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Pattaya Now Has Legal Metered Taxis!

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Jingthing, maybe you were too excited after reading about the taxis to notice the following article about baht bus fares. It would seem that the baht buses drivers are complaining about the rising cost of fuel because the fare is still only 5 baht.

Regarding the new taxi service, there is no mention at all about meters in the report.

Its fine with me if they raise the baht bus fare to 10 baht. For everyone. I already pay 10 baht. I don't ask for my head to be smashed.

I agree, the METER issue is yet to be determined.

I am saying if we find they don't have meters or they mostly will not use the meters, people need to speak up loud and speak up often, or this is no progress at all and we will be stuck with it.

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Why do some posters refer to the baht buses as a mafia? It's not as if they sell drugs and break people's kneecaps is it? This cooperative seems to me more like the closed shop trade unions of yesteryear.

Why do some posters refer to the baht buses as a mafia? It's not as if they sell drugs and break people's kneecaps is it? This cooperative seems to me more like the closed shop trade unions of yesteryear.

Because they have a record being violent against competition and because they are a monopoly that suppresses competition. It is another definition of mafia, not only criminal gangs. What difference does it make what the you call it anway? The anti-progress effect is the same.

Normally, these new taxis would be pure good news.

But because they are controlled by the baht bus FILL IN THE BLANK (I say mafia) we may well not being getting any improvment at all. Time will tell. If this proves to be a good, fair service, it will be in SPITE of the baht bus FILL IN THE BLANK (I say mafia), not because of it.

But questions remain:

do you have meters?



see above answer

what is the fare structure?

35 baht and up, negotiable

What's your source of info on the fares?

It's in the published article. Why? Do you think that they may start at 35 baht and go DOWN from there?


Does it specifically say they do not have meters? It doesn't say they do OR they don't, does it?

The word NEGOTIABLE does not appear in the artlcle.

Based on this info, we do not know whether there are meters or not, now do we?

If nothing else, this is making my point about how incredibly BAD our local press is. Why didn't they ask: are there meters or not and publish that? Isn't that an incredibly important point, not a trivial detail?


Well I don't care if the METERED taxis do cost more than the baht buses. Even if they charge considerably more. Just to have an alternative to those rattletraps hauling around drunks and whores, and to have air conditioning and door-to-door service is worth paying for in my opinion.

Well I don't care if the METERED taxis do cost more than the baht buses. Even if they charge considerably more. Just to have an alternative to those rattletraps hauling around drunks and whores, and to have air conditioning and door-to-door service is worth paying for in my opinion.

Could you clarify? Do you mean baht buses when they are turned into taxis? Because those fares are not reasonable. For example, a trip from Jomtien to BP Hospital might be 300 baht. In a Bangkok style taxi meter that would be under 100 baht easy. You want these new cars to cost more than the rip off baht bus charter rates? If so, thats nuts and they will fail. And its a shame too. At the Bangkok levels they would be driving all the time, making money and helping the public. At the ripoff rates you perhaps are favoring, they will sit on their arse greedily waiting for the desperate, just like those rows of idle baht bus drivers clogging up the roads, waiting for a ripoff "taxi fare." We should not settle for this kind of crappiness.

We don't need trucks or cars to clog the roads and wait for the few choice suckers. We need transport priced just right so the drivers can make good money actually working their vehicles most of the time, and the maximum number of people served. Now that would be real progress. Are we headed there or not? Don't know.

Well I don't care if the METERED taxis do cost more than the baht buses. Even if they charge considerably more. Just to have an alternative to those rattletraps hauling around drunks and whores, and to have air conditioning and door-to-door service is worth paying for in my opinion.

Could you clarify? Do you mean baht buses when they are turned into taxis? Because those fares are not reasonable. For example, a trip from Jomtien to BP Hospital might be 300 baht. In a Bangkok style taxi meter that would be under 100 baht easy. You want these new cars to cost more than the rip off baht bus charter rates? If so, thats nuts and they will fail. And its a shame too. At the Bangkok levels they would be driving all the time, making money and helping the public. At the ripoff rates you perhaps are favoring, they will sit on their arse greedily waiting for the desperate, just like those rows of idle baht bus drivers waiting for a ripoff "taxi fare." We should not settle for this kind of crappiness.

I do NOT mean baht buses turned into taxis. I use Bangkok metered taxis every day and never have a problem with them. Bankok rip-off taxis are found in tourist areas such as Nana and, of course in outlying areas late at night. If one speaks some Thai they can be usually be persuaded to turn on the meter or told to get lost.

Of course I prefer Bangkok meter prices, my point was that I, for one, am willing to pay more for the convenience of air conditioning, comfort, privacy and door-to-door service. I do not favour rip-off rates as you claim.


Pop, I didn't claim.

You weren't clear because baht buses operate now as both taxis and buses (sadly, because they are only good as buses).

Of course, a taxi should cost more than a bus.

Now you are clear.

Thank you for that. We agree. Have a good evening!


Jing, you are waaaaaaaay cool.

We are on the same page.

