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Another Burapha The Best Horror Story


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There are some good points made on here......but equally some points that are not relevant to the OP,s thread.

Since this is now deteriorating rapidly I am not going to post any other comments on this thread.

If any poster has a child in P3 then please feel free to come to the teachers office and I am more than willing to discuss what can be done and what can,t be done regarding your childs care and education. OR call me as all the parents of P3 have my telephone number.


Edited by stevemiddie
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This thread is seriously deteriorating, I have removed several posts and reprimanded posters for their behaviour.

Please keep on topic, education of our children is too important!

Any more flaming and this thread will have to be closed!


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quote from Mancherster

"EmCross. You had some not good experiences. That is obvious by your frequent and rambling postings. "

Me with frequent and rambling posts have you read your own post!!! Unbelievable, what a gob sh**e you are!

Pointless replying to that.

We met last term? At the start of the school year?

See you.

I very much doubt it and don't send me any more abusive or threatening PM's they are not appreciated and show what a low life you really are! I hope some other people know you.

I,d suggest copying your pm,s and sending the abusive / threatening ones to admin.

I,d also suggest anyone getting this sort of low life crap should do the same.

If there is one thing that pisses me off it,s bullies and abusive individuals who in this case if it,s proven, should be kicked out of T.Visa SINE DIE for misuse of facilities.

I feel confident they are not provided for sending abuse and threatening messages ?????

I would also hope that certain no brainers do not succeed in getting the thread closed.

This is important for all parents either sending or about to enlist their children in a school ( B E S T ) that has a very questionable safety record, that needs addressing by the owners.

S.M. has offered to do all he can that,s within his capablities and in particular P3 .

What happened to the parental, teacher, admin meetings, do they still have them and if so gather all your evidence and take it to the next meeting.

Do not let them fob you off

Assuming one cannot be called, bearing in mind the importance of what,s going on.

I find some of the reports disturbing to say the least on child safety and in particular the O.P.

I cannot imagine what state i would have been in in your case Torngseea, and all the others include of course.


Without going thru all the posts for reference, if it,s not been asked, surely there is redress system within the local authorities that deals with these issues.

Would the local P.Mail or similar do an article on school safety and highlight your grievances and just concerns ?????

Edited by marshbags
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Thanks Marshbags, some sense of reason here at last!

I agree with your comments but as far as I am aware there is no PTA at BEST School (certainly not while my children attended) and we got no response what so ever to our complaints (not even an apology) and no improvements were made.

It really is a bad excuse for a school at the moment and they need to do some major improvements and quickly, having a new building is just not enough they have to have some commitment from the people who run the school (even some interest in it would be a start!)

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This posting is fun!

My baby has been at the school for only a couple of weeks and I already know there is a PTA and has been for quite some time. I,m joining. :o

There sure is a PTA...and a thriving one at that. A Christmas Party was arranged by the PTA and held on Friday evening. Great fun and great entertainmnet from both the committed staff and, more to the point, the happy and the well-mannered pupils.

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There are some good points made on here......but equally some points that are not relevant to the OP,s thread.

Since this is now deteriorating rapidly I am not going to post any other comments on this thread.

If any poster has a child in P3 then please feel free to come to the teachers office and I am more than willing to discuss what can be done and what can,t be done regarding your childs care and education. OR call me as all the parents of P3 have my telephone number.


At last Steve something i totally agree with you about this thread is going down hill fast so this will be my last posting.....idiots lke manchester are not worthy of a response but he or she is quite willing to "talk" to me anytime at the school (im the big fella with a goetee not a nice lady like emcross) I worked for the school owner at her business in Naklua b4 i moved down to the school premises ,i taught maths and sci at the school for the best part of 5 yrs , IVE BEEN A FEE PAYING PARENT THE LAST 4 yrs so i feel iam qualified to offer accurate info. Most of wot emcross is saying is correct ignoring posters isnt the answer - there has been a pta at best for a few yrs as i remember it was virtually all THAI parents as the falang ones ie me and a handfull of others quickly realised it was a total waste of time other than when the owner cant be bothered or interested to host a christmas show (why do you think the recent show excellent as it was took place not in the school walls SHE SAID NO)all the other items we ever raised were quickly swept under th carpet ie cleaning,paying for but never receiving books etcetcetc.I agree with other posters also i am pleased there children are happy as is my son BUT there is a difference between being happy and being educated and my personal view is ideally they should go hand in hand - at this time i dont think thats happening at BEST. Well done to all who organised the show and the teachers who rehearsed the students . Merry christmas n happy new year to all..

