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A Sick Hippo


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I normally cycle between 30 and 40 kms a day. Things were going great until the start of the month when I was laid up with a stomach bug - no problem, just have a few days rest and then back on the bike.

Over the weekend, I developed a pain in my ribs - not that severe but annoying. Mrs Hippo suggested the hospital but as a retired nurse, I tend to avoid those places and nurses & ex-nurses make very bad patients! I thought of everything - lungs, heart, TB but finally decided it was just wind.

I finally relented on Monday night and went to the hospital - bad case of wind, two injections and some tablets. On Wednesday night Mrs Hippo asked was my rash itchy? What rash? I looked and there was a big rash on my left side - front & back! I slept for about two hours and woke up with a tremendous pain - it was just like being hit in the ribs with a baseball/cricket bat. The only thing I could put it down to was shingles (Herpes Zoster).

We went to the hospital yesterday and it was confirmed . The medication is taking effect and I slept very well last night, bit of pain now but getting less.

If you are ever offered the option of being hit in the ribs by a baseball/cricket bat or having shingles - pick the baseball/cricket bat!

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It is a rather weird condition in that you might get it frequently, then it can disappear and come back many years later. Some people get in only once in their lifetime. It seems to be related to stress (not only emotional, but physical stress, like poor health, other conditions etc).

Rough stuff.

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Shingles was my 'diagnosis' as soon as I read your description, before I got to the proper diagnosis.

You are lucky you have someone who saw the 'rash'. Later than 72 hours after onset, and you'd have been suffering much more than you will. You'll suffer discomfort for longer than you'd like, but not the pain I believe can occur with too-late diagnosis.

Stress it is, though I expect you don't believe it. Without being a smarty-pants I'd suggest that your cycling regimen is slightly over-doing it, at least as far as your body is concerned, if not your 'mind'.

For me, I didn't think stress sufficiently explained it, as it's has been part of my job for a while now, so I've put it down to aging and its concomitant reduced immune efficiency. If you are in your 30's or 40's I'd be looking at something else stress-wise. If you are a good deal older, diet is the answer. Cheers

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Shingles was my 'diagnosis' as soon as I read your description, before I got to the proper diagnosis.

You are lucky you have someone who saw the 'rash'. Later than 72 hours after onset, and you'd have been suffering much more than you will. You'll suffer discomfort for longer than you'd like, but not the pain I believe can occur with too-late diagnosis.

Stress it is, though I expect you don't believe it. Without being a smarty-pants I'd suggest that your cycling regimen is slightly over-doing it, at least as far as your body is concerned, if not your 'mind'.

For me, I didn't think stress sufficiently explained it, as it's has been part of my job for a while now, so I've put it down to aging and its concomitant reduced immune efficiency. If you are in your 30's or 40's I'd be looking at something else stress-wise. If you are a good deal older, diet is the answer. Cheers

I don't think the cycling is part of the stress but not being able to cycle is! My 30s & 40s were so long ago that I can't remember them! I have no problem with diet!

ade100, I don't have a problem with snakes here in Bangkok.

The rash is beginning to now but the pain...! I've never know a pain like it, constant, not varying in intensity and a change of position does not help!

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