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"the Expat Rose Colored Glasses Brigade"


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re: totally gratuitous, unwarranted and out of line attack on garro:

We now have yet another poster who's chosen to miss the point. You are judged to be left wanting of clear analysis, or just plain nasty, or both. I shant refer to this person, but merely say that:

garro is now a happy man, he has found his path - you missed that subtly by a country mile;

a happy man doesn't 'cry' about anything by, perhaps I need to say it....definition. Now that's food for thought eh, wadya reckon;

a happy man, or any man, may well relate a now-historical story, impartially, calmly, without self-pity, merely as a now-distant clear-eyed look at 'the person I once was', the person 'I no longer am', as if, in fact, he is talking about someone else;

A person who wilfully decries, laughs at, makes fun of a once-flawed person who has gained the insight and inner strength to change his life is a person whose demons are yet to be faced. People in glass houses, inter alia. (It means 'amongst other things').

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A person who wilfully decries, laughs at, makes fun of a once-flawed person who has gained the insight and inner strength to change his life is a person whose demons are yet to be faced. People in glass houses, inter alia. (It means 'amongst other things').
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Late now. About bedtime. Trudged thru the first 3 pgs of the thread, and then skipped ahead to this last one here...so far.... and yeah, it's all a little redundant and neither here nor there. But again, 11 pgs!! and so much acrimony n bile being tossed about. Oh lordy! Makes it very clear the wisdom of an old Thai saying "Better, not think too mut."

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I always thought you WERE a moderator Kat. :D

Nope, been here a long time and never been asked, Neeranam, but I don't mind saying I suspect some Mods were made mods after tumbling with me :D

Actually I've never been asked either - strange, eh?

Do you think that one has to apply? :o

Edited by Neeranam
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Implying that you, MW, feel no connection to anyone/thing outside yourself? External suffering doesn't register with you? "I'm alright Jack" sort of thing? Is that all there is for you, your own universe?

I can see how you could draw that implication, so I'll explain.

As someone else pointed out, we all perceive our surroundings (for all intents and purposes, our worlds, and in that, our universe) through our own set of coloured glasses, be they coloured rosily or darkly as the two extremes. If we do that and insist that our point of view is the only correct one, then we do live completely in our own universe, being unable to accept or see that the 'truth' expounded by someone else living in their own individual universe might be equally as valid to them as our truth is to us.

Once we are able to accept that others' truths are equally valid, that there is no right and wrong way of looking at things, and that all our individual universes are...I don't know the word here - being self-contained within the whole, intrinsically different but ultimately in and of the same substance, inherently indistinguishable at a fundamental level - then we have our connection with others. The less important our own universe (or the more weak our ego-boundary) becomes, the less separate we are and feel.

As for where I am, well mostly I am still in my own universe but occasionally pass through to the other way of being where everything is clear of personal expectations, prejudices and other emotional junk, and it's all rather perfect. I try to visit there as often as I can, but I have a long way to go before I can honestly say I have left my own universe behind me.

I wouldn't consider, even for a moment, that you are merely quoting someone, from a song lyric perhaps, as I am not an inherently unkind person.

The rest just reads like you've made your own interpretation of something and gone off on one.

If you want to talk about the above, I'm happy to. But I can't see any benefit to following up anything else you've said here.

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I always thought you WERE a moderator Kat. :D

Nope, been here a long time and never been asked, Neeranam, but I don't mind saying I suspect some Mods were made mods after tumbling with me :D

Actually I've never been asked either - strange, eh?

Do you think that one has to apply? :o

ah, well, there you go Neeranam. Some people are much better as muckrakers than muckshovels. Regardless, handle the muck with pride.

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re: totally gratuitous, unwarranted and out of line attack on garro:

We now have yet another poster who's chosen to miss the point. You are judged to be left wanting of clear analysis, or just plain nasty, or both. I shant refer to this person, but merely say that:

garro is now a happy man, he has found his path - you missed that subtly by a country mile;

a happy man doesn't 'cry' about anything by, perhaps I need to say it....definition. Now that's food for thought eh, wadya reckon;

a happy man, or any man, may well relate a now-historical story, impartially, calmly, without self-pity, merely as a now-distant clear-eyed look at 'the person I once was', the person 'I no longer am', as if, in fact, he is talking about someone else;

A person who wilfully decries, laughs at, makes fun of a once-flawed person who has gained the insight and inner strength to change his life is a person whose demons are yet to be faced. People in glass houses, inter alia. (It means 'amongst other things').


