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A Big Thumbs Up For Thaivisa!


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Big fish in a small pond. Yes it is all relative. I don't see why a Uni would warn you against such a thing.

Back to the topic. Someone has got to manage a bar, if that floats your boat, and signifies a high level of achievement, then good for you.

Not jealous, I don't like working night hours, or among smoke etc.

It was more along the lines of stretching myself - not going for the smaller thing but reaching out further.

I have worked at very large companioes, small comanie and had my own business - my personal preference if I have to be a salaryman working for someone else is to work for a very large company.

If I was at a small company again I would hope to have equity.

I am the same as you with regards managing a bar - its something that jsut does not appeal - neither does a sales job or many other positions or roles.

good luck in your new job ,one word of advice ,stay away from your barmaids ,find a girl away from work .

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Big fish in a small pond. Yes it is all relative. I don't see why a Uni would warn you against such a thing.

Back to the topic. Someone has got to manage a bar, if that floats your boat, and signifies a high level of achievement, then good for you.

Not jealous, I don't like working night hours, or among smoke etc.

It was more along the lines of stretching myself - not going for the smaller thing but reaching out further.

I have worked at very large companioes, small comanie and had my own business - my personal preference if I have to be a salaryman working for someone else is to work for a very large company.

If I was at a small company again I would hope to have equity.

I am the same as you with regards managing a bar - its something that jsut does not appeal - neither does a sales job or many other positions or roles.

I guess it could be said I walk both lines. I work for the largest Company in Thailand (and yes I do have equity), ranked within #2 as position, & at the same time I also work for 2 other multi national companies. (2 of the biggest in the world) My rank in those companies is somewhere between, never heard of me, to sign this check for that guy in Thailand. No equity, no perks, just cash. It is easy to get lost in companies the size of Siemens and GN.

I have already owned my own company in the US. I learned that was more of a head ache than an honor. (Taxes left and right) As far as stretching myseilf... if I would have stayed in the US, my resume would be pretty bland. This time here packs on a lot more fluff.

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Here's to aiming high....

Of which massive company are you the director?

In this country #1 actually. There is only one person in the intire country with my level of academic training in my field. There are only 40 people in Thailand with a Masters degree in my field. I hold a doctorate.

As far as director of a company: My rank is somewhere around #2 in the company. I am pretty much untouchable due to the rareity of my degree in Thailand. It is actually pretty rare in the states too.

The massive company, is the largest in Thailand, in this specific market that we are in. The company has been in exsistance for 20 years now, and employs over 100 people. We are a multi-million dollar company. Currently we have 2 subsidary companies, and developing two more at the moment.

and even then still, my father is still not satisfied.... and neither am I.... yet.

Firstly, this was not the point of this post. I am pleased that you are the director of the number one company in Thailand, what is the company called? What is your field of training, I am intrigued?

"one person in the intire country with my level of academic training in my field". I take it that it isn't English because the entire country is in trouble if it is.

"As far as director of a company: My rank is somewhere around #2 in the company. I am pretty much untouchable due to the rareity of my degree in Thailand. It is actually pretty rare in the states too."

Your Christmas company party must be fun, just the three of you.

Are you really so proud of being top of a field that nobody else wants to do?

Well done in getting a doctorate, you must be very intelligent; maybe even a genius in your very rare field. I have always wondered what a genius does in his spare time and now I know. ThaiVisa is honoured that you could spare the time to comment on this, very normal, subject. I hope Stephen Hawkins posts something, that would make my day.

If you are even on Koh Samui, pop in for a drink.

Thanks again, for your time, Number 2.

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Big fish in a small pond. Yes it is all relative. I don't see why a Uni would warn you against such a thing.

Back to the topic. Someone has got to manage a bar, if that floats your boat, and signifies a high level of achievement, then good for you.

Not jealous, I don't like working night hours, or among smoke etc.

It was more along the lines of stretching myself - not going for the smaller thing but reaching out further.

