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Thais Like Fair Skin Beauties While Farangs Like Dark Skin Beauties?


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its a fact. white skin gurls know it. dark skin gurls know it.

if dark skin want man they go after farang.

white skin gurls men go to them(usually not farang).

So the light skin is for domestic and the dark skin is for export? Yes, not news. Are people bothered if farangs disrupt the moral social order go for light skinned Thais? This kind of skin politics reminds me of stuff I have heard about African Americans, lighter skinned ones called "high yellow" considering themselves higher class. Silly but real.

Edited by Jingthing
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So the light skin is for domestic and the dark skin is for export? Yes, not news. Are people bothered if farangs disrupt the moral social order go for light skinned Thais?

I read somewhere that there is a new "social group" upsetting the "social order" in Bangkok - the rich Isaan girls married to farangs, or with multiple farang boyfriends, or maybe both. Or maybe multiple boyfriends and multiple husbands. :o

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In terms of Thai perceptions I believe there are a number of factors at play here:

First and foremost the influence of the cosmetics industry - The term 'saturation' fits the night after night, commercial break after commercial break pushing of whitening creams and the image of fair skin as being the pinical of beauty.

Secondly I think the influence of the Chinese immigrants within the media, the cosmetics and the advertising industry plays a huge role.

Western perceptions of beauty, which are by no means simply 'white' play a part, again through the media and film and while a number of Eurasian Thais clearly capitalize on this working in Film/TV/Fashion I don't think they are driving the ideal, rather lucky winners of the perception of their looks being a 'safe' halfway look between Thai and Western.

I think there is a class distinction, between people working in indoor occupations (Office and service industy) versus outdoor (agricultural/construction) but I think this is a subtext to the messages being pushed by the two factors above.

With respect to the Foreigners in Thailand and what they regard as beautiful. I've lost count of how many times I've had Thais ask me 'why do Farang like dark women?'

My answer is always the same - I don't think they do, rather it is a misconception that arrises from the background of the majority of Farang/Relationsips. It's not that Farang have a particular liking for dark skinned Thai women, but the fact most of the Thai women Farang meet in a context where they can start relationships are dark skinned.

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Maybe it is actually your own mental 'boxes' you are describing, and not the individuals you are trying to fit into them?

Maybe it's just my observation but i noticed that farangs are less often seen with fair skin beauties. Is it because they are a rare species, found only in the north, or maybe, they are much harder to woo or it takes awful long time ... Any care to elucidate?

OK, not PC, but many of the farangs you see are with sex workers, and sex workers are mostly from Isaan, and people from Isaan are often darker (I don't know if naturally or from working outside, or both).

op where were you exactly when the penny dropped and you came to your final conclusion regarding this black and white situtaion?

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So the light skin is for domestic and the dark skin is for export? Yes, not news. Are people bothered if farangs disrupt the moral social order go for light skinned Thais?

I read somewhere that there is a new "social group" upsetting the "social order" in Bangkok - the rich Isaan girls married to farangs, or with multiple farang boyfriends, or maybe both. Or maybe multiple boyfriends and multiple husbands. :o

Yes, I know about that. The nerve of dark farm girls to eat at the same hiso restaurants as the "real" hiso. My question is if you were able to compete for the same light skinned mates as the Thais often find more desirable (if we assume that and I do), wouldn't that be seen as even more of an overstepping your place?

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I noticed that Thai men generally prefer fair skin beauties while farangs prefer dark skin beauties.

Is this a myth or a fact?

Is it a case the white ones get snapped up first, leaving farang's with the less attractive black ones!!! Or maybe the black ones are better looking. Maybe Thai's think the white ones are richer from Chinese families with money. Maybe their holly grail is porcelain china doll look........

I find what we think they like and what they actually marry are 2 different things. I prefer mine half white half black with little pink bits! 5555

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Alot of this has been flippant and fine with that, but the sad truth behind this is that a lower value is placed on some people because of darker skin color. Doesn't sound very polite to me. This stuff they don't put in the tourist brochures.

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According to Darwinian theory, the physical signifiers we find attractive in a potential mate are those that signify good health – therefore suggesting healthy babies. (Well if we were attracted to unhealthy signifiers, our genes would die out). Recent research has suggested that the hip to waist ratio is the most important of these signifiers.

So in sun starved Northern Europe, a darker skin colour could imply someone who is active, healthy and can afford to travel. In more rural, tropical areas, a darker skin colour could suggest someone who has to work outside in the baking heat, is shagged out and has little money or status.

Voila. It’s all in our genetic makeup and is ultimately governed by survival of the fittest.

(I am bracing myself for flames and hate mail. There is nothing like Darwin to make people’s blood boil :-))

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There might be some elements of Darwinism at work, amongst other factors noted in other posts, but never overlook the role of the HUGE cosmetics & plastic surgery industries.

