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Farangs Losing Money In Divorces


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Seems to me that farangs lose thousands, sometimes their life savings when divorcing Thais either in Thailand or the UK (I guess US, AUS, etc). I think this is fuelled by some common misconceptions:

When you divorce in the UK it's a straight 50/50. Not so. Although this might apply to assets accrued during the marriage. Divorce settlements range from 0% to 65%, and may or may not include maintenance payments. Calculation is not set, and is subjective, but is definitely based on the following: 1. length of marriage 2. Input of the Thai woman both financial and in terms of home caring, and rearing any child. 3. Number of children if any 4. Special needs, eg, if Thai woman is sick or deemed mentally insecure, etc. 5. The person's situation following divorce as regards earning power. 6. Age of the people involved for future earnings potential. Where a house was bought before the marriage, there is unlikely to be a claim in a short term marriage. All these things are governed by 1973 Act of Parliament.

Thus, typically, a Thai woman who marries a farang and goes to live with him in UK, separates a year or 2 later without kids, is able bodied and relatively young is likely to receive little or nothing if the case goes before a court. All that is required is to stand your ground.

She gets half the house and lives there. Not necessarily so. Probably, if it is a lengthy marriage with kids. definitely not if short duration and the house was purchased before the marriage (as is usually the case). There may be some notional value placed on equity gain if any during the marriage but where the wife's input is minimal this may not be the case.

Well I got the divorce - that's that. Not so, the divorce is sep. from the financial side. Beware. However where a couple have divorced, made new lives, it's very unlikely that gains made after the divorce could be subject to a claim.

I married in Thailand, my wife can't divorce me in UK. Yes she can if the marriage was registered at the Amphur, which is nearly always the case. The fact it was not registered in Blighty is neither here nor there.UK law accepts the situation as if you were legally married in UK. Of course if you happened to absent yourself she could only do this after 5 years, plenty of time to file your own divorce in Thailand. Doesn't protect you from UK financial implications but usually the motive is short term gain for little effort, and in any case she would not get much in a short term marriage.

We were married in Thailand and divorced in the UK. So I'm divorced in Thailand. No. Thai Law is Thai law. No other country can interfere with that. You need to get divorced in thailand if you intend to have a life there.

I don't stand a chance in a Thai divorce. Utterly wrong. The courts are generally interested in upholding the rules as laid down in Thai law, the fact you are a farang is irrelevant. In fact the law heavily favours the man. Generally, the same rules apply as in any other country. This means you may have a claim of 50% or more. Since the guy generally pays for everything anyway you may even get more with a crafty lawyer. Moreover the grounds for divorce are much less stringent in Thailand. abandonment, and adultery do not require the consent of the other partner to divorce. If you have not lived with your partner for a year then it is likely you will be granted a divorce on the ground of abandonment and can file a claim on any assets. Note though if you did sign anything revoking any monetary interests in a property purchased in Thailand you may well have lost those rights (not necessarily though). Note2. If you bought the property with your money you may well stand a chance of getting the whole lot back if you have a clever lawyer and she doesn't.

Anybody wish to contest any of these points please feel free. Also be interested in hearing some more misconceptions.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Seems to me that farangs lose thousands, sometimes their life savings when divorcing Thais either in Thailand or the UK (I guess US, AUS, etc). I think this is fuelled by some common misconceptions:

When you divorce in the UK it's a straight 50/50. Not so. Although this might apply to assets accrued during the marriage. Divorce settlements range from 0% to 65%, and may or may not include maintenance payments. Calculation is not set, and is subjective, but is definitely based on the following: 1. length of marriage 2. Input of the Thai woman both financial and in terms of home caring, and rearing any child. 3. Number of children if any 4. Special needs, eg, if Thai woman is sick or deemed mentally insecure, etc. 5. The person's situation following divorce as regards earning power. 6. Age of the people involved for future earnings potential. Where a house was bought before the marriage, there is unlikely to be a claim in a short term marriage. All these things are governed by 1973 Act of Parliament.

Thus, typically, a Thai woman who marries a farang and goes to live with him in UK, separates a year or 2 later without kids, is able bodied and relatively young is likely to receive little or nothing if the case goes before a court. All that is required is to stand your ground.

She gets half the house and lives there. Not necessarily so. Probably, if it is a lengthy marriage with kids. definitely not if short duration and the house was purchased before the marriage (as is usually the case). There may be some notional value placed on equity gain if any during the marriage but where the wife's input is minimal this may not be the case.

Well I got the divorce - that's that. Not so, the divorce is sep. from the financial side. Beware. However where a couple have divorced, made new lives, it's very unlikely that gains made after the divorce could be subject to a claim.

I married in Thailand, my wife can't divorce me in UK. Yes she can if the marriage was registered at the Amphur, which is nearly always the case. The fact it was not registered in Blighty is neither here nor there.UK law accepts the situation as if you were legally married in UK. Of course if you happened to absent yourself she could only do this after 5 years, plenty of time to file your own divorce in Thailand. Doesn't protect you from UK financial implications but usually the motive is short term gain for little effort, and in any case she would not get much in a short term marriage.

We were married in Thailand and divorced in the UK. So I'm divorced in Thailand. No. Thai Law is Thai law. No other country can interfere with that. You need to get divorced in thailand if you intend to have a life there.

