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Gang Of Indian Pickpockets Working Sukhumvit Area


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I was about to go shopping with a Belgian friend so went to an outside ATM and took out 10k THB put it in my pocket on my thigh which is velcroed. Never thought anything about it as I have carried much more than this about nearly every day I have ever been in Bangkok going back 15 years.

We then went up some stairs and all of a sudden an Indian guy bent down and fiddled with his shoe or something and I went straight into him. While he tried to apologise I felt and heard the velcro go. As I looked up I saw and Indian women in a black sari along with an indian man hurrying up the stairs (the guy who bent down was with a woman too).

I immediately fely my leg and shouted at the Thai's at the top to stop them. The 4 I could see in front of me looked a little paniced as they heard my poor Thai shouting Indian thieves.

As soon as people were noticing another Indian guy behind me (also with a woman) ta[pped me on the should and said very politely, "Sir you have just dropped your money" - it was all over the stairs.

As I bent down to pick it up the 6 of them scarpered.

They were lucky as the Thai security later were obviously sad they could not have used their batons on them. Some other Thai's in the area said others had lost money that way but no-one knew who it was

I have also seen how they would have been treated at Lumpini cop shop after spending time there with my ex missus after she had been assaulted by an indian (wonder if he is still there trying to find the half a million THB)

I was lucky it was early in the day and not too busy so a crowding around me was noticeable. I told my Indian pal at work when I got back and she told me a hundred tales - she said a lot of them operate at a shopping mall she took me to in Mumbai last year.

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Could it not be that someone accidently bumped into you, your money fell out and a kindly Indian chap pointed it out to you?

No? I suppose not . . .

no way! it is a well known fact that all dark skinned inhabitants of this planet are thiefs and goons (except a few which carry a belgian passport).


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That's a very well known gang pickpocket stunt. First time I've heard of Indians doing it though. Usually, they do that at the top of escalators as you reach the top, a guy in front of you drops some change and bends down to pick it up. You go over the top of him while the person in back picks your pocket. Then, the pickpocket hurriedly passes the wallet to another guy who runs away. There is no proof on the two guys left there.

It's a good idea if you're ever on a public escalator to take notice of anyone standing too close to you both in front and back when the escalator is not full.

Edited by keemapoot
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I've noticed that farang seem to really love these illusions of wild, corrupt, lawlessness. the way the OP writes his story, you can tell that it is fictionalized. its the type of story a drunk tells you in a bar.

another example is farang who take so much pride in telling you a story about slipping a cop money. they probably could have recieved the same result without a kickback. i think it makes them feel like they are in a movie or something.

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another example is farang who take so much pride in telling you a story about slipping a cop money. they probably could have recieved the same result without a kickback. i think it makes them feel like they are in a movie or something.

haha ^

anyways its good for people to be aware of these types of things anyway, especially as its pretty easy to stake out an ATM machine and wait for people to take out a lot of money and also scope out what pocket it goes into.

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I've noticed that farang seem to really love these illusions of wild, corrupt, lawlessness. the way the OP writes his story, you can tell that it is fictionalized. its the type of story a drunk tells you in a bar.

another example is farang who take so much pride in telling you a story about slipping a cop money. they probably could have recieved the same result without a kickback. i think it makes them feel like they are in a movie or something.

Thanks for helping us on this one, we might have missed it, but you're really being too nice. Might be worse than that. He might be a wicked child molesting gangster putting on disgusting public displays of his wealth, throwing money down the stairs and hoping some decent chap will try to return it so he can take sadistic pleasure in outrageous accusations.

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Amazing, some one posts about a pickpocket attempt and he is jumped on by goons that accuse him of writing fiction novels. What do you spend your time doing guys ? I bet you sit there watching every new post dying for an opportunity to be bloody obnoxious....move away from the keyboard and get a bloody life.

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"I've noticed that farang seem to really love these illusions of wild, corrupt, lawlessness. the way the OP writes his story, you can tell that it is fictionalized."

Your incredible powers of psychic or (psychotic) discernment into something you didn't witness amaze me.

On the original subject;

I have seen all too many pickpockets in the tourist areas especially Sukhumvit. What ever their skin color; white, black, brown, yellow, red, thieves are thieves.

Good on the original poster to have thwarted an attempt.

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Amazing, some one posts about a pickpocket attempt and he is jumped on by goons that accuse him of writing fiction novels. What do you spend your time doing guys ? I bet you sit there watching every new post dying for an opportunity to be bloody obnoxious....move away from the keyboard and get a bloody life.