You really don't get it do you?

There was no malicious intent.

Just attempting a reality check.

The truth often hurts... :o

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Late now. About bedtime. Trudged thru the first 3 pgs of the thread, and then skipped ahead to this last one here...so far.... and yeah, it's all a little redundant and neither here nor there. But again, 11 pgs!! and so much acrimony n bile being tossed about. Oh lordy! Makes it very clear the wisdom of an old Thai saying "Better, not think too mut."


"Even though the ostrich buries it's head, the lion still comes"... :o

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re: totally gratuitous, unwarranted and out of line attack on garro:

We now have yet another poster who's chosen to miss the point. You are judged to be left wanting of clear analysis, or just plain nasty, or both. I shant refer to this person, but merely say that:

garro is now a happy man, he has found his path - you missed that subtly by a country mile;

a happy man doesn't 'cry' about anything by, perhaps I need to say it....definition. Now that's food for thought eh, wadya reckon;

a happy man, or any man, may well relate a now-historical story, impartially, calmly, without self-pity, merely as a now-distant clear-eyed look at 'the person I once was', the person 'I no longer am', as if, in fact, he is talking about someone else;

A person who wilfully decries, laughs at, makes fun of a once-flawed person who has gained the insight and inner strength to change his life is a person whose demons are yet to be faced. People in glass houses, inter alia. (It means 'amongst other things').


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Despite the anymosity of many replies in this thread, and despite some rather dull arguments, it was worth reading though if only for the term 'Yellow Shirts' - wonderful, truely wonderful.

soon to be pink shirts! and i wonder what colour will follow that :o

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Hey don't go changing the colour, I think 'Yellow Shirt' is right on the nail. And when I had a look back at the post you where referring to I think you are being pretty lenient.

There are far too many people telling others what they are allowed to think and where they have the right to live.

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Despite the anymosity of many replies in this thread, and despite some rather dull arguments, it was worth reading though if only for the term 'Yellow Shirts' - wonderful, truely wonderful.

soon to be pink shirts! and i wonder what colour will follow that :o

Whatever it is, it'll be another lemming-like massive rush to adopt by the Thais.

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Despite the anymosity of many replies in this thread, and despite some rather dull arguments, it was worth reading though if only for the term 'Yellow Shirts' - wonderful, truely wonderful.

soon to be pink shirts! and i wonder what colour will follow that :o


Let's hope never "Brown Shirts"... :D

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I always thought you WERE a moderator Kat. :D

Nope, been here a long time and never been asked, Neeranam, but I don't mind saying I suspect some Mods were made mods after tumbling with me :D

Actually I've never been asked either - strange, eh?

Do you think that one has to apply? :o

ah, well, there you go Neeranam. Some people are much better as muckrakers than muckshovels. Regardless, handle the muck with pride.

And with the amount of posts that both of you have accumulated do you really need reminding of "it is against the rules to discuss moderation or moderators" in the forum. And I am guessing that you both realise it is off topic as well? Hmmm



Mod Team


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Ok last call to get this thread back on topic - which is "the expat rose coloured glasses brigade"

It is not on topic to discuss the colour of shirts even if they are rose

It is definitely not acceptable to post disparaging remarks about each others perceived or actual faults. This is s forum not a food fight.

And lastly for those who forget these things - discussions about moderation, moderators past, present or potential is not allowed in the forum.



Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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Despite the anymosity of many replies in this thread, and despite some rather dull arguments, it was worth reading though if only for the term 'Yellow Shirts' - wonderful, truely wonderful.

Total agreement about the term, GH.

I always thought you WERE a moderator Kat. :D

Nope, been here a long time and never been asked, Neeranam, but I don't mind saying I suspect some Mods were made mods after tumbling with me :D

Actually I've never been asked either - strange, eh?

Do you think that one has to apply? :o

ah, well, there you go Neeranam. Some people are much better as muckrakers than muckshovels. Regardless, handle the muck with pride.

And with the amount of posts that both of you have accumulated do you really need reminding of "it is against the rules to discuss moderation or moderators" in the forum. And I am guessing that you both realise it is off topic as well? Hmmm



Mod Team


Yeah, it was a little self-indulgent, CB. Sorry about that, but just needed reassurance that you are near :D

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Ok last call to get this thread back on topic - which is "the expat rose coloured glasses brigade"

It is not on topic to discuss the colour of shirts even if they are rose

It is definitely not acceptable to post disparaging remarks about each others perceived or actual faults. This is s forum not a food fight.