I don't stand a chance in a Thai divorce. Utterly wrong. The courts are generally interested in upholding the rules as laid down in Thai law, the fact you are a farang is irrelevant. In fact the law heavily favours the man. Generally, the same rules apply as in any other country. This means you may have a claim of 50% or more. Since the guy generally pays for everything anyway you may even get more with a crafty lawyer. Moreover the grounds for divorce are much less stringent in Thailand. abandonment, and adultery do not require the consent of the other partner to divorce. If you have not lived with your partner for a year then it is likely you will be granted a divorce on the ground of abandonment and can file a claim on any assets. Note though if you did sign anything revoking any monetary interests in a property purchased in Thailand you may well have lost those rights (not necessarily though). Note2. If you bought the property with your money you may well stand a chance of getting the whole lot back if you have a clever lawyer and she doesn't.

Anybody wish to contest any of these points please feel free. Also be interested in hearing some more misconceptions.

I have recently completed a divorce in the UK with an exceptionally horrible Thai woman.

Unfortunately I was deceived by a fraudulent selfish person whose only goal via a marriage to a UK citizen was that of divorce money called ‘Ancillary Relief’, getting away from Thailand for free and a British Passport.

She pulled the wool over all my friends and family eyes here in the UK. We all thought ahe was a genuine person.

When I realised that I had been conned (which in these cases is too late) I discussed the matter with the X and she flatly refused to leave the UK for a divorce in Thailand. I would pay for the flights and give her some dosh.

Luckily for me she left the house (my house that I purchased before the marriage) if she did not leave then I think things would have got very nasty legally as one cannot make a person homeless in the UK especially ones estranged spouse.

A divorce in the UK cost about £300 for court costs and the papers can be filled in by both parties that is if both parties are going to be in communication, amicable about it and can agree on some sort of settlement.

Divorce becomes costly when one of the parties becomes obstinate and unfriendly about it all. Most of the money goes to solicitor’s fee if one or either party want to make a mess of things.

In my case as I married a two faced lying b**ch who was out to get as much as she can. I do not know fully to what extent she went as I had/have absolutely no contact with her or want to. I was going to be in financial trouble.

I am not going to give amounts as this is personal information. I was married for just over a year and have no children. The woman I married made claims of Domestic Violence as she was desperate for a British Passport. There are laws in the UK instigated by ”The Black Sisters of Southall” that state that if one can prove DV in the marriage with non-nationals spouse then they automatically receive a British Passport without English tests for free. This was not the case as there was absolutely no DV or any proof that any occurred. What really got up my nose about the whole thing is that she made up loads of stories about me being violent and I assume people believed her.

The X got some excellent advice and legal aid and that something that I never heard of before a ‘Matrimonial Home Rights Order’, this blocks the sale of the house and puts into question the rightful owner of the property. She was going for 100% of everything. To me this behaviour is pure evil and the people who have helped this woman in this situation I hate with all my heart. I believe that most of the people who had helped are Thai national who live in the UK and have high connections with the Thai consulate in a part of the UK I live.

To cut things short she tried every dirty legal trick in the book like a very well trained lawyer. Even my solicitor who has 20 years experience with Divorce cases was shocked at the way this case was handled by the X solicitor. She went for a ‘defended Divorce’ which is exceptionally costly (court cost of a defended divorce is £25,000 upward) my solicitor told me that there had not been a defended divorce in the city I live in for over 15 years. Luckily for her a defended divorce never happened as the judge threw it out of court. I think I would be doing time for murder if it was accepted.

The divorce took from Petition to Decree Absolute 16 months and cost me all my savings. I do not know how much the X got as she would have to pay the legal aid back which I believe to be a least 75% of the agreed settlement.

So in short the X would have been better off if she agreed to a settlement outside the court.

Once one goes down the road of legal arguing the only people who gain is the solicitors. Divorce settlements need to be negotiated within reason and without strangers sticking their noses in.

The misunderstanding of Divorce settlement is a big issue and needs to be made more public. My marriage that was only for one year cost me personally 15% of what I own, and all that the evil deceitful lying toe rag of a person got was 1% of what I own.

From what I know this woman I have recently divorced is living in the UK as an Illegal Immigrant and scrounging of the kindness of fellow Thai nationals who are living legally in the UK.

The Thai people who helped her ruin a small section of my life have made me very wary of Thai nationals. I will not be visiting Thailand ever again and will not offer any form a charity to a Thai ever in my life.

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Seems to me that farangs lose thousands, sometimes their life savings when divorcing Thais either in Thailand or the UK (I guess US, AUS, etc). I think this is fuelled by some common misconceptions:

When you divorce in the UK it's a straight 50/50. Not so. Although this might apply to assets accrued during the marriage. Divorce settlements range from 0% to 65%, and may or may not include maintenance payments. Calculation is not set, and is subjective, but is definitely based on the following: 1. length of marriage 2. Input of the Thai woman both financial and in terms of home caring, and rearing any child. 3. Number of children if any 4. Special needs, eg, if Thai woman is sick or deemed mentally insecure, etc. 5. The person's situation following divorce as regards earning power. 6. Age of the people involved for future earnings potential. Where a house was bought before the marriage, there is unlikely to be a claim in a short term marriage. All these things are governed by 1973 Act of Parliament.

Thus, typically, a Thai woman who marries a farang and goes to live with him in UK, separates a year or 2 later without kids, is able bodied and relatively young is likely to receive little or nothing if the case goes before a court. All that is required is to stand your ground.

