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I'm curious to now why such a fuss is made of Halloween in Thailand. I suspect most people, (here or in many parts of the world, including the countries in which it originated), have no idea where and why the festival originated. Like most of the Christian festivals, it has simply become an excuse for commercial exploitation, and like the sheep that we are, we follow the crowd. In the case of Christmas, my preferred choice now is to get as far away as possible from it, and at least in this respect in Thailand, there is less of the commercial c--p than there is in UK and the USA.

Bah humbug! My grumpy old man rant of the day.

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"Like most of the Christian festivals, " to quote OP

Actually, a lot of the so called "Christians" where I live get all uppity about Halloween. Witches, ghosts, blah blah Pagan, all kinds of nonsense.

maybe the Thais like it because of all the "western" holidays it's the most sanuk

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"Like most of the Christian festivals, " to quote OP

Actually, a lot of the so called "Christians" where I live get all uppity about Halloween. Witches, ghosts, blah blah Pagan, all kinds of nonsense.

maybe the Thais like it because of all the "western" holidays it's the most sanuk

no idea why they like it so much ,but they tend to party at any western festival ,valentines day is another that they go overboard for

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Should we then say that LoyKratong or Songkran parties outside of Thailand are 'quesitonable'?

I think the Thais like a good party, and why not.

Incidentaly - Christmas in Europe is far less commercialized than in the UK and the US - Christmas in Italy is rather enjoyable.

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"Like most of the Christian festivals, " to quote OP

Actually, a lot of the so called "Christians" where I live get all uppity about Halloween. Witches, ghosts, blah blah Pagan, all kinds of nonsense.

maybe the Thais like it because of all the "western" holidays it's the most sanuk

Well, they should get their facts right, as it originates from Eve of All Hallows, which is a Christian day.

Anyway, who cares if people enjoy it let them get on with it. I know exactlly what you mean by those uppity one hour, five quid in the collection box a week Christians though, a right pain in the arse. :o

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I'm curious to now why such a fuss is made of Halloween in Thailand. I suspect most people, (here or in many parts of the world, including the countries in which it originated), have no idea where and why the festival originated. Like most of the Christian festivals, it has simply become an excuse for commercial exploitation, and like the sheep that we are, we follow the crowd. In the case of Christmas, my preferred choice now is to get as far away as possible from it, and at least in this respect in Thailand, there is less of the commercial c--p than there is in UK and the USA.

Bah humbug! My grumpy old man rant of the day.

Why not a halloween pumpkin here?  Anything for sanuk, sez I, and the kids like it.  We do a couple and stick them out on the fence so the folks in the mooban can wonder what the hel_l we're doing.  Just wish I could find a decent sized U.S. style pumpkin here.  Samples attached, U.S. and Thai, with the niece & nephew.




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I'm curious to now why such a fuss is made of Halloween in Thailand. I suspect most people, (here or in many parts of the world, including the countries in which it originated), have no idea where and why the festival originated. Like most of the Christian festivals, it has simply become an excuse for commercial exploitation, and like the sheep that we are, we follow the crowd. In the case of Christmas, my preferred choice now is to get as far away as possible from it, and at least in this respect in Thailand, there is less of the commercial c--p than there is in UK and the USA.

Bah humbug! My grumpy old man rant of the day.

They see it, They like it, They adopt it. :o

Why not.


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I'm curious to now why such a fuss is made of Halloween in Thailand. I suspect most people, (here or in many parts of the world, including the countries in which it originated), have no idea where and why the festival originated. Like most of the Christian festivals, it has simply become an excuse for commercial exploitation, and like the sheep that we are, we follow the crowd. In the case of Christmas, my preferred choice now is to get as far away as possible from it, and at least in this respect in Thailand, there is less of the commercial c--p than there is in UK and the USA.

Bah humbug! My grumpy old man rant of the day.

If people wish to enjoy themselves and don't plan on harming others in the process, I don't see why not. Some people just want to party and I won't stop them so long as they don't try to drag me into it. Halloween is generally a secular thing here in the US, not sure about the UK. Otherwise, I'd say its origin is more closely related to that one Samhain (spelling?) thing than All Saint's Day and Christmas to the Winter Solstice Celebrations seen in other 'pagan' religions.

Really, I'm all for the commercialization of holidays as it can be relatively enjoyable and it takes less time than hob nobbing. Somebody needs to explain to me what's so great about sitting around a fire with family, telling stories, gorging oneself with filth and such forth. I'd go so far as to say I hate the holiday season. If I could opt to cancel the holiday season--even if it meant going to school--I would.

