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Cant Connect To Thaivisa.com


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I'm posting this for another Thaivisa member who has been unable to access Thaivisa.

"I was connected and logged in a few days ago. When I hit the "add reply"-botton after making a post, the "page can not be found" appeared. After that moment I have not been able to connect to Thaivisa. Any link I use (even the newsletterlinks that are e-mailed to me) dont work. Page can not be found. This is only for Thaivisa.com. Dont have any problems what so ever with ANY other site. Very strange. My nearby friends in the same neibourhood and with ToT connections (same as I) have no such problems. I've tried everything now (I think) security setting are the same as they always have been and my computer is 100% "clean" - ran 3 different online scans and 3 different virusprograms and now all scans show 0. Defragged, emptied cache-memory, cookies, temp internet files. Can't think of anything wrong with my computer or connection. Anyone ever had a similar problem or have a suggestion of what might be wrong?

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On an odd chance, has he tried changing his DNS settings to an Open DNS address? Its in the Tcp/ip settings. Open DNS settings; and Here's their website for instructions www.opendns.com/start

I had a similar problem but it was with more sites than just ThaiVisa and once I changed my DNS settings to the OpenDNS ones it has worked fine.

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I'm posting this for another Thaivisa member who has been unable to access Thaivisa.

Did the open Dns change and the difference is that when I try www.thaivisa.com in my address field I will now come to this page: http://guide.opendns.com/?url=www.thaivisa...&client=ie6 . At the top of the page it says, "You tried to visit www.thaivisa.com, which is not loading."

If I click any of the links on that page or if I click "did you mean thaivisa.com?" the good old "page can not be found" appears. Can't answer that EVERYTHING else works but at least all the other pages I try seem to load fine.

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Thanks all for the help, and espcially good friend "koheesti"! Im now back online since yesterday, all of a sudden Thaivisa started working again. By itself. Did not change anything either when the problem started nor when it finished. I will never know the answer of this one. Very strange.

Once again thanks for ideas. Got me to go true the whole computer and i actually did find some trojans and viruses that i probably would not bother looking for otherwise. With the computer clean i still could not connect to Thaivisa. All of a sudden i could. Anybody else with ToT connections in Samui EVER experienced the same ting i am still curious about what this was!!

Anyways, happy to be back. :o

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I thought you seemed awfully quiet Mattias :D

No, I can't say as I have had this problem before---perhaps TOT was blocking TV for some reason? Hope not! :o

I'm having problem accessing ThaiVIsa also. I use GPRS and until 2 days ago everything works fine. What's weird though is that I can access ThaiVISA using using a proxy service (although very slowly).

Right now I'm at the local university using my laptop and their free Wi-Fi. Seems to work fine from here. Weird.

Ski (Ajarn)

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I thought you seemed awfully quiet Mattias :D

No, I can't say as I have had this problem before---perhaps TOT was blocking TV for some reason? Hope not! :o

I had the same thoughts. The internetprovider is all i can think off. That dont really make any sence either thought since i have a few friends around here that had no problem. With same provider (ToT). Unless my specific connection did not aloud Thaivisa for some days? Never heard of such a block and if that was the case it sure must have been a mistake.

Well, computers, its all russian to me.

And yes, quiet days are over! :D

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Same, same. Been about 5 days since I was last able to log onto Thai Visa without any errors (ITCP errors??) Said the site was taking too long to connect.

Been getting the usual TV mails though so knew the site was OK.

Now, all of a sudden we are back to normal.

I am using AIS with Solomon modem and had no problems before.

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Same, same. Been about 5 days since I was last able to log onto Thai Visa without any errors (ITCP errors??) Said the site was taking too long to connect.

Been getting the usual TV mails though so knew the site was OK.

Now, all of a sudden we are back to normal.

I am using AIS with Solomon modem and had no problems before.

And again same same! I’m back online to the site now but after being off with the same problem since Saturday morning. I sent the support desk an email and received an automatic reply so assumed that the path to the site server was open.

A friend tried to connect with the same result but he was saying he had problems with a number of other sites as well

We both use AIS GPRS

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