She gets half the house and lives there. Not necessarily so. Probably, if it is a lengthy marriage with kids. definitely not if short duration and the house was purchased before the marriage (as is usually the case). There may be some notional value placed on equity gain if any during the marriage but where the wife's input is minimal this may not be the case.

Well I got the divorce - that's that. Not so, the divorce is sep. from the financial side. Beware. However where a couple have divorced, made new lives, it's very unlikely that gains made after the divorce could be subject to a claim.

I married in Thailand, my wife can't divorce me in UK. Yes she can if the marriage was registered at the Amphur, which is nearly always the case. The fact it was not registered in Blighty is neither here nor there.UK law accepts the situation as if you were legally married in UK. Of course if you happened to absent yourself she could only do this after 5 years, plenty of time to file your own divorce in Thailand. Doesn't protect you from UK financial implications but usually the motive is short term gain for little effort, and in any case she would not get much in a short term marriage.

We were married in Thailand and divorced in the UK. So I'm divorced in Thailand. No. Thai Law is Thai law. No other country can interfere with that. You need to get divorced in thailand if you intend to have a life there.

I don't stand a chance in a Thai divorce. Utterly wrong. The courts are generally interested in upholding the rules as laid down in Thai law, the fact you are a farang is irrelevant. In fact the law heavily favours the man. Generally, the same rules apply as in any other country. This means you may have a claim of 50% or more. Since the guy generally pays for everything anyway you may even get more with a crafty lawyer. Moreover the grounds for divorce are much less stringent in Thailand. abandonment, and adultery do not require the consent of the other partner to divorce. If you have not lived with your partner for a year then it is likely you will be granted a divorce on the ground of abandonment and can file a claim on any assets. Note though if you did sign anything revoking any monetary interests in a property purchased in Thailand you may well have lost those rights (not necessarily though). Note2. If you bought the property with your money you may well stand a chance of getting the whole lot back if you have a clever lawyer and she doesn't.

Anybody wish to contest any of these points please feel free. Also be interested in hearing some more misconceptions.

I have recently completed a divorce in the UK with an exceptionally horrible Thai woman.

Unfortunately I was deceived by a fraudulent selfish person whose only goal via a marriage to a UK citizen was that of divorce money called ‘Ancillary Relief’, getting away from Thailand for free and a British Passport.

She pulled the wool over all my friends and family eyes here in the UK. We all thought ahe was a genuine person.

When I realised that I had been conned (which in these cases is too late) I discussed the matter with the X and she flatly refused to leave the UK for a divorce in Thailand. I would pay for the flights and give her some dosh.

Luckily for me she left the house (my house that I purchased before the marriage) if she did not leave then I think things would have got very nasty legally as one cannot make a person homeless in the UK especially ones estranged spouse.

A divorce in the UK cost about £300 for court costs and the papers can be filled in by both parties that is if both parties are going to be in communication, amicable about it and can agree on some sort of settlement.

Divorce becomes costly when one of the parties becomes obstinate and unfriendly about it all. Most of the money goes to solicitor’s fee if one or either party want to make a mess of things.

In my case as I married a two faced lying b**ch who was out to get as much as she can. I do not know fully to what extent she went as I had/have absolutely no contact with her or want to. I was going to be in financial trouble.

I am not going to give amounts as this is personal information. I was married for just over a year and have no children. The woman I married made claims of Domestic Violence as she was desperate for a British Passport. There are laws in the UK instigated by ”The Black Sisters of Southall” that state that if one can prove DV in the marriage with non-nationals spouse then they automatically receive a British Passport without English tests for free. This was not the case as there was absolutely no DV or any proof that any occurred. What really got up my nose about the whole thing is that she made up loads of stories about me being violent and I assume people believed her.

The X got some excellent advice and legal aid and that something that I never heard of before a ‘Matrimonial Home Rights Order’, this blocks the sale of the house and puts into question the rightful owner of the property. She was going for 100% of everything. To me this behaviour is pure evil and the people who have helped this woman in this situation I hate with all my heart. I believe that most of the people who had helped are Thai national who live in the UK and have high connections with the Thai consulate in a part of the UK I live.

To cut things short she tried every dirty legal trick in the book like a very well trained lawyer. Even my solicitor who has 20 years experience with Divorce cases was shocked at the way this case was handled by the X solicitor. She went for a ‘defended Divorce’ which is exceptionally costly (court cost of a defended divorce is £25,000 upward) my solicitor told me that there had not been a defended divorce in the city I live in for over 15 years. Luckily for her a defended divorce never happened as the judge threw it out of court. I think I would be doing time for murder if it was accepted.

The divorce took from Petition to Decree Absolute 16 months and cost me all my savings. I do not know how much the X got as she would have to pay the legal aid back which I believe to be a least 75% of the agreed settlement.

So in short the X would have been better off if she agreed to a settlement outside the court.

Once one goes down the road of legal arguing the only people who gain is the solicitors. Divorce settlements need to be negotiated within reason and without strangers sticking their noses in.

The misunderstanding of Divorce settlement is a big issue and needs to be made more public. My marriage that was only for one year cost me personally 15% of what I own, and all that the evil deceitful lying toe rag of a person got was 1% of what I own.

From what I know this woman I have recently divorced is living in the UK as an Illegal Immigrant and scrounging of the kindness of fellow Thai nationals who are living legally in the UK.

The Thai people who helped her ruin a small section of my life have made me very wary of Thai nationals. I will not be visiting Thailand ever again and will not offer any form a charity to a Thai ever in my life.

