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Firefox Randomly Closing Itself.


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I use Windows XP SP 2 and Firefox Once or perhaps twice an evening I will click on a link and Firefox will immediately close down. The link can be anything. I've had it happen on here and by once by clicking on my gmail link to my inbox, acouple of times by clicking on an ebay link to a lot. It appears to be random and hasn't happened tonight yet. But has happened every night for the past week at least. If I have two pages open both are closed. If I have multi-tabs open all are closed, and it's immediate, ie there's no warning that I am closing multi-tabs.

Anybody got any idea as to the cause? I only have 3 extensions to Firefox, a British Dictionary, colourful tabs and tabx which gives each tab it's own x button. But I've had them for ages and this problem has only just started happening. It's more of a nuisance than a problem but it's its unpredictability that I dislike.

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I use Windows XP SP 2 and Firefox Once or perhaps twice an evening I will click on a link and Firefox will immediately close down. The link can be anything. I've had it happen on here and by once by clicking on my gmail link to my inbox, acouple of times by clicking on an ebay link to a lot. It appears to be random and hasn't happened tonight yet. But has happened every night for the past week at least. If I have two pages open both are closed. If I have multi-tabs open all are closed, and it's immediate, ie there's no warning that I am closing multi-tabs.

Anybody got any idea as to the cause? I only have 3 extensions to Firefox, a British Dictionary, colourful tabs and tabx which gives each tab it's own x button. But I've had them for ages and this problem has only just started happening. It's more of a nuisance than a problem but it's its unpredictability that I dislike.

I had a similar problem with Firefox a couple of months ago. Turned out to be a clash with an updated version of Java.

Firefox 0.9 has just been released - maybe you should install this, and see if the problem persists. If so, you could start to solve it by deleting and re-installing Java.

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Many times my problems with firefox has been that it's not very good with its cache. Errors will be introduced into the cache (with images and such) and cause random behavior. A flush of all the private data and cache data usually does the job.

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Gentlemen, thanks for your replies. I updated to Firefox and so far it hasn't happened since. Khun Jack, although I have had that message before, I don't get it when it just shuts down on me, there's no warning at all. And finally clearing the cache is a good habit to get into every hour or so anyway. Thanks for that tip.

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firefox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience

AppName: firefox.exe AppVer: 1.8.20071.816 ModName: firefox.exe

ModVer: 1.8.20071.816 Offset: 00240301

Get this message almost every day now.

Will try to uninstall and reinstall Java, see if that works.

And clearing every hour the cache with an average of six windows reloading combined wit my dialup connection!, no don't like to do that.

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I don't know what is happening to my favorite browsers. Firefox got so buggy that I finally changed to SeaMonkey. It worked fine for a long time then started freezing. I am now using Flock and it is GREAT so far. I suppose it's only a matter of time before it starts having bugs too. I uninstalled Firefox several times and searched out all the little things that were left over and deleted them too. Reinstalling the latest greatest versions did no good. I empty my cache after each session and even installed Advanced Windows Care to keep things cleaned up. I still got messages that my cache still had old pages of my Yahoo home page and had to sign in each time. It also forgot passwords even though the cookies were still there.

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