I have worked at very large companioes, small comanie and had my own business - my personal preference if I have to be a salaryman working for someone else is to work for a very large company.

If I was at a small company again I would hope to have equity.

I am the same as you with regards managing a bar - its something that jsut does not appeal - neither does a sales job or many other positions or roles.

I guess it could be said I walk both lines. I work for the largest Company in Thailand (and yes I do have equity), ranked within #2 as position, & at the same time I also work for 2 other multi national companies. (2 of the biggest in the world) My rank in those companies is somewhere between, never heard of me, to sign this check for that guy in Thailand. No equity, no perks, just cash. It is easy to get lost in companies the size of Siemens and GN.

I have already owned my own company in the US. I learned that was more of a head ache than an honor. (Taxes left and right) As far as stretching myseilf... if I would have stayed in the US, my resume would be pretty bland. This time here packs on a lot more fluff.

"I work for the largest Company in Thailand (and yes I do have equity), ranked within #2 as position,"

The largest Thai company or the largest in Thailand in its field?

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Firstly, this was not the point of this post.

If you are even on Koh Samui, pop in for a drink.

Congratulations on achieving what you were after and its good to hear that the ThaiVisa forum was such a helpful resource for you. :o

There is a Koh Samui forum, feel free to pop in and look around, hopefully members of ThaiVisa can continue the tradition for you.

Best of luck to you :D

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Here's to aiming high....

Of which massive company are you the director?

In this country #1 actually. There is only one person in the intire country with my level of academic training in my field. There are only 40 people in Thailand with a Masters degree in my field. I hold a doctorate.

As far as director of a company: My rank is somewhere around #2 in the company. I am pretty much untouchable due to the rareity of my degree in Thailand. It is actually pretty rare in the states too.

The massive company, is the largest in Thailand, in this specific market that we are in. The company has been in exsistance for 20 years now, and employs over 100 people. We are a multi-million dollar company. Currently we have 2 subsidary companies, and developing two more at the moment.

and even then still, my father is still not satisfied.... and neither am I.... yet.

Firstly, this was not the point of this post. I am pleased that you are the director of the number one company in Thailand, what is the company called? What is your field of training, I am intrigued?

"one person in the intire country with my level of academic training in my field". I take it that it isn't English because the entire country is in trouble if it is.

"As far as director of a company: My rank is somewhere around #2 in the company. I am pretty much untouchable due to the rareity of my degree in Thailand. It is actually pretty rare in the states too."

Your Christmas company party must be fun, just the three of you.

Are you really so proud of being top of a field that nobody else wants to do?

Well done in getting a doctorate, you must be very intelligent; maybe even a genius in your very rare field. I have always wondered what a genius does in his spare time and now I know. ThaiVisa is honoured that you could spare the time to comment on this, very normal, subject. I hope Stephen Hawkins posts something, that would make my day.

If you are even on Koh Samui, pop in for a drink.

Thanks again, for your time, Number 2.

I was asked what company rank director blah blah. I figured the punters would come along with my response, and as guessed I am not an English teacher. Yes I do have a doctorate in my field, and no I am not a genius, having a doctorate does not mean you are a genius. If anything, I am stuborn, and slowly made it though school. Do you know what a JDD is? It is a doctorate degree, do you think lawyers are of genious caliber? I don't.

Am I proud I have a degree no one else wants to do....? Eh, it has paid well.... so there is that. Are you proud to get a job that essentially anyone else could do? Oh wait, you are because you posted this thread. So good for you.

I would not doubt you could get a doctorate too if that was you goal.

But instead you have settled on being a bar manager... that is your perogative. So deal with it, rather than trying to smear those that have done more in life. More as in economics acadimics.... But really so what? I promise you, each achievment required sacrifice. Each ball game you saw, I did not. Each night out you had, I did not. Each romp in the snow, or fun in the sun, I doubt I got it.

My son is growing up without me ....

So go pour your drinks, and enjoy your life... do with it what you please.

