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Are You A Bug?


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The biggest danger in participating in Thailand's sex industry is the probabilty that, like Gregor Samsa in Kafka's The Metamorphosis, you may wake up one day and figure out just what a bug you really are.

Don't keep patting yourselves on the back and bragging about how many women you slept with on your last sexual exploitation trip to Asia.

You help to perpetuate a sordid business that has many victims.

I hope you can sleep easily at nights!

Well, are you a lowlife or not?

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I once saw Kurt Vonnegut speak back in callege. Quite a funny fellow. He had a spiel where he said you can chart any story with time on one axis and good/bad fortune on the other.

For example- Cinderella

Good Fortune

|                 4                        6

|          3                5         




|Bad Fortune

1 ...So the story starts out with Cinderella being in servitude to her evil step sisters. but she keeps her chin up, so its not really a big deal - not good luck or bad luck.

2...her sisters go off to the ball, but thats expected. no change in fortune

3 ... Fairy Godmother shows up. Good forune

4 ... She's the Belle of the Ball. Really good fortune

5 ... Midnight. She goes back home, but she's knows she was the belle, so better fortune than before

6 ... The prince comes, Great fortune

Or, the Boy Meets Girl story

Good Fortune

|      2                   4               




|            3

|Bad Fortune

1 ... Boy

2 ... boy meets girl - good fortune

3 ... "Sh)t!" - bad fortune

4 ... Boy gets Girl in the end - good fortune

Or Kafka

Good Fortune










|      2

|Bad Fortune

1 ... A slimebag of a guy with no money, an awful job, no friends, a family that hates each other wkes up in Prague

2 ... as a cockroach

Anyways, Kafka always reminds me of that speech these days :o

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1 ... A slimebag of a guy with no money, an awful job, no friends, a family that hates each other wkes up in Prague

2 ... as a cockroach

Yes, thank's for the Philosophical charting post.

Now back to the question, are you a scumbag lowlife? :o

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Begs wrote:

You help to perpetuate a sordid business that has many victims.

We are all victims...one way or another.

Who are the victims?

The girls......? That actually make a lot of money, and can help her family out?

The guy......? Who loose some of his hard working money, but still he got what he paid for?

The establissement......? who acyually make money from them both?

hmmmm......read you're question again begs, and think about it, we are all for sale...we just have different prices.

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hmmmm......read you're question again begs, and think about it, we are all for sale...we just have different prices.

I think you should read my post again also, i asked a question.

So far, nobody has answered it, only evaded it.

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Well, are you a lowlife or not?

begs, you're favourite topic - or do you just grasp the stick* and stir?

if you could remove prostitution with a flurry of your wand? then?

a few of my mates use the compensation for gratification model ( baht for a f.uc.k ) and I don t think any less of them. If I was single I doubt that I would have a problem at the end of a night out to give some woman some money so she would consent to.....up2me :o

in what country has prostitution been eradicated?

what social model do you need to remove prostitution?

calling people bugs because they utilise the services of a prostitute, does that work?

* a stick is a booomerang that doesn't come back.

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Your expecting people to answer your question

are you a scumbag lowlife?

I dont fancy your chances of getting much in the way of sensible replies to this question.

But to start the ball rolling, i'll give you some direct answers to your direct questions.

Do i think i am a scumbag lowlife?

Nope, some people might disagree, thats upto them.

Do i think i'm a "bug" as you put it?

Nope, im 100% human, no scales, no fur, two arms and two legs.

Do i sleep easy at nights?

Usually, depends how hot it is.

I reckon you'll get similar answers from a lot of people, not quite sure where your going with this one.

Rant on! :o

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...BEGS" ...Sometimes i do wake up with nightmares about Thailand....they are always the same bad dream, over and over.........about all the thai ladys that i didnt get tiem to take :o .......but hey......if the thai ladys did not present themselves at the bars or disco's .....then they wouldnt be earned 1500+ baht a night...would they ???? and gee...hmmmm whats the average Thai monthly wage.....about 8000 baht ???

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Well, are you a lowlife or not?

Yes, I am a low-life, shti bag, dregs swilling, whore mongering, delusional,

work permitless, tax dodging, sex addicted, fun loving fart knocker. What are you going to do, arrest me?


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how can you live in a world that has so many evil, Farangs......when im in Bkk, often i see many farang men on their knee"s begging a thai lady to have a drink with him...or even forcing a Thai lady to take 2000 baht ( a week or two wages ), to stay with him.....when the whole time i know these girls are dying to get a fulltime job at a thai factory, sewing shop, hotel etc. start work at 0700 hrs till 2100 hrs and get payed 150 baht a day.....they are all having such a bad time with all their friends, rocking at the disco's and having money in their pockets......ahhhh its a sordid business......but its their business Begs......

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not a low life begs,just have a good time like you should do more often,you never paid for sex,you bull shit mate,you go on about morels and culture,what culture you find in pattaya,like the crap you posted about,putting the thai kids back in their cots and them crying,bull shit,say what you want begs ,but dont expect people to reply with what you want it dont work like that,get out more and get a life you spend too much time on here and are becoming bitter and twisted :o:D:D muppet

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Man, this is sweet! Is this like a trophy or something? Can I get it in a patch or badge form so I can wear it out at night? I am overwhelmed!

Its like a scout badge, you'll get a little cloth one presented to you next week and you have to sew it onto the arm of your ThaiVisa.com shirt (you do have one, right?) :o

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I dont fancy your chances of getting much in the way of sensible replies to this question.

I never expected any. :(

Essentially branding his own post a miserable waste of time.


Talking about a completely miserable wast of a post....this is coming from someone who said that a whole bar full of them makes over 350K per month.


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