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There are some good points made on here......but equally some points that are not relevant to the OP,s thread.

Since this is now deteriorating rapidly I am not going to post any other comments on this thread.

If any poster has a child in P3 then please feel free to come to the teachers office and I am more than willing to discuss what can be done and what can,t be done regarding your childs care and education. OR call me as all the parents of P3 have my telephone number.


At last Steve something i totally agree with you about this thread is going down hill fast so this will be my last posting.....idiots lke manchester are not worthy of a response but he or she is quite willing to "talk" to me anytime at the school (im the big fella with a goetee not a nice lady like emcross) I worked for the school owner at her business in Naklua b4 i moved down to the school premises ,i taught maths and sci at the school for the best part of 5 yrs , IVE BEEN A FEE PAYING PARENT THE LAST 4 yrs so i feel iam qualified to offer accurate info. Most of wot emcross is saying is correct ignoring posters isnt the answer - there has been a pta at best for a few yrs as i remember it was virtually all THAI parents as the falang ones ie me and a handfull of others quickly realised it was a total waste of time other than when the owner cant be bothered or interested to host a christmas show (why do you think the recent show excellent as it was took place not in the school walls SHE SAID NO)all the other items we ever raised were quickly swept under th carpet ie cleaning,paying for but never receiving books etcetcetc.I agree with other posters also i am pleased there children are happy as is my son BUT there is a difference between being happy and being educated and my personal view is ideally they should go hand in hand - at this time i dont think thats happening at BEST. Well done to all who organised the show and the teachers who rehearsed the students . Merry christmas n happy new year to all..

There are many other parents who are not members of T.Visa who will support all that Rambler has posted and the point about PTA,s being of a majority Thai influence ( not racist, just stating a fact by the way as is Rambler. )

This in itself is self defeating as the " NON " Thai views are only paid lip service to and they continue with the standards many are complaining about as a consequence.

Foreign staff are always saying they have similar problems and they really do know what is going on.

Perhaps you also think there observations are not reality either ?????????

This of course suits the owners and they are not inclined to take on board our views on parental safety and cleanliness and the changes that would benefit the most important members of the school......THE STUDENTS

How convenient then the scenario is for the self interests of the owners as they do not have to use some of the fees they get on behalf of the students, to do what after all is reasonable and needed to introduce these essential standards.

As for you Today, as you wish to quote names in reference, the fact that you are a new member who has joined T.Visa and immediately start having a go at others who in the main have legitimate grievance with the school and the welfare of ALL the children.

I tend to suspect something questionable at the timing of your enrollment going on past experiencerelating to this.

Your comment and i quote you :-

This posting is fun!

My baby has been at the school for only a couple of weeks and I already know there is a PTA and has been for quite some time. I,m joining.


This to me is nothing more than a mischief making comment, considering the serious nature of the observations and further adds to my suspicions of your late enrollment and active posting on the thread, along with your objectives.

As a new member you are of course entitled to your views but it seems to me they do not compliment the majority of the posters on this thread who are also entitled to theirs.

WE are ALL equal on T.Visa, just in case you think i,m saying new members do not.


P.S. If you wish to quote what members are posting may i politely suggest you read them in their entirety and just maybe you will not miss certain comments within them that contradict your observations of what is actually said. :D:o

Edited by marshbags
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EmCross - Don't worry about Manchester. As another member pointed out to me "SHE is a Northern monkey that is very aggressive and bitter."

After saying that, I am still waiting to hear from the OP regarding what action he is taking, if any. If he is not going to take any action then I have to wonder how serious the incident regarding his son was. I know for certain if it had been my son I would be doing something about it and not just posting on thaivisa!

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Thanks guys, it is good to see some other parents that are voicing their opinions and experiences at BEST school in a sensible and eloquent way; we can't all be wrong and it proves that these are not isolated cases but a real problem over a long period of time at this school relatively speaking, especially where our children are concerned. As responsible parents I feel we have to stand up for our kids and after all we are (or were) paying school fees for their services.