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Here's to aiming high....

Of which massive company are you the director?

In this country #1 actually. There is only one person in the intire country with my level of academic training in my field. There are only 40 people in Thailand with a Masters degree in my field. I hold a doctorate.

As far as director of a company: My rank is somewhere around #2 in the company. I am pretty much untouchable due to the rareity of my degree in Thailand. It is actually pretty rare in the states too.

The massive company, is the largest in Thailand, in this specific market that we are in. The company has been in exsistance for 20 years now, and employs over 100 people. We are a multi-million dollar company. Currently we have 2 subsidary companies, and developing two more at the moment.

and even then still, my father is still not satisfied.... and neither am I.... yet.

Firstly, this was not the point of this post. I am pleased that you are the director of the number one company in Thailand, what is the company called? What is your field of training, I am intrigued?

"one person in the intire country with my level of academic training in my field". I take it that it isn't English because the entire country is in trouble if it is.

"As far as director of a company: My rank is somewhere around #2 in the company. I am pretty much untouchable due to the rareity of my degree in Thailand. It is actually pretty rare in the states too."

Your Christmas company party must be fun, just the three of you.

Are you really so proud of being top of a field that nobody else wants to do?

Well done in getting a doctorate, you must be very intelligent; maybe even a genius in your very rare field. I have always wondered what a genius does in his spare time and now I know. ThaiVisa is honoured that you could spare the time to comment on this, very normal, subject. I hope Stephen Hawkins posts something, that would make my day.

If you are even on Koh Samui, pop in for a drink.

Thanks again, for your time, Number 2.

I was asked what company rank director blah blah. I figured the punters would come along with my response, and as guessed I am not an English teacher. Yes I do have a doctorate in my field, and no I am not a genius, having a doctorate does not mean you are a genius. If anything, I am stuborn, and slowly made it though school. Do you know what a JDD is? It is a doctorate degree, do you think lawyers are of genious caliber? I don't.

Am I proud I have a degree no one else wants to do....? Eh, it has paid well.... so there is that. Are you proud to get a job that essentially anyone else could do? Oh wait, you are because you posted this thread. So good for you.

I would not doubt you could get a doctorate too if that was you goal.

But instead you have settled on being a bar manager... that is your perogative. So deal with it, rather than trying to smear those that have done more in life. More as in economics acadimics.... But really so what? I promise you, each achievment required sacrifice. Each ball game you saw, I did not. Each night out you had, I did not. Each romp in the snow, or fun in the sun, I doubt I got it.

My son is growing up without me ....

So go pour your drinks, and enjoy your life... do with it what you please.

You have absolutely no idea what my academic achievements are. Why did you feel the need to insult me or my choices? You have made an assumption about me without any historical information at all.

It was you that gave the impression that having a doctorate made you a genius (please not the correct spelling). You still didn't tell me what company you work for and what you actually do, have you forgotten?

I am not trying to smear you and I don't know what you have done with your life. I, unlike you, am not making assumptions. I do know that happy people would not post what you did. At least you have your degree to harp on about at any chance. When you say that anyone could do a bar manager's job; do you mean you? Do you know what the job entails? Do you think with your attitude you would have any customers?

The original idea for this posting was to acknowledge the fact that my moving to a new job and new phase of my life is partly due to this forum. I also wanted to give an open invitation to all ThaiVisa members to drop in and see me at my new job but now I only want to see non-condescending people please, who like to enjoy life.

Let's end this here, shall we, before I have to correct anymore of your spelling. Even if you do not have the ability to spell (and I am open to the possibilty that you may have some kind of condition, which is beyond your control), you should have the self-respect to check your spelling with another source before posting on an open forum. Even if anyone believed that your specialist subjects were not bitterness, arrogance, envy and frustration; you totally lose credibility when you can't spell 'academic', especially, when you are using it to describe how much more you have achieved, academically. Try and be nice to people and they will be nice back to you, mostly.

