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Should We All Wear Yellow Tomorrow?


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The yellow shirt thing is so minor an issue that the very fact you harp on about it seems odd to me. I see it as taking part in something or a small step towards fitting in.

Fitting in? Hmmmmmm.

Well, are you an immigrant here? My visa says non-immigrant with no path towards immigrant status, which I would like. To me, this means facing reality AS IT IS, not as I imagine it is or want it to be in my wishful imagination.

I have no problem with people making different decisions and agree it isn't a big deal, either way. I do understand the many reasons people would want to wear these special shirts; all I am saying is it doesn't feel right to me personally.

We have all seen people wear clothes that they don't feel reflect who they are. The beach bum in a three piece suit looks ridiculous because he doesn't know how to wear a three piece suit and feel comfortable in it. A royal yellow shirt does not reflect me, it isn't me, I am not a subject of the Thai King ... Maybe some of you can pull that off and feel comfortable doing it, more power to you!

Edited by Jingthing
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Aside from the fact that you are showing respect for a King who genuinely deserves the love and respect and loyalty he receives from the Thai people:

1. My wife is happy

2. My kids are happy

3. My staff are happy

4. Even strangers are happy

Why in the world would I not want to wear yellow on Mondays, and tomorrow? I've even got a new one for today thanks to my wife who ran to the market twice to get it changed...

Long live the King.

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Jingthing, come on now. Thailand is not just about visas and stamps in a passport. Do you not consider Thailand to be more about the people you live amongst?

No doubt most of the country will be covered in yellow tomorrow and just a small part of it will be on me.

You have stated that you are an American. Nothing wrong with that in anyway, but maybe this is part of the reason why you can't see 'it'. As an Englishman I have grown up with the Union Jack being displayed at times of Royal import. I recall watching Queen Elizabeth's walkabout on her 80th and was moved by groups of tourists and other non-white people in Britain (I can't be sure of their immigration status as they were on TV) waving flags and clearly enjoying being part of a celebration.

However, Americans don't have a Royal family and I doubt people celebrate the birthday of President Bush. I may be wrong and my point is not meant to be rude towards the many fine Americans here in Thailand.

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Fitting in? Hmmmmmm.

Well, are you an immigrant here? My visa says non-immigrant with no path towards immigrant status, which I would like.

Personally, I don't see fitting in as some kind of transaction - that "they" give me immigrant status first and then I'll try to fit in. I see it as one aspect - a major aspect - of having a happy life here and having smooth interpersonal relationships. In other words, fitting in is something I do for my own benefit.

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Personally, I don't see fitting in as some kind of transaction - that "they" give me immigrant status first and then I'll try to fit in. I see it as one aspect - a major aspect - of having a happy life here and having smooth interpersonal relationships. In other words, fitting in is something I do for my own benefit.

To clarify, being a REAL immigrant is NOT POSSIBLE for me here, and I think, most of the farangs here.

If I was on a possible path towards that, I would feel differently.

I respect how you feel, perfectly valid for you.

Back to the shirts, do people think NOT wearing yellow shirts on a big day like the King's birthday is disrespectful?

I hope not, because I do respect the King and all the Thai people who love their King.

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Well currently in Oz at the moment, but I would wear the yellow if there just as a mark of respect. I note Orchis wore pink today and her co-workers appreciated it. The trend to follow the colours is followed more by women than men, but even most women don't follow the daily routine. For those who are interested:

Sunday: red

Monday: yellow

Tuesday: pink

Wednesday: green

Thursday: orange

Friday: blue

Saturday: mauve/purple

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I also feel it is a personal choice whether you do or not. My choice is, YES. I have been wearing yellow shirts every Monday for over a year now, and I have no problem with wearing yellow on Monday's, and I even enjoy wearing pink on Tuesday's! Certainly those around me and living in my area have no problem with what I wear, and as Camerata mentioned, it is noticed and complimented. I do get an odd look every now and then, but these are all from foreigners. With that, I could really care less.

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I was encouraged by my employer to wear yellow on Monday and again today, which I did. Tomorrow I will be at home with my kids and trying to get some work finished up in time for Thursday. I will not be wearing yellow tomorrow. I do respect the King but I don't feel that I have to or should wear yellow.

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Well currently in Oz at the moment, but I would wear the yellow if there just as a mark of respect. I note Orchis wore pink today and her co-workers appreciated it. The trend to follow the colours is followed more by women than men, but even most women don't follow the daily routine. For those who are interested:

Sunday: red

Monday: yellow

Tuesday: pink

Wednesday: green

Thursday: orange

Friday: blue

Saturday: mauve/purple

You beat me to the listings of daily colours

As this is very much first and foremost a thai budhist tradition, then i wish all the millions of thais who were born on a monday all the best.

I never wear yellow on a monday, or any other day, or any of the colours on their assigned days under this old tradition

just a choice we all have

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People from all walks of life, wearing yellow t-shirts in honour of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej gathered outside Bangkok's Chitralada Palace to glimpse the monarch on Tuesday as the lavish celebrations on the eve of his birthday begin across the kingdom.

