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Uk Rapist Plans Move To Thailand


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LOTTERY-WINNING INMATE: UK rapist plans to move here

Published on Aug 16, 2004

'You can do anything there,' millionaire serial sex offender tells fellow prisoners

A convicted English rapist, who won the equivalent of almost Bt536 million in a UK lottery, said he planned to live the high life in Thailand after his release from jail, a London-based tabloid reported yesterday. Iorworth Hoare revealed his future plans to fellow inmates of Shepton Mallet jail in Somerset after serving 16 years, The Sun said.

The Sun quoted Hoare as telling other prisoners, "You can do anything you like there."

Hoare, 52, is being considered for release. A prison source said: "The thought of him in a sex capital like Bangkok is horrifying."

He was on weekend temporary leave last week at a halfway house in Middlesbrough when he bought the winning ticket for Saturday's Lotto Extra draw.

Hoare broke no rules by buying the ticket. Officials at the Home Office are reportedly studying the possibility of extending a restriction that bans prisoners on leave from entering casinos or betting shops.

Hoare has been placed in isolation for fear he could become a target of other prisoners following his win.

Meanwhile, one of his rape victims told another London tabloid, the Mirror, that the convict is a danger to all women.

"He's evil and will strike again. All he is now is an evil man with ฃ7 million (Bt536 million). When he's freed, he'll feel more powerful. He'll always be a danger to women," said the victim, whose name was withheld. She was raped by Hoare in 1982. "He raped me after being released from prison. After serving that sentence, he was freed and attacked someone again. Now he's preparing for release again, he'll feel more powerful than before."

In Britain, a campaign has begun to strip him of at least part of the prize amid claims that the money should be used to compensate his victims for their physical and psychological suffering.

The Nation

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When a life sentence prisoner ('lifer') is released from custody he becomes subject to a life license for the rest of his life and may be recalled to prison if his behavior gives cause for concern. The Secretary of State may revoke a lifer's license and recall him to prison on the recommendation of the Parole Board or without such a recommendation if it appears to him that it is expedient in the public interest to recall a lifer before such a recommendation is practicable.

I don't think he will be going to Thailand, he will not get a Passport.

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Thailand makes enough money from perverts and men who have no respect whatsoever for women.

I think his passport should be revoked permenantly and that half his lottery win should be shared by his victims and the other half go to some rape victim support foundation.

He should be given about 15 U.K.pounds of the cash - enough to buy a good book on Thailand so he can see what he could have enjoyed were he not an evil c**t.

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Maybe irelandais is one of the toilet paper volunteers, oh I'm sorry, tourist police shitebirds oh, sorry again, tourist police volunteers. :D

i think he's probably been blown out by too many women. :D

As far as the rapist is concerned, don't give a toss how much money he has, mess around like that and see what happens to him. :o

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When a life sentence prisoner ('lifer') is released from custody he becomes subject to a life license for the rest of his life and may be recalled to prison if his behavior gives cause for concern. The Secretary of State may revoke a lifer's license and recall him to prison on the recommendation of the Parole Board or without such a recommendation if it appears to him that it is expedient in the public interest to recall a lifer before such a recommendation is practicable.

I don't think he will be going to Thailand, he will not get a Passport.

Right Begs, he will not get a passport.

He will be on License until his death if he has been sentenced to a life term imprisonment.

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(Just hijack the thread a sec) Dave was in your place last night........your right about them bars outside.....they cant help your place much. Nice set last night.........one complaint you aint got any XXl t-shirts. :o


i'll check 2nite, last time i looked we had loads,

bloody staff :D

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One of the nice things about Thai justice is that it is often applied at the scene of the crime. I can just imagine this fellow providing some small offerings to the ducks nearby, before throwing himself off a balcony an hour or so after tying his hands behind his back and wrapping a plastic bag secured by duct tape around his head.

What a loss that would be to society. :o

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"jai yen yen " this guy has as much chance of a uk passport as i have of getting a thai one . it concerns me that pieces of shit like this are eligable to claim a prize like that though , but they should be able to buy the ticket , consider it a donation !!

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He wont get a passport...

and even IF he does, he will find hes sadly mistaken about Thailand.

