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Stopped By Police And Got Pockets Checked

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Late last night, walking some of the side sois of Asok I also, like others here, tried to be stopped by 2 cops on a motorbike and got my pockets checked.

I was well dressed and polite, and so where they :o. They certainly looked like real cops to me incl. ID badges, side arms Etc.

I, on purpose, took out my mobile and wallet which they also checked - I myself pulled out the pockets of my jeans so was not "man-handled" :D in any way.

A few coins fell to the ground as I did that and one of the cops dutyfully picked them up and gave them back to me with a "thank you".

Not much drama - but just to let all know that it is still happening.


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Late last night, walking some of the side sois of Asok I also, like others here, tried to be stopped by 2 cops on a motorbike and got my pockets checked.

I was well dressed and polite, and so where they :o. They certainly looked like real cops to me incl. ID badges, side arms Etc.

I, on purpose, took out my mobile and wallet which they also checked - I myself pulled out the pockets of my jeans so was not "man-handled" :D in any way.

A few coins fell to the ground as I did that and one of the cops dutyfully picked them up and gave them back to me with a "thank you".

Not much drama - but just to let all know that it is still happening.


I think it was because you didn't finish your Chang at the Cat House :D

Long time; no see :D


Hmm, just the other night, I was 'stopped' by 2 guys who were apparently policemen while parking along Thong Lor.

They were trying to get me out of the vehicle for some 'routine inspection', but I pretended not to understand what they said. A bit of confusion on their part later, they asked where I was from, in English. I said, "Singapore.", and they replied with. "Ahh, yi pun. Mai pen rai", then sped off to harangue some other people down the street.

Funniest part: Girlfriend was with me in the car, caught me replying when they asked if we were Thai, in Thai. I actually replied, but they somehow didn't notice. :o


I wonder what the person being stopped in Thailand's rights are?

In the UK for example (from Wikipedia):

If an officer uses Stop and Search powers, they must advise:

* The law under which they are stopping or searching you

* Their badge number and police station

* What they are looking for

* The reason for the stop (unless it is a terrorist stop)

* They should also advise that the subject has the right to be given a record of the search.

* Advise the subject that they are detained for the duration of the stop


What on earth do you think they are hoping to turn up? Drugs? Not really likely, is it. Random stops of foreigners in the city centre searching for drugs is a fairly clueless shake-down. Perhaps some senior officer at the station has had a whim that this will be a good money making scheme and ordered his officers to do it.

Barmy. (and not very nice)

Just thought, could this be a precursor to some kind of "crackdown" on foreigners not carrying their passports?


Rights? Well, dark soi in Thailand, 2 cops with guns..... no rights here mate! :o (whatever the law books might say).

Biggest worry is that they could easily "plant"(from an earlier search maybe) a few tablettes anywhere so I tried to handle all my things my self (held out wallet and phone cover so he could look into them rather than let him page through). That said; they would not even NEED to plant it - they could just pull it out of their own pocket and ask:"what is this I found in your pocket!?" - and you would be fucced....

They did not even ask for my passport or ID (I carry copy of passport and Thai drivers license). Another friend that experienced same a while back, and had no PP, was just told that he should at least have a copy.

They DID however look in places where one might stash a tablet or 2 like wallet and phone cover - so no doubt what they were looking for.

One problem I could imagine is if carrying a couple of allergy tabs or whatever.



I've was told there's been alot of drug dealing going on down there and the police are also stopping cars and taxis and searching the passengers


Last night the King was being driven through the city center, they blocked off roads for quite a while around Central Chidlom and possibly extending further so his cars could get through. Maybe there was more security because of this and thats why you were searched, just an idea. The road blocking was around .. 8 or 9 pm.


Nah, this was the day before and quite a bit later... :o

Also reports here have had the 2 guy police motorcycle team mentioned many, many times over the last year.


Late last night, walking some of the side sois of Asok I also, like others here, tried to be stopped by 2 cops on a motorbike and got my pockets checked.

I was well dressed and polite, and so where they wink.gif. They certainly looked like real cops to me incl. ID badges, side arms Etc.

I, on purpose, took out my mobile and wallet which they also checked - I myself pulled out the pockets of my jeans so was not "man-handled" wink.gif in any way.

A few coins fell to the ground as I did that and one of the cops dutyfully picked them up and gave them back to me with a "thank you".

Not much drama - but just to let all know that it is still happening.


Wow Ben i didnt know you got this too.. wow i got stop while driving my car somewhere in Asoke.... It was late sending my friend back to his hotel at the soi winsor hotel was located . 2 Boys in brown came to me and wanted to check on me at first 1 of them wanted to check my my card and the other check my pockets but when they asked for my Id i showed them my Special card(You know what is it) they stop everything and say have a nice day too me and ride off :o lol

After they stop everything i asked them why they stop me they said because the sound of my car is too loud lol and someone form the Israel Embassy living around there made a complaint...But i didnt even step on my gas and race in that area..

