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Global Warming Do You Care?


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Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.

People tend to care more when they are at home but forget any or all the thoughts of global warming when they hit the holiday route. It's right to consume without a limit when you're on a holiday. And thailand atracts more than 10 million holiday cruisers every year.

Some doubt the existense of God yet so many believe even without factual proof. It truly is your choice to either believe or not.

Some doubt the growing problems global warming is causing yet there's factual scientific proof. Unfortunately this will be the problem for the generation Y and forward.

Usully when you leave restaurant table after you've had a nice meal on it, you pay your bill. This time you're leaving the bill for your young kid (if you have one) in a toilet when you make your run for free meal. You don't want or care to see if your kid can actually pay it.

Everyone can surely effect by taking attitude that it is happening. Acts will happen based on individual opinions that cause masses to pressure governments. In the mean while everyone can look in the mirror and see if they are okay with how much they consume. This is not about game; "Well' they were right after all..."

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I came to Thailand to live about 16 months ago, some evenings we would go to the local BBQ pub, on leaving the house, the mrs would leave TV on and some lights, she said to make others believe the house was ocupied,,, I can tell you all this changed very quickly, I retired early and im not about to throw money away like this, Thai people have the abbilty to turn on a light [eg] but not turn it off, now in our new house/beauty salon, i walk round checking lights/appliances/tv/radio that all is switched off if not needed, a TV on stand-by will use 50% of power, so yes, i do care about global warming and the extra money ive saved by turning things off!!!

And i do believe im the first one to mention saving money by turning electric things off!!

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Thai people have the abbilty to turn on a light [eg] but not turn it off, now in our new house/beauty salon, i walk round checking lights/

And i do believe im the first one to mention saving money by turning electric things off!!

TV, DVD, Computer, Playing machines, Phone charger, fan - Switch off - all together!...

You don't necessary save that way on lights. Swithcing back and forth uses more electricity than saves. If you are away for an hour or two, its all the same if you leave lamp/few lamps on. Tested personally and elec. bill was actually in my case 1/7th less withouth constant toilet, kitchen lamp, livingroom on/off show.

If u got a fader, don't need to make it brightest. The longer lamp needs to get lit up, the more power it generally uses - also these regular ones can only take so many swith on-offs before burning up.

Fluoride light bulbs are the best on a long run but cost a bundle. They last much longer and save your electricity bill by a lot if you got lots of use.

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You ain't heard? Global warming is an invention of the left wing media, to further their envionmental agenda & make us all ride bicycles. Seriously, what goes on in Thailand is a drop in the bucket in the impact of worldwide global warming. China, India, USA & Europe might make some impact, if they devoted significant attention to cutting back emissions and curbing population growth. I think the probability of such happining is slim. I have made my contribution by driving a motorcycle & having no children. Any wishing to follow suit with me? The line forms on the left.

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he says he pays money to "plant trees" to offset things like his private jet. At least he is setting an example to show that if we must use energy, we can take financial and moral responsibility and voluntarily pay for the theoretical impact of our usage.

The message this brings to the average and not-so-average consumer and jet-setter is that every bit of responsibility and effort helps to reduce energy use for the greater good.

It's like reading the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

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You ain't heard? Global warming is an invention of the left wing media, to further their envionmental agenda & make us all ride bicycles. Seriously, what goes on in Thailand is a drop in the bucket in the impact of worldwide global warming. China, India, USA & Europe might make some impact, if they devoted significant attention to cutting back emissions and curbing population growth. I think the probability of such happining is slim. I have made my contribution by driving a motorcycle & having no children. Any wishing to follow suit with me? The line forms on the left.

You seem like a well-informed fellow. NOT! Like most sceptics or outright deniers, there's this love of pushing the blame onto something or someone else, whether another country (just look at China/India/etc!), another political ideology (the lefties, liberals, etc) or another issue (over-population, "other" pollution, etc); anything rather than accepting one iota of personal responsibility for the dire and critical situation that exists today with regards to global warming.

