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What Would You Have Done ? Had A Drink !


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This happened to me last friday night, my wife my daughter and i went to the american rib company on Theppasit,.i backed into a space and just nudged a bike and it went over,. i got straight out and went for a look, it was literally a just off stationary touch, the bike was on its side, i picked it up, there were 3 girls stood there, one was the beer girl, it was her bike, we all had a look for damgae ,the usual, mirror,side of fairing etc, nothing, i asked the girl what she thought after i put it on the stand and she had a look ( along with the 2 waitresses ) and said mai pen lai, so in we go for a meal, the beer girl came to our table and asked me if i cared for a beer which i declined ( was that my mistake ? ) ,.anyway to cut a long story short we had the meal and went to leave, now at the bike was , the beer girl, the security ! parking attendant ( where was the tw@t when i backed in ? ) and some other thai big fella,seems he was from the garage next door,. now they wanted to show me an obvious old bit of damage and that was slide marks that looked like she had come off at speed and slid down the road, ive been in the motor trade all my life and this was a con for sure, . anyway, it now turns out she wants ( with the co assistance of the 2 thai males ) 4000 baht, i flatly refused, and said come to my bodyshop and ill repair it free even though i didnt do the damage,.she says she cant do that as she is busy and needs the bike for work, now i can see this would have got out of hand had i been on my own so i said to my wife offer her 1000baht and lets get out of here, and thats what we did,.now, im a fair guy and if i had run over that bike and wrote it off i would have bought her a new one no questions asked, but i dont like the p1ss taken out of me,. i was angry and feel i should mention it to the manager next time i go, she should have done any negotiations at the time it happened, this was not damage caused by me, what would you have done ?

Motor trade all your life and you still can't back up a car???????

If you have never had an accident in a car, you are a pedestrian, or a liar ! :o
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I understand your frustration but say here in europe you scratched my van while it was parked ......I could take you to the cleaners even if you barely touched it!.....allthough technically in thailand you should go through the proper insurance ......but i know it doesn't happen like that in practice!

'take you to the cleaners' - for a scratch. What planet are you on!

a sober one :o

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unfortuneate for you but this could also happen in europe so its "live and learn"

That is a load of crap. What could they threaten you with in Europe ? Bring on the police and they will say that the damage is old and they won't want to know. In fact, in the UK, if no-one is injured they don't want to know anyway. The threat of either the police or violence is what happened here and that is unlikely in Europe. Nah, :o you've missed the point.

I guess she had a momentary lapse and forgot it was low season for tourists which is high season for farang rip offs.

Bloody annoying to be sure, I would have called on the manager since the parking attendant was clearly not doing what he was paid to do when you first showed up. When they asked for 4000 baht say 'sure, if the "parking attendant" can come up with 2000 for his share of negligence.'

But since it is done, I would still let the management know that their staff are ripping people off and not doing their jobs... and stop dining there. Who knows, you may get comped for a meal or get your 1000 baht back ( I know, I know, when pigs fly but that's another thread).

This company advertises on TV and thus understands marketing. I would have asked their western management at the time saying that we looked before and agreed there was no damaqe. Whilst eating, she has obviously spoken about the incident and someone has convinced her that she can profit from the deal. I would tell them that their staff were extorting money from customers.

If the management were not there, I would probably have paid the Bt1000 anyway to avoid violence. I would stillgo back to the company and explain and get their take on it before doing all I could to screw their business up.

You did better than I would have.

I probably would've offered 2000.

And if she'd asked for Bt500,000 would you have offered Bt250,000 ?

Being serious though, why would you have offered Bt2000 ?

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A guy rammed his brand new truck from across the street right into our front shop, first time he took it out, had no licence. Along with 10 witnesses/employees, I wanted nothing of it, called the wife and they tried some childish story on her instead of admitting his fault of being the owner of a vehicle without a licence and no skills whatsoever to drive it or even take it out of his driveway to begin with, still confused with throttle and brake.

Ended up they kept pushing their bullsh!t story, still pretending his brother was driving. The insurance company went and checked his brother's punch card at the factory, BUSTEEED! :o

Brand new truck, a total wreck and years of payments to go.

Som nam na.

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Mikethevigoman, You did the right thing stopping to check there was no damage, but then I would have suggested giving her say 200B "Sorry money" and go elsewhere, certainly not hanged around, and if there was any damage let you insurance sort it out.


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There isn't much you can do, other than call the insurance company, which is maybe what I would have done, but do it right away. Otherwise, as in this case, it was a setup. Next time, drive away and park elsewhere.

About a year ago, I had a tuk-tuk hit me in the rear. My back bumper was on it's last leg and was hopelessly lose and ready to fall apart. It was badly rusted but from the underneath part where it is bolted to the frame. Along comes this (drunk, I might add) tuk-tuk driver and bam! He was followed almost instantly by a policeman who was standing on the side of the road. Police took the tuk-tuk driver's license gave it to me and called the insurance.

Now, everyone was in a little disbelief because the tuk-tuk had a very, very tiny dent, but that poor old bumper was curled up under the vehicle like I'd been rammed by a runaway cement truck. A lot of head scratching going on, but I got my new bumper courtesy of the tuk-tuk driver!

