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"the Expat Rose Colored Glasses Brigade"


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Pepe, if you can't see the negativity that your thread has generated there is little that I can do to show it to you.

We can continue these posts back and forth with me saying that your thread was a nasty piece of work aimed at stirring up bad feelings and you can keep on asking me to prove it. I will go along with this, as time permits, although it feels like a further waste of time to me.

I personally think that you know very well the bad feeling you have generated, but I have no way of proving this. It is just my opinion. As I said in a previous post some people have genuine complaints about life in Thailand while others feed off this negativity. It is my view that you belong to this second group. There has been plenty of talk in this thread about free speech and I have just used my right to provide my opinions as an option.

Now you may feel that my objection to your posts is somehow evidence that I am unhappy. I can't prove my level of happiness/unhappiness to you, nor do I feel the need to, but I feel certain that happiness is not rated by the level at which I agree with Pepe. Now I am off for my morning walk :o

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What’s wrong with wearing a yellow shirt on Monday? I personally don’t but I don’t look down on people that do. Shouldn’t people be allowed to show their appreciation for the King and what has it got to do with how people percieve Thailands problems anyway? Or pehaps it was just a snide remark.

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Pepe, if you can't see the negativity that your thread has generated there is little that I can do to show it to you.

We can continue these posts back and forth with me saying that your thread was a nasty piece of work aimed at stirring up bad feelings and you can keep on asking me to prove it. I will go along with this, as time permits, although it feels like a further waste of time to me.

I personally think that you know very well the bad feeling you have generated, but I have no way of proving this. It is just my opinion. As I said in a previous post some people have genuine complaints about life in Thailand while others feed off this negativity. It is my view that you belong to this second group. There has been plenty of talk in this thread about free speech and I have just used my right to provide my opinions as an option.

Now you may feel that my objection to your posts is somehow evidence that I am unhappy. I can't prove my level of happiness/unhappiness to you, nor do I feel the need to, but I feel certain that happiness is not rated by the level at which I agree with Pepe. Now I am off for my morning walk :o


I asked a question and did not throw insults or negativity. But didn't take any BS either

That was taken over by the brigade.

I do give up.

This has become a waste of time for me now.

You really "can't beat a dead horse." :D

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If you compare people to dogs in an experiment don't be suprised if people try to bite you.

I still fail to see any 'brigade' attacking anyone.

Just individuals with their own axes to grind.

Some people may feel that this thread served some purpose, but all I believe it has done is generate bad feeling.

I know that I am no better than anyone else, because I too took part in your charade.

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For those of you who aren't 100% happy in Thailand, what is it exactly that causes you discomfort?

If I ever met anyone anywhere in the world who is 100% happy I'd be very suspicious and ask probing questions about the substances they ingest. :o

Are you, as you infer, 100% happy in Thailand?

All places have warts, even Utopia must have a sewage disposal system. That we sometimes complain about the warts shows we care about the place. Some folks complain more than others, that's their perogative and if you don't like what you are reading don't read it. Some folks like to post deliberately inflammatory views just to start a p1ssing contest, that is their perogative amd if you don't like the way the thread is going just bow out.

So what are the things about Thailand that you don't like?

In my honest opinion, if you guys were to list the things you dislike about Thailand, it is more likely that your complaints are with yourself and your own short comings than they are with the country itself.

And like I said before, why bother complaining regardless?

You didn't answer the question so I'll ask a few more to probe your limitless "happiness".

Are you happy that around 2 people an hour die needlessly in RTA's?

Are you happy that billions of Baht are siphoned off infrastructure projects to line the pockets of the fat cats?

Are you happy that over 3000 people died in extrajudicial killings on the whim of one person?

Are you happy that the violence in the south continues to spiral out of control due to government ineptitude?

I don't see these as complaints with myself but maybe you do.

Okay, maybe there is nowt we can do about these problems but we don't have to be happy with them. Thailand is a great place, maybe the best place on Earth for some and maybe merely the best they can afford, but it IS NOT perfect.