And lastly for those who forget these things - discussions about moderation, moderators past, present or potential is not allowed in the forum.



Moderating Team

Thai Visa

:o Over and out, CB. Our posts crossed, which is why they appear after your warning.

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Despite the anymosity of many replies in this thread, and despite some rather dull arguments, it was worth reading though if only for the term 'Yellow Shirts' - wonderful, truely wonderful.

Total agreement about the term, GH.

I always thought you WERE a moderator Kat. :D

Nope, been here a long time and never been asked, Neeranam, but I don't mind saying I suspect some Mods were made mods after tumbling with me :D

Actually I've never been asked either - strange, eh?

Do you think that one has to apply? :o

ah, well, there you go Neeranam. Some people are much better as muckrakers than muckshovels. Regardless, handle the muck with pride.

And with the amount of posts that both of you have accumulated do you really need reminding of "it is against the rules to discuss moderation or moderators" in the forum. And I am guessing that you both realise it is off topic as well? Hmmm



Mod Team


Yeah, it was a little self-indulgent, CB. Sorry about that, but just needed reassurance that you are near :D


So after all this back and forth I do believe the "Rose Colored Glasses Brigade" is alive, in a manner of speaking and not so well,as could be hoped for anyway.

Can't play anymore right now.

Got to go home...

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Ok last call to get this thread back on topic - which is "the expat rose coloured glasses brigade"

It is not on topic to discuss the colour of shirts even if they are rose

It is definitely not acceptable to post disparaging remarks about each others perceived or actual faults. This is s forum not a food fight.

And lastly for those who forget these things - discussions about moderation, moderators past, present or potential is not allowed in the forum.



Moderating Team

Thai Visa


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Despite the anymosity of many replies in this thread, and despite some rather dull arguments, it was worth reading though if only for the term 'Yellow Shirts' - wonderful, truely wonderful.

Total agreement about the term, GH.

I always thought you WERE a moderator Kat. :D

Nope, been here a long time and never been asked, Neeranam, but I don't mind saying I suspect some Mods were made mods after tumbling with me :D

Actually I've never been asked either - strange, eh?

Do you think that one has to apply? :o

ah, well, there you go Neeranam. Some people are much better as muckrakers than muckshovels. Regardless, handle the muck with pride.

And with the amount of posts that both of you have accumulated do you really need reminding of "it is against the rules to discuss moderation or moderators" in the forum. And I am guessing that you both realise it is off topic as well? Hmmm



Mod Team


Yeah, it was a little self-indulgent, CB. Sorry about that, but just needed reassurance that you are near :D


So after all this back and forth I do believe the "Rose Colored Glasses Brigade" is alive, in a manner of speaking and not so well,as could be hoped for anyway.

Can't play anymore right now.

Got to go home...

uhm, I don't quite understand your cryptic remark, but no need anyway.


Edited by kat
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Uhm, buddy, only 12 YEAR OLDS post in all caps, it is considered shouting or we immediately assume you are mentally retarded. Which is it? If you are in fact "special" then I apologise but perhaps the special ed center you are posting from should put limits on letting it's students post on forums from the facility's computer room... best stick to the educational games like "click the monkey" ok lil buddy?


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I mentioned something that occured in my life in an attempt to demonstrate the value of remaining positive no matter where we are.

Did you feel positive about actually being in the gutter? Or did your positivity enable you to extricate yourself from an intolerable situation and put that part of your life behind you?

Yes I did feel positive about this.

It is very liberating realising that I could handle something that others live in fear of.

When I hit the gutter I realised that this was as bad as it gets and the only way is to stay down or go up.

It allowed me to see that I had become a bit of a scumbag.

There was no denying it.

There are plenty of people out there who are scumbags but don't see it; some even appear succesful.

I feel no shame about things in my life but instead feel proud.

I learnt valuable lessons.

That's all I can say on the subject really.

I don't want further accusations of looking for sympathy or playing the martyr.

There will always be people looking for the hateful and spiteful in every post.

I have never seen myself as a victim as I have been fully responsible for everything that occured in mt life.

I was fully deserving of all the good and the bad.

Luckily for me the good has far outweighed the bad :o

The old shaggy dog story...i think it was pointless to mention your hard luck story, the people i look up to are the ones who don't get themselves in that position in the first place, did'nt get my hanky out.

Oh my goodness tiger50,

I didn't post this in order for you to look up to me.