Should by some unknown reason, he get a passport and get to thailand and commit a crime such as the one hes been jailed for he will find that the british justice system is a walk in the park compaired to the treatment he will get here.

Maybe he should consider Cambodia as a destination?

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Lads, he will not get a Passport.

He is a Lifer, if he had got an 18 year sentence he could have got one after 18 years, even though he technically could have got out after 50% of his time, he would still be on temporary License for the remainder of the 18 Years. After that time he is free. A lifer is never free.

He will not be going to Thailand.

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Maybe irelandais is one of the toilet paper volunteers, oh I'm sorry, tourist police shitebirds oh, sorry again, tourist police volunteers.  :D

i think he's probably been blown out by too many women. :D

As far as the rapist is concerned, don't give a toss how much money he has, mess around like that and see what happens to him. :o

Why you dont even know who I am , I have been to Thailand many times, what was so wrong with what I said, we dont want him here in the UK, likewise we would not want alot of people from Thailand or some other countries either. Well known fact some Asian countries are a perverts paradise and they do like money. I take great offence at your slight against me.

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Maybe irelandais is one of the toilet paper volunteers, oh I'm sorry, tourist police shitebirds oh, sorry again, tourist police volunteers.  :D

i think he's probably been blown out by too many women. :D

As far as the rapist is concerned, don't give a toss how much money he has, mess around like that and see what happens to him. :o

Why you dont even know who I am , I have been to Thailand many times, what was so wrong with what I said, we dont want him here in the UK, likewise we would not want alot of people from Thailand or some other countries either. Well known fact some Asian countries are a perverts paradise and they do like money. I take great offence at your slight against me.

was i the only one to take a "slight" against you?

don't think so :D

humour, a wonderful word meaning to have fun/a joke.

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In may haste and disgust I posted another topic about this but actually asking to do something about this.... just in case.... So I will leave it up for the time being...

Just for everyones information and I have a certain amount of knowledge in these things (nuff said)... with that amount of cash he will certainly have no problem getting a passport.

Also he will have little or no prolem moving around in Europe. From there he can easilly board a plane to Thailand and there is nothing the UK can do about it.

For everyones information there is a guy living in Thailand right now, who only recently applied for a new British passport here and got it whilst there is a Scotland yard warrant out for his arrest on suspicion of killing a British Policeman. That is how effective the British Embassy is and how effective most countries legal powers are overseas. Unless two countries actually have an agreement between them nothing can be done internationally. And there is no such thing as International Law.. It is an idea(l). In this case the British Embassy issued the passport knowing who he was and all his details... because there was nothing they could do. I am not suggesting this will happen to the piece of work we are talking about now... but many things are possible...

So it will do no harm at all to raise awareness a little bit and not just sit back and assume that the right thing will happen.. No one thought that a multiple rapist could win £7 million quid did they?

But he has, hasn't he?!?

Now noone thinks he'll get out here... Rapist, peodophiles.. the lot of them, they have a lot of determination to get what they want... Heck this guy has already served one sentence and been freed...

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Thailand can have him, he will fit in well with all the other perverts. With that amount of money the Thai authorities will be well pleased.

I just thought it very bad form old chap for you to wish the sob on Thailand and to say that he will fit in with all the perverts here. What makes you think Thailand wants him here either? Not a good idea to wish bad things or even worse %#@$&* people on others. Just not the thing to do. I didn't appreciate that at all.

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A prison source said: "The thought of him in a sex capital like Bangkok is horrifying."

[/b]Surely this statement cannot be reflective of an official British Government representatives comment on the moral standing of a respectable City like Bangkok :o

I have just got of the 236 bus to Highbury roundabout and we had a couple of middle aged transvestites/cross dressing male passengers on board....

Wot does that suggest :D

Re the passport issue..recon with half a Billion Bt in his jacksee to play with this sod could pick up a passport from any bongo bongo land and maybe even get himself fixed up with a knighthood /lordship/ambassadorship or whatever etc. Mai Peng....sad but..... :D

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It would appear this sicko has a penchant for the older ladies, it's quite possible that a number of the 60's brigade over here might be glad of him. Don't spoil their chances of a bit of 'mystery'.

Only kidding..lighten up lads I can feel the venom brewing!!!! :o:D:D

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