Does this make me mean spirited? Maybe. Just know that during the holiday season I'm either out making money, or donating (as in: free) my services to charitable causes (even the Christian ones) and I've donated blood as much as possible since I met the age requirement (17)--50-lives worth according to the Red Cross. :o

Notice how I've placed some text in bold: One might protest against consumerists and commercialists as sheep, but know that this is also a recurring theme of religion.

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I remember how wonderful it was to get away from the holiday hysteria back in the West.

Christmas in particular.

Then a few years pass by and someone suddenly realize that this is something we can make a lot of money on, and voila the hysteria hit Thailand as well.

Guess there is not a place on earth anymore where they do not celebrate christian or pagan holidays.

No matter faith, money is the top priority.

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I'm curious to now why such a fuss is made of Halloween in Thailand. I suspect most people, (here or in many parts of the world, including the countries in which it originated), have no idea where and why the festival originated. Like most of the Christian festivals, it has simply become an excuse for commercial exploitation, and like the sheep that we are, we follow the crowd. In the case of Christmas, my preferred choice now is to get as far away as possible from it, and at least in this respect in Thailand, there is less of the commercial c--p than there is in UK and the USA.

Bah humbug! My grumpy old man rant of the day.

so youve never bought mcdonalds, never bought anything because of an advert and dont follow any form of fashion at all?

We do these things becuase we like them, not because of any sense of logic, people know its commercial crap but ill still buy a mcdonalds every now and then because i like it and ill still buy a pair of trainers because i think they are cool.

Its all the same thing, i get a bit fed up with the anit-xmas brigade who are just finding one thing to moan about but the reality is they fall for exactly the same things in other categories.

my advise, get over it.

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I also think why not ?

Not that I ever will join this rediculous party,

partly cause it is not my culture or custom ,

thats why the OP probably thinks why indeed !

Guess people are always searching for something

new I guess , next ?

The Indian paint festival perhaps ?

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Hmmmm, weird how a hamburger joint (McDonald's) suddenly ended up in the discussion about the commersial explotation of Halloween (or the other hollidays).


its about falling for the norm, following what others do, mcdonalds is one of the biggest marketing machines out there. halloween and xmas are commericial occasions more than they are holidays, hence why people avoid xmas and halloween.

however you cant have double standards so if you fall for mcdonalds, coca cola, latest fashion etc then whats the difference between that and falling for celebrating xmas and halloween if you dont beleive in them.

often people that say hey why celebrate christmas, you are all sheep if you do its just about businesses making money, well welcome to capitalism.

wonder if mcds will do anything different for halloween or xmas.......

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Hmmmm, weird how a hamburger joint (McDonald's) suddenly ended up in the discussion about the commersial explotation of Halloween (or the other hollidays).


its about falling for the norm, following what others do, mcdonalds is one of the biggest marketing machines out there. halloween and xmas are commericial occasions more than they are holidays, hence why people avoid xmas and halloween.

however you cant have double standards so if you fall for mcdonalds, coca cola, latest fashion etc then whats the difference between that and falling for celebrating xmas and halloween if you dont beleive in them.

often people that say hey why celebrate christmas, you are all sheep if you do its just about businesses making money, well welcome to capitalism.

wonder if mcds will do anything different for halloween or xmas.......

I see your point.

But for me it is a big difference between consuming and celebrating.

Sometimes all the advertising directed towards the consumers can be very boring.

But I still believe this is fair enough.

Still up to the individual if he/she want to buy the stuff.

What I see in regards to the holidays (everywhere of course), is the constant pressure to spend money in order to "join the party", regardless of my cultural background.

Halloween is just the latest in all the "western holidays" which is exploited in this country.

Of course, x-mas seems to be the biggest one here (in this Buddhist country).

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Hmmmm, weird how a hamburger joint (McDonald's) suddenly ended up in the discussion about the commersial explotation of Halloween (or the other hollidays).


its about falling for the norm, following what others do, mcdonalds is one of the biggest marketing machines out there. halloween and xmas are commericial occasions more than they are holidays, hence why people avoid xmas and halloween.

however you cant have double standards so if you fall for mcdonalds, coca cola, latest fashion etc then whats the difference between that and falling for celebrating xmas and halloween if you dont beleive in them.

often people that say hey why celebrate christmas, you are all sheep if you do its just about businesses making money, well welcome to capitalism.

wonder if mcds will do anything different for halloween or xmas.......

I see your point.

But for me it is a big difference between consuming and celebrating.

Sometimes all the advertising directed towards the consumers can be very boring.

But I still believe this is fair enough.

Still up to the individual if he/she want to buy the stuff.