Must be the same 2 cops trying to fool some people if they can get something out of it

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable

Biggest worry is that they could easily "plant"(from an earlier search maybe) a few tablettes anywhere so I tried to handle all my things my self (held out wallet and phone cover so he could look into them rather than let him page through).

This could happen to someone who is not alert. So be careful guys and girls ... Any newbies in Thailand will get into trap sooner or later

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable

Biggest worry is that they could easily "plant"(from an earlier search maybe) a few tablettes anywhere so I tried to handle all my things my self (held out wallet and phone cover so he could look into them rather than let him page through).

This could happen to someone who is not alert. So be careful guys and girls ... Any newbies in Thailand will get into trap sooner or later

Utter tripe. The vast majority of foreigners -- newbies or old hands, tourists or ex-pats -- will never have cause to even speak with a Thai policeman let alone be the victim of a shakedown.


ive never been stopped by a cop over here for anything. in fact, ive got a lift home from them on more than one occasion. (long story).

if i were a cop and saw firefan in the street, nobody would blame me for wanting to give him a quick frisk. :o hes a bit of orright.

if i were a cop and saw firefan in the street, nobody would blame me for wanting to give him a quick frisk. :o hes a bit of orright.

And therein lies the truth of it. If, as donna suggests, firefan is a young buck wandering the streets of Asoke late at night, then it's obvious they are looking for drugs.

Why we spend so much time speculating on shakedowns and godknowswhatelse i have no idea when a bit of common sense combined with a dash of less paranoi easily leads us to the right conclusion.


The shakedowns seem to be coming more prevalent, I've been stopped and searched 3 times in Soi 18 in the past year, always by two cops on a motorbike. They are definitely looking for drugs. A friend got caught with a small amount of contraband in his wallet and after some haggling and threats by the two cops he handed over 7000 baht to sort the matter out.

This topic has been discussed extensively on other Thailand forums, particularly Stickman's weekly blog, people travelling in taxis have even been pulled over and searched. Soi 22 seems to be a popular spot due to it's proximity to a nearby slum where drug dealing and use is rife.

i meant to say hes a bit of a babe and i wouldnt mind giving him a frisk.

Ssshhh! Please don't mention this to Firefan. He already thinks that he's James Bond. :D

Anyway what were you doing in Asok late at night mate? Knowing you there must have been some cheap flow bear in the area. :o


When it comes to drugs in Thailand you do not have much rights. Wait till you are in a bar or disco and the BIB come in and make you piss in a cup. Then you have to wait around for the results to come back. Just hope they are negitive or you are off to the kook (jail).

I wonder what the person being stopped in Thailand's rights are?

In the UK for example (from Wikipedia):

If an officer uses Stop and Search powers, they must advise:

* The law under which they are stopping or searching you

* Their badge number and police station

* What they are looking for

* The reason for the stop (unless it is a terrorist stop)

* They should also advise that the subject has the right to be given a record of the search.

* Advise the subject that they are detained for the duration of the stop

In thailand accordong to ******

1. brbbrbrbrb

2. ink jet print

3. do you speak thai? how long hav u bin hrrrrr?

4. tam alay?

5. mi mia kun tai?

6. alai?

7. mee tang yo-yo ?

Late last night, walking some of the side sois of Asok I also, like others here, tried to be stopped by 2 cops on a motorbike and got my pockets checked.

I was well dressed and polite, and so where they :D . They certainly looked like real cops to me incl. ID badges, side arms Etc.

I, on purpose, took out my mobile and wallet which they also checked - I myself pulled out the pockets of my jeans so was not "man-handled" :D in any way.

A few coins fell to the ground as I did that and one of the cops dutyfully picked them up and gave them back to me with a "thank you".

Not much drama - but just to let all know that it is still happening.


I think it was because you didn't finish your Chang at the Cat House :D

Long time; no see :D

Cat house :bah: , does anyone know if they still do the chang for 100 baht ????.

It's been a few years since I've been to that place but it was always a good place to take my mates who have just landed in LOS and think they know it all and really have a great time ( it does get a bit messy towards the end though :o )

I wonder what the person being stopped in Thailand's rights are?

I did not know that farangs had any rights in Thailand. ???????????

On the occasion of your uninformed and trollish first post, I'd like to welcome you to ThaiVisa.com

I wonder what the person being stopped in Thailand's rights are?

I did not know that farangs had any rights in Thailand. ???????????

farang have rights, so do japanese, chinese, indians, africans, arabs, hispanics....in fact come to think of it, all foreigners have rights in Thailand.

I wonder what the person being stopped in Thailand's rights are?

I did not know that farangs had any rights in Thailand. ???????????

farang have rights, so do japanese, chinese, indians, africans, arabs, hispanics....in fact come to think of it, all foreigners have rights in Thailand.

You definitely need more time here...

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