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What Is Your Hobby


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Road bikes. I shoot for cycling about 300km a month or more when I at home in Buri Ram. I have totally enjoyed my Garmin 305 GPS computer on the back roads of the province. Many times I have set out with no clear idea of where I'll end up that day. Just ride out 2-2.5 hours then turn around and try to find my way back home by dead reckoning. It was kind of scary the first 2-3 months not knowing all the exact roads and not having a GPS unit until mid-2006, but many people have been glad to point out the general direction to go if I give them the name of one of the major towns in the province. I am sure they get a kick out of seeing a spandex clad farang (if I only I didn't look like I was in a sausage casing).

I have found the vehicle drivers up country to be polite and actually give me room about 98% of the time. So far in the three years of riding I have only had one encounter with a p/u truck that pulled in front of me when I was doing about 35kmph and I t-boned him. The guy actually stopped and got out to check on me while I was lying on the ground. Fortunately my bike had zero damage on it other than a flat front tire and my mushed up helmet (well worth the $100 I spent on it last year) Thank goodness I always wear a helmet, if I as much leave our driveway on it. One thing though, I don't think I will be ever be brave enough to cycle at night by choice. Its not the cars I am afraid of, it is all the flat out drunk motor cy drivers driving at night with no lights and on whatever side of the road they think best suits them. They are crazy especially on Friday nights and the last day of the month, have a death wish I suppose.

I figure I spend close to about $1,000 a year on supporting my habit (tires, clothes,chains, gadgets...) and a new bike every 4-5 years. The last one, a Merlin, ran me about $4k in 2004. My work now only lets me spend about 4 months a year in country, but I'll be there full time come 2010.

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$9.95 for 36 US postage stamps "Raising the flag at Iwa Jima". After 60 years I would have thought they would be valuable. They must have printed them by the millions and everyone had a sheet or two. I guess everything collectable dosen't get more valuable with age.Don't think it will provide my grandson with money for college. :o

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$9.95 for 36 US postage stamps "Raising the flag at Iwa Jima". After 60 years I would have thought they would be valuable. They must have printed them by the millions and everyone had a sheet or two. I guess everything collectable dosen't get more valuable with age.Don't think it will provide my grandson with money for college. :o

I visited with an employer when I was in College years after he sold that business and had gotten into the antique business. He told me one purchase he had made and regretted what he paid for it was a large stamp collection. He told me while interesting it didn't have a whole lot of value. So while I have thousands of them, very few have any great value to them. But they do tell a bit of history when you get into them.

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Cool thread, nice to see it resurrected!

I used to golf a lot and spent a lot of money and time on lessons, equipment and rounds but it finally dawned on me that I am hopeless at it and once it became an exercise in frustration rather than an enjoyable pastime I pretty much stopped. Now I play one or two rounds a year and that is enough.

I like to mess with Slackware linux (mainly) and other distros when I have time.

Main hobby now is digital photography. I am pretty bad as I am learning by searching the web and taking gazillions of shots (most of which are deleted as soon as they are loaded onto my computer) but it is cheap if I can resist the urge to buy lenses and it is very relaxing to prowl around the garden shooting pics of bugs and flowers and the occasional sunset or moon shots.

I also like to enter the photoshop contests at fark.com using the GIMP software, I have won one which is totally meaningless but it was strangely satisfying all the same!

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angling with out a doubt!!!!!! currently got tackle in 3 countries!!!!! spend a lot on it, my wife hates it when i spot a fishing shop as i always have to go in and buy something!!!! last time i went angling was the other week in england, first time fishing in england for ages, had 2 pike up to 12lb, only small but enjoyed it loads. will be looking forward to catching some more siamese carp when i'm back home in 1176 hours!!!!, heard that there are carpet sharks caught from jomtien at night on the right tides, so i'll be having a blast for them. can't really bring me self to catch squid like the thais, after all there bivalves and aren't really fish

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- Baking, cost a little if it needs to put in chocolate and nuts... the rest of ingredients.. I steal all from mother..

the oven, bowls, food blender, mixer... all are hers...and she is so nice, I also have her helpers help doing dishes

but I hardly bake any recipe this time, my victims are running away....

Is pretty aroi, actually.. I was asked to sell so many times (believe me?) but as an artist, I will not do the commercial...lol

- Writing, I am practicing nii...

cost nothing, sometimes onto my Treo, sometimes Notebook, sometimes onto a piece of paper and a pencil nearby..

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What is my Hubby ?

Oh he is a human :o

What is my hubby ror?

a cell phone..I guess.. :D

well, I have 2 cell phones... am I too naughty?

Vibrator actually ....wat ???????????? !!!!!!!!

Baa, you are so naughty lei..

have a look into my phones, they are small, short and one is fat..


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What is my Hubby ?

Oh he is a human :o

What is my hubby ror?

a cell phone..I guess.. :D

well, I have 2 cell phones... am I too naughty?

Vibrator actually ....wat ???????????? !!!!!!!!

Baa, you are so naughty lei..

have a look into my phones, they are small, short and one is fat..


No vibrators ?

Or battery is EMPTY ?

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Photography : no spend this year but about 150000B last year ouch...

Making cheese : (not a euphemism) the real stuff

Fishing : not been in Thailand yet, anyone know a good fishing place within 30km of Rangsit (bkk)

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One of my hobbies is visiting second-hand bookstores in Thailand. For example there are six that I know of in Pattaya. Obviously I visit them to borrow books but I keep my eyes peeled for rare or unusual books which I buy for profit.

There are some real bargains to be had. Most books are priced between 100-200 Baht but I have resold many for between 10-50 pounds. Mostly in the 10-15 pound range.

Hard backs and soft backs equally. There are actually many books out of print, much sought after in specialist book stores in London. I could probably make more money if I resold them in the U.K. on Ebay, but so far I have taken them to second-hand booksellers in London who know their true worth.

Edited by syd barrett
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Fishing / diving / fitness

Love to go fishing at least once a week when im not too busy. Diving a lot less because im in BKK and fitness at least a few times a week when im in the mood for it. I have no idea how much i spend on it

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