What I see in regards to the holidays (everywhere of course), is the constant pressure to spend money in order to "join the party", regardless of my cultural background.

Halloween is just the latest in all the "western holidays" which is exploited in this country.

Of course, x-mas seems to be the biggest one here (in this Buddhist country).

i know what you are saying mate, but its fun for kids and even some adults. some of my best memories as a kid have been during these times, although i grew up in the uk. id personally want any human to experience what i did as a child and how much fun me and my frieinds had.

i dont think anyone should be forced to celebrate anything of course, and i understand it is alot of pressure on parents etc but overall i think it would be a more boring place(any country) if we started scraping things like halloween and children would miss out on alot of fun.

Fireworks night is the same isnt it and valentines but you know all these things i have such fond memories of, i would have missed out on these and i think its great if thais get a chance to experience them too.

Roll on christmas, bring on all the crazy displays and marketing, bring on the same damned songs every year, i for one cant wait!

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i know what you are saying mate, but its fun for kids and even some adults. some of my best memories as a kid have been during these times, although i grew up in the uk. id personally want any human to experience what i did as a child and how much fun me and my frieinds had.

i dont think anyone should be forced to celebrate anything of course, and i understand it is alot of pressure on parents etc but overall i think it would be a more boring place(any country) if we started scraping things like halloween and children would miss out on alot of fun.

Fireworks night is the same isnt it and valentines but you know all these things i have such fond memories of, i would have missed out on these and i think its great if thais get a chance to experience them too.

Roll on christmas, bring on all the crazy displays and marketing, bring on the same damned songs every year, i for one cant wait!

In some countries Halloween and Christmas are done to death. Too much hype and advertising and Christmas especially goes on for far too long and at the end of the day it saps peoples energy. Christmas decorations up in October!!! Way too early. Jingles and advertising going on for months.

For me it is a time for children but the pleasure for them is often taken away by all the hype etc too. Whatever happened to getting prepared (with decorations) a couple of weeks before hand?? Okay I understand the need to buy presents early to spread the cost for many.

Halloween is better as it tends to be one night - though the sales and hype begin too early too IMO. I think all kids love to dress up (and a few adults too - but I'll not go into that :o ) and have fun.

Fireworks. I have rarely seen fireworks in Thailand and I understand you need to get a licence for them from the local police.

On the odd occasion I have seen fireworks the whole village has turned out. Their faces are a treat to watch as they 'Ooh and Ahh' with pleasure and jig up and down. Yet to one who has seen fireworks almost every Nov 5th for Guy Fawkes night, I think we tend to forget what a pleasure and novelty it is for others.

Keep the parties coming. They give pleasure to many people.

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totally agree with the stuff going up too early, i think the earlier it starts the more it dilutes the atmosphere, loses its intensity i think. love it when it finally comes around though. but yeah 2 weeks before hand for xmas is spot on for me. from decemeber 1st onwards would be fine for me, not before though.

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I'm curious to now why such a fuss is made of Halloween in Thailand. I suspect most people, (here or in many parts of the world, including the countries in which it originated), have no idea where and why the festival originated. Like most of the Christian festivals, it has simply become an excuse for commercial exploitation, and like the sheep that we are, we follow the crowd. In the case of Christmas, my preferred choice now is to get as far away as possible from it, and at least in this respect in Thailand, there is less of the commercial c--p than there is in UK and the USA.

Bah humbug! My grumpy old man rant of the day.

Halloween is now commonly celebrated in Sweden as well, since about 10 years or so, but was virtually unknown when I was a kid. (Swedish kids dress up as witches around Easter and ask for sweets instead).

I'm not too worried about it, most kids love a chance to party and dress up as ghosts, and the opportunity to get candy. And, as you mention, festivals are money makers and allow merchants to peddle more stuff. Halloween is exported as a commercial holiday as part of the USA™ package and it's Celtic origins are unknown to most. But if we had to celebrate only the original of everything I guess we will have to either throw out the Pagan paraphernalia surrounding Christmas, or alternatively throw out Jesus and the three wise men and return to the Yule / Midwinter solstice traditions (for us Northern Europeans anyways).

Customs and cultures change with time. It's natural.

My first Loi Krathong in Thailand happened to coincide with Halloween; I really got a kick out of buying my first krathong from two cute girls in witch outfits.

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True. Another excersise in mindless commercialism of and consumption. "Samhain" is however heaps of fun.....definately better than Xmas. Dressing up like ghouls etc, and we know how thais love their "naa gwuar". Heaps of fun Halloween Parties here in the islands. I'm just pissed off I can't get to Central Dept Store cause they always sell heaps of pointless but fun Halloween dress ups and cheap.


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