'acadimics' -- academics

'achievment' -- achievement

I think what I have just said to you may get me suspended from this site but it needed to be said. Don't judge me, you don't know me.

Edited by dob310870
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I will tell you what some of my job is.

As discussed before, it is rare what I do. In Thailand there are 40 people that have a masters in this field, but only 20 are actively working. The others are retired.

What this field involves is diagnostic testing & rehab in the health care area. Physicians need someone with the ability to perform these tests & knowledge in the rehabilitation process, but there are too few of these people in Thailand to support the need. Further, there are companies that want to sell the diagnostic equipment and other products associated with this field in Thailand, but there are not enough people to support this.

So my role is a trainer/teacher/instructor/consultant etc. for these companies. I work with physicians, nurses, techies etc & we have training work shops every so often. Sometimes I have to travel to specific locations etc etc.

Nothing to get excited about. It is one of those jobs that should require a tie.... have yet to do that, but I should.

I did not judge you. You want to be a bar manager... OK. I judged that occupation as not something to get excited about. So what? I know a lot of people that get excited about"fast" mopeds too. I don't get a tickle out of fast mopeds, so what? I also find aquaculture to be interesting. You may find it a bore, a waste of money and time, so what? I also like licorice, and most people do not, so what?

By the way, your command over English should also allow you to moon light, or day light as an English instructor too while in Thialand. Enjoy your time, enjoy your youth, while you got it.

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The original idea for this posting was to acknowledge the fact that my moving to a new job and new phase of my life is partly due to this forum. I also wanted to give an open invitation to all ThaiVisa members to drop in and see me at my new job but now I only want to see non-condescending people please, who like to enjoy life.

Let's end this here, shall we

Yes lets.

Dakhar, I am thrilled for you whatever you do but you are not the subject of this thread. Although it certainly has seemed to turn out that way.

So, in the spirit of getting back to dob and what TV has done for him, I would be interested in hearing from anyone else who has benefited from the information they have received on this forum.

and dob, good luck on your new endeavor :o

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Good luck in your job Dob ! ( I know I know...........I,m a poet and I don,t know it )

As for Dakhar.........I don,t understand why you have such a " rare " doctorate? Only 20 people in your field working?

How can any university justify running a course like that when they might only have what.............2 students a year?

If it is diagnostics related to the Health Profession.......there are probably thousands of graduates in that field.

Maybe you are a nurse? :o

Edited by stevemiddie
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I just wondered if you have been to Koh Samui before and what research you have done prior to accepting this position.

Oh & BTW Best of Luck.

P.S. The lads in the football forum will be interested in which team you follow. !

Yes, I have been to Koh Samui before, twice, I liked it. I went to Koh Tao too and did my PADI. I have also tried Bangkok for a month and Chiang Mai for 5 months. Of the four places that I would wish to work Samui is my first choice.

I am not sure about the research you are referring to, please tell me.

As regards the football; do you think I would tell you that in an open forum? I am not really a follower, anyway. On match day, though, I intend to show as many matches as I am able to, which means that I have to stay neutral really.

Thanks for the good wishes.

I was refering to things like :-

Work Permit

Housing or Accommodation

Health and/or travel Insurance

Cost of Living in Koh Samui

Thai language

Thai culture & religion

Friendly Support

Low-Season/High-Season difference

and most importantly Fallback or retreat situation

bearing in mind Murphy's Law (Or Sod's if you prefer)

Forewarned is Forearmed, and any knowledge you can aquire early on will stand you in good stead.

I am not meaning to put you off, the choice is yours. I merely want to help make you aware of some of the pitfalls that you may come across when choosing to live here as against holidaying here. (Chalk and Cheese comes to mind)


From an old Uncle

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Good luck in your job Dob ! ( I know I know...........I,m a poet and I don,t know it )

As for Dakhar.........I don,t understand why you have such a " rare " doctorate? Only 20 people in your field working?

How can any university justify running a course like that when they might only have what.............2 students a year?