As I provided in a link earlier, even Gordon Brown (hardly the most radical or easily intellectually swayed of characters) seems now to be convinced that we may be standing on the cusp of runaway global warming from manmade greenhouse gas emissions, unless governments and individuals take strong and immediate action to reduce emissions of CO2 and the other contributory greenhouse gases.

Having no children (more draconian measure than most would recommend!) and driving a motorbike certainly helps reduce your own contributions, but it's certainly not the B-all and End-all of avoiding impending climate disaster for countless millions in wealthy and poor countries alike. A carbon footprint calculation takes into account many variables related to consumption, and allows anyone, anywhere to see their relative contribution to CO2 emissions. :o

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You ain't heard? Global warming is an invention of the left wing media, to further their envionmental agenda & make us all ride bicycles. Seriously, what goes on in Thailand is a drop in the bucket in the impact of worldwide global warming. China, India, USA & Europe might make some impact, if they devoted significant attention to cutting back emissions and curbing population growth. I think the probability of such happining is slim. I have made my contribution by driving a motorcycle & having no children. Any wishing to follow suit with me? The line forms on the left.

You seem like a well-informed fellow. NOT! Like most sceptics or outright deniers, there's this love of pushing the blame onto something or someone else, whether another country (just look at China/India/etc!), another political ideology (the lefties, liberals, etc) or another issue (over-population, "other" pollution, etc); anything rather than accepting one iota of personal responsibility for the dire and critical situation that exists today with regards to global warming.

As I provided in a link earlier, even Gordon Brown (hardly the most radical or easily intellectually swayed of characters) seems now to be convinced that we may be standing on the cusp of runaway global warming from manmade greenhouse gas emissions, unless governments and individuals take strong and immediate action to reduce emissions of CO2 and the other contributory greenhouse gases.

Having no children (more draconian measure than most would recommend!) and driving a motorbike certainly helps reduce your own contributions, but it's certainly not the B-all and End-all of avoiding impending climate disaster for countless millions in wealthy and poor countries alike. A carbon footprint calculation takes into account many variables related to consumption, and allows anyone, anywhere to see their relative contribution to CO2 emissions. :o

I'm certainly one of the greener people I know, but hogwash is just hogwash. You gotta call them as you see them.

Pollution is one of the pressing issues in the world. It's something man can get a handle on, but not global warming.

As far as the honorable PM, as stated in a previous post the amount of excess taxes goes for the proping up of a social system. It's not a huge amount but'll pay a few layabouts monthly checks. You think he wants to take that cash outta the system? No I think he'd rather increase it, after all instead of saying it's for the children, he can say it's for our country and the world in generals health.

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The left-wing loonies are out in force on TV! Rant, rant, rant about this god you call global warming and how it's going to doom us all, what a bunch of garbage.

Why do you all believe the crap that you hear, think for yourselves!

The good ship TV is practically listing at 30 degrees to port with the nonsense we've been hearing.

Heres some right-wing attitude to put things on an even keel :D

So what if the planet gets heated up a bit. This planet we live on has shrugged off far worse things that a paltry temperature change (see meteorite impacts) and it's still going strong. If anything a bit of heat won't cause any major problems. The artic circle will retreat and mean that the North West Passage can be crossed without difficulty. The resource rich polar ice caps can be exploited and the hydrocarbons extracted. The Russians and Chinese can't wait for this to happen. The Brit companies can't wait either as the Falkland Islands will be our staging post to the big time gas and oil reserves in Antarctica. Roll on the temperature change thats what I say.

So what if the resources get tight, humankind has been adapting and inventing since the wheel and won't stop cause oil runs tight.

Some of the resource poor African nations nations will have it tight but unfortunately that's a sad fact of overpopulation and poor land quality.

Roll on the golden age :o

Edited by JimsKnight
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So what if the planet gets heated up a bit.

You ain't heard? Global warming is an invention of the left wing media..

  • Okay, lets make a bet (that how ignorant people do think)... What has been in a cycle after extreme heat (which we just put in rapid cycle. See 2 million years in 200 years.)?
  • Usually there's been Ice age. Scientists are still trying to figure out how currents will work when this mess moves on. SURE... None of us is there to see this microcosm Globe test. Because why should we give a @#$k.