Why bother complaining regardless? Well that maybe a good question but taken to the limit would take us back to the middle ages. It was only because people complained that anything got improved. For sure this forum on it's own aint gonna change Thailand but who knows maybe one day it just might provide the spark needed to start the fire.

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What’s wrong with wearing a yellow shirt on Monday? I personally don’t but I don’t look down on people that do. Shouldn’t people be allowed to show their appreciation for the King and what has it got to do with how people percieve Thailands problems anyway? Or pehaps it was just a snide remark.

I don't think there is anything wrong with showing your respect to HM the King. But some folks here on TV set themselves up as self appointed judges of good taste. These people see any farang indulging in a predominantly Thai exercise as some kind of ingratiating wierdo. So a farang wearing a yellow shirt on a Monday is somehow degrading the concept of the act of respect. I would agree with them in the case of a bar hopping lager lout in Pattaya but find it strange that these "taste judges" consider themselves and others in the same light.

Sorry :o

There is a degree of rose tinted spectacle syndrome here on TV and in Thailand in general, no more nor less than with any country in the world and this thread has served it purpose of generating discord.

Congratulations sir :D

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Hi Phil Harris,

I believe that there is an almost endless number of things wrong with the world but many of the biggest atrocities are committed outside of Thailand. As you say, Thailand isn't perfect and nowhere else is either.

I personally believe that the biggest positive impact anyone can have is trying to make themselves and those around them 'happy'.

Where I come from they have a saying; if everyone concentrated on keeping their own doorstep shit-free the world would be a much better place.

I for one didn't come to Thailand to become involved in its politics or changing its traditions.

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I can deal with the yellow shirts, they're cheap after all and in vogue. I stopped wearing them because of political beliefs, but honestly I think they're fine.

I think it's great when foreigners integrate.. it's their adopted country after all. Wouldn't you like to see foreign migrants into your country of origin do the same?

I rest my case. :o

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I personally believe that the biggest positive impact anyone can have is trying to make themselves and those around them 'happy'.

If that is indeed the case, why do you cause so much discord on this and other threads?

Sorry Emperor Tud, but you will need to provide me with more information here.

Are you discussing the thread from a few days back called, Do you have a Thai wife or Girlfriend?

The one where you felt that my inabilty to see prostitutes everywhere was a sign of my lack of intelligence.


Is that the one?

If not I would be very happy if you could provide examples to substantiate your claim.

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I personally believe that the biggest positive impact anyone can have is trying to make themselves and those around them 'happy'.

If that is indeed the case, why do you cause so much discord on this and other threads?

Sorry Emperor Tud, but you will need to provide me with more information here.

Are you discussing the thread from a few days back called, Do you have a Thai wife or Girlfriend?

The one where you felt that my inabilty to see prostitutes everywhere was a sign of my lack of intelligence.


Is that the one?

If not I would be very happy if you could provide examples to substantiate your claim.

I was talking about your inability to let things lie on this thread, however your dredging up of that old topic merely confirms what I was getting at and that is your continued persistence to engage in pointless and inane bickering.

Your total inability to comprehend my point on that other thread followed by your swift descent into personal insults leads me to believe I am 100% correct in my assessment of you, on both threads.

You cannot let it lie and you will not allow other people to express their opinions, when they conflict with yours.

You also need to learn to read and understand what other people write properly, before launching into a tirade against them, as it makes you appear foolish and ill-equipped to engage in debate, case in point on the other thread.

Mr Tud, it was you who mentioned that I had soon dischord on this and other threads.

You are the one who brought up the other threads not me. If you read it you will see that I never once decended into personal insults but instead merely questioned your ability to to judge my intelligence. I avoid personal insults as it is not my style.

I must admit finding your style very amusing.

You accuse me of throwing around insults and yet again all you decend to calling me foolish.

You certainly seem to have some type of hang-up in regards to this?

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Well, it looks like this has turned into a slanging match between garro and emperor_tud.

I am wondering if it is worth it to resurrect this thread by deleting all the personal stuff or just close it and get it over with.

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Well, it looks like this has turned into a slanging match between garro and emperor_tud.

I am wondering if it is worth it to resurrect this thread by deleting all the personal stuff or just close it and get it over with.

