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I Think I Have Food Poisoning


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Last night I bought some chicken and rice from a local food stall. Around 3:00AM I woke up and was violently sick, vomiting like crazy. Today I feel slightly nauseous, I've got the chills and my whole body is sore. My gf went to the pharmacy and bought me some medicine but before I take it I would like to know what it is. A web search only returned Thai sites. The two pills she got are called MOLAX-M and SANOSEC. If anyone can shed some light onto these pills for me I would greatly appreciate it.

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C: Domperidone maleate

I: Symptomatic treatment of nausea, vomitting,gastritis.


C: Omeprazole

I :Duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcure andrefux eoshagitis

Anyway, if you have a sign of food poisioning indeed , you shooud take

1) ATB cocktail as Norfloxacin + Metronidazole

2) Ultracarbon

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Last night I bought some chicken and rice from a local food stall. Around 3:00AM I woke up and was violently sick, vomiting like crazy. Today I feel slightly nauseous, I've got the chills and my whole body is sore. My gf went to the pharmacy and bought me some medicine but before I take it I would like to know what it is. A web search only returned Thai sites. The two pills she got are called MOLAX-M and SANOSEC. If anyone can shed some light onto these pills for me I would greatly appreciate it.

Yuh, that happend to me in a food stall just outside ABAC :o Im never going to eat that chicken again!!! :D

I dont like taking any form of medication so i just drank warm milk and honey for a day and i was fine when i woke up the next day.

Hope your not feeling too bad!

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OK unless I've missed summat, you don't say where you are. Even in a backwater province like Ranong you get good treatment at clinics. Get your lass to get you to an "Anamai" (spelling). If in Bangkok go to a clinic.

Edited by Mosha
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Do not take any kind of medicine!

Just drink a lot of water or juice.

There is some kind of poison in your body so you have to flush it out.

Your body knows best how to deal with it, I have at least once a month some kind of food poisining here in Thailand.

I just drink a lot of water and juice and take extra vitamine supplements.

Remember the bad stuff has to go out and you can do that by drinking a lot (Juice/water)

Do not take any medicine unless you know it is a virus.


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Last night I bought some chicken and rice from a local food stall. Around 3:00AM I woke up and was violently sick, vomiting like crazy. Today I feel slightly nauseous, I've got the chills and my whole body is sore. My gf went to the pharmacy and bought me some medicine but before I take it I would like to know what it is. A web search only returned Thai sites. The two pills she got are called MOLAX-M and SANOSEC. If anyone can shed some light onto these pills for me I would greatly appreciate it.

The most important thing to remember about food poisoning is dehydration, (vomiting and diarrhea especially bad). Drink as much fluids as possible, avoid meat and complex proteins for 2 to 3 days and if your symptoms persist beyond 3 days you may have a parasite and will need immediate medical attention. Eat light for another 3 days once symptoms ease up. No way to avoid periodic episodes of food poisoning here so be sure to maintain 3 to 5 thousand mg. vitamin C per day to keep your body resistance high.

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I had food poisoning, symptoms naseaous, sweating, fever, diarrhea. Pharmacist prescribed Imodium (2 tabs to start), one Noroxcin (which is a trade name for Norfloxacin). Took just a second Noroxcin about 8 hours later. Felt 100% within 12 hours. Drank lots of purified water. Total cost 110b and I still have enough medication for about 5 more rounds.

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You had better not prescribe for yourself unless you have studied about food poisoning before you experience it. Since you experienced it now it behooves you to go on internet and find out what you should do the next time. Activated charcoal tablets, very cheap and available will absorb toxins readily and so you should have asked your girlfriend to get you these tablets and take about 4 or 5 every hour. Ask your pharmacist. He or she will tell you that there are no side effects with doing this except your stool will be black. Good luck! Everyone in Thailand experiences this because of improper food handling, lack of santation facilities, etc., especially at roadside stands but not exclusively only them..

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Even in a backwater province like Ranong you get good treatment at clinics.

Mostly, yes. However i went to a clinic in the local town because i had high fever and tummy pains. The doctor told me i was allergic to Thai food. Why did my body take 6 years to tell me this? :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

This thread is a month old!

If the OP still alive, he's quite surely long been cured!

But anyway, the BEST medicine I've ever had for food poisoning here is PLAIN YOGURT.

Brand: Foremost Pro-Balance for me has been the most effective.

Eat super a lot of it! Like 15 cups a day!

(Real) yogurt is filled with good bacteria which colonizes the stomach and kills the bad bacteria.

The brand I mentioned has 3 types of these good bacteria. Preferably get the PLAIN unflavored variety because it has 1.2% live bacteria, as opposed the the same brand's flavored fruit variety which only has 0.9% live bacteria. The same brand (Foremost) has another variety other than the "Pro Balance", but the packaging has no understandable info as to the actual amount of real live bacteria on it, so I just get the "pro-balance" variety.

To help calm the stomach, unsweetened ginger tea. Buy fresh ginger, wash it, peel it, crush it, and then boil or microwave it in hot water and then drink the water and also eat the ginger pulp.


Note: I have no affiliation to that brand. Buy another if you wish (as long as it has info on the actual amount and types of live bacteria). I wana make that clear because a well-meaning mod deleted my endorsement of a health website link before to help another poster... a link to an organization under the non-profit Red Cross.

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Gatorade / electrolight solutions help too for staving off dehydration when you've got food poisoning...


But I find Gatorade expensive.

I buy the electrolyte in sachets. O.R.S packets I think.

About 7 baht per sachet... to mix with 750ml of water. Gatorade is 21 Baht for about 500ml I think.

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Note that some brands of electrolyte O.R.S are about 6 baht per sachet to be mixed with 250ml of water...

It's cheaper to look for the brand which is 7 baht per sachet to be mixed with750ml of water; so it has 3x as much yield and is much cheaper over all, especially when compared to Gatorade.

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:o OP dead or alive? Well there is a third possibility- chronic lingering dysentery. On the other hand he could at this very moment have cig. in one hand, whisky in another and be whooping it up with some pretty creature or two in a sleazy downtown bar.

But the subject matter warrants constant attention. I'm told food poisoning out here is a combination of inadequate storage, and the climate which is ideal for germs to thrive.

The really bad incident descibed often occurs when the hapless victim ingests food which is already heavily contaminated. Here, the germs have already reproduced many thousands of times (bimonially- so the blighters are good at maths too eh!). Not only are germs consumed but also a large amount of germ shit, aka, toxin is present. There is direct infection in the stomach and possibly bowel, and also a tangible feeling of blood poisoning, which is indeed what has happened. So the brain pushes the puke button and keeps on pushing it sometimes even when the stomach is completely drained. The last wonderful wretch can involve bile which is often produced to neutralise the nasties in the stomach. Not surprising one feels like death warmed up.

So avoidance is a dam_n good idea, and I reckon avoiding fish and raw food in general is a good place to start, then be a bit canny with what food stall you use. If there is a chance food has been knocking around a while forget it, even if you have to go hungry for a few hours.

It's a fallacy that reheated food is safe. The heat may kill the bacteria but the toxin is still there.

Also, some airborne viruses have a similar effect, so you may get sick no matter what you do. This last fact may well lead one to utter the phrase 'life's a bitch and then you die'.

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