Welcome to ThaiVisa.com!!!

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Seems to me that farangs lose thousands, sometimes their life savings when divorcing Thais either in Thailand or the UK (I guess US, AUS, etc). I think this is fuelled by some common misconceptions:

When you divorce in the UK it's a straight 50/50. Not so. Although this might apply to assets accrued during the marriage. Divorce settlements range from 0% to 65%, and may or may not include maintenance payments. Calculation is not set, and is subjective, but is definitely based on the following: 1. length of marriage 2. Input of the Thai woman both financial and in terms of home caring, and rearing any child. 3. Number of children if any 4. Special needs, eg, if Thai woman is sick or deemed mentally insecure, etc. 5. The person's situation following divorce as regards earning power. 6. Age of the people involved for future earnings potential. Where a house was bought before the marriage, there is unlikely to be a claim in a short term marriage. All these things are governed by 1973 Act of Parliament.

Thus, typically, a Thai woman who marries a farang and goes to live with him in UK, separates a year or 2 later without kids, is able bodied and relatively young is likely to receive little or nothing if the case goes before a court. All that is required is to stand your ground.

She gets half the house and lives there. Not necessarily so. Probably, if it is a lengthy marriage with kids. definitely not if short duration and the house was purchased before the marriage (as is usually the case). There may be some notional value placed on equity gain if any during the marriage but where the wife's input is minimal this may not be the case.

Well I got the divorce - that's that. Not so, the divorce is sep. from the financial side. Beware. However where a couple have divorced, made new lives, it's very unlikely that gains made after the divorce could be subject to a claim.

I married in Thailand, my wife can't divorce me in UK. Yes she can if the marriage was registered at the Amphur, which is nearly always the case. The fact it was not registered in Blighty is neither here nor there.UK law accepts the situation as if you were legally married in UK. Of course if you happened to absent yourself she could only do this after 5 years, plenty of time to file your own divorce in Thailand. Doesn't protect you from UK financial implications but usually the motive is short term gain for little effort, and in any case she would not get much in a short term marriage.

We were married in Thailand and divorced in the UK. So I'm divorced in Thailand. No. Thai Law is Thai law. No other country can interfere with that. You need to get divorced in thailand if you intend to have a life there.

I don't stand a chance in a Thai divorce. Utterly wrong. The courts are generally interested in upholding the rules as laid down in Thai law, the fact you are a farang is irrelevant. In fact the law heavily favours the man. Generally, the same rules apply as in any other country. This means you may have a claim of 50% or more. Since the guy generally pays for everything anyway you may even get more with a crafty lawyer. Moreover the grounds for divorce are much less stringent in Thailand. abandonment, and adultery do not require the consent of the other partner to divorce. If you have not lived with your partner for a year then it is likely you will be granted a divorce on the ground of abandonment and can file a claim on any assets. Note though if you did sign anything revoking any monetary interests in a property purchased in Thailand you may well have lost those rights (not necessarily though). Note2. If you bought the property with your money you may well stand a chance of getting the whole lot back if you have a clever lawyer and she doesn't.

Anybody wish to contest any of these points please feel free. Also be interested in hearing some more misconceptions.

I have recently completed a divorce in the UK with an exceptionally horrible Thai woman.

Unfortunately I was deceived by a fraudulent selfish person whose only goal via a marriage to a UK citizen was that of divorce money called 'Ancillary Relief', getting away from Thailand for free and a British Passport.

She pulled the wool over all my friends and family eyes here in the UK. We all thought ahe was a genuine person.

When I realised that I had been conned (which in these cases is too late) I discussed the matter with the X and she flatly refused to leave the UK for a divorce in Thailand. I would pay for the flights and give her some dosh.

Luckily for me she left the house (my house that I purchased before the marriage) if she did not leave then I think things would have got very nasty legally as one cannot make a person homeless in the UK especially ones estranged spouse.

A divorce in the UK cost about £300 for court costs and the papers can be filled in by both parties that is if both parties are going to be in communication, amicable about it and can agree on some sort of settlement.

Divorce becomes costly when one of the parties becomes obstinate and unfriendly about it all. Most of the money goes to solicitor's fee if one or either party want to make a mess of things.

In my case as I married a two faced lying b**ch who was out to get as much as she can. I do not know fully to what extent she went as I had/have absolutely no contact with her or want to. I was going to be in financial trouble.

I am not going to give amounts as this is personal information. I was married for just over a year and have no children. The woman I married made claims of Domestic Violence as she was desperate for a British Passport. There are laws in the UK instigated by "The Black Sisters of Southall" that state that if one can prove DV in the marriage with non-nationals spouse then they automatically receive a British Passport without English tests for free. This was not the case as there was absolutely no DV or any proof that any occurred. What really got up my nose about the whole thing is that she made up loads of stories about me being violent and I assume people believed her.

The X got some excellent advice and legal aid and that something that I never heard of before a 'Matrimonial Home Rights Order', this blocks the sale of the house and puts into question the rightful owner of the property. She was going for 100% of everything. To me this behaviour is pure evil and the people who have helped this woman in this situation I hate with all my heart. I believe that most of the people who had helped are Thai national who live in the UK and have high connections with the Thai consulate in a part of the UK I live.

