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This would never happen in Thailand.

It's long been my contention that feminism (along with lawyers) have ruined Western countries such as the US, UK, Australia etc. Feminism (with the aid of lawyers) have all but destroyed the family with no fault divorce, child custody, child support, separating fathers from their children, etc. The list goes on and the pathologies arising from the resulting matriarchal societies are at crisis levels.

Here is the latest insistence by feminists in Germany - "German men are being shamed into urinating while sitting down by a gadget which is saving millions of women from cleaning up in the bathroom after them."

Standing while urinating has now been given a derogatory name in Germany - Stehpenkein. If a man urinates while standing he is considered a Stizpinker - a wimp by others, mostly women at this point, but who knows how far this will go.

Think this is only for the 'wimpy' Germans? Think again.

The manufacturers of the WC ghost, Patentwert, say they are ready to direct their gadgets at the British market, with voices warning men of pissin' while standing imitating Blair and the Queen.

Men should piss on these devices and all over the floor and the seat to boot.

Stehpenkein aka Piss On It While Standing

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On further investigation, this just isn't Germany:

"Young women in Sweden, Germany and Australia have a new cause: They want men to sit down while urinating. This demand comes partly from concerns about hygiene - avoiding the 'splash factor' - but ... more crucially because a man standing up to urinate is deemed to be triumphing in his masculinity, and by extension, degrading women.

"One argument is that if women can't do it, then men shouldn't either. Another is that standing upright while relieving oneself is 'a nasty macho gesture,' suggestive of male violence. A feminist group at Stockholm University is campaigning to ban all urinals from campus, and one Swedish elementary school has already removed them."

Splash Factor Spreads

Women can't pee while standing, and neither can they drive. So, should all men be made to drive like women? :o


You know, I actually heard a report once that said, "Believe it or not, Mens public bathrooms are actually cleaner than womens". I found this hard to believe but the report went on to say that samples were taken and more germs and bacteria were indeed found in womens restrooms. They thought it was probably because of women having to deal with monthly menstruation and that it spread a lot of germs. Go figure.


I have been told before on this forum that Im a dinosaur and the world will evolve and leave me behind - good!

I hope they start producing bigger toilets as some of the asses on these feminist woman are monstrous. :o

I cant wait for Yohan to get a hold of this thread :D


personally i love the convenience of standing while peeing, since it makes it quick...and i dont have to worry about possibly sitting on a dirty seat, worrying about cleaning it...etc.;.. if this becomes more popular, think of all the wasted money on paper seat covers and toilet paper...blah blah blah. When I pee, I make sure there is no splash factor. One of my pet peeves is the noise of pee going into the water in the toilet bowl (anyone else have this problem?).

Please though, don't put down feminism. Who's to say that men are always right. I for one know that I am wrong 99% of the time, but then again...that's my wife telling me that. :o

This would never happen in Thailand.

It's long been my contention that feminism (along with lawyers) have ruined Western countries such as the US, UK, Australia etc. Feminism (with the aid of lawyers) have all but destroyed the family with no fault divorce, child custody, child support, separating fathers from their children, etc. The list goes on and the pathologies arising from the resulting matriarchal societies are at crisis levels.

Here is the latest insistence by feminists in Germany - "German men are being shamed into urinating while sitting down by a gadget which is saving millions of women from cleaning up in the bathroom after them."

Standing while urinating has now been given a derogatory name in Germany - Stehpenkein. If a man urinates while standing he is considered a Stizpinker - a wimp by others, mostly women at this point, but who knows how far this will go.

Think this is only for the 'wimpy' Germans? Think again.

The manufacturers of the WC ghost, Patentwert, say they are ready to direct their gadgets at the British market, with voices warning men of pissin' while standing imitating Blair and the Queen.

Men should piss on these devices and all over the floor and the seat to boot.

Stehpenkein aka Piss On It While Standing

Thanks for the heads up.