It would be good to hear from the OP about what is happening in his very serious case.

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Just a quick reference to my post 68, for clarity, i was of course referring to a post by Today and not any other posters.

If this thread eventually leads to things being done and the important issues for the children addressed then it will make voicing our concerns worthwhile and that is all we ask for at the end of the day.


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EmCross - Don't worry about Manchester. As another member pointed out to me "SHE is a Northern monkey that is very aggressive and bitter."

After saying that, I am still waiting to hear from the OP regarding what action he is taking, if any. If he is not going to take any action then I have to wonder how serious the incident regarding his son was. I know for certain if it had been my son I would be doing something about it and not just posting on thaivisa!


she/he may be very aggressive and bitter but why does that relate to northern monkey's :o

Back on thread. My 7 year old son attends BEST. Its his first term and he is loving it. Although that may be due to the fact that we have just moved from Khon Kaen where he was the only half farang in his year and had to put up with a bit of stick because of this.

To put things into perspective my twelve year son who attends a grammar school on the isle of man, UK was head butted in the face and had his nose broken while stood waiting in line for his lunch last month. This is'nt an inner city comp I'm talking about. Its a well-to-do school full of kids from well-to-do-families living on one of the UK's island tax havens, but thats the state of UK schools today

I'm not disagreeing with those of you who say that BEST has its problems. It most certainly has. I can only describe my sons classroom in the old building as a dump and the OP's sons experience must have been terrible but if some of the kids at BEST are anything like the generation of prats thats teacher's have to put up with in the UK today I could quite happily give their necks a little squeeze myself.....maybe thats a bit harsh but I am one of the old school and six of the best (three strokes of the cane on each hand) used to keep me in line :D

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EmCross - Don't worry about Manchester. As another member pointed out to me "SHE is a Northern monkey that is very aggressive and bitter."

After saying that, I am still waiting to hear from the OP regarding what action he is taking, if any. If he is not going to take any action then I have to wonder how serious the incident regarding his son was. I know for certain if it had been my son I would be doing something about it and not just posting on thaivisa!


she/he may be very aggressive and bitter but why does that relate to northern monkey's :D

Back on thread. My 7 year old son attends BEST. Its his first term and he is loving it. Although that may be due to the fact that we have just moved from Khon Kaen where he was the only half farang in his year and had to put up with a bit of stick because of this.

To put things into perspective my twelve year son who attends a grammar school on the isle of man, UK was head butted in the face and had his nose broken while stood waiting in line for his lunch last month. This is'nt an inner city comp I'm talking about. Its a well-to-do school full of kids from well-to-do-families living on one of the UK's island tax havens, but thats the state of UK schools today

I'm not disagreeing with those of you who say that BEST has its problems. It most certainly has. I can only describe my sons classroom in the old building as a dump and the OP's sons experience must have been terrible but if some of the kids at BEST are anything like the generation of prats thats teacher's have to put up with in the UK today I could quite happily give their necks a little squeeze myself.....maybe thats a bit harsh but I am one of the old school and six of the best (three strokes of the cane on each hand) used to keep me in line :D

Hi Hullmonkey1

I like your attitude. :D Every school has its problems and as you say kids today are no angels, so very difficult for teachers when they have approx. 25 in a class. I don't think any parent will be fully satisfied with any school these days, and especially here in Thailand where I have heard horror stories about many other schools besides BEST.

Regarding Northern monkey - I was only quoting what another member told me. :o


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EmCross - Don't worry about Manchester. As another member pointed out to me "SHE is a Northern monkey that is very aggressive and bitter."

After saying that, I am still waiting to hear from the OP regarding what action he is taking, if any. If he is not going to take any action then I have to wonder how serious the incident regarding his son was. I know for certain if it had been my son I would be doing something about it and not just posting on thaivisa!


she/he may be very aggressive and bitter but why does that relate to northern monkey's :D

Back on thread. My 7 year old son attends BEST. Its his first term and he is loving it. Although that may be due to the fact that we have just moved from Khon Kaen where he was the only half farang in his year and had to put up with a bit of stick because of this.