Why would I need you to respect me?

I don't know you.

When I posted this story I was well aware that it could be used by people here in order to attack me.

I didn't care. I have no guilty secrets and I have nothing to feel ashamed about.

I try to be open with people because I value honesty.

My frankness can cause people to feel uncomfortable but that is often more to do with them than me.

I don't post on this forum in order to gain my sense of self-worth.

As I already mentioned the point of using this story was to provide an example of how being positive can make life better.

I feel that this is very important to make life better here in Thailand.

I also like to be open about my life because it makes it easier for people to approach me if they want help with something.

I am no saint but I benefit greatly from helping others who have also got there life into a pickle.

So again tiger 50, I am glad that you felt no need to get a hanky out because it wasn't that type of story.

My story has obviously riled you in some way but I am powerless over your feelings.

Now yourself Pepe and others can feel free to fire insults at me.

I don't care. I will continue to defend my position that being positive means you can be happy almost anywhere.

I will also continue to state my position that starting a thread with the aim of sowing discord is not a nice thing to do.

Unfortunately I won't be able to reply to all the insults as I also have a life to lead and this forum is taking up far too much of my time already.

Paul Garrigan

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I mentioned something that occured in my life in an attempt to demonstrate the value of remaining positive no matter where we are.

Did you feel positive about actually being in the gutter? Or did your positivity enable you to extricate yourself from an intolerable situation and put that part of your life behind you?

Yes I did feel positive about this.

It is very liberating realising that I could handle something that others live in fear of.

When I hit the gutter I realised that this was as bad as it gets and the only way is to stay down or go up.

It allowed me to see that I had become a bit of a scumbag.

There was no denying it.

There are plenty of people out there who are scumbags but don't see it; some even appear succesful.

I feel no shame about things in my life but instead feel proud.

I learnt valuable lessons.

That's all I can say on the subject really.

I don't want further accusations of looking for sympathy or playing the martyr.

There will always be people looking for the hateful and spiteful in every post.

I have never seen myself as a victim as I have been fully responsible for everything that occured in mt life.

I was fully deserving of all the good and the bad.

Luckily for me the good has far outweighed the bad :D

The old shaggy dog story...i think it was pointless to mention your hard luck story, the people i look up to are the ones who don't get themselves in that position in the first place, did'nt get my hanky out.

Oh my goodness tiger50,

I didn't post this in order for you to look up to me.

Why would I need you to respect me?

I don't know you.

When I posted this story I was well aware that it could be used by people here in order to attack me.

I didn't care. I have no guilty secrets and I have nothing to feel ashamed about.

I try to be open with people because I value honesty.

My frankness can cause people to feel uncomfortable but that is often more to do with them than me.

I don't post on this forum in order to gain my sense of self-worth.

As I already mentioned the point of using this story was to provide an example of how being positive can make life better.

I feel that this is very important to make life better here in Thailand.

I also like to be open about my life because it makes it easier for people to approach me if they want help with something.

I am no saint but I benefit greatly from helping others who have also got there life into a pickle.

So again tiger 50, I am glad that you felt no need to get a hanky out because it wasn't that type of story.

My story has obviously riled you in some way but I am powerless over your feelings.

Now yourself Pepe and others can feel free to fire insults at me.

I don't care. I will continue to defend my position that being positive means you can be happy almost anywhere.

I will also continue to state my position that starting a thread with the aim of sowing discord is not a nice thing to do.

Unfortunately I won't be able to reply to all the insults as I also have a life to lead and this forum is taking up far too much of my time already.

Paul Garrigan


You never did and can't give the examples of negativity and insults is was alegedly slinging, they don't exist.

My comments and thoughts were serious. And you are obviously, not, thinking clearly

It's sad.. But however you prove my point again.

How about a joke my patient just told me.

Three nuns die in a car wreck.

At the pearly gates St Peter says we have a special deal for you today because you've been so chaste and pure all your lives.

You get to go back and f-ck any man you want.

1st nun; I want to f-ck Brad Pitt

St Peter; Excellent

2nd nun; I want to f-ck Tom Cruise.

St Peter; Fantastic enjoy!

3rd nun; I want to f-ck Dr Pepe'

St Peter; I'm sorry I never heard of Dr Pepe'. Why did you choose him?

3rd nun; Well before our accident I was doing volunteer work with lots of very sick people at the hospital.

Whenever Dr Pepe's name came up everyone always said, "F-CK DR PEPE'! "... :D:o:D

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