To cut things short she tried every dirty legal trick in the book like a very well trained lawyer. Even my solicitor who has 20 years experience with Divorce cases was shocked at the way this case was handled by the X solicitor. She went for a 'defended Divorce' which is exceptionally costly (court cost of a defended divorce is £25,000 upward) my solicitor told me that there had not been a defended divorce in the city I live in for over 15 years. Luckily for her a defended divorce never happened as the judge threw it out of court. I think I would be doing time for murder if it was accepted.

The divorce took from Petition to Decree Absolute 16 months and cost me all my savings. I do not know how much the X got as she would have to pay the legal aid back which I believe to be a least 75% of the agreed settlement.

So in short the X would have been better off if she agreed to a settlement outside the court.

Once one goes down the road of legal arguing the only people who gain is the solicitors. Divorce settlements need to be negotiated within reason and without strangers sticking their noses in.

The misunderstanding of Divorce settlement is a big issue and needs to be made more public. My marriage that was only for one year cost me personally 15% of what I own, and all that the evil deceitful lying toe rag of a person got was 1% of what I own.

From what I know this woman I have recently divorced is living in the UK as an Illegal Immigrant and scrounging of the kindness of fellow Thai nationals who are living legally in the UK.

The Thai people who helped her ruin a small section of my life have made me very wary of Thai nationals. I will not be visiting Thailand ever again and will not offer any form a charity to a Thai ever in my life.

My sympathies. If you get a bad one its one of the worst things that can possibly happen in your life.

However, if you carry around a lot of anger it doesn't hurt her one little bit and only hurts yourself.

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Wow, 2 very interesting posts there. Reminds me of the baker from Kent who lost 15,000 in a divorce settlement from a short marriage. He made a Youtube video. He also could not sell his house.

My previous girlfriend (we did not marry), wanted me to take her to England but after weighing it up for about 2 milliseconds I said no. Maybe she has been getting some good advice about the pickings on offer.

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Wow, 2 very interesting posts there. Reminds me of the baker from Kent who lost 15,000 in a divorce settlement from a short marriage. He made a Youtube video. He also could not sell his house.

My previous girlfriend (we did not marry), wanted me to take her to England but after weighing it up for about 2 milliseconds I said no. Maybe she has been getting some good advice about the pickings on offer.


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Kind of reminds me of what my American colleagues used to tell me.

Never ever consider marrying an American woman.

If it goes sour, then she will bring you to the cleaners.

So, Thailand, US, UK, etc. Same same, but different.

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i lost everything in the uk to a british wife ,so it happens everywhere ,im sure for every bad story of divorce theres 20 good ones ,most problems are when in thailand you meet fall in love and within a week you are liviv=ng together within a year you are married ,when elsewhere this procedure is much more long winded thus giving you more time to get to know one another .......

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you guys r missing the point. the main objective of many village girls is money a good marriage was just an afterthought. ameican girls want a good marriage then when it wasnt going to happen then decide to go for the money...............lol.

i m sure paul mccartneys wife wasnt after money when she first got married, but as things went sour decided 20 or 30 $ million wasnt unreasonable compensation for her time..................lol. i dont really know the amounts involved, im sure it was mut more.

wot , 1 bad 20 good or did you mean the other way around.

Edited by blizzard
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It's fairly obvious, isn't it? Don't get married. Ok, some foreigners may get married to stay in Thailand or some other country, but why would someone of considerable wealth and power such as Sir Paul get married? It makes no sense.

Edited by mbkudu
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It's fairly obvious, isn't it? Don't get married. Ok, some foreigners may get married to stay in Thailand or some other country, but why would someone of considerable wealth and power such as Sir Paul get married? It makes no sense.

Indeed, but if you were working in the UK, say as a lorry driver, earning a good wage but in no position to retire and with no transferrable skills to the Thai economy, the way to go is to import a bride either on a marriage or fiancee visa to the UK. Assuming she doesn't bring any money with her, you are then in a very vulnerable financial position.

And the second poster's story of accusations of domestic violence are common and very effective now in the UK. Not only to obtain leave to remain in the UK, but also in extracting a better divorce settlement and, more importantly perhaps, getting the husband forced out of the property. This has become a hardball tactic in divorce cases.

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im sure paul thought it was love. what i dont get is why dont he use trumps lawyers and protect himself fincially. who knows what girl who marry rich dudes are after?

i nclude rich dude being farangs who have 25$k to build house in issarn.................lol.

Edited by blizzard
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I posted my experience to this thread so that maybe more information would be of some help to the next poor bast**d that gets it in the neck. There are many factors that affect a divorce and the cost can be broken down in to different areas of payment.

1) 1. Court costs (including the Divorce doc itself)

2) 2. Solicitors’ fee (usually £3000) for the complete case if arguing with the other solicitor then much more would incur.

3) 3.Settlement fee (which includes the legal aid bill the spouse has created).

4) 4. Maintenance for children if any.

On the whole according to some web sites in the UK an average divorce is £13000. But that depends on the geography. Some solicitors charge £175 an hour (small towns) while some charge £450 an hour (London). Also the court charge is different for different parts of the country. So I would say one can average between £13,000 to £20,000. On the other hand if your flat broke on income support living in rented accommodation then it won’t cost you a penny.

England is the most compensation mad payout country in the world. Many European women who marry wealthy men purchase property in the UK just so that when the end of the relationship is near they move to the UK for the final show down as they get more dosh.

Divorce settlement has become a national sport for solicitors in the UK and the courts are lapping it all up.