To put things into perspective my twelve year son who attends a grammar school on the isle of man, UK was head butted in the face and had his nose broken while stood waiting in line for his lunch last month. This is'nt an inner city comp I'm talking about. Its a well-to-do school full of kids from well-to-do-families living on one of the UK's island tax havens, but thats the state of UK schools today

I'm not disagreeing with those of you who say that BEST has its problems. It most certainly has. I can only describe my sons classroom in the old building as a dump and the OP's sons experience must have been terrible but if some of the kids at BEST are anything like the generation of prats thats teacher's have to put up with in the UK today I could quite happily give their necks a little squeeze myself.....maybe thats a bit harsh but I am one of the old school and six of the best (three strokes of the cane on each hand) used to keep me in line :D

Hi Hullmonkey1

I like your attitude. :bah: Every school has its problems and as you say kids today are no angels, so very difficult for teachers when they have approx. 25 in a class. I don't think any parent will be fully satisfied with any school these days, and especially here in Thailand where I have heard horror stories about many other schools besides BEST.

Regarding Northern monkey - I was only quoting what another member told me. :o



The other member might have a point. Some of the northern lasses can get a bit stroppy and bitter (my ex-wife is a fine example) :D but most northern blokes are a pretty friendly bunch

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This is obviously a very immotive issue - and rightly so. Many people in the UK now are choosing to home school their children due to concerns with standards and bullying etc. Why not think about setting up an expat parent group and have a group of kids (small group or groups) taught in a home setting with the help of a few tutors. 4 hours a day of serious study beats 8 hours at most schools - good or bad.

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This is obviously a very immotive issue - and rightly so. Many people in the UK now are choosing to home school their children due to concerns with standards and bullying etc. Why not think about setting up an expat parent group and have a group of kids (small group or groups) taught in a home setting with the help of a few tutors. 4 hours a day of serious study beats 8 hours at most schools - good or bad.

now back on thread with an interesting idea . if the logistics can be sorted u might be on to something - at the mo 4 hrs serious study would beat a week at BEST.......oh dammit i said i wouldnt post to this thread again sorry.

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Thanks to those of you who expressed concern about my son. He is healing well. The initial response of not wanting to go to school hopefully has abated - we will see for sure in another week. He is well adjusted and very happy so I'm sure he will be fine.

As for the inuendo's that my lack of comment suggests that I'm not taking it too seriously, anybody who knows me personally knows that is not true. The fact that I haven't commented is because

A. I have been celebrating Christmas with some friends and family on top of a mountain in C'Rai. No phones, no internet, no mobile signal - perfect if you ask me.

B. I wanted to deal with what has happened with a degree of objectivity. I was surprised how angry I was and that anger took a long time to cool off. I am normally pretty laid back but this incident made me lose sleep because I was so angry. I can't remember a good decision that I've made while in that state.

I have been given lots of advice by genuine well-meaning people. There also seems to be a concesus of ill feeling towards BEST from a lot of the parents.

I agree with the comment about the schools in the UK both my mother and sister are teachers in the UK and have just as many 'horror stories' about schools in England. Maybe a difference is that the problems are caused by the students in the Uk while in Thailand it's the system, or more accurately, the lack of enforcable school policy that could be to blame. In a school like BEST the bottom line is that it's a business before it's a place of education. The owner did not build a school because she had a burden to educate children, I imagine she did it becuase it made more business sense than given a load more money to the tax man. If that is the 'foundation' then whatever follows will always reflect that bias.

I have a degree of ill feeling toward the individual teacher who should have been taking care of my son but I have chosen not to pursue any personal charges against him. He did come to my house and apologise and while I understand that was a purely political move I choose to take it on face value. Making him 'pay' for what happened may offer a degree of personal satisfaction but in reality how does him losing his job help the situation? I believe he did his best but without the training, facilities and infrastrusture he made a bad decision. He knows that. The fact that he went to walk away from me is because he is Thai, I was beginning to raise my voice and become aggressive towards him, he responded as most Thais would in that situation. I've been in Thailand long enough to recognise a 'cultural clash' that can be misinterpreted by both parties.

My sons will be staying at BEST until the end of the term. We will then do one of three things.