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This happened to me last friday night, my wife my daughter and i went to the american rib company on Theppasit,.i backed into a space and just nudged a bike and it went over,. i got straight out and went for a look, it was literally a just off stationary touch, the bike was on its side, i picked it up, there were 3 girls stood there, one was the beer girl, it was her bike, we all had a look for damgae ,the usual, mirror,side of fairing etc, nothing, i asked the girl what she thought after i put it on the stand and she had a look ( along with the 2 waitresses ) and said mai pen lai, so in we go for a meal, the beer girl came to our table and asked me if i cared for a beer which i declined ( was that my mistake ? ) ,.anyway to cut a long story short we had the meal and went to leave, now at the bike was , the beer girl, the security ! parking attendant ( where was the tw@t when i backed in ? ) and some other thai big fella,seems he was from the garage next door,. now they wanted to show me an obvious old bit of damage and that was slide marks that looked like she had come off at speed and slid down the road, ive been in the motor trade all my life and this was a con for sure, . anyway, it now turns out she wants ( with the co assistance of the 2 thai males ) 4000 baht, i flatly refused, and said come to my bodyshop and ill repair it free even though i didnt do the damage,.she says she cant do that as she is busy and needs the bike for work, now i can see this would have got out of hand had i been on my own so i said to my wife offer her 1000baht and lets get out of here, and thats what we did,.now, im a fair guy and if i had run over that bike and wrote it off i would have bought her a new one no questions asked, but i dont like the p1ss taken out of me,. i was angry and feel i should mention it to the manager next time i go, she should have done any negotiations at the time it happened, this was not damage caused by me, what would you have done ?

Motor trade all your life and you still can't back up a car???????

If you have never had an accident in a car, you are a pedestrian, or a liar ! :o

Never had one.....seen loads...never had one...... :D :D :D

in truth of course, they are not accidents - they are incidents

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You did better than I would have.

I probably would've offered 2000.

So would I, but my wife would have killed me later!

Yesterday I was in a Sawng Thaew with my wife, doing a U-ey on Sukhumvit, when a saloon does the same, but on a tighter radius, so gets his door scraped by the ST's fender.

Being the only farang in the area, I jumped out of our ST, hailed another and drove off, leaving the two drivers to work it out between themselves. Otherwise it would have been my pocket and my fault.

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My brakes were poor and I literally bumped a car in the back, no discernable marks on the injured vehicle but when the driver asked for B5,000 I refused and took it to the local police station, The driver then arrived in another vehicle badly damaged at the back but luckily the chief of police looked and saw that with my Roo bar on the front I could not have caused the same damage and told her to go away in short jerky movements. Mind you it did take a few baht for the boys in Brown at a local place later

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One thing a pal of mine told me to do some years ago, was always carry a cheap disposable camera in your car when driving. Small expense, very useful to get a snap of reality before the lies and threats take over. Now with el-cheapo digitals available even better.

Not sure in your exact circumstances it would have helped. But would have been useful if more damage suddenly appeared after your meal. The camera has certaily helped me in showing which side of the road some idiot was on after he hit me head on pissed and claimed to the MIB that it was me on the wrong side of the road.

That is an excellent idea I heard that years ago I must jog my memory and get one

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  • 1 month later...

im afraid i would have lost my rag especially as you were polite initially(i presume) at time of accident and she was happy no damage was done then so the only reason she tried it on was coz you are a farang....if you were thai then there would be no way they would try it on....so thats when i would have lost it and told her and and anyone who wants to stick up for her where to go.probably not the best thing to do but sometimes we gotta make a stand so maybe next time they wont rip the next farang off.im fed up with thais thinking they can get money for nothing,if you had damaged her bike then fair enough.

i would have laughed in her face and got my mrs to point out that this was obviously old damage.......if they had got shirty then tell them to call police and you could have got manager of place too but i think he would be on her side if thai unless he didnt particularly like her.....if the boss was a farang then asking for him may help as she dont want the sack over this i presume and you could explain better to another farang.its a load of hassle over nothing but police would only be on her side when some money in it for them and she aint got enough to have any clout so that leaves you in the driving seat...sticking to your guns then what can she do......aint a police matter anyway so they would be fed up her messing about.another way could have been to say to follow you to tourist police station to sort it out,im sure she wouldnt be bothered to do that and the people there egging her on aint gonna go there with her !!!

anyways various options there but i would as i said laughed and just left......her fellow thai helpers there im sure wouldnt have got overly involved(violent) as it would be obvious to them that its bullshit although they probably were after share of looty gained from you.if they would have got shirty then i would have gone into full on mode as i know they all try it on ,coz they think we are jai dee so lets take the piss,but if they really want to get violent over this rip off then bring it on....as im in the right then il take it all the way......knock em all out ,take the bike(just to teach a lesson in som nom na) and never go back there.any follow up from boys in blue then just do as they do......never seen them,the bike or been to that restaurant before....mistaken identity.lets go to court.....take about 2 yrs and they cant afford lawyer ....if you lost then small fine boo hoo.if at this stage it doesnt look good then contact high up police officer,few hundred quid...matter over.

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I think I would have offered to repair it at a place of my choice, offered her the money for motorbike taxi while it was in repair etc etc, just made it so complex and awkward that she would have reverted back to her original statement "never mind" I know I would not have handed over money.

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I think I would have offered to repair it at a place of my choice, offered her the money for motorbike taxi while it was in repair etc etc, just made it so complex and awkward that she would have reverted back to her original statement "never mind" I know I would not have handed over money.

...exactly! First off, take pictures (most mobile phones have cameras!). Offer to call the insurance guy. This scares most scammers away. In the meantime draw up a complex but unrefusable compensation scheme that is just too hard to understand and they will back out of it.

Don't be afraid of the police either! I had nothing but good stories to report about them in similar incidents, also in Pattaya!

After the first mai pen rai draw up a waiver on a piece of paper and let her sign it. Take pictures of her signing it. Even though this might not have any legal value, it will scare her away from scamming as she understands that you are not the average dumb-ass that can be taken to the cleaners!

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