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:o my house was broken into a couple of nights ago whilst me and the wife was out, only left the house for 4 hours, come back and someone has broken in and took some valubles....theiving B*****DS.

Stole only gold and jewelery items, worth well over a couple of grand sterling, well i hope that these low lifes get wots due to them, theres a saying that wot goes round comes round.

Most concerning was the fact that some stranger/s has been in my house without my knowledge...who knows when they will return to take what they left behind...

Im now looking into installing some kinda security alarm, anyone know where to look for security system and or alarms for houses in pattaya, surely theres a company out there who specializes in this field.

any help, advice and or contacts would be much appreciated.

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This is a concern for me also. I have not had the experience of being burgled yet. I don't have a lot of stuff to steal but if my laptop went missing I'd be pissed off. I live in a small housing compound that has security, who sleeps all night, and neighbors...most not overfriendly. I've pondered the idea of moving to the countryside...I'm a country boy at heart, but my Thai girlfriend, we've been together for over a year, says that it is not a good idea as if Idon't have other people around on a regular basis the place WILL be burgled.

Do you live inside the city or what? Best of luck in the future.... :o

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Yes, it can be a shock, especially for the wife. And worse than the monetary loss is the feeling that somebody has been there and might come back, perhaps when you are home.

I had this twice in Thailand, having lived in a compund of townhouses, first mine, than 2 weeks later the neighbour's (had tried mine as well but might have been disturbed) Police got the guy, was the same one.

The compound had security guard, security company refunded the stolen articles and fired the guard. Not a great help.

Despite most of the guards sleeping on duty, it is a deterrant, the burglars know, somebody is there. Cost for 12 hours a day (19:00-7:00) plus 24 hours on Sat/Sun holidays approx. Baht 15,000 p.m.

Did a quick google and found this link on security systems.


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The only company I know of that is held in high regard is Master safety Enterprises - Dutch guy called Andre owns and runs it - been in Thailand about 20 years. Never heard a bad word against him. They have a web site and advertise in things like Pattaya Trader. He could do a survey of what you need but it might be as simple as looking at getting decent locks and window grills. Also another common point of entry is through your roof - they simple remove a few roof tiles and they are in in many properties.

Interestingly I saw up by the Resevoir the other day a new village being built that had security cameras covering the walls as well as the entrance. Thats a first for me in terms of that level of security but the sign infers that the houses are high end executive homes for lease only - probably looking at the company paid housing market. Of course whats not clear is if anyone actually looks at the pictures the cameras produce although their was a security guard hut by the main entrance.

Also, I bought a safe that is fire prrof and operates with a key and electric number keypad for only about 5,000 baht from some stall in Tesco Lotus - thing weighs a ton so not easy to move that.

Hope this helps

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The only company I know of that is held in high regard is Master safety Enterprises - Dutch guy called Andre owns and runs it - been in Thailand about 20 years.  Never heard a bad word against him.    They have a web site and advertise in things like Pattaya Trader. 

I can definitely recommend Andre's company. Very professional and excellent after sales service.

Like most people, I had an alarm system installed AFTER I was burgled. :o

That said, two weeks after it was installed it foiled a second attempt. :D

Click on http://www.thaisecurity.com/

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Sorry about your miss fortune,as already said look in pattay trader the number for the firm mentioned is 038 426 423.

I live off soi kho talo also,and although there have been a few street robberies,I have not heard of to many house breakin's in this area.I am in Eck1.

Be interested to find out costs etc.

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hmmm does ur wife wear a lot of gold normally??? if so the whole soi knows and also the motor bike taxi drivers know, u r pretty lucky u werent in the house at the time of the burgulary really, cos maybe u would have been considered yet another pattaya suicide...

get an alarm or some dogs :o

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Unfortunatly if a good thief wants your stuff he will probably get it. Most sneak thiefs like easy and quiet oppertunitys. A couple small yapping poodles in the house works pretty good. Big dogs 2 or more work better, one is to easy to poisen. The ultimate if you have a wall is a dozen geese, they kill small snakes too. Geese will raise all kinds of ######. Roll up metal doors and windows that have to be smashed to open make alot of noise. I think it was last year that a group was going around robbing houses with safes. If you have a safe you must have something worth keeping in it, many people here have fantasys about how much cash you actualy keep laying around. If they know you have a safe and think there is a bunch of cash in it they will for sure rob when you are at home so they can get in it. If you cant have live animals get a bunch of cameras and run lots of wires, put one old tv or moniter out front with a live feed so everyone can see the system is functional. Walmart was doing this in the 80s and they are the leader in loss protection. simple motion detector lights work good also. The main thing is when you are inside your house you dont want anyone else to come in.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Andre from Thaisecurity.com is the best!

There are a lot of villages off Soi Kao Talo, some have better security than others.... Which one are you in? How did they get in anyway? Do you have iron bars on your windows? Egmonkol 4 seems to have an awefull lot of construction going on .. that usually means more burgleries as well ...

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Chubb for security.

Day maids are better (and you should always keep 'off limits' areas to your help... such as your bedroom and office, no need for them to know where your safes, lock boxes, watches, etc. are). You can hire them from PCS. If you're not happy with the maid, you can trade her in for a new one, like socks.


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I suppose have a liv-in maid would help. I wonder how much that would cost, 24/7?

I pay 3,750 per month and she is great. She gets her own room and is treated as part of the family. Although from Mayanmar, we managed to legalize her and renew her permission to stay and work every year for a set fee of 2,000 Baht plus costs of the medical exams.

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i had a burglary 2 weeks ago .i rent the house and we have 'security'...2 men sit in hut by the gate[pattaya land and house] and raise or lower the gate.

i returned to see the thieves riding away with the last batch on a motorcycle..-no mumbers,why the police do not do more regarding these bikes is beyond me-

they rode past the security guards hut and must have made 5 journeys.

re security try this number ...038 370 396.they supply alarm systems to suit,very reasonable...i have also put up lots of barbed wire..180 baht for 40 metres.

i have refused to pay for security on the estate, and the manager is an offensive man. i do not reccomend

last year he cut off my water because the owner had not paid...did not tell me and i came home to find the pump running wild and dry.

i also found that someone had switched the mains electricity wires outside the house... this meant that there was always a live connection... the lights would flicker when switched off... how this occurred i do not know . but someone with a ladder had done this. anyone renting or buying here.

even after everything was sorted out by the owner he would not repair thestreet light outside my house.. this was only done whilst he was away by another manager.I stay because i like the house and get it at a reasonable rate.

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Unfortunately security guards are no more than a token presence.

I have regular arguements with the management of my estate, because the guards do not check vehicles entering and leaving.

I wonder why P414 doe not pay the water bill directly.

Payment or not has nothing to do with estate management.

Just go and turn on the stopcock yourself.

If the water board has cut you off the meter will be missing.

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In fairness the water cost is very reasonable..compares well with city rates. The drawback is it comes from a lake and is not very clean. the manager took out the meter last year and wanted 1000 baht to replace it after the owner had repayed her outstanding bill.i did not pay and i do not know the result but after app. 3 days it was back.When it broke last year he expected me to pay 500 baht for a replacement. i refused.

this estate is not a good prospect for someone wanting a quiet life... unless you are prepared to khow tow to this 'manager'. the owner of Pattaya land and house,

i believe one 'yaraowat', leaves everything to this manager.

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