack) when I get an infection and usually works within a day or so.

In Bangers however you can buy it over the counter in Boots and Foodland for summit like 99bt a throw....but check the bottle first for verification....works.

Had the lot since I was a kid....polup removel in half a dozen countries (including Bach Mai in Hanoi...Great Docs) Mastoid"ectimy"in Uk and Australia and even had a ear blown off when i hit a land mine in Cambo......Thanks Dr (Col) Singh of the Indian Medical Batt.for sewing it back on.... :o

pain in the ar...ere..... :D

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So long storry short, if you have swelling going on in the throat area, the eustachean tube may be closed off due to that swelling. So not only should one be treated for a middle ear infection, one should aslo be treated for whatever caused the swelling in the throat.

Interesting that you say that, Dakhar, and thank you. (The doctor said nothing about this.)

For about 1 week or more, Until 2 days ago, I'd had severe allergies: sneezing, runny nose, etc.

Also, I've had respiratory problems from traffic pollution and spending a lot of time in closed-door, smoky bars.

So, this may very well be related, as the allergies and the respiratory problems (wheezing loud enough to wake me up in bed, and a cough) may be related or the cause.

I've been avoiding all areas with cigarette smoke, and always wear a pollution mask when on the motorbike.

Thanks, Dakhar.

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Another trick which is very helpful to get the Eustachian tubes unblocked is to take decongestent nose drops as follows:

Lie on the bed with your head hanging off so it's a little bit down. Turn your head to one side and put drops in that nostril. The idea is to get the drops to trickle all the way back to the swollen area around the tubes. You will often feel a sting when it hits. Stay with your head down and to the side until the drops have trickled way back. Then turn head to the other side and repeat.

Repeat with frequency as per the nose drop instructions (some forms are longer acting than others) for a day or 2. Don't do it for more than 2 days or it will start to cause irritation. But it can really help reduce the blockage and pain while you're waiting for the antibiotics to kick in.

Can also apply a hot water bottle or heating pad to the painful ear, especially at night.

Good luck.

This advice does not of course replace the antibiotics.

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Well if the OP does go see an ENT in Thailand.... and if diagnostic tests are ordered... I wish him luck.

Because in Thailand there are only 20 audiologists working in the nation. Currently the standard to be an audiologists in Thialand is a Bachelors degree. In America, the standard is a Doctorate degree... which is what I hold in Audiology.

Because there are so few audiologist in Thailand the odds are high that who ever does the diagnostic work are not audiologists. But they do wear a white lab coat, so that makes up for their lack of training.

Dr. D

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I have an ear infection. It's been so long, I'm not sure if it just goes away naturally, or if I need to get anti-biotics for it?

Anyone? What should I do?


i have had a perforated eardrum for 35 years, i get infections almost yearly as dust or water can get in and start one off, i recommend antibiotics, and ear drops, attact from out and in, .of course confirm with a doctor if you wish, but if you have an infection, this is the cure,
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I have an ear infection. It's been so long, I'm not sure if it just goes away naturally, or if I need to get anti-biotics for it?

Anyone? What should I do?


i have had a perforated eardrum for 35 years, i get infections almost yearly as dust or water can get in and start one off, i recommend antibiotics, and ear drops, attact from out and in, .of course confirm with a doctor if you wish, but if you have an infection, this is the cure,

Why haven't you had your eardrum repaired?

And if anybody knows a good ENT doctor and a good eye doctor please let me know.

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I just want to give a big "Thank you" to all of you that replied.

This is the 5th day, and after starting my medicine yesterday morning, about 35 hours ago, most (but not all) of the pain is gone and I still can't hear well, but progress is being made.

I'll heed all of your comments.

Thanks. Great board of helpful people.

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Initially, try to find Tea Tree Oil. I think it is more likely available than Olive Leaf Extract over there. Put 3-4 drops in ear and remain lying on your side for 15 minutes before moving around. Do this 3 times daily. If you don't notice any change within 3-4 days, then it must be deep enough to necessitate going to a doc for antibiotic.

It is potentially very serious and could spread down the canal and into your sinus cavities. At that point it would time to book a bagpiper and call a caterer for your Wake. :o

I will be arriving to BKK with Tea Tree Oil next Friday. Send me an email if you want to come to my hotel for assistance.

William Comer

Holistic Family Practice

Colorado USA

I have an ear infection. It's been so long, I'm not sure if it just goes away naturally, or if I need to get anti-biotics for it?

Anyone? What should I do?


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It is potentially very serious and could spread down the canal and into your sinus cavities. At that point it would time to book a bagpiper and call a caterer for your Wake.

Wear did you go for ANP? Did you sleep through it? Did you get credit for attendance?

Tree oil? Why not ear candles?

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