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most of us work a country blighted by sex-torists, ppl. with red cars & litter louts... lets put our heads together & think of interesting & imagineable ways of reducing the output of household waste... i will award a TV quote of the day for the best idea... :o

if you are the thrifty, crafty, type why not follow these simple instructions and create a bra for a loved one from a tesco lotus plastic bag?



in the above example a male 'friend' modelled the fully made garment...


Here's a couple that come to mind, assuming people don't put glass in their rubbish bags.

Co-opt all supermarkets/convenience stores to supply one size carry bags, dispense with the smaller useless versions. Then we can all re-use them as bin liners.

Then in every apartment block, have installed a compactor in the bin room so rubbish can be collected by the bin men in blocks (transported to the lorry by sack barrow). Perhaps the purchase of rubbish can be better evaluated by weight, improving the business and the systematic collection of refuse.

As for glass, far too much glass is used for packaging in Thailand, and with improved strength - bio-degradable plastics. Eliminating the use of glass all together for packaging.

Take-away food packaging (polystyrene). Could not someone invent a dissolving type that at a certain temperature - dissolves in water.

I'm sure i've got more, let me have a cup 'o tea.

Teach :o


Well, my wife's 44 y/o now and considered an 'old bag'. I wonder if she can be recycled and made into two 22 year olds. hmmmmm...... :o



I think recyling does happen here, to an extent. The soi scrap metal merchants who drive around buying scrap metal is a start. But, so many more things can be done. I am not sure about glass. The next door neighbours kids always take my empty beer bottles outta the rubbish and sell them, get a few baht i think . I assume the garbage dudes syphon the trash and do the same thing . Back in aussie we have two differant bins to leave out for collection, rubbish and recycle , can't see it happening here.

Plastic bags are a differant story, I get the strangest looks when i refuse to use a plastic bag for one or two items at supermarket, local soi store etc.

Education is the key otherwise we may well see the exitcion of the rare red spotted whatamallcallit :o



With all the hubub about safe sex etc, and with the promotion and encouragement for wearing condoms - surely there will be an enviromental imbalance before long.

There should be ways to recycle - tires ? waste bags ? more condoms ? mcdonalds party balloons ?

(and before people go "ew!" how many times do you think waste water in the uk/us etc has been re-processed )


I'm living in a muubaan on the outskirts of bkk and I separate the rubbish. Food scraps, empty packets, paper etc. go into the main bin. Beercans, bottles, boxes, etc goes into plastic shopping bags and given to a guy who goes around the village everyday sifting through everyones garbage. It saves him having to sift through rubbish and makes his life a little easier.


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