160000 divorce a year that’s 3077 a week, which is 615 a day in the UK. I am not looking for any sympathy I am just sharing my experience. I now loads of guys who have lost a fortune to English wives but they were married for a fairly long time with kids and they were having a genuine relationship.

In my case the woman who I married, married me so she can divorce me, these things are called ‘marriage fraud’ and unfortunately are not deemed illegal, or taken into account which is f**king stupid as far as the law is concerned.

I think the world is now waiting to see the final show down with Macca and Heather as they are near the final show down

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I posted my experience to this thread so that maybe more information would be of some help to the next poor bast**d that gets it in the neck. There are many factors that affect a divorce and the cost can be broken down in to different areas of payment.

1) 1. Court costs (including the Divorce doc itself)

2) 2. Solicitors' fee (usually £3000) for the complete case if arguing with the other solicitor then much more would incur.

3) 3.Settlement fee (which includes the legal aid bill the spouse has created).

4) 4. Maintenance for children if any.

On the whole according to some web sites in the UK an average divorce is £13000. But that depends on the geography. Some solicitors charge £175 an hour (small towns) while some charge £450 an hour (London). Also the court charge is different for different parts of the country. So I would say one can average between £13,000 to £20,000. On the other hand if your flat broke on income support living in rented accommodation then it won't cost you a penny.

England is the most compensation mad payout country in the world. Many European women who marry wealthy men purchase property in the UK just so that when the end of the relationship is near they move to the UK for the final show down as they get more dosh.

Divorce settlement has become a national sport for solicitors in the UK and the courts are lapping it all up.

160000 divorce a year that's 3077 a week, which is 615 a day in the UK. I am not looking for any sympathy I am just sharing my experience. I now loads of guys who have lost a fortune to English wives but they were married for a fairly long time with kids and they were having a genuine relationship.

In my case the woman who I married, married me so she can divorce me, these things are called 'marriage fraud' and unfortunately are not deemed illegal, or taken into account which is f**king stupid as far as the law is concerned.

I think the world is now waiting to see the final show down with Macca and Heather as they are near the final show down

I married my wife 1 year ago today and we have a 4 month old son, before we got married I bought a new house and I also have 4 other small properties which I rent out and get an income from, before she arrived here (Scotland) i spoke to a lawyer who told me that if we divorced she couldn't touch my investment properties but she could get a share of the family home. I had £50,000 deposit and a mortgage of £95,000, solution my lawyer told me, lend the £50,000 to my brother who then lends £50,000 to my dad who then lends £50,000 to me and in the event of a divorce all my wife would get would be half of the house after everything had been paid off, I.E. mortgage and loan which would be whatever value the house increased by. Don't know if it would stand up in court though.

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I posted my experience to this thread so that maybe more information would be of some help to the next poor bast**d that gets it in the neck. There are many factors that affect a divorce and the cost can be broken down in to different areas of payment.

1) 1. Court costs (including the Divorce doc itself)

2) 2. Solicitors’ fee (usually £3000) for the complete case if arguing with the other solicitor then much more would incur.

3) 3.Settlement fee (which includes the legal aid bill the spouse has created).

4) 4. Maintenance for children if any.

On the whole according to some web sites in the UK an average divorce is £13000. But that depends on the geography. Some solicitors charge £175 an hour (small towns) while some charge £450 an hour (London). Also the court charge is different for different parts of the country. So I would say one can average between £13,000 to £20,000. On the other hand if your flat broke on income support living in rented accommodation then it won’t cost you a penny.

England is the most compensation mad payout country in the world. Many European women who marry wealthy men purchase property in the UK just so that when the end of the relationship is near they move to the UK for the final show down as they get more dosh.

Divorce settlement has become a national sport for solicitors in the UK and the courts are lapping it all up.

160000 divorce a year that’s 3077 a week, which is 615 a day in the UK. I am not looking for any sympathy I am just sharing my experience. I now loads of guys who have lost a fortune to English wives but they were married for a fairly long time with kids and they were having a genuine relationship.

In my case the woman who I married, married me so she can divorce me, these things are called ‘marriage fraud’ and unfortunately are not deemed illegal, or taken into account which is f**king stupid as far as the law is concerned.

I think the world is now waiting to see the final show down with Macca and Heather as they are near the final show down

I guess something like that could make one pretty bitter. Don't think they mess with their own blokes like that back home as they know what'll happen. I think we're far too soft.

All the best and don't be too hard on the place... there's loads of good uns over here :o

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I forgot to mention that if a settlement cannot be agreed upon at the Financial Dispute Resolution FDR. The case then goes to court, where the final amount would be under the complete discretion of the Judge. This is why ‘Fathers for Justice’ feel that the whole divorce scenario in the UK needs to be changed as a whole person’s life can be completely ruined by one person’s opinion that is the Judge, especially when dealing with offspring.

No one wants to go to court as it is very costly somewhere between £3000 and £6000 a day as one has to pay for the hiring of the court, the Judge and a barrister. Barristers are not cheap (£1000 a day). If one is dealing with a foreign wife then they would bring in a translator, they also charge and also slow the whole process down by making everything take twice a long so ones court fee would be doubled.

This is why anybody can say anything about anyone as going to court is so costly that a settlement outside is very advisable.

A good friend of mine had a disagreement over his father’s will with his Uncle. They went to court and it cost them just under £50,000 for court costs alone the stupid Uncle lost 25% of the estate through silly arguing. It all went to the solicitors and court fees.

