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Yes it is true - you can send sms (txt) free to thai mobiles through the voipbuster.com client and web interface.

Word of warnig though - if you havent verified your mobile phone your voipbuster username will be used as the call identifier. So if the receiver doesnt know who you are, you dont want to disclose your identity to them or they try to reply to the sms there may be problems.

Anyway it works, I have tested it on my thai mobile and the sms's came through within 5 mons of them being sent. Still cant complain for the price !

Make the most, it may not be there for long !


Yes and there is more - seems VoIPCheap is the best with Thai and UK mobiles free...

Dear customer,

We now offer a 100% free Text Messaging service!

It's now possible to send free text messages to all these destinations:












Czech Republic




Hong Kong










Serbia and Montenegro






United Kingdom


For an overview of all our action rates please visit our website: http://www.voipcheap.co.uk/en/smsrates.html

Kind Regards,



Also VoIPDiscount of offering the following :

<script>Dear customer,

We now offer a 100% free Text Messaging service!

It's now possible to send free text messages to all these destinations:









Czech Republic


Hong Kong











For an overview of all our action rates please visit our website: http://www.voipdiscount.com/en/smsrates.html

Kind Regards,



Tis obvious they are offering free call destinations that are different from the free sms - go think about this !

Anyway enjoy while you can - and yes it does work.

For people calling just thai landlines I would suggest VoIPCheap...

However for people calling Thai mobiles and wanting to send sms to thai mobiles, I would suggest a credit with VoIPDiscount and VoIPCheap. Apparently, so long as you are in credit you can send free SMS - for how long I dont know - make hay while you can.

limit 250 - probably per week

From the VoipBuster site: “Enter the mobile phone number(s) you want to text (comma separated) max. 250 sms at a time”

They say that you can send one message to up to 250 mobile numbers in one go, ie if you have 250 girl friends you need to type “I love you” only once, then type the 250 phone numbers, click on send.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Anyone tried using these free services ? What was it like ? Did the sms arrive, if so how long after you sent it ? Has anyone been able to send Thai language sms's via this service ?


send 250 - arrivided instantly, had several replies, so believe all were delivered. All above 250 charged 5 eurocents. You have to try thai - believe should not be a problem

send 250 - arrivided instantly, had several replies, so believe all were delivered. All above 250 charged 5 eurocents. You have to try thai - believe should not be a problem

How do you get replies? Do they show up in your software, or can they be routed to your mobile or something?


you can register your mobile with the system or you can put your number in the text of the message - people text you back or go to your website and send emails

you can register your mobile with the system or you can put your number in the text of the message - people text you back or go to your website and send emails

Going to have to look into this. Replies probably wouldn't be a problem anyhow - the idea I had was for some event on a server to generate an SMS confirmation (for a booking request, for example, or perhaps updated scores of football matches).

Thanks for the info - very useful :o


Anyone tried sending Thai yet ?

Also I wonder how long this will be available for ? The company behind this and so many other facades (finarea/betamax - a german/swiss company) are notorious for getting people in with these offers then changing them at some point afterwards, when you have got comfortable using them...

What I do like about this though, is that there is a way to send by just composing a URL, with specified parameters. Now this would be very useful for anybody what wants to get some sms interface/output on their website... Be interesting to hear of anyone doing this and their experience.


At the beginning, they did a lot of changes without informing anyone but now things are OK. I'm using them for 3 years and they are more serious than they were. Don't forget they have users in many different countries and it's a bit hard to please them all and, most important, to match each country laws to avoid getting into troubles.

For SMS, i use them for my servers, each alert being sent to me on my mobile here in Thailand. Nothing simpler than a perl script, sending login and password, fetching the cookie and sending it back with the POST data to the SMS form :o


Voipcheap.com seems to be the same company (betamax) as voipdiscount.com... but will much lower prices than voipdiscount.com! However, no free calls and texts to Thailand. (voipdiscount.com gives free calls to thailand mobiles and landlines)

Voipcheap.com and voipcheap.co.uk also seem to be both by Betamax, but have different prices as well.

Why does this Betamax have so many different identities and pricing schemes?

Or a better question is: Which of their identities has the best deal? :o


probably depending on the destination - but voipdiscount.com is the best for thailand for phonecalls.

once you register with them than from time to time they will email you with their promotions on the other sites.

some few months ago there was a thread here about betamax with a link comparing prices of all their services on the different websites


I think I know their strategy...

You're never gonna spend more than 10 Euro on one site... so they change to better pricing on their other sites so you'll shift... and in the end, each of their sites gets 10 Euro from you, instead of only 1 of their sites.

Smart. :o


I just found the easiest way to send SMS without the need of cookies, so here it is.

Posting an SMS should follow that rule:

https ://myaccount.AAA.com/clx/sendsms.php?username=BBB&password=CCC&from=DDD&to=EEE&text=FFF


-AAA: the website where you opened your account. Can be 'voipbuster', 'voipdiscount' and probably 'voipcheap', 'justvoip', 'netappel', 'voipstunt' ...