A. Home school

B. Send them to REPS

C. Send them to Ass. college in Sri Racha

For the poster who said we should just pay the money and send them to a good international school: I'm pleased that you have that financial freedom, we don't. We work for a local Thai foundation and as you'd imagine the pay is not that good. If I had the money I would surely send them to a good international school.

(Also, just for the record I'm not a Fortuner driving Troll with an ex-bargirl wife. :o I am however a Honda Wave riding english bloke with a wife of 11 years hailing from the farthest reaches of Isaan so I understand there is scope for mis-identification.)

Some of you will see a lack of 'balls' in my response to this incident. I should do this or that to 'make 'em pay'. Well, as I said, I have to take care of me and mine and there is not a poster on here who wouldn't do the same. I am not about to embark on a crusade against BEST school I don't have the time or the inclination, I have more important things to do. If people ask me about BEST school I will say don't go there, I did and I was lied to, my children were threatened by teachers, the place is dirty and dangerous and when my 6 yr old son broke his arm he was left outside to be picked up by his Dad without so much as a phone call.

So there you go, life goes on ... by this time next year this will be forgotten. Of course I hope that nothing happens to any of the other kids at BEST but they are not my responsibility, and I have thought long and hard about that.

Thanks again and Happy New Year 2008.

Edited by torngseea
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This is obviously a very immotive issue - and rightly so. Many people in the UK now are choosing to home school their children due to concerns with standards and bullying etc. Why not think about setting up an expat parent group and have a group of kids (small group or groups) taught in a home setting with the help of a few tutors. 4 hours a day of serious study beats 8 hours at most schools - good or bad.

A few months ago somebody on this forum did post about making an effort at starting up a home schooling centre, if I remember rightly he was also a teacher.

I don't konw what responses he received if any but try a search and you might just come across his ID in order to PM him.

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I think some of you are a bit misinformed but whats that when you can have a slag off at western women hey??? manchester is a man according to HIS posts here. So a stroppy, bitter northern man it would seem, an abusive one too.

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Northern Monkey. Mmmmmmmmmm. I guess that includes Doncaster. :D

For all of you who wish to know as I taught one of her children..............Manchester is a " she " . Married to a local Thai celebrity who fights at Fairtex . Muang Thai.

I was always polite to them. :D

I think some of you are a bit misinformed but whats that when you can have a slag off at western women hey??? manchester is a man according to HIS posts here. So a stroppy, bitter northern man it would seem, an abusive one too.

She obviously wanted people to think she was a he on thaivisa. :o

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This is obviously a very immotive issue - and rightly so. Many people in the UK now are choosing to home school their children due to concerns with standards and bullying etc. Why not think about setting up an expat parent group and have a group of kids (small group or groups) taught in a home setting with the help of a few tutors. 4 hours a day of serious study beats 8 hours at most schools - good or bad.

What about work visa issues?

Even volunteer (unpaid) work requires a visa evidently.

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really, so referring to his company paying an allowance for his thai wife, talking about his thai wife & referring to himself as a western husband, a lot of effort IMO. Seems to me a lot more likely that stevemiddle has gotten this manchester man mixed up with another female poster. Regardless it just amazes me that some of you are so quick to make a big issue of the claim that manchester is a women from the infomration of ONE poster!! So therefore means that she must somehow be bitter!! Bitter of what, the topic is a supposedly crap school.

Tragic really :o

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I think some of you are a bit misinformed but whats that when you can have a slag off at western women hey??? manchester is a man according to HIS posts here. So a stroppy, bitter northern man it would seem, an abusive one too.

And a threatening one - but that post was deleted.

Boo, I think you are being a tad over sensitive. "It' (Manchester) is either a nasty, bitter, abusive northern man, or a nasty, bitter abusive northern woman. I really don't think the posts were being sexist, just trying to understand the nature of the beast. In fact it is quite normal to have unpleasant men posting, but far less so to have unpleasant women, so that in itself would make it a subject for special comment.

But in the end I will bow to your superior knowledge - maybe we are a bunch of sexist pigs :o .