Be selling all my urinal stock tonight.

Next its gonna be uisex restrooms.


Hahaha cant beleive I am posting here but u have to laugh.......if you pee sittin down in Australia youwill certainly be labelled a poofta !! Only freeaks pee sitting down.

Why ban urinals in toliets.....do women use mens toilets in Germany or what ? Waht a croc of <deleted>.

here in LOS one things that "pisses" me off is when I am trying to point percy at the porcelain when there are female cleaners in there pretending to clean.....they are really there to get an eyefull of the monster hanging from the farangs pants !! :o

How can we "ying gratdai" if we sit down ???? :D


If this is true, then I have to agree that many white western feminists have definitely lost the plot. There are way bigger problems in the world concerning women, children, labour laws, and human rights.

Shit, if I could pee anywhere standing up with minimum effort, I sure would defend my right to do so. Pissers everywhere Unite! Just clean up after yourselves and every little thing's gonna be alright.


In the States at least, I think women dog men about their bathroom habits, like terrible aim, etc., because they often forget to look to see if the seat is down before using..... :D

Speaking of toilets, when I first came here, I didn't believe it when I was told what the spritzer is for...I've come to definately prefer it over paper, but, at first, it was a bit tough to aim it so I didn't spray shit all over the walls, especially with some of those high-pressure ones... :D:o



This device sounds like just another novelty gimmick not to be taken seriously, what is more concerning however is that there are women out there taking this all so seriously.

Instead of bashing men for standing up whilst pissing as we have done since we stood on two feet, they should go to England and take a look around any town centre at about 2am and they will see lardy, giggly, swearing tarts trying to steady themselves as they squat in an alley trying to take a piss without falling over and drawing a lot of attention in the process by being very loud - should men do this also or should we continue to go quietly behind the Biffa bin down the side of John Menzies?

I think Kat has the right idea - more farang birds should be like her, and by that I mean (from what little I know) open minded without being a feminist, and a good laugh without being too unladylike.

As for them bumguns/spritzers whatever - in the home I've found they do save money on shitrag, though sustained usage can cause a kind of accidental colonic irrigation which in turn has caused me to sit down for a piss shortly after. :o

kat Posted on Fri 2004-08-20, 20:08:52

If this is true, then I have to agree that many white western feminists have definitely lost the plot. There are way bigger problems in the world concerning women, children, labour laws, and human rights.


I think, you are mixing up radical feminist demands with social activity or charity.

However these both terms do not have very much in common.

An important part of radical feminism is to demand *equality* between woman and man by pushing through strange (I would call it *ridiculous*) laws by using (I would call it *misusing*) the legal and educational system of a democratic country.

The removal of all urinals for men is such a result out of an university study, paid by public money.

Another university study is demanding to educate young boys from early childhood on, to sit in the restroom when urinating. This will boost the feeling of equality later on between woman and man.

I found the idea to grant men personal freedom by offering them diapers as interesting (so men are allowed to urinate standing, but only in secret....)

Radical feminists are aggressive groups of intelligent, strongly vocal, well organized man-hating women, who have some certain influence on educators, lawyers, or politicians....

I consider radical feminists as outsiders. The best is, to have nothing to do with such Euro-Trash-girls and their so-called 'studies'.

I am living in Japan and Thailand, why should I care about such poor men, who are pissing secretly into their diapers?


Yohan, I agree with you regarding your antipathy towards the feminazi regime (re: most modern western women).

In the west, there is a marriage strike. Falang women are the least marriageable women on this planet.

I'm saving my pennies to get to the east for good this time.

here in LOS one things that "pisses" me off is when I am trying to point percy at the porcelain when there are female cleaners in there pretending to clean.....they are really there to get an eyefull of the monster hanging from the farangs pants !!  :D

Bl00dy right! I stare these women out (before unzipping) and watch them slink off pretending to clean the loo door handles.