If brown skin and flat noses were considered good in Asia, they'd have nothing to sell.

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There might be some elements of Darwinism at work, amongst other factors noted in other posts, but never overlook the role of the HUGE cosmetics & plastic surgery industries.

If brown skin and flat noses were considered good in Asia, they'd have nothing to sell.

The flaw in your thinking is that it doesn't consider that there is a huge DEMAND for those specific services, mostly skin whitening. So you are saying they totally manufactured that demand. I doubt it.

Its debatable because obviously there are desires that are created by advertising, drinking Coke for example.

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There might be some elements of Darwinism at work, amongst other factors noted in other posts, but never overlook the role of the HUGE cosmetics & plastic surgery industries.

If brown skin and flat noses were considered good in Asia, they'd have nothing to sell.

The flaw in your thinking is that it doesn't consider that there is a huge DEMAND for those specific services, mostly skin whitening. So you are saying they totally manufactured that demand. I doubt it.

Its debatable because obviously there are desires that are created by advertising, drinking Coke for example.

I didn't say they created the demand. They have certainly orchestrated its volume, though.

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We own a building in Bangkok where two commercials and a few eposides of a soap opera were filmed. We noticed the majority of the technicians, cameramen and script writers were dark but the actors and starletts were very white. When I questioned the script writer about this he said, "The Thai public won't accept dark actors". They want to see white actors. Years ago one could see dark newscasters (both male and female) telling the news but the times have changed. This is a sad event considering all of the dark citizens living in the South, on the islands and in the Northeast provinces.

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Why am i responding to this old rag? Coz we can accept the truth? There's definitely something to it. Why would you be with a Thai girl at all if looks didn't matter. Every culture has its programming. Back in the US, I'd say in the past a lot of the older folks were programmed to go for the blonds with big chests and a beefy booty. I grew up in the 70s myself watching Bruce Lee and Godzilla movies. I know you'll laugh but somethign about Asian women caught me way back then. Then there were all the Vietnam War movies with the beautiful darker-skinned beauties. Nowadays kids are watching prime-time TV filled with beautiful black and Latino women.

As for so many guys hooking up with dark-skinned women, well most Thai women are dark skinned unless you live in Bangkok. A lot of the Northern Thais are dark skinned too by the way. It's more likely that a foreigner will meet a dark skinned woman doing things in his daily life.

Opposites do attract also. One of my best friends in the US, a short dark-skinned Guatamalan guy, is nuts over tall blonds. I guess he should have become a fashion designer.

I definitely have a thing for petite dark-skinned women (both young and old). I married one and the others always catch my eye. Of course, other women are attractive too but never as much as the dark-skinned ones. Doctor can ya help me?

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its a fact. white skin gurls know it. dark skin gurls know it.

if dark skin want man they go after farang.

white skin gurls men go to them(usually not farang).

Very true. White skin beauties typically are much harder to woo, since they have a wide selection of dudes awaiting. From middle income white collar elites to the upper echelons of thai society, or scions of tycoons etc. Lots of firepower needed.

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Very true. White skin beauties typically are much harder to woo, since they have a wide selection of dudes awaiting. From middle income white collar elites to the upper echelons of thai society, or scions of tycoons etc. Lots of firepower needed.

Right, so if you "bagged" one, would you be resented?

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Opposites 'do not attract'

The old adage that opposites attract has been debunked by US scientists.

They found that people tend to choose partners who are similar - or at least who they think are similar - to themselves, both in looks and attitude. Previous research has concluded that people prefer mates with qualities they think will be good at bringing up children - including financial solvency. However the study, by a team from Cornell University in New York, suggests this is not necessarily the case, and that similar individuals tend to be attracted to each other because they are most likely to hold down a stable relationship.


b. And this is getting off topic but I know many of you will love this one ... :o

The results, appearing in the online edition of the peer-reviewed journal Sex Roles, show that for both women and men there was a benefit to having a feminist partner. Feminist women were also more likely than others to be in a romantic relationship.

"If you're a woman paired with a male feminist," said Rudman, "you have a healthier relationship across the board" - better in terms of relationship quality, equality, stability and sexual satisfaction.

"And men paired with female feminists have greater sexual satisfaction and greater relationship stability," she said. "So, (there were) higher scores on two of the four dimensions, with no difference on the other two."

There you have it: Feminists are sexy.


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My wife buys all that skin lightening crap. I tell her I love her for what she is. She looks at me as tough I'm from another planet. Back in the UK I had a female friend who worked with a Pakistani lady. They went out for a lunch time meal to an "Indian" restaurant. As my friend walken through the door her friend stopped. She asked her what are you doing, and she replied she was checking her status. ie Skin colour. My wife refuses to go out unprotected from the sun, yet most of her family are dark skinned. How the heck do you tell your other half it does not matter, when to them it so obviously does?

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