-BBB: your user name

-CCC: your password

-DDD: your ID. it must match the one you'll see in the webform. If you didn't register your phone number, it must be your user name (otherwise your SMS won't be sent)

-EEE: recipient phone number, international format (eg for Thailande: 66xxxxxxxxx)

-FFF: SMS text, less than 160 characters, non-ASCII char hex encoded preferably (eg: space should be %20)

The result is returned in a simple XML file UTF-8 encoded:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>









-A: version number (no need to care about)

-B: boolean result ('0'=failure, '1'=success)

-C: string result ('failure' or 'success')

-D: error description (eg: 'The parameter password is missing'). This field is empty if success

Again, no need for cookies or to log in/open a session before, you can just send from your browser, perl/bash script or whatever.


Me too - I'be been using their various guises for over 5 years. Still free SMS is new and they will be seeing how it is useed and how they can maximise revenue - so expact some changes. Still 10 Euros for alot of SMS and free calls for half a year isnt too bad. They make their money our of people that dont do 250 sms a day (or whatever) and 300 mins a week...

At the beginning, they did a lot of changes without informing anyone but now things are OK. I'm using them for 3 years and they are more serious than they were. Don't forget they have users in many different countries and it's a bit hard to please them all and, most important, to match each country laws to avoid getting into troubles.

For SMS, i use them for my servers, each alert being sent to me on my mobile here in Thailand. Nothing simpler than a perl script, sending login and password, fetching the cookie and sending it back with the POST data to the SMS form :o


Betamax have so many guises - it probably runs to over 50 - and it is not just voip - they do just pure call through services and are now getting into call back services and call through geographic services - and this is just in the UK !

They price differently for each guise as they make money out ouf people that way. Alot of people will not look around !

I beleive I posted on here a URL that compares their prices - i dont have it at hand - but search is your friend and niftylist.co.uk will reveal alot too !

For Thailand and UK VoIPDiscount.com and VoIPDiscountPro.com currently offers the best deals for calls. For SMS, you need to read the above.

Voipcheap.com seems to be the same company (betamax) as voipdiscount.com... but will much lower prices than voipdiscount.com! However, no free calls and texts to Thailand. (voipdiscount.com gives free calls to thailand mobiles and landlines)

Voipcheap.com and voipcheap.co.uk also seem to be both by Betamax, but have different prices as well.

Why does this Betamax have so many different identities and pricing schemes?

Or a better question is: Which of their identities has the best deal? :o


Interesting - what your experience of using this ?

Also, this is what is on their website isnt it ?

Good for automation, and low traffic sms services !


main thing i do not like about there sms service is the fact it immedialty says sent.

whereas skype says pending until it is 100% at its destination .. so you have you know they got it if there phone was off at time of sending ..

also in the past i've had many sms not arrive using voipstunt.

skype is not free of course.


There are a lot of VOIP offers today, it just depends on your need. I use Betamax services for few reasons:

-they are cheaper than Skype for the destinations I need to call. I cost me more or less 30 euros/year.

-call quality is better from Thailand with my True DSL line (I got disconnected several times with Skype)

-they use open source protocol (SIPE), Skype uses proprietary one. That's an important difference, because I can place call with any software on Linux (or any OS) and also can use any hardware. There are now great dual band GSM-WLAN mobile phones that let you call using any WIFI spot or can automatically switch to GSM network. You can develop your own app/tools, buy phones from any manufacturers. With Skype you are stuck and must rely on their own softwares and hardwares.

-I'm highly allergic to any proprietary format!


Apologies - i got the website quoted in here wrong

Its not voipdiscountpro - it is voipbusterpro.com



10Eruo for 1 year free calls - 3.9c connection charge

Send free sms

Include thailand fix & mobile, Malaysia, UK

Also some good reports on Betamax's services for calling to/from Thailand.

Has anyone found one of their guises that offers calls to thailand (Fix & Mobile) and sms to Thailand free ? If there is then it would seem to be the preferred choice for TV people.

Betamax have so many guises - it probably runs to over 50 - and it is not just voip - they do just pure call through services and are now getting into call back services and call through geographic services - and this is just in the UK !

They price differently for each guise as they make money out ouf people that way. Alot of people will not look around !

I beleive I posted on here a URL that compares their prices - i dont have it at hand - but search is your friend and niftylist.co.uk will reveal alot too !

For Thailand and UK VoIPDiscount.com and VoIPDiscountPro.com currently offers the best deals for calls. For SMS, you need to read the above.

Voipcheap.com seems to be the same company (betamax) as voipdiscount.com... but will much lower prices than voipdiscount.com! However, no free calls and texts to Thailand. (voipdiscount.com gives free calls to thailand mobiles and landlines)

Voipcheap.com and voipcheap.co.uk also seem to be both by Betamax, but have different prices as well.

Why does this Betamax have so many different identities and pricing schemes?

Or a better question is: Which of their identities has the best deal? :o


SMS as well ? (I thought this was chargeable?)

Has anyone found one of their guises that offers calls to thailand (Fix & Mobile) and sms to Thailand free ?


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