But I thank this forum for giving me a million dol... eh.. Euros idea. Anyone interested can (look at the pic:) )... Lets burn the house down and rock while doing it!!

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The left-wing loonies are out in force on TV! Rant, rant, rant about this god you call global warming and how it's going to doom us all, what a bunch of garbage.

Why do you all believe the crap that you hear, think for yourselves!

The good ship TV is practically listing at 30 degrees to port with the nonsense we've been hearing.

Heres some right-wing attitude to put things on an even keel :D

So what if the planet gets heated up a bit. This planet we live on has shrugged off far worse things that a paltry temperature change (see meteorite impacts) and it's still going strong. If anything a bit of heat won't cause any major problems. The artic circle will retreat and mean that the North West Passage can be crossed without difficulty. The resource rich polar ice caps can be exploited and the hydrocarbons extracted. The Russians and Chinese can't wait for this to happen. The Brit companies can't wait either as the Falkland Islands will be our staging post to the big time gas and oil reserves in Antarctica. Roll on the temperature change thats what I say.

So what if the resources get tight, humankind has been adapting and inventing since the wheel and won't stop cause oil runs tight.

Some of the resource poor African nations nations will have it tight but unfortunately that's a sad fact of overpopulation and poor land quality.

Roll on the golden age :o

There is a word for that . greed !

Greed and power has made our civilisation in the stae it is in today !

A very nice world to live in isn't it.

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The left-wing loonies are out in force on TV! Rant, rant, rant about this god you call global warming and how it's going to doom us all, what a bunch of garbage.

Why do you all believe the crap that you hear, think for yourselves!

The good ship TV is practically listing at 30 degrees to port with the nonsense we've been hearing.

Heres some right-wing attitude to put things on an even keel :D

So what if the planet gets heated up a bit. This planet we live on has shrugged off far worse things that a paltry temperature change (see meteorite impacts) and it's still going strong. If anything a bit of heat won't cause any major problems. The artic circle will retreat and mean that the North West Passage can be crossed without difficulty. The resource rich polar ice caps can be exploited and the hydrocarbons extracted. The Russians and Chinese can't wait for this to happen. The Brit companies can't wait either as the Falkland Islands will be our staging post to the big time gas and oil reserves in Antarctica. Roll on the temperature change thats what I say.

So what if the resources get tight, humankind has been adapting and inventing since the wheel and won't stop cause oil runs tight.

Some of the resource poor African nations nations will have it tight but unfortunately that's a sad fact of overpopulation and poor land quality.

Roll on the golden age :o

There is a word for that . greed !

Greed and power has made our civilisation in the stae it is in today !

A very nice world to live in isn't it.

It's ok from where I'm sitting, but then I don't let this worry me, whatever happens happens.

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...land oil water - all te things that are linked with global warming



Ever the academic is our poor old wilko. :D

Do I detect a typo-nazi or just drop the typo bit?

Why the fuc_k do I bother replying to these gits??????/

Edited by wilko
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Well this post really did get more attention then originally thought it would, i only wrote it whilst ill in my hotel after listening to another piece of 100 percent propoganda from an institution that is known for its lies called the BBC.

I dont know if global warming exists or not, but all the information i receive these days from the LIBERAL MEDIA ie mainstream media (inc FOX, CNN, BCC, THE SUN, THE TIMES, FINANCIAL TIMES, ETC.. )says it does, they in my opinion are all singing from the same hymn sheet.

My point about wealth wasnt aimed at the top 1% of westerners as they are such a small proportion of society but us all who are in Thailand who are rich enough to travel hence are from the majority of average or above income westerners who cause most the alleged global warming.

As most of you who believe are on a pointless internet forum, i can only believe that you have no true interest in stopping this alleged warming, hence my initial thoughts are correct about hypocrites was correct.