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never said any one was a sexist pig mobi :o but it is so funny when as soon as someone claims that the poster is a women she must be bitter & then the old, "yes my ex was like that" posts start. Like you say, mancester is just a nasty person if the posts on here & the pm I have seen are anything to go by, the gender really should not be an issue but sadly it becomes apparent that the mention of them being a western women somehow makes it obvious to "some" that that is what is to be expected. That's what is tragic to me. :D

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I think some of you are a bit misinformed but whats that when you can have a slag off at western women hey??? manchester is a man according to HIS posts here. So a stroppy, bitter northern man it would seem, an abusive one too.

And a threatening one - but that post was deleted.

Boo, I think you are being a tad over sensitive. "It' (Manchester) is either a nasty, bitter, abusive northern man, or a nasty, bitter abusive northern woman. I really don't think the posts were being sexist, just trying to understand the nature of the beast. In fact it is quite normal to have unpleasant men posting, but far less so to have unpleasant women, so that in itself would make it a subject for special comment.

But in the end I will bow to your superior knowledge - maybe we are a bunch of sexist pigs :D .

Spot on, Mobi! :o

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This is obviously a very immotive issue - and rightly so. Many people in the UK now are choosing to home school their children due to concerns with standards and bullying etc. Why not think about setting up an expat parent group and have a group of kids (small group or groups) taught in a home setting with the help of a few tutors. 4 hours a day of serious study beats 8 hours at most schools - good or bad.

A few months ago somebody on this forum did post about making an effort at starting up a home schooling centre, if I remember rightly he was also a teacher.

I don't know what responses he received if any but try a search and you might just come across his ID in order to PM him.

Did the search and found the post by a member named thaiclan near the bottom of the page.


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never said any one was a sexist pig mobi :o but it is so funny when as soon as someone claims that the poster is a women she must be bitter & then the old, "yes my ex was like that" posts start. Like you say, mancester is just a nasty person if the posts on here & the pm I have seen are anything to go by, the gender really should not be an issue but sadly it becomes apparent that the mention of them being a western women somehow makes it obvious to "some" that that is what is to be expected. That's what is tragic to me. :D


I don’t want to go any further OT than is already happening but feel obliged to comment on your mention of ex’s as I am the only person on this thread to mention a bitter ex.

It was a lighthearted comment about a woman that stopped me from seeing my kids after we split up. (Fairly regular bitter ex-wife fair) The only reason that it was light hearted was because the kids have grown up now and resent her for what she did. Nobody is having a go at women in general here..don’t be so touchy!

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quite honestly past relationships have nothing to do with this thread & neither does the gender of manchester but that is what took this off topic.

If there is no women bashing going on then I just don't see the need to highlight she & then use it in conjuction with the word bitter (about what exactly I wonder??) along with your story about bitter ex wives on the unproven claims about manchester (whos past posts have all indicated a male) being female. :o

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I am a northern lass and certainly not bitter and twisted (and love living here in Thailand) and as I was also the brunt of 'Manchesters' obscene behaviour (and frankly very shameful of her/him) I don't think it had anything to do with gender or where he or she comes from you get these type of ill mannered and badly educated people who have to resort to abuse to try and make a point everywhere and anywhere. Thank you to TV and boo for dealing with it so well.

So anyway back on topic;

the OP did reply and basically is not going to do anything about his problem at BEST except remove his son from the school (the very least he should do in my opinion) as we did with our children but I don't really blame him for this attitude as I think as farangs we are banging our heads against a brick wall trying to change things at this school.

I do agree that we should as parents spread the word though as to OP said

(quote) 'If people ask me about BEST school I will say don't go there, I did and I was lied to, my children were threatened by teachers, the place is dirty and dangerous and when my 6 yr old son broke his arm he was left outside to be picked up by his Dad without so much as a phone call."

But I think we should perhaps go further in telling as many people as possible especially if they maybe considering sending their children to this school about the horrors of it and how bad it is.

quote; "So there you go, life goes on ... by this time next year this will be forgotten. Of course I hope that nothing happens to any of the other kids at BEST but they are not my responsibility, and I have thought long and hard about that."

I think this is a little uncharitable of the OP we should be trying to make sure all the children are safe at school and at BEST they obviously are not and we should be trying to make the school take responsibility for this "it is not my problem" is just the attitude the BEST owner and management are hoping for so they do not have to DO anything to change things.

Edited by EmCross
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