Sourse: Bangkokpost.com

Long Live The King.

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Should we all wear yellow tomorrow to show 'our' respect to the Thai King?

we don't have to wear coloured clothes to show our respect. i am convinced that this is not what His Majesty would want. he is in a certain way a down to earth monarch and i cherish the memory when i had the honour to answer for a few minutes his personal technical questions (Switzerland more than three decades ago).

respect comes from the heart and not from a shirt.

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The yellow shirt thing is so minor an issue that the very fact you harp on about it seems odd to me. I see it as taking part in something or a small step towards fitting in.

Fitting in? Hmmmmmm.

Well, are you an immigrant here? My visa says non-immigrant with no path towards immigrant status, which I would like. To me, this means facing reality AS IT IS, not as I imagine it is or want it to be in my wishful imagination.

I have no problem with people making different decisions and agree it isn't a big deal, either way. I do understand the many reasons people would want to wear these special shirts; all I am saying is it doesn't feel right to me personally.

We have all seen people wear clothes that they don't feel reflect who they are. The beach bum in a three piece suit looks ridiculous because he doesn't know how to wear a three piece suit and feel comfortable in it. A royal yellow shirt does not reflect me, it isn't me, I am not a subject of the Thai King ... Maybe some of you can pull that off and feel comfortable doing it, more power to you!

so you are just plain bitter? get over it. wear yellow or dont, nobody really cares, just get off your soapbox for a day.

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What ever happened to that ancient slogan, "When in Thailand, do as the Thais do"? For goodness sakes, Monday has always been yellow shirt day here. Tuesdays, pink. Tomorrow will be Father's Day, and yellow is the most appropriate color. I have learned to wai, to say "Sawadee krhap" and "krahp kuhn krhap." I have learned to remove my shoes at the door, unless I'm teaching. Learned not to point with my fingers or my feet, and not to climb Buddha images. Welcome to Thailand. It matters not that they only grant me a retirement visa one year at a time.

Happy Birthday to the King. Long live the King.

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If you are in Thailand, wear a yellow shirt toworrow. It is a sign of respect for local customs & Thai people's core beliefs.

HRH is revered by the Thai people & as an individual person you will gain much "face" in a Thai person's eyes if you show your support for their monarch.

Long live the king.



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Jingthing, come on now. Thailand is not just about visas and stamps in a passport. Do you not consider Thailand to be more about the people you live amongst?


I will be wearing my yellow T-shirt tomorrow because of my respect for the King, as will 99% of the people I will see. I think the whole country will be a mass of yellow.

If jingthing doesn't wear a yellow shirt, maybe tomorrow he'll be contributing yet again to his "Do you hear the word 'Farang' used by Thais in a derogatory way" thread.

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Interesting thread, not so much for the subject matter but the responses it has drawn out.

Frankly, I see it almost as an affront to my hosts NOT to wear yellow tomorrow, and those who are consciously deciding not to need to take a good look at their motives.

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Interesting thread, not so much for the subject matter but the responses it has drawn out.

Frankly, I see it almost as an affront to my hosts NOT to wear yellow tomorrow, and those who are consciously deciding not to need to take a good look at their motives.

You are reading my mind.

I before had asked here (I think it was deleted) if people thought it was disrespectful not to wear yellow (or pink) tomorrow? Bendix, thanks for bringing up this subject again. I don't think you are correct. I think some Thai people would appreciate farangs in yellow, and some wouldn't, so we should just wear, or not wear, whatever makes us feel comfortable. I get a chill when there is such pressure to conform the way you are suggesting. One poster said when in Thailand, do as the Thais. Really?

I will be wearing my yellow T-shirt tomorrow because of my respect for the King, as will 99% of the people I will see. I think the whole country will be a mass of yellow.

Again, do people think the contrary, that NOT wearing the colors is actively showing disrespect? You might compare it to movie theatres, of course I stand for the King's song, is this the same kind of thing? If it is, that is news to me.

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the truth is that Thais really don't care if you wear the shirt or not. You think you are going to gain some huge amount of respect for wearing it? Do you see the bored looks on their face when they play that song for the ten millionth time? Not everyone wears the tshirt. Not everyone is obsessed with that type of ideology.

Many of you guys want to pretend you are a part of some 1950's sub culture because you have an elevated social status in this country or something. Like everyone is watching you. They arent. You are just another farang, whether you wear the shirt or not.

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Many of you guys want to pretend you are a part of some 1950's sub culture because you have an elevated social status in this country or something. Like everyone is watching you. They arent. You are just another farang, whether you wear the shirt or not.

Says the 45 year old man who thinks a 19 year old student should fall over in gratitude because he asked her out, and who measures his worth in what he can benchpress . . . .

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Many of you guys want to pretend you are a part of some 1950's sub culture because you have an elevated social status in this country or something. Like everyone is watching you. They arent. You are just another farang, whether you wear the shirt or not.

Says the 45 year old man who thinks a 19 year old student should fall over in gratitude because he asked her out, and who measures his worth in what he can benchpress . . . .

It was...

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