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I suppose qualifying our partners is the way to avoid these bad stories.

But generally speaking, East and West don't mix well in many ways.

My point: don't get married, legally.

Do the Buddhist temple thing.

Why do you establish a legal document that quantifies your relationship?

I've heard so many stories.

I have no sympathy for guys that get ripped of.

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I was married over 30 years under Thai law. My wife decided her grandchildren were more important than I so she left me over 15 years ago for her life in the US. I finally contacted a law firm specializing in cases for farangs. Cost 40,000 baht, 45 minutes in court and no alimony, child was 37 so no child support. Charge was abandonment and now I am legally divorced by Thai law. The law used to say over five years but now says over 3 years of not residing together according to my lawyer. It can be done but not easy if there are children involved.

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There are also two myths that are not true about divorce in the UK

1. Prenups, they do not exist in UK divorce law

2. Hiding money from the courts is deemed as fraud and if the spouse/solicitor is suspicious then the Police will be brought in to open up all your accounts with a search warrant and yes they can do that. They can also get a court order to freeze your account so you cannot spend any of your money and yes they do that to.

Take a look at Form –e


It's free courtesy from HMCS, as can be seen you cannot hide anything. So what that lawyer is telling you Brigante7 I would not trust.

And yes you guys are correct live with a Thai woman in Thailand and everything will be fine. Marry any woman and live in the UK and things could get nasty.

As so many people in the UK are now not getting married because of the ridicules divorce procedures and far out of reality costs, the UK government in its great wisdom is going to let the protocols of divorce be applied to common-law wife and husband that is cohabitates. So not getting married will not make a blind bit of difference when this will happen? nobody knows.


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Seems to me that farangs lose thousands, sometimes their life savings when divorcing Thais either in Thailand or the UK (I guess US, AUS, etc). I think this is fuelled by some common misconceptions:

When you divorce in the UK it's a straight 50/50. Not so. Although this might apply to assets accrued during the marriage. Divorce settlements range from 0% to 65%, and may or may not include maintenance payments. Calculation is not set, and is subjective, but is definitely based on the following: 1. length of marriage 2. Input of the Thai woman both financial and in terms of home caring, and rearing any child. 3. Number of children if any 4. Special needs, eg, if Thai woman is sick or deemed mentally insecure, etc. 5. The person's situation following divorce as regards earning power. 6. Age of the people involved for future earnings potential. Where a house was bought before the marriage, there is unlikely to be a claim in a short term marriage. All these things are governed by 1973 Act of Parliament.

Thus, typically, a Thai woman who marries a farang and goes to live with him in UK, separates a year or 2 later without kids, is able bodied and relatively young is likely to receive little or nothing if the case goes before a court. All that is required is to stand your ground.

She gets half the house and lives there. Not necessarily so. Probably, if it is a lengthy marriage with kids. definitely not if short duration and the house was purchased before the marriage (as is usually the case). There may be some notional value placed on equity gain if any during the marriage but where the wife's input is minimal this may not be the case.

Well I got the divorce - that's that. Not so, the divorce is sep. from the financial side. Beware. However where a couple have divorced, made new lives, it's very unlikely that gains made after the divorce could be subject to a claim.

I married in Thailand, my wife can't divorce me in UK. Yes she can if the marriage was registered at the Amphur, which is nearly always the case. The fact it was not registered in Blighty is neither here nor there.UK law accepts the situation as if you were legally married in UK. Of course if you happened to absent yourself she could only do this after 5 years, plenty of time to file your own divorce in Thailand. Doesn't protect you from UK financial implications but usually the motive is short term gain for little effort, and in any case she would not get much in a short term marriage.

We were married in Thailand and divorced in the UK. So I'm divorced in Thailand. No. Thai Law is Thai law. No other country can interfere with that. You need to get divorced in thailand if you intend to have a life there.

I don't stand a chance in a Thai divorce. Utterly wrong. The courts are generally interested in upholding the rules as laid down in Thai law, the fact you are a farang is irrelevant. In fact the law heavily favours the man. Generally, the same rules apply as in any other country. This means you may have a claim of 50% or more. Since the guy generally pays for everything anyway you may even get more with a crafty lawyer. Moreover the grounds for divorce are much less stringent in Thailand. abandonment, and adultery do not require the consent of the other partner to divorce. If you have not lived with your partner for a year then it is likely you will be granted a divorce on the ground of abandonment and can file a claim on any assets. Note though if you did sign anything revoking any monetary interests in a property purchased in Thailand you may well have lost those rights (not necessarily though). Note2. If you bought the property with your money you may well stand a chance of getting the whole lot back if you have a clever lawyer and she doesn't.

Anybody wish to contest any of these points please feel free. Also be interested in hearing some more misconceptions.

I have recently completed a divorce in the UK with an exceptionally horrible Thai woman.

Unfortunately I was deceived by a fraudulent selfish person whose only goal via a marriage to a UK citizen was that of divorce money called ‘Ancillary Relief’, getting away from Thailand for free and a British Passport.

She pulled the wool over all my friends and family eyes here in the UK. We all thought ahe was a genuine person.

When I realised that I had been conned (which in these cases is too late) I discussed the matter with the X and she flatly refused to leave the UK for a divorce in Thailand. I would pay for the flights and give her some dosh.

Luckily for me she left the house (my house that I purchased before the marriage) if she did not leave then I think things would have got very nasty legally as one cannot make a person homeless in the UK especially ones estranged spouse.