If it is diagnostics related to the Health Profession.......there are probably thousands of graduates in that field.

Maybe you are a nurse? :o

Your math is actually correct. Thailand currently has 2 people in the only college progam in Thialand. (Rama Tip.) The program was a MS program, but lowered it down to a BS level with the hopes that it would create more graduates. The plan did not work... no growth. Interesting you mentioned nursing, because some of the graduates go on to nursing or nurses go into the program.

In Singapore, there is NO program in this field, and all those practicing this proffession are imported in. Taiwan has one college with the program and China has a handful of them. What can I say, the field is not sexy?! But ultimatley every one that gets up in the years will need the services provided by these clinicians.

But for the sake of keeping on topic.

That is great news that someone found gainful employment via TV.

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How about free grog for everyone by the jumbo

I just wanted to say thanks to ThaiVisa!! I have been reading and posting on here for quite some time now. Initially, I used the site for help and advice before I took my most recent trip to Thailand.

Since my return I have spent my Sunday afternoon's catching-up on all the happenings. I recently started looking at the employment section and I am pleased to say that I have just been accepted in a position on Koh Samui.


I have the position of the bar and restaurant manager in the Emerald Irish bar and restuarant in Bophut. The bar backs out onto the beach, facing Koh Pangyan (spelling?) and looks great from what I have seen of it. It has Europeon style decor, with an obvious Irish influence.

It's got a full sound system and set up for the sporting events.

It would be great to see any Thaivisa members who are in the neighbourhood, so feel free to come in and support me and bring your friends (I want to make a good impression with my bosses)

Maybe we could hold a ThaiVisa knees-up sometime in the future? (I could have a quiet word with the manager - :o )

I would like the ThaiVisa members to give me some feedback of what they look for in a bar. What do you like? What do you hate? What would you like to see in your local bar that is not available at the moment? I want the bar to be appealing to local people as well as tourists. I would love to hear you point of view. I am open to all ideas. Bring them on!!!

Again, I want to give thanks to this forum (and my excellent interview techniques) for me getting this job. Thanks again all those involved.

I will be there from the 13th Decemeber, if you want to pop in and say "Hi".


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I just wondered if you have been to Koh Samui before and what research you have done prior to accepting this position.

Oh & BTW Best of Luck.

P.S. The lads in the football forum will be interested in which team you follow. !

Yes, I have been to Koh Samui before, twice, I liked it. I went to Koh Tao too and did my PADI. I have also tried Bangkok for a month and Chiang Mai for 5 months. Of the four places that I would wish to work Samui is my first choice.

I am not sure about the research you are referring to, please tell me.

As regards the football; do you think I would tell you that in an open forum? I am not really a follower, anyway. On match day, though, I intend to show as many matches as I am able to, which means that I have to stay neutral really.

Thanks for the good wishes.

I was refering to things like :-

Work Permit

Housing or Accommodation

Health and/or travel Insurance

Cost of Living in Koh Samui

Thai language

Thai culture & religion

Friendly Support

Low-Season/High-Season difference

and most importantly Fallback or retreat situation

bearing in mind Murphy's Law (Or Sod's if you prefer)

Forewarned is Forearmed, and any knowledge you can aquire early on will stand you in good stead.

I am not meaning to put you off, the choice is yours. I merely want to help make you aware of some of the pitfalls that you may come across when choosing to live here as against holidaying here. (Chalk and Cheese comes to mind)


From an old Uncle

Thanks for your concern uncle LeungKen, you have always been my favourite (despite the faint smell of ammonia that seems to follow you around)

As regards your questions, I will try and answer them in order.

Work Permit - My new bosses lawyer is sorting it out.

Housing or Accommodation - The house is sorted for me.

Health and/or travel Insurance - Last time I went away I got a backpackers policy for 180 days. It was sufficient. I will investigate further when I arrive.

Cost of Living in Koh Samui - I know that it is considerably less than the UK. I am not too sure about the supermarkets (you could shed some light on this for me) but I know what the cost of the average meals is.

