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"marriage Life Cycle"


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I found this funny take on marriage from a blog and thought others might find it funny. It is not specific to Thailand...actually more pertains as to why many guys may have relocated to these Asian shores...

The 50% divorce rate is easy to understand once you know the cycle of life:

Man marries woman ——> woman’s goal is achieved (snag monogamous provider) while man’s goal (spread the seed) is thwarted ——> woman no longer feels need to be attractive to man ——> she gets fat ——> man loses interest in fuc_king her ——> woman becomes insecure over this and eats even more ——> she gets fatter ——> man drops all pretense of pleasing his fat wife and sits around belching, farting, drinking beer, watching sports, and forgetting anniversaries ——> woman resents man for this ——> woman shovels massive quantities of food down her gullet for comfort and pleasure ——> woman is now unrecognizable manatee ——> man escapes to nightly poker games with his buddies and quick jerks to porn ——> woman files for divorce ——> man loses half his money ——> woman uses this unearned windfall to hire personal trainer ——> woman loses weight remembering what it takes to please a man.

I have a question for all those fatass wives out there.

Tell me, when the mirror mocks you and your husband finds the sight of you repulsive and your marriage crumbles around you in a deluge of bitter bitter tears, ask yourself…

was the food worth it?

The post was in response to a study that documented that on average, women gained 24 pounds within 5 years of marriage, where as single or cohabitating females gained only 3-5 pounds (made efforts to keep themselves sexually attractive to men but the ones who snagged a guy let themselves go.)

Edited by jonniebkk
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It's yet another case of men thinking with the wrong head. If the man had had any interest in the woman other than sex, perhaps the weight gain might not have been such an issue. A marriage based on an actual relationship between two intelligent adults isn't swayed by vicissitudes of weight, income, and profession. A marriage based on sex will of course fall apart if either one loses their appeal to the other. It shows just how little respect western men actually have for their wives. Her only purpose is sex?

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It's yet another case of men thinking with the wrong head. If the man had had any interest in the woman other than sex, perhaps the weight gain might not have been such an issue. A marriage based on an actual relationship between two intelligent adults isn't swayed by vicissitudes of weight, income, and profession. A marriage based on sex will of course fall apart if either one loses their appeal to the other. It shows just how little respect western men actually have for their wives. Her only purpose is sex?


Sexual attraction is an integral and natural part of the relationship between a male and a female...it's just biology, especially on the part of the male. Therefore, I think most females would consider it incumbent to at least attempt to keep themselves sexually attractive to their mate. But no doubt, your attitude is prevalant among many women (especially those in the developed West)...I rest my case :o

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The way i see it...if the guy finds fat women unattractive before he marries , he will not be attracted to his wife later if she piles on the pounds..... he may still love her but he will not feel desire when he looks at her. sad but true.....this is going to put the marriage under strain. He is gonna being looking at other women and not his wife ,and she will notice.

I personally feel the same applies to men though. If you stop being loving, complimentary, considerate and grow a big beer gut then your wife is not gonna feel attracted to you and will probably not care so much what you think about her and wont be trying to fill you with desire. :o takes two to tango!

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Well as far as I can tell men let themselves go when they get married too so.... in my city it is a little different and men DO have a legitimate complaint. I come from a boring government city where there isnt much to do but workout. So what you have there is thousands of fit men of all ages many of which do have wives that have let themselves go... and the men stay with them. I think its not right when the man retains his sex appeal and the woman does not. It shows a lack of effort and caring for your partner. In my opinion both parties should always make an effort to please their partner... and they usually dont (both) which is why we have so many failed marriages in the west.


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Its sign of disrespect to your partner to let yourself go. It shows that you take them for granted and have little consideration for their feelings.

Bringing the topic back to Thailand, the much higher level of competition for wives from existing women may help explain why Thai women don't blimp out after marriage

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Its sign of disrespect to your partner to let yourself go. It shows that you take them for granted and have little consideration for their feelings.