A divorce in the UK cost about £300 for court costs and the papers can be filled in by both parties that is if both parties are going to be in communication, amicable about it and can agree on some sort of settlement.

Divorce becomes costly when one of the parties becomes obstinate and unfriendly about it all. Most of the money goes to solicitor’s fee if one or either party want to make a mess of things.

In my case as I married a two faced lying b**ch who was out to get as much as she can. I do not know fully to what extent she went as I had/have absolutely no contact with her or want to. I was going to be in financial trouble.

I am not going to give amounts as this is personal information. I was married for just over a year and have no children. The woman I married made claims of Domestic Violence as she was desperate for a British Passport. There are laws in the UK instigated by ”The Black Sisters of Southall” that state that if one can prove DV in the marriage with non-nationals spouse then they automatically receive a British Passport without English tests for free. This was not the case as there was absolutely no DV or any proof that any occurred. What really got up my nose about the whole thing is that she made up loads of stories about me being violent and I assume people believed her.

The X got some excellent advice and legal aid and that something that I never heard of before a ‘Matrimonial Home Rights Order’, this blocks the sale of the house and puts into question the rightful owner of the property. She was going for 100% of everything. To me this behaviour is pure evil and the people who have helped this woman in this situation I hate with all my heart. I believe that most of the people who had helped are Thai national who live in the UK and have high connections with the Thai consulate in a part of the UK I live.

To cut things short she tried every dirty legal trick in the book like a very well trained lawyer. Even my solicitor who has 20 years experience with Divorce cases was shocked at the way this case was handled by the X solicitor. She went for a ‘defended Divorce’ which is exceptionally costly (court cost of a defended divorce is £25,000 upward) my solicitor told me that there had not been a defended divorce in the city I live in for over 15 years. Luckily for her a defended divorce never happened as the judge threw it out of court. I think I would be doing time for murder if it was accepted.

The divorce took from Petition to Decree Absolute 16 months and cost me all my savings. I do not know how much the X got as she would have to pay the legal aid back which I believe to be a least 75% of the agreed settlement.

So in short the X would have been better off if she agreed to a settlement outside the court.

Once one goes down the road of legal arguing the only people who gain is the solicitors. Divorce settlements need to be negotiated within reason and without strangers sticking their noses in.

The misunderstanding of Divorce settlement is a big issue and needs to be made more public. My marriage that was only for one year cost me personally 15% of what I own, and all that the evil deceitful lying toe rag of a person got was 1% of what I own.

From what I know this woman I have recently divorced is living in the UK as an Illegal Immigrant and scrounging of the kindness of fellow Thai nationals who are living legally in the UK.

The Thai people who helped her ruin a small section of my life have made me very wary of Thai nationals. I will not be visiting Thailand ever again and will not offer any form a charity to a Thai ever in my life.


I feel your pain brother. Lot's of similarities in our. cases and some different too. The financial hit, yeah that's one thing being deceived by someone that you adore, well that's another thing.

Haven't even looked ahead at other replies. Don't expect much sympathy here.

Hang in there. It does get better... :o

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I posted my experience to this thread so that maybe more information would be of some help to the next poor bast**d that gets it in the neck. There are many factors that affect a divorce and the cost can be broken down in to different areas of payment.

1) 1. Court costs (including the Divorce doc itself)

2) 2. Solicitors' fee (usually £3000) for the complete case if arguing with the other solicitor then much more would incur.

3) 3.Settlement fee (which includes the legal aid bill the spouse has created).

4) 4. Maintenance for children if any.

On the whole according to some web sites in the UK an average divorce is £13000. But that depends on the geography. Some solicitors charge £175 an hour (small towns) while some charge £450 an hour (London). Also the court charge is different for different parts of the country. So I would say one can average between £13,000 to £20,000. On the other hand if your flat broke on income support living in rented accommodation then it won't cost you a penny.

England is the most compensation mad payout country in the world. Many European women who marry wealthy men purchase property in the UK just so that when the end of the relationship is near they move to the UK for the final show down as they get more dosh.

Divorce settlement has become a national sport for solicitors in the UK and the courts are lapping it all up.

160000 divorce a year that's 3077 a week, which is 615 a day in the UK. I am not looking for any sympathy I am just sharing my experience. I now loads of guys who have lost a fortune to English wives but they were married for a fairly long time with kids and they were having a genuine relationship.

In my case the woman who I married, married me so she can divorce me, these things are called 'marriage fraud' and unfortunately are not deemed illegal, or taken into account which is f**king stupid as far as the law is concerned.

I think the world is now waiting to see the final show down with Macca and Heather as they are near the final show down

I married my wife 1 year ago today and we have a 4 month old son, before we got married I bought a new house and I also have 4 other small properties which I rent out and get an income from, before she arrived here (Scotland) i spoke to a lawyer who told me that if we divorced she couldn't touch my investment properties but she could get a share of the family home. I had £50,000 deposit and a mortgage of £95,000, solution my lawyer told me, lend the £50,000 to my brother who then lends £50,000 to my dad who then lends £50,000 to me and in the event of a divorce all my wife would get would be half of the house after everything had been paid off, I.E. mortgage and loan which would be whatever value the house increased by. Don't know if it would stand up in court though.


Maybe but actually it could be called constructive fraud and theft by deception. However I would try to protect myself anyway I could... :o

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