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  • 2 years later...
Would you really want to correspond with someone one this board that was a transsexual former lorry driver from Hartlepool, UK? Thought not, remain anonymous. :D

As my thread on "empty profiles" was stopped last week (because there was a similar, more politely termed title once on the go...) I´ve dug out an old one.....this one.... in particular because I myself do actually come from Hartlepool!!!!!!!!!! Now, why pick on us Hartlepudlians to try to get your message across... I mean, we are the friendliest of people in the UK.........and if anyone disagrees, I´ll send my mate round to your house..... :D ...and before you ask....no, I was never a transsexual lorry driver..... :o

-Anyhow, I still want to know why so many people are too shy to give even the merest of information about themselves...it´s not as though it is going to misused....(come on, tell me I´m wrong....... :D )

Would you really want to correspond with someone one this board that was a transsexual former lorry driver from Hartlepool, UK? Thought not, remain anonymous. :D

As my thread on "empty profiles" was stopped last week (because there was a similar, more politely termed title once on the go...) I´ve dug out an old one.....this one.... in particular because I myself do actually come from Hartlepool!!!!!!!!!! Now, why pick on us Hartlepudlians to try to get your message across... I mean, we are the friendliest of people in the UK.........

Unless you happen to be a monkey :o

Would you really want to correspond with someone one this board that was a transsexual former lorry driver from Hartlepool, UK? Thought not, remain anonymous. :D

As my thread on "empty profiles" was stopped last week (because there was a similar, more politely termed title once on the go...) I´ve dug out an old one.....this one.... in particular because I myself do actually come from Hartlepool!!!!!!!!!! Now, why pick on us Hartlepudlians to try to get your message across... I mean, we are the friendliest of people in the UK.........

Unless you happen to be a monkey :o

Don't be silly. People in Hartlepool aren't stupid, you know, they just don't speak French very well. It was obviously a French spy.


..........aha......glad to see that there are a few Hartlepool connoisseurs and historians amongst us ..... :D yes, we did string up a monkey-looking french spy............. and would do it again, believe you me.......... :o BUT if you look at my profile, you will see that even monkey-hanging former Hartlepudlians offer a medium amount of information regarding themselves...........we have nothing to hide...so why the secrecy amongst other TV members??????

Would you really want to correspond with someone one this board that was a transsexual former lorry driver from Hartlepool, UK? Thought not, remain anonymous. :o

As my thread on "empty profiles" was stopped last week (because there was a similar, more politely termed title once on the go...) I´ve dug out an old one.....this one.... in particular because I myself do actually come from Hartlepool!!!!!!!!!! Now, why pick on us Hartlepudlians to try to get your message across...

Not much point talking to Harry Palmer mate. He's been banned from every forum going, including the one which doesn't ban people. :D

-Anyhow, I still want to know why so many people are too shy to give even the merest of information about themselves...it´s not as though it is going to misused....(come on, tell me I´m wrong....... :o )

Actually, in the not-to-distant past, information gleaned from TV profiles and posts was used maliciously against a member. If I recall correctly, someone had a grudge against another member. They took information from that person's profile, as well as copies of certain posts he'd made, and gave them to the guys boss (obviously trying to get him fired).

Besides, some people like to hide behind an aura of mystery. Who knows who you are really chatting with ? Is that a 20 year old girl, or actually a 60 year old guy stringing you along ? Is kayo really as pink and fuzzy as most of his avatars would suggest ? Knowing the answer might dispel the illusion and ruin the fun !

-Anyhow, I still want to know why so many people are too shy to give even the merest of information about themselves...it´s not as though it is going to misused....(come on, tell me I´m wrong....... :D )

Actually, in the not-to-distant past, information gleaned from TV profiles and posts was used maliciously against a member. If I recall correctly, someone had a grudge against another member. They took information from that person's profile, as well as copies of certain posts he'd made, and gave them to the guys boss (obviously trying to get him fired).

Besides, some people like to hide behind an aura of mystery. Who knows who you are really chatting with ? Is that a 20 year old girl, or actually a 60 year old guy stringing you along ? Is kayo really as pink and fuzzy as most of his avatars would suggest ? Knowing the answer might dispel the illusion and ruin the fun !

That´s exactly what puts me off chatting with nameless or rather info-less people!!!!! :o


This is an internet forum, not real life. Frankly, too many people confuse those notions. If people want to know my personal / professional details, they are free to ask in private and - based on what I know of that character from his or her postings here - I will make a judgement call as to whether or not I disclose them.

Some members here know who/what I am. Others have wildly distorted ideas.

Frankly, I (as this entity called 'bendix') don't really exist. The person pulling his strings from a keyboard does and may - or may not - be either the same as bendix or very fundamentally different.


One more thing, is it just me or do other people find it a bit creepy when you go to your own personal profile and find that others have been in, checking you out?

It feels a bit like stalking to me . . . . . . If you want to know something, ask.

One more thing, is it just me or do other people find it a bit creepy when you go to your own personal profile and find that others have been in, checking you out?

It feels a bit like stalking to me . . . . . . If you want to know something, ask.

Hello, just looking...... :o Regards
One more thing, is it just me or do other people find it a bit creepy when you go to your own personal profile and find that others have been in, checking you out?

It feels a bit like stalking to me . . . . . . If you want to know something, ask.

Hello, just looking...... :o Regards

i only look because im nosy.......

One more thing, is it just me or do other people find it a bit creepy when you go to your own personal profile and find that others have been in, checking you out?

It feels a bit like stalking to me . . . . . . If you want to know something, ask.

About 20% of the time, when I mean to click "view most recent post", my mouse cursor clicks the poster instead, and I end up at their profile page. I assume that's how most people end up at mine as well. I really don't think 634 diffeernt people care enough about me to check out my profile.


....does that answer my question??? Well not really ......... a few have been banned.... so what??? .......perhaps that even strengthens my argument....or rather suggestion .....that people should offer a little bit more info on themselves...... I can´t for the life of me see how anyone can abuse what´s offered..... and as for cyber identites and fears of stalking.........I can only say what childish nonsense........or a wild imagination....... :o

....does that answer my question??? Well not really ......... a few have been banned.... so what???

A few ?

This Forum must be one of the most policed Forums on the internet, I'm not sayin' it's a bad thing, but there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians.

Threads are closed willy nilly, and I really dismay when certain people close threads cos they deem them to be controversial, the fact that a man has a relationship with anothther man seems pretty controversial to me, well it would if you ever tried to coerse my Son into unatural behaviour, I would rip your head off.

Just my opinion.

.Krav Maga.

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