Ok, I should apologize to the OP. I just talked with one of my many very very close Thai friends on the phone and her brother-in-law's wife's cousin worked in the Indian embassy and it is a well known fact that there is a multi-billion dollar heroin and pickpock ring running out of the third floor of MBK. He only had one job at the embassy, which was to go daily to MBK carpark and collect 2-3 million baht in 1000 baht notes and drive it back to the Indian Embassy where it was then laundered into various other currencies which were either used to bribe government officals (the CIA was in on the deal and provided weapons and protection for this ring inexchange for military contracts with the Indian government) or to be taken out of the country. They used the beverage carts on Thai Embassy to smuggle the money out of Thailand. At first I thought he was joking, but then I called my other very close Thai friend who confirmed that it was true. It just goes to show you that Thailand is not safe for farang and that nothing can save you.

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Ok, I should apologize to the OP. I just talked with one of my many very very close Thai friends on the phone and her brother-in-law's wife's cousin worked in the Indian embassy and it is a well known fact that there is a multi-billion dollar heroin and pickpock ring running out of the third floor of MBK. He only had one job at the embassy, which was to go daily to MBK carpark and collect 2-3 million baht in 1000 baht notes and drive it back to the Indian Embassy where it was then laundered into various other currencies which were either used to bribe government officals (the CIA was in on the deal and provided weapons and protection for this ring inexchange for military contracts with the Indian government) or to be taken out of the country. They used the beverage carts on Thai Embassy to smuggle the money out of Thailand.

it is also a well known fact that Osama bin-Laden lives several months a year in Bangkok's Indian Embassy where he tries to assemble a small scale plutonium bomb with raw materials delivered by pakistani and north korean diplomats. and on friday's (after evening prayers) you can meet Osama at his favourite water hole in Soi Cowboy. he has the hots for that girl with the big knockers who speaks only khmer.

you can't miss him as around midnight he pushes a beverage cart loaded with black label back to the Indian Embassy.


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Seriously though, ATM (or even exchange window) withdrawals are a tempting target for snatch-and-grab artistes. I always look around just before the slot dispenses its lucre and the money has to make the perilous journey into my pocket or bag. Never count it ... mistakes can always be verified against bank records later.

There was a spate of this at outside ATMs along Sukhumvit opposite soi 11-13 around 1980 which resulted in military jeeps staking out the sites to drive the thieves off. That was in the days when few Thais had plastic cash cards and thus farang were obvious targets.

Surprising there are not more ATM cash-snatches even today. Easy to make an escape through the crowds or on an accomplice's motorbike.

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Given the risks involved with living in Thailand which have been reported on in this typical ThaiVisa week - rogue taxi-drivers, army tanks on the street, bandits at ATM machines, an airport that is likely to fall over tomorrow, extra-judiciary policemen, the economy only growing 4-5 percent per year, a depleting ozone layer and now this latest outrage perpetrated by nasty Indian fellas - it's a wonder us poor farang dare set foot outside our insulated condos.

Still, having said that ........... I'm off out for a beer. Anyone fancy one?

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Given the risks involved with living in Thailand which have been reported on in this typical ThaiVisa week - rogue taxi-drivers, army tanks on the street, bandits at ATM machines, an airport that is likely to fall over tomorrow, extra-judiciary policemen, the economy only growing 4-5 percent per year, a depleting ozone layer and now this latest outrage perpetrated by nasty Indian fellas - it's a wonder us poor farang dare set foot outside our insulated condos.

Still, having said that ........... I'm off out for a beer. Anyone fancy one?

given the risks involved i stay at home and get a beer from the fridge. of course with great caution and checking left and right whether some indian thieves are in the vicinity who might grab my beer.

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It could be worse.....

In California Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.- Twenty-five leaders and associates of the Vagos motorcycle club were arrested following one of the largest coordinated law enforcement probes ever conducted in Southern California, authorities said. Thursday's operation involved 700 personnel from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and local police and sheriff's departments. "The Vagos are a ruthless criminal biker gang that virtually held our communities hostage" by dealing in "guns, drugs and death," said John Torres, a special agent in charge with the ATF. "Operation 22 Green," as it was called, targeted Vagos associates in five Southern California counties. Green is the club's chosen color and 22 corresponds to V, the 22nd letter of the alphabet. More than 80 search and arrest warrants were issued and 25 people were taken into custody Thursday on federal or state charges that included firearms and drug violations. Another five people already were in custody. The vice president, Ryan Matteson, 29, was arrested for investigation of murder in connection with a home invasion robbery in Lucerne Valley where three people were robbed and one was killed, authorities said. In a statement, Torres said investigators seized 95 illegal firearms, some illegal drugs, $6,000 in cash and two stolen motorcycles. Vagos (pronounced VAH'-gohs), whose patch includes the Norse god of mischief Loki, was founded in San Bernardino in the 1960s. The Spanish name means "traveling gypsy" or "a street-wise person that's always up to something," according to the club Web site. In San Bernardino County, two murder cases and two attempted-murder cases have been filed against Vagos associates or members, Ramos said.