And I don't like sitting because often the water level is too high and my dangly bits sometimes dangle too far! You don't know what you're going to catch! :o


I love it when my Thai wife and I are in the shower together STANDING face to face and pissing all over each others' feet. It's just bubblicious!

And I don't like sitting because often the water level is too high and my dangly bits sometimes dangle too far! You don't know what you're going to catch! :o

Maybe you'll catch a Brown Trout? :D

Personally, I don't really care if the female cleaners do try and get a look it. HeII, so many girls have not only seen it, but have pulled on it, chewed it, waggled it, kissed it, stroked it, rubbed it, stuffed it into naughty places, pumped it, caressed it, milked it, nibbled it etc.

And I should be shy or worried about one female attendent getting a glimpse? :D

Sometimes I purposely let them have a good look as it get's them to smile while doing a smelly crappy job. :D


Shit, if I could pee anywhere standing up with minimum effort, I sure would defend my right to do so.  Pissers everywhere Unite!  Just clean up after yourselves and every little thing's gonna be alright.

Kat, I am here to save the day, women unite in their quest to pee standing!! :o



Thanks for the visuals Roo, but it only managed to gross me out even more. It looks so ###### clinical. I just don't get the whole "pee standing up protest". Ridicuously stupid in my view. I think some western women have way too much time and money on their hands.

"Can't believe my last post was completely ignored - that was my best this week by far! What's this forum coming to?" -Gentlemen Scamp

I heard you Scamp. Thanks for the compliment. It was very sweet of you, but I hate to burst your bubble - I do consider myself a feminist. But I think that means different things to different people. To some men on this forum, all modern western women or all women who call themselves feminists are one in the same. That's no different than saying all the men on this forum are <deleted> and washed up losers. For me, it just means that I acknowledge the women who came before me that broke down a lot of the barriers that changed the lives of many young women. It's sort of like, I consider myself a leftist, but that doesn't mean I'm voting for Ralph Nader in the upcoming American election.

I am definitely a modern western women, and all that it implies. I don't necessarily go and stomp around demanding the end to all urinals or current male piss habits. Most of the men that I end up sharing a toliet with are usually considerate anyway, so it hasn't been necessary.

But yeah, Scampie, if your implication was that I like men, yes I do. And men like me. As for those who don't, so be it. I've got more important things to think about than changing the minds of every male extremist on this forum.

Men can't have babies. Should we demand women stop getting pregnant?

They're just pissed off that they can't write their name in snow.


True, true, very true. But we can still piss off the side of bridges, which is infinitley much more fun IMHO :o


Women need a Whizzy.

Whizzy is a device that enables a woman to urinate from a standing position like a man. It is formed of heavy paper that slides virtually flat between your legs and opens to form a trough. Its unique and patented shape, angle and easy-grip handles make it very easy to use. It adjusts to each user's anatomy and stance. You stand naturally, with no bending or straddling necessary. It is reusable and disposable. It fits easily into purse, pocket or backpack. (A plastic, non-disposable model will be available soon.)



"It's a new way to stand by your man."

Susan S. California

"I can piss just like a man now! "

Iam Dyke, Montana

"Now I really can do everything a man can."

Wilman 'Butch' C. Kansas

Feminazis get yours here:



That joke was upstaged by the word 'Whizzy' which I am still sniggering at like an immature schoolboy.

Anyway, Kat - I did mean feminist in the sterotype/Millie Tant out of Viz comic type and I don't think you're one of those otherwise you wouldn't last long on here.

I did generalise the word 'feminist' but seeing as I don't know you I could hardly go into technicalities.

One question, if you ever saw a Whizzy for sale in Superdrug would you buy one and try it out? I bet you would, I would if I was a laydee. :o

Two guys were standing on a bridge takin' a piss. One guy says "Water's cold." The other guy says, 'Deep too.'

Nemesis, please stop eavesdropping on my conversations with my friend.



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