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Like many, I'm skeptical about the anthropogenic contribution link....or at least whether it's significant enough to really make any difference in the big picture. However, I would certainly like to see cleaner alternative energy researched and methods of mass production pursued as opposed to oil if for no other reason than to relieve ourselves of the need to be beholden to volatile regions like the Middle East where we dont apparently have any other interests at stake.

Maybe the climate change people should market this whole concept to the public differently.

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<br />
so yes, i do care about global warming and the extra money ive saved by turning things off!!! <br />And i do believe im the first one to mention saving money by turning electric things off!!
<br />HALLELUJAH AMEN! <img src="style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="whistling.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

How many aircons did you say you had again Doc??? guffffffffawwwwwwwwwwwww

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If people were not such suckers, things would be way different. Think of taking suites off during summer time. Just going to work in shorts and t-shirts. How much this kind of simple move would save elec. contra today' normal actions. At the end game aircon at least doubles your electricity bill....

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What we need is an other Mount Minatubo blow up!

Global warmth degree of earth fell down average 1,5 celcius for almost 2 years. If there was intentionally made blow up of Minatubo or other volcano, we could get extended time. Unfortunately the ashes that were blown up came down and are heavily bad for your health. Still. If scientists came up with artifiscal blow up of an volcano, that would slow down earths warming... Now how is that for Thai forum suggestion top 10.

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<br />
so yes, i do care about global warming and the extra money ive saved by turning things off!!! <br />And i do believe im the first one to mention saving money by turning electric things off!!
<br />HALLELUJAH AMEN! <img src="style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="whistling.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

How many aircons did you say you had again Doc??? guffffffffawwwwwwwwwwwww

presently 15, soon 17. but i'm saving a lot of electricity by not charging my mobile phone and using my wife's. on top of that i help to slow down global warming by cooling down my home to an acceptable temperature and airing it every day :D

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for what it's worth. i truely admire people who want to make an impact on global warming by saving energy. i have also great respect for those who save on energy because it helps them to make ends meet. however, i don't admire people who spread scientific rubbish such as "a TV uses in stand-by mode 50% energy". once in a while i read even bigger nonsense, e.g. "TV stand-by = uses 90% of normal energy". i have a Samsung 67" which (according to the manufacturer) consumes 295 watts when used and 18 watts when on stand-by.


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greed - tends to occur when someone wants more than their "fair" share - i.e. USA

the sort of things fought over...land oil water - all te things that are linked with global warming - are you beginning to get the picture now?

What about stupidity. If the US was allowed to build and obtain the same % of electrical power from nuclear power plants as France does, it'd take 2,000,000,000 tons of carbon from the atmosphere. Unfortunately the enviormentalists both in the US and their enviormental international cohorts won't allow that to occur. Not one single fatality has ever occurred in the US from nuclear power. But thats not the point of enviormentalists, their point is political, their point is income redistribution, their point is socialism,as appears to be your point.

You speak of greed as if you have nothing and the US has taken it away from you. Capitalism is the form that occurs naturally in business transaction between people from the beginning of time. You have something I want and I'll trade it for something you want. People in the US work more hours, more days, then anyother western nation. You call it greed, we call it hard work. How many of those greedy corporations in the US are actually European companies. Shell BP Bayer etc

Goverments inflict socialism on the masses to increase power of goverment. People are willing to give freedom away for security.

Theres an excellent read on antiamericanism in wikipedia, it just might be something you were taught rather than experienced on your own.

In just a few years look at the pollution that'll be occurring in China and India. While the US even with a minimum of a 5% increase in population due to illegal migration, the largest mass migration in history, is deceasing its pollution, Europe as a whole, even with the Kyoto accord they've signed has had a slight increase in pollution. No one wants the world to end up with water and air unfit to use. You wanna stop more man made pollution that factories and autos produce? Stop the burning of farmland to clear it of old crops and brush. They don't burn in the US, but the air sure does get bad in SE Asia every year because of it.

What you continuely produce is an anti US diatribe, boring and decidedly redundant. You don't like the US thats fair, its your right, but I don't gotta like you or your country and thats also fair.

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