Keep up the crusade. Baht buses are great for those who want to ride them. I just want an alternative, like so many others do.


I will be a rider of these taxis tomorrow or the next day.

I am VERY happy they have appeared and hope that they will be close to the quality of Bangkok taxis.

Since my place is a bit tricky to find , I will start by asking them to pick me up at a known landmark (wish it was a Peets).

thanks for the info


I will be a rider of these taxis tomorrow or the next day.

I am VERY happy they have appeared and hope that they will be close to the quality of Bangkok taxis.

Since my place is a bit tricky to find , I will start by asking them to pick me up at a known landmark (wish it was a Peets).

thanks for the info


Please let us know if they have meters and use meters and what the extra charge is if they come to get you ... if they will come to get you. The adventure begins!

Now we want a Peet's coffee house? Now, lets not get greedy. There has to be some reasons to visit back home sometimes.


tryed calling the number the poster listed and no answer went to a fax machine.....if they have and use metters it will be great....If they do NOT use meters or have metters it does nothing


Jingthing I'm genuinely pleased that on this development you are so excited. The phrase 'I or you could crush grapes' does spring to mind. :o

It is good to get the feeling that you are up-beat about this.

Keep it up...the up-beat... in your posts.

So now they are here...have you used one yet?



I am actually leaving town and going to Chiang Mai for a few weeks soon, so I don't expect to use one right away. Waiting for a report. I was walking around 2nd road tonight and I didn't see one Pattaya Taxi and I would have tested one if I could find one. Where are the taxis? Like I said, 25 is not enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


saved the number in the mobile already and will try the service upon my next drinking cruisade in town for sure. Maybe an end to my occasional DIU (always happens when Mrs. raro came across a tequila sunrise or two...)?

Will report back here.


I tried for 4 hours to reach the Taxi meter phone number. No answer and switch to fax until after 7 when the fax switch did not occur for 3 calls.

I will try again.


Does it specifically say they do not have meters? It doesn't say they do OR they don't, does it?

The word NEGOTIABLE does not appear in the artlcle.

Based on this info, we do not know whether there are meters or not, now do we?

If nothing else, this is making my point about how incredibly BAD our local press is. Why didn't they ask: are there meters or not and publish that? Isn't that an incredibly important point, not a trivial detail?

I'm quite surprised nobody mentioned the photo that accompanied the Pattaya Mail article. It clearly shows a "Taxi Meter" sign on the top of the taxi. Wouldn't that lead a reasonable person to assume there will be meters?



i can't really see the sign but if it is there plus the mention of Bangkok style pricing does indeed indicate METERS. Now, where are the taxis???? Why don't they answer their phone????? See what you get when a mafia takes over a vital service? This is going to be a ROUGH RIDE, folks.


Samui has the Taxi Mafia

Phuket has the TukMaf

Pattaya has the Baht Bus Mafia

I love the terminology. Somebody should make a cartoon like Whacky Races or The Powerpuff Girls.

What has Chiang Mai got, the smog bus mafia?? Don't use any of 'em unless I'm really stuck.

i can't really see the sign but if it is there plus the mention of Bangkok style pricing does indeed indicate METERS. Now, where are the taxis???? Why don't they answer their phone????? See what you get when a mafia takes over a vital service? This is going to be a ROUGH RIDE, folks.

Condemning the service already, even if no one have even used it yet??

The article said that the service will start "from the beginning of November", normally that would mean before mid November, in Thailand it could mean before end of this, or next, year :D

Anyway, this new taxi service have gone from been praised as being a miracle to being an overpriced mafia run outfit with no service :o

This is before anyone have even tried the service, we don't even know if it has started yet. Take it easy and wait with the verdict until they have actually started the service and we can get reports from actual users of the service.


ZZZ, I am happy there are taxis. I am sad who owns them. We have to watch them closely and try to make sure we get a decent service.

Why did they give this new service to an operation known for:

violence against competition

race based double pricing

running buses that often do not complete expected routes

offering charter taxi bus service at rates 3 and 4 times Bangkok rates

I would be thrilled to be proven wrong about this.


Well would you believe it?????????? We were sat outside the Lion pub, soi 17, having a drink with friends when a YELLOW TAXI passed by!!!!!!!!!!! So they really do exist, too surprised to notice if it had the taximeter sign though, and wondering who had used it?? Jingthing??

Well would you believe it?????????? We were sat outside the Lion pub, soi 17, having a drink with friends when a YELLOW TAXI passed by!!!!!!!!!!! So they really do exist, too surprised to notice if it had the taximeter sign though, and wondering who had used it?? Jingthing??

Yippee! A Pattaya Taxi Meter sighting. With only 25 on the streets, maybe as rare as flying pigs?

Reason for edit: Edited for mafia reasons.
I'm quite surprised nobody mentioned the photo that accompanied the Pattaya Mail article. It clearly shows a "Taxi Meter" sign on the top of the taxi. Wouldn't that lead a reasonable person to assume there will be meters?


I must be an unreasonable person, because the photo doesn't lead me to the assumption that there will be meters.

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