Sorry, but I didn't see this before posting.

I am quite prepared to go back on topic.

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This is now my third and last warning for this thread.

1) Keep it on topic ie "the expat rose coloured glasses brigade

2) Abstain - not refrain - abstain from making personal attacks or references to other posters stated or perceived personality deficiencies

3) Keep it on topic - bears repeating

I and other moderators are keeping a close watch on this thread. Anyone who crosses the line on any of the rules of Thai Visa will reap the consequences of their act.

If you are unsure of the rules I have added the link Froum Rules

Crow Boy


Thai Visa

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What’s wrong with wearing a yellow shirt on Monday? I personally don’t but I don’t look down on people that do. Shouldn’t people be allowed to show their appreciation for the King and what has it got to do with how people percieve Thailands problems anyway?

I used to see nothing wrong with a farang wearing a yellow shirt on Monday until I noticed that the farangs that did (that I saw) were the worst weirdos and creeps around. I am unattractive enough without the further stigma of being a member of the yellow shirts, so I decided to leave well enough alone and stick to other colors. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Thai people dont call the king by his name Bumibol (this is considered very rude to do in Thai), they will use his full royal title which most farangs dont even know exists (seems that you are one). Or in conversation people will say "nai luang".

Edited by madjbs
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To the forigners dressed yellow every monday with newly bought buddahcrap around their neck and arms filled with white yarn from the lates tempel visit witch they have to do every month for good luck: Grow up, your patetic, nobody is impressed not even Thais, you are making a fool out of yourselves!

In my opinion your making a fool out of yourself with this kind of attitute and judgment of people you dont even know.

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It probably is fairly true on the whole but I have happened to meet some nice guys that according to him are making a fool out of themselves. Seems a little foolish to me for someone to write these kind of generalizations where thousands of people can read them.

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Yes, you're right, and it's impossible on this forum to separate the idiot sheep-like farangs from the well-intentioned and informed ones. I met a guy on a flight out of BKK on Thai airways with a custom made yellow shirt he was wearing on a Monday flight. (He was too large for any ready-made shirt to fit). I asked him why he wore a yellow shirt on Monday, simply curious.

His response: I'm trying to get an upgrade into business class and figure this might do it.

We were seated in business class. I paid for my ticket. I'm not sure about him. :o

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My main gripe with Thailand is all the whinging farang. Wherever more than one is pressent, the whinging starts immediately.

Boohoooo, I was scammed for 10 baht by a baht bus driver

boohoooo, the thais drive like idiots

Boohoooo, I saw an old fat farang with a young girl and she was obviously a hooker blah blah ad neuseum)

Boohoooo, farang men are only interested in young thai girls

Boohoooo, the women back home in farangland are all fat and wants to take all my money

Boohoooo, the currency in my country is down against the baht

Boohoooo, I saw a farang wearing a yellow t-shirt

Boohoooo, they charges 110 baht for the beer in "X" bar, whhile in "Z" bar the same beer os inly 90 baht

Boohoooo, Thailand has rampant corruption (for you I got some shocking news: Its a third world country, what did you expect!?)

Boohoooo, situation in the south..blah blah

Boohoooo, whaaaaaaa, :D

Me I preffer to get on with my life. Unfortunately this forum remain one of the few places one can find some info that makes life her a bit easier. But you have to dig deep to find the pearls ammong in the pile of manure. But thats just another aspect of Thailand, so I just have to deal with it. :D

I really like it here. I like Thai people, and I absilutely love to wake up next to my beutiful, fun, and lovely wife. So that ends MY whingting session. Have a good night :o

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Comparing wearing a yellow t-shirt on Monday to wearing jetukram necklaces seems pretty silly. I wear the yellow shirt probably 25% of the time because its either dirty or i forget. I don't see it as being any different than stopping in public when the National Anthem comes on at 6:00 PM. Its a symbol of respect for the Thais and their country.

I don't know why it gets you bent out of shape.

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Despite repeated warnings it appears that you are incapable of keeping this topic on thread.

In addition despite it being clearly against the rules - references have been made to HRH.

Consequently I am closing this thread

Crow Boy

Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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