Thai language - Didn't manage to pick up too much language on previous trips. I will try harder this time.

Thai culture & religion - I am familiar with the religion and culture. I am no expert but find that if I am respectful to others then it helps to make up for what I lack in knowledge

Friendly Support - My new bosses seem very friendly. I have a few friends in Thailand. I am quite used to being independant and like to explore alone mostly. If all else fails, there is always Skype.

Low-Season/High-Season difference - I have only ever been between October and March. I know that the weather changes outside of those times but, in comparison to the weather in the UK, I am quite prepared for a rainstorm or two.

and most importantly Fallback or retreat situation

bearing in mind Murphy's Law (Or Sod's if you prefer) - Always expect the best but prepare for the worst. I have made all the necessary arrangements and have all of the means to get back to the UK if I need to.

Do you think that I have missed anything? Let me know please.

Thanks again, Unc. :o

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Oh don't forget the Mozzie repellent..... :o

Cheers & Good Luck

and don't forget to keep us up to date,

feel free to PM me (though I'm in Phuket) I'd like to know how you get on

and I think the gas driven lap-top on my zimmer-frame will be OK for at least a year or so.

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How about free grog for everyone by the jumbo

I would like the ThaiVisa members to give me some feedback of what they look for in a bar. What do you like? What do you hate? What would you like to see in your local bar that is not available at the moment? I want the bar to be appealing to local people as well as tourists. I would love to hear you point of view. I am open to all ideas. Bring them on!!!

Again, I want to give thanks to this forum (and my excellent interview techniques) for me getting this job. Thanks again all those involved.

I will be there from the 13th Decemeber, if you want to pop in and say "Hi".


I am sorry jumbojumbo, we don't sell grog at the Emerald Irish bar, we only sell quality alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, served with a cheeky smile and a twinkle in the eye. These beverages include; fine lagers and ales and a selection of wines, for the ladies. :o Hope to see you there.

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Good luck in your job Dob ! ( I know I know...........I,m a poet and I don,t know it )

As for Dakhar.........I don,t understand why you have such a " rare " doctorate? Only 20 people in your field working?

How can any university justify running a course like that when they might only have what.............2 students a year?

If it is diagnostics related to the Health Profession.......there are probably thousands of graduates in that field.

Maybe you are a nurse? :o

Your math is actually correct. Thailand currently has 2 people in the only college progam in Thialand. (Rama Tip.) The program was a MS program, but lowered it down to a BS level with the hopes that it would create more graduates. The plan did not work... no growth. Interesting you mentioned nursing, because some of the graduates go on to nursing or nurses go into the program.

In Singapore, there is NO program in this field, and all those practicing this proffession are imported in. Taiwan has one college with the program and China has a handful of them. What can I say, the field is not sexy?! But ultimatley every one that gets up in the years will need the services provided by these clinicians.

But for the sake of keeping on topic.

That is great news that someone found gainful employment via TV.

Sounds like technical sales and post sales on medical equipment to me.

Now I work in the healthcare field in Singapore - clinical trials to be exact.

I have friends who have sat on the project teams as radiologists for the purchase of some very high level kit from Siemens and the like.

I doubt they would not have local support for that kit here in Singapore - well they send the Bangladeshi guys and othes here for training so they must!

What kit are you selling that is so rare they have not got enough in Singapore to justify a local guy.

As for rare degree's - it was only a few yews ago a Med Stat's MSc started in Japan -how the hel_l they did their clinical trials i do not know

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How about free grog for everyone by the jumbo

I would like the ThaiVisa members to give me some feedback of what they look for in a bar. What do you like? What do you hate? What would you like to see in your local bar that is not available at the moment? I want the bar to be appealing to local people as well as tourists. I would love to hear you point of view. I am open to all ideas. Bring them on!!!

Again, I want to give thanks to this forum (and my excellent interview techniques) for me getting this job. Thanks again all those involved.

