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I spend some time scrolling the screen down to read all the post but still have few questions.

I'm a Thai woman, graduated in Belgium, continue studying and should be done next year in Holland, also working at the moment. The point is I have dutch husband (married here in Holland) and I want to take him back home with me when I go back to work in Thailand.

What I know is that he will get Non - O visa but the problem is, he's an artist. What a job eh? He doesn't have that amount (but I do) I don't think there's any problem with me transfering 400k to thai bank (can it be my own old bank account? or he needs to open a new one) and if it need be to open a new one under his name, how to do that when he's not yet in Thailand?

Is it true that the money in the bank, that 400k has to be used to support the wife? I think it won't work with me since I would be the one earning to feed him (hahaha) but just need confirmation over this point. Further I understand that the amount has to be topped up every year to keep it remain 400k, is that right?

I've heard from some women here that the visa shall be easier if you have children together. Does that really help? or it's just a nonsense remark?

Thank you for any help from you guys, and sorry for my bad english grammar. I don't really use English here, only Dutch. I'll come check the board to make sure I didn't make any confusing question for you. Thank you again in advance.


You don't use English but write better than most native English speakers? Very strange?

In answer to your questions. The 400k is used by male to support Thai wife extension of stay. The money must be his and from outside Thailand and account can be his or joint with wife. The money is expected to be used each year and replaced. Accounts have to be opened in person.

There is a provision for wife to support husband but it is not often approved. But if your Thai is as good as your English you might have a chance. There should be no official discrimination now so if you can prove income of 40k per month you might have a chance.

Can not answer the child question - it helps to prove relationship is real but not sure it helps lower support requirements.

At present he can obtain a multi entry O with marriage and just cross border every 90 days.

Another path is investment visa using 3 million baht to a government account or to buy a condo. So if that kind of money is available keep it overseas until you check requirements with immigration in Bangkok - it might be a way and provide a visa and a home at the same time.


A foreign national who has children of Thai nationality is in much stronger position with regard to Immigration than someone who is simply married to a Thai lady. It is spelt out in the regulations.

Sorry I do not have the reference, but I am away form home at present.


Hallo van Gogh Maid !

verwondert me dat er een bericht is waarin gevraagd word een man naar Thailand mee te nemen door een Thai vrouw ! Ik wist niet dat het zo moeilijk was vanuit Europa een man mee te nemen en dan daar een familie te stichten.

Wens je in ieder geval veel geluk dat alles lukt met jullie !!

Heb ook sinds kort een vriendin maar ben angstig dat ze het niet echt meenr met me !

Mischien kan jij me tips geven ? Ik hou echt van haar en zou ook graag met haar naar Thailand willen als ze terug gaat !



The money is expected to be used each year and replaced.

I have a question regarding this, lopburi. You say that the money is expected to be used each year and replaced, but will they check that? That is, if I get a marriage visa with my Thai wife and put 400k in the bank and just leave it there year after year (using an American account, or some other means, to actually support ourselves) will it be a problem?

If so, it wouldn't be a major problem (we would just make it a point to withdraw from the Thai account occasionally), but it would be good to know ahead of time :o

The money is expected to be used each year and replaced.

I have a question regarding this, lopburi. You say that the money is expected to be used each year and replaced, but will they check that? That is, if I get a marriage visa with my Thai wife and put 400k in the bank and just leave it there year after year (using an American account, or some other means, to actually support ourselves) will it be a problem?

If so, it wouldn't be a major problem (we would just make it a point to withdraw from the Thai account occasionally), but it would be good to know ahead of time :o

one of the requirements for a one year extension based on support is 400k+ in a thai bank account or showing 40k+ monthly

putting 400k in a thai bank and leaving it untouched after one year may put up a red flag. if your bank book shows zero activity most likely the immigration officer will want to know some details about your source of income.


Hallo Hugo!

Je hebt een mooie naam, net als mijn parkietje hehe

Het gebeurt niet vaak eh? een vrouw die een europese man naar Thailand wil meenemen. Eigenlijk is het niet moelijk, maar het woord 'geld' is daar heel belangrijk en mijn man is maar een jonge onbekende kunstenaar.

Heel erg bedankt voor je wens en als je vriendin een klacht heeft met het leven hier in Nederland dan mag je mij snel een contact opnemen. Ik heb een online cursus Nederlands voor Thais (allemaal in het Thai)geschreven, een lange lijst van studieboeken en webpagina's daarmee zij meer over Nederland en de mensen kan leren.

Als je niet erg vindt, wil je ook misschien helpen met mijn nederlandsgrammatica. Ik heb al de NT2 diploma voor buitelanders maar in de werkelijkheid is mijn Nederlands nog steeds....hmmm.......Echt net gekomen, ander half jaar hier.

Was jij ook soms in Bkkchat? Misschien ken ik je wel.

The money is expected to be used each year and replaced.

I have a question regarding this, lopburi. You say that the money is expected to be used each year and replaced, but will they check that? That is, if I get a marriage visa with my Thai wife and put 400k in the bank and just leave it there year after year (using an American account, or some other means, to actually support ourselves) will it be a problem?

If so, it wouldn't be a major problem (we would just make it a point to withdraw from the Thai account occasionally), but it would be good to know ahead of time :o

It is most likely that activity will be noted and lack of any may well cause delay if not rejection of extension if recent immigration comments are to believed - they have even been hinting that it all (400k) is expected to be used each year.

So I would advise making transfer and then using it. It is really easier as local atm card can be used in any atm here to withdraw the funds.

You are required to give immigration copies of your bank passbook as well as the letter confirming account balance so they have the paperwork to check.


My Thai wife and I have joint bank accounts in Thailand and in the States. Our retirement/income checks are direct deposited in our US bank, then what we need (or what Immigration requires) is wired to our Thai bank.

Sounds like something similar could be set up for VGM. The only difference might be that, unlike us, with source income in the States, VGM might have to wire both ways, i.e., earnings from Thailand needed to fill up the account in Holland, then reverse wired to Thai bank to meet the 400k requirement. Just need to have an account in Thailand different from the joint one you'll use to show Immigration, as they might get suspicious seeing both in and out wire transfers.

In any event, Immigration doesn't (AFAIK) investigate source of funds from foreign bank wire origination account.

Paying two wire fees per year may be an irritant. But definitely CHEAPER than having children!

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