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Could it not be that someone accidently bumped into you, your money fell out and a kindly Indian chap pointed it out to you?

No? I suppose not . . .

Could it not be that someone accidently bumped into you, your money fell out and a kindly Indian chap pointed it out to you?

No? I suppose not . . .

Where did you buy your rose-coloured glasses? :o

Tony... Bendix.... Naam.... what is wrong with you guys? :D A pickpocketing attempt is reported and you guys jump all over it... why? Im starting to think you guys get paid money to act so strange! Im seriously asking, where does your philosophy that anything bad reported is immediately false or blown out of proportion coming from? I've had much worse than silly pick pockets happen to me so I dont think his story is far fetched at all, its extremely tame. HIS MONEY JUMPED OUT OF HIS VELCRO'D POCKET ALL BY ITSELF TO DANCE AROUND? Geeze Bendix... I thought you were intelligent but that insinuation was bizarre.


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Could it not be that someone accidently bumped into you, your money fell out and a kindly Indian chap pointed it out to you?

No? I suppose not . . .

Actually I think that there are pic pockets in Thailand (and throughout the world) and I appreciate the OP giving the rest of us a heads up. When anyone bumps into me, the first thing I check is to see if my wallet is still in my pocket :o

Tell Santa I said hi :D

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Some basT**D stole my wife's bicycle today outside seacon square (locked up) she was on the phone in tears she had only had it 2 weeks 1500 baht form Tesco. Have ordered a new bike lock form these people in the uk http://www.almax-security-chains.co.uk/ should slow the sods down next time they try!!

No wonder there is no toilet paper in Thai toilets surprised they dont take the seats as well!!

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Agreed Damian. I was about to say something myself but thought the mods might just delete the posts or close the topic anyway. The OP was simply warning others of a potential scam, but the responses to his warning seem to be a warning against posting anything informative to the members and lurkers here, if it can be somehow be construed as saying something negative about Thailand. The rose-colored glasses brigade is out in full force today.

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Ditto Damien and surface. It is helpful to call attention to things to look out for. I appreciate the OP’s effort to let others know.

Many other posters are trying to be cute. The cute comment crowd is exposing themselves- NO LIFE. May I suggest that they get out and about in Bangkok. It’s a great city and a lot of fun.

Why sit home and write that drivel?



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I've noticed that farang seem to really love these illusions of wild, corrupt, lawlessness. the way the OP writes his story, you can tell that it is fictionalized. its the type of story a drunk tells you in a bar.

another example is farang who take so much pride in telling you a story about slipping a cop money. they probably could have recieved the same result without a kickback. i think it makes them feel like they are in a movie or something.

Thanks for helping us on this one, we might have missed it, but you're really being too nice. Might be worse than that. He might be a wicked child molesting gangster putting on disgusting public displays of his wealth, throwing money down the stairs and hoping some decent chap will try to return it so he can take sadistic pleasure in outrageous accusations.

ROFL - Tony is probably som pattaya playboy with about 3 weeks in Asia - well not Asia but Thailand - well not Thailand but airport to pattaya - forgive and pity him

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Could it not be that someone accidently bumped into you, your money fell out and a kindly Indian chap pointed it out to you?

No? I suppose not . . .

Could it not be that someone accidently bumped into you, your money fell out and a kindly Indian chap pointed it out to you?

No? I suppose not . . .

Where did you buy your rose-coloured glasses? :o

Leave them alone - its funny to watch them turn TV into the laughing stock its becoming - even ex-mods laughing on board and in person - sad really.

Suppose Thailand is all they have so they can not see anything detrimental said about it!

Might have been even funnier if I had left out the nationality and they would have assumed I meant Thai's it all hel_l would have broken loose then as Thai's can do no wrong

Tony... Bendix.... Naam.... what is wrong with you guys? :D A pickpocketing attempt is reported and you guys jump all over it... why? Im starting to think you guys get paid money to act so strange! Im seriously asking, where does your philosophy that anything bad reported is immediately false or blown out of proportion coming from? I've had much worse than silly pick pockets happen to me so I dont think his story is far fetched at all, its extremely tame. HIS MONEY JUMPED OUT OF HIS VELCRO'D POCKET ALL BY ITSELF TO DANCE AROUND? Geeze Bendix... I thought you were intelligent but that insinuation was bizarre.


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