I will be there from the 13th Decemeber, if you want to pop in and say "Hi".


I am sorry jumbojumbo, we don't sell grog at the Emerald Irish bar, we only sell quality alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, served with a cheeky smile and a twinkle in the eye. These beverages include; fine lagers and ales and a selection of wines, for the ladies. :o Hope to see you there.

See, you have the patter down already - you will do fine!!

Enjoy your life in the sun

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Oh don't forget the Mozzie repellent..... :D

Cheers & Good Luck

and don't forget to keep us up to date,

feel free to PM me (though I'm in Phuket) I'd like to know how you get on

and I think the gas driven lap-top on my zimmer-frame will be OK for at least a year or so.

Thanks Unc. I will certainly keep you up-to-date on the progress of the Emerald. When I know, you will know (only you will more than likely forget a few minutes later - you started it!)

A gas powered laptop, hey? You have to move with the times old fella, you should get a solar powered one, like mine, they are all the rage. :o

Edited by dob310870
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Good luck in your job Dob ! ( I know I know...........I,m a poet and I don,t know it )

As for Dakhar.........I don,t understand why you have such a " rare " doctorate? Only 20 people in your field working?

How can any university justify running a course like that when they might only have what.............2 students a year?

If it is diagnostics related to the Health Profession.......there are probably thousands of graduates in that field.

Maybe you are a nurse? :o

Your math is actually correct. Thailand currently has 2 people in the only college progam in Thialand. (Rama Tip.) The program was a MS program, but lowered it down to a BS level with the hopes that it would create more graduates. The plan did not work... no growth. Interesting you mentioned nursing, because some of the graduates go on to nursing or nurses go into the program.

In Singapore, there is NO program in this field, and all those practicing this proffession are imported in. Taiwan has one college with the program and China has a handful of them. What can I say, the field is not sexy?! But ultimatley every one that gets up in the years will need the services provided by these clinicians.

But for the sake of keeping on topic.

That is great news that someone found gainful employment via TV.

Sounds like technical sales and post sales on medical equipment to me.

Now I work in the healthcare field in Singapore - clinical trials to be exact.

I have friends who have sat on the project teams as radiologists for the purchase of some very high level kit from Siemens and the like.

I doubt they would not have local support for that kit here in Singapore - well they send the Bangladeshi guys and othes here for training so they must!

What kit are you selling that is so rare they have not got enough in Singapore to justify a local guy.

As for rare degree's - it was only a few yews ago a Med Stat's MSc started in Japan -how the hel_l they did their clinical trials i do not know

It is not really a "kit" so to speak. It is around 6 or more diagnostic tools/machines, each one used for a specific reason, each one using a specific protocol, each one used for specific age groups etc. In order to used the equipment correctly, you have to know a lot, even the physicians in Thailand sometimes get it wrong, as well as the physicians in America. In order to interpet the data collected you also have to know a lot, anatomy physiology, etiologies etc.

In America, to be a practitioner this type of work, the intry degree is a doctorate degree & of course a license. In countries like, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand do not have such standards. So if it essentially requires a doctorate in order to get a firm grasp of this area of health care, that is why Singapore imports their practitioners. Even then, if you really research the people they have, thier level of training differs from hospital to hospital, there is no real standard, so the physicians just anoint some one and poof they are proficient. Yep, it happens a lot every where.

Generally speaking, I do not sell. nor am I a member of the sales team. But I think you are on the right track. If there is a problem, folks first go to the sales team, if there is still a problem then I get involved. If there is a problem beyond that, it is more than lilely a repair/service issue. I also work with training the sales team, teaching them about the equipment, use limitations etc.

And back to the topic at hand... that is great that someone found gainful employment on TV thus allowing that person to full fill a dream. One moderator asked if TV has assisted others, and if so report it. Sure it has, located some farmers, located some stock animals, located some physicians, lawyers (Geg Lange), restaraunts (Burbon Street) and the list could go on.

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