Bringing the topic back to Thailand, the much higher level of competition for wives from existing women may help explain why Thai women don't blimp out after marriage

Am I to take it then, that all the MacThai women I see around Chiang Mai are single? :o

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It's yet another case of men thinking with the wrong head. If the man had had any interest in the woman other than sex, perhaps the weight gain might not have been such an issue. A marriage based on an actual relationship between two intelligent adults isn't swayed by vicissitudes of weight, income, and profession. A marriage based on sex will of course fall apart if either one loses their appeal to the other. It shows just how little respect western men actually have for their wives. Her only purpose is sex?

It might shock you, but the answer is definitively yes.

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It's yet another case of men thinking with the wrong head. If the man had had any interest in the woman other than sex, perhaps the weight gain might not have been such an issue. A marriage based on an actual relationship between two intelligent adults isn't swayed by vicissitudes of weight, income, and profession. A marriage based on sex will of course fall apart if either one loses their appeal to the other. It shows just how little respect western men actually have for their wives. Her only purpose is sex?

It might shock you, but the answer is definitively yes.

Sex alone as a basis for marriage is a no brainer - done that.

Marriage/partnership without sex - ditto.

Single life with casual encounters - ditto

Gay scene? - Not an option

Question for today to the brains trust - Where do I go from here?

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The way i see it...if the guy finds fat women unattractive before he marries , he will not be attracted to his wife later if she piles on the pounds..... he may still love her but he will not feel desire when he looks at her. sad but true.....this is going to put the marriage under strain. He is gonna being looking at other women and not his wife ,and she will notice.

I personally feel the same applies to men though. If you stop being loving, complimentary, considerate and grow a big beer gut then your wife is not gonna feel attracted to you and will probably not care so much what you think about her and wont be trying to fill you with desire. :o takes two to tango!

Well said BossHogg :D

It is true that sex and money issues can put strains on a marriage. Also, most people don't take into account the strain of working full time and raising children at the same time.

What I find interesting is how fixated these guys are on how fat the women get when, from my observations of middle-aged guys back home, most of them are just as fat or fatter than their wives.

Anyway, most people go into marriage with unrealistic expectations.

I read somewhere that women marry a man thinking he will change and men marry a woman thinking she will never change. Sad, but probably quite a bit of truth in that.

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If your womans only purpose is sex than you simply have the wrong woman. I expect a hel_l of a lot more from my woman... like cooking and cleaning! No I'm just joking. Seriously I don't have time for nitwits and useless people, I'll put my willy in em maybe (women) but in a relationship my woman has to be contributing to my better being in some way, such as support. I spent my whole life dating women that sucked the energy right out of me and kept me down, actually sabotaging my chances of being successful. Sorry but they were western women, however they were always Asian western women... so not sure the dynamics of that. Anyway, now I have a woman that supports me 100%, encourages me all the time to be the best I can be and is always there for me. She never sucks the energy out of me and in fact gives me energy. Not only that but having her at my side attracts success and good things to me. I have seen this happen many times, I've gotten very big jobs just from having her with me at the right time and that is just one type of good thing she has brought into my life. She is like a lucky charm but it has nothing to do with luck, her personality is such that she attracts positive outcomes. She is truly my partner and has my well being in her mind at all times, as I do hers. This is how it should be. 2 people working together for a better future. If you can find and love a woman like this, you are a very lucky man.


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I agree with the OP, with "DamianMavis" but they are rare as black Pearls the Size of Golf balls... and some of the other intelligent comments made here..

after having walked the roads of life to quite some extend including a marriage, and several other relations ships.... I must say it isn't worth it, its absolutely NOT worth to spend just a nano-Second thinking .....

Live your life to the fullest extend - that we do need a partner is an Illusion - a great part of it which put us into the rat race....any male/female relationship/friendship which is based on REAL friendship is worth everything - but NOT the Individual FREEDOM!

Not for Sex, not for Money, not for comfort, not for anything!

"....Freedom is another word for nothing have to lose...."


The very core of the "Problem" - if it is a Problem.... Men love Sex, women security, shelter, warmth, children, financial security, clothes.... that pushes men in the role of the supplier and women at the receivers end... this can NEVER EVER be the foundation of a happy, fulfilled life - it will be only a question of time...

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