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A silly question really, but one I think should be thought about first.

As many of you know I work in one of the countries formerly a part of the USSR. Whilst here (about 12 months now) I have been buying DVDs in batches of 10 with 1 free almost weekly.

Needless to say I have a great collection, however they all have Russian text, Russian default language (English option) and are from the Russian region code which I do not know off the top of my head.

I would like to bring these home to Thailand but not too sure how I should go about it.

Do I load my suitcase up with the lot, totally nearly 200? or bring them in to the Kingdom in dribs and drabs? perhaps 20 a trip.

The problem with bringing them in at 20 per trip is that will buy that many again during my work stint so I am not getting ahead.

It is quite obvious that they would not be able to be sold in the Kingdom as the languages are all wrong, however they are mine and I want them to be the basis of my DVD library.

Does anyone know what will happen if I simply bring them in my suitcase?

Thanks in advance.



Are they naughty dvd's? That would cause a problem I think. :D

The only problem I can see is they may think you are bringing them in for mr big to copy and distribute by the thousands around Thailand.

Try bringing 40 at a time in, and start by taking the ones you've watched, maybe your favourites in. That way you will always be 20 in lieu until you eventually die of old age. Then it shouldn't be a problem anymore. :o

Does anyone know what will happen if I simply bring them in my suitcase?

I've passed through inbound Thai Customs at least one hundred times over the past ten years and have not once been asked to open a suitcase (of course this could change the next time I pass through!)

A box is another matter. Thai Customs is more often than not interested in the contents of boxes, even small boxes...


perhaps declare them at customs?

will I be charged to bring them in?

They must be copies as they are so cheap, but you couldn't tell from looking or even playing them.


Tuky- brought about 50 from thailand for mates. I just put them in a music carrying case and no one bothered me. :o I've never been stopped or even questioned about the pirate dvds. The worse they'll do is confiscate them is what I've been told.


At least 15 times a year I arrive in BKK. Have been checked over 13 years once, the reason was obvious, suitcase too big.

Now they have a x-ray machine, used sometimes. Important is, AFTER handing over your written declaration, watch for the guys sitting back in the corner. If you look suspicious, they might ask you to use the x-ray.

Ovenman said it, boxes are suspicious. Try to walk through BEHIND somebody with boxes or somebody looking suspicious. :o

200 pieces could be taken as 'commercial quantity'. Even if found, you could say, you study Russian and need it while on holiday. Evtl., if worse comes to worse, must put on storage or confiscated. But coming from Russia is not very high on the list of countries for smuggling, so if they ask you where you bought it (if found) and you say Russia, they might say ok.

If you absolutely don't want to lose, 40-50 per trip sounds more reasonable for your own use while in LoS. .

perhaps declare them at customs?

will I be charged to bring them in?

I get DVD's sent from Amazon. com on a regular basis. When caught by customs, they take 30% of the top of everything, including the shipping charges you paid...

Of the DVD's ultimately delivered by the PO, it's been extremely rare (once out of 10 times..?) that they get a customs inspection and charge.


i have had copy dvd's and music cd's in a larger quanitity (around 50-60) thru many custom checks at airports, borders, thru singapore (!) and thailand :o

and, without having any knowledge of the laws, i'd say that, compared to singapore, thailand isn't half as strict when it comes to copied dvd's and cds... especially when it comes to russian ones, very obviously not for the home market so should be no problem ? :D

they don't seem to bother you at x-ray either. and i had lots of other electronical equip with me as well.


If really worried, you could buy one of those CD binder thingys that you can store loads of CD's in and zip up.

If boxed, take the labels off the front of the box and take these seperately, then buy new boxes out here.

Bit extreme, I know, but if you're really worried...


Of course no Hard Core DVDs, in that case it's a big problem.

For normal DVDs, put them in the Music CD folder (I use one for 80 Cds), and put this into your Hand Bag (you only get Xray in Russia).

All the sleeves together, like a book (no Xray can detect them since it's paper).

Trow away plastic boxes and buy new ones on Thailand (I don't use plastic cases anymore since my collection DVD+Music VDs is about 1000 pieces).

If you want to be perfect, in the folder insert also some Music CDs, so you can explain them (in the rate case they stop you) that this is your private collection.


It's almost impossible for them to say they're not original. But take 70-80 each time, not 200!!!


I've received a shoebox full of copied Chinese DVDs, including a Chinese DVD player in the mail. "Kindly pick it up at the district post office" Paid 500 baht duty on the lot. That was it. Couldn't believe it. (I didn't know a friend of mine actually sent the lot to me!! :o

No I'm not recommending this. :D I'd just put them in my suitcase, you know you're never checked in Bangkok anyway, especially if you're on a tourist flight from the West. If on a flight from Godknowswheristan then this could be different.




Assuming there is no direct flight from Azerbaijan to BKK, you will have, at the most, the flight number on your Customs Declaration. Thus they have no knowledge of your point of origin unless they take you seriously to task.

I would suggest that a plastic CD folder with 20-40 DVDs in it, within a flight bag or similar, will not cause any ripple on the Green Channel. As other people have posted, these are Russian / Angrit, no infringement on Thai distributors, no interest to Thai copiers, your personal possesions.

I would say - no prob's. (But then I'm the guy that lost over a 100 VCD's going in to Saudi - then saw them being broadcast on local TV for the next few months :D:o:D


I have never been stopped by customs.

However they did have the X-ray machine powered up when I came in on Sunday last, so there is a chance of a search.

Up2U probably has the best idea, with the cd folder.

Bring the labels for the cases the next time round.

The cases are cheap enough in Tuk Com.


I agree with everyone else, just put them in a CD folder.

Never been stopped by customs myself, but my friend was once when he was with me. He never had a huge case and to be honest they were embarresed to search him.

Just pointing out that they do do occasional random searches sometimes. Doubt that they'll be interested in Russian DVDs though :o


Thanks for all the advice guys.

The cd folder idea hadn't occured to me as the wife wants to have the DVD's on display near the TV.

But thats a great idea, and then bring the paper covers back next time.

Astral is correct the plastic covers are cheap enough at Tuk Com.

All sorted now, and it is only a few more hours before I head for the Airport.

Actually, the scary thing is we are right near where those two Russian planes crashed yesterday, I hate flying :o


Have a nice flight and let us know the good news tukyleith

after you passed customs.

After 40 years in planes still worried.

My son left BKK last night. I checked this morning arrival board (real time arrivals)

Frankfurt. The plane landed! I know flying is safe :o


all 200+ DVDs are now sitting quit happily on my bedroom floor. I ended up bringing them in within my suitcase...not a problem!!!

Now I need to buy a book case :o

Thanks for all your support.



Does anyone know what will happen if I simply bring them in my suitcase?

I've passed through inbound Thai Customs at least one hundred times over the past ten years and have not once been asked to open a suitcase (of course this could change the next time I pass through!)

Same for me, in the few hundred times I went through, I was never stopped once.

I think you should be able to bring them through without any problem.

Or you are very, very unlucky, which I do not think you are. :o

If you want to further improve the high odds of going through, dress better than usual: put a tie,... :D

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