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Some Guidance About A Bullying 'farang'


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Some real bad <deleted> posting on TV. Personally, being the half man that I am, I would block his #, ignore his emails, and file a police report. The farang agent seems to be a little out of his mind and kicking his butt might complicate the situation. Contrary to popular opinion, your wife and other Thais would frown on physically abusing a 65 yr old man. Definitely not a reflection of your manhood.

I know most the posts are in jest ( enjoyed Damian's). If you need to take down a 65 yr old man to prove your manliness, you aren't a man to begin with and my wife would kick my wimpy arse for doing it.

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I just love some of these replies! As much as I would like to give him a good kicking, I'm in Thailand for the long term and cannot take any 'physical' action that might risk my right to stay in Thailand. Plus I also work for the Thai police, so smacking someone is a no-no (although it might be the norm for the other police, I'm not about to descend to that level).

I do believe that the guy is a little unhinged - he is totally unpredictable, sometimes calm and then shouting and raving the next minute, (too long in the sun I think...)

The Thai seller of the land did really die - of cancer.

OT - but I'm amazed at how many people are suggesting physical violence. What planet are you on? One punch and you could be on the next plane out of here - deported and never allowed back.

This post was about legal action, not about how naive when I came her 5 years ago and purchased this land. I coudn't give a flying <deleted> about the money (which forms part of the estate of the dead guy).

Also, I think it's pretty unlikely that my wife is having an affair with this farang guy, but thanks for the suggestion :o


Edited by simon43
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no offense sir but if you didnt want cumments about yr real estate deal you shoul have left it out. i feel yr pain as i also have spent american equivalent of 3m baht and gotten nuttin in return.

to me and a few others it is more interesting than yr wife being harassaed.

Edited by blizzard
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I think it is really quite simple. Simon has to have the balls to confront the guy and tell him that if he bothers his wife just ONE more time there will be consequences. The consequences will be a law suit and the possibility of a shyster being deported. Tell him that the decision is his and if he chooses to test Simon, he will find out exactly how the law views a shyster meddling in Thai land deals. I think a lawyer contacting the guy is as far as it will go.

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Send your wife down to the local police station to make the complaint, they will arrest the guy and then set up a meeting between your wife and this guy at the police station. You basically sort out your problems infront of the police and the guy will understand that NO is NO!! when leaving the police station after everything has been sorted, let the police know that he doesn't have a WP and they should do the rest. Maybe take a bottle of JW BLACK LABEL to the police station for a New Year present, this usually helps. :o:D

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I would have no qualms about hitting the guy except that he is at least 65 years old - I'm afraid that he might drop dead on me.... In any case, hitting him would not really help a legal case against him. I had a confrontation with him about this matter earlier this year and I thought he was going to have a heart attack. He just seems so stupid not to have backed off.


Just pay a cop to point a gun to his head and tell him to rub the memory of you and your wife off his brain.

Have you not befriended any thai cops yet? :o

But do check if this 65 yr old farang is rich and powerful first. I would try to talk to him first though. Get things clear. You don't owe him anything, do you Simon?

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Send your wife down to the local police station to make the complaint, they will arrest the guy and then set up a meeting between your wife and this guy at the police station. You basically sort out your problems infront of the police and the guy will understand that NO is NO!! when leaving the police station after everything has been sorted, let the police know that he doesn't have a WP and they should do the rest. Maybe take a bottle of JW BLACK LABEL to the police station for a New Year present, this usually helps. :D:D

Now this is what I call turning into a real thai. :D:o Understanding the proper procedures.

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Hello Simon -- As I mentioned earlier, the gent in question has managed to survive for 5 years or more in a highly visible, lucrative profession with or without a WP. It seems this has long passed the 'Johnnie Walker at the local police station' stage. If anyone is to suggest to him that his behavior must change OR ELSE, that should done by your attorney, and not by you.

Because of your standing in the Community and your wife's health, you have a good case that any further harassment to your family or your business can be classified as a 'Wrongful Act', and the current written law provides recourse. Damages may then ensue...

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the police would laugh their heads off and then think of ways to extort money from both of you. Would a Thai go to the police station with a similar complaint? NO, either they would side step the situation or request an influential person to have a chat or explode after a few rice whiskies.

I asked a Thai solicitor once about assault. 500 baht fixed penalty for a punch. However, if the guy goes down and there's damage you are looking at a serious assault charge. After you are found guilty, and regardless of a prison term or not, you'll be deported. Again mixing in the circles where people pay thugs, then as a farang who doesn't understand how the game is played, you'll be opening yourself to extortion.

there's a lot more to this story than the author knows or is prepared to tell

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Prior to speaking to a lawyer, perhaps TV members can advise me.

Short story - When I came to Thailand about 5 years ago I/my ex GF purchased some land. We found this land via a farang sales agent who I immediately took a dislike to. He was arrogant, rude and above all a bully. Nevertheless, I purchased said land for 2.8 million baht. Unfortunately, just before the deal was completed, the Thai owner of the land died!! This left the sale completion in limbo for a long, long time.

During this period (of several years), I found out that the farang sales agent had been working in cahoots with the Thai man who died. They would purchase land at very cheap prices and then resell it at about 200-300% profit. Good business if you can get it... I also discovered that the death of this man had left the sales agent with a whole lot of other unfinished business whereby the Thai guy owed him money, (probably quite a lot of money).

Suffice to say, the family of the guy who died were not very interested in completing the sale documents and stalled for several years. Finally, through a good and important Thai friend, I was making some progress in persuading them to complete the documents.

But - I was quite prepared to accept that this deal might never complete and I was prepared to walk away from the 2.8 million baht, if it were more trouble/expense to complete the deal.

Now, the farang sales agent is pestering (bullying is a better word), for me and my wife to work with him to sue the family of the dead man. We prefer the 'Thai' approach and some money under the table and refuse to work with the farang agent. Now he has turned 'nasty' and has started threatening us with all sorts of problems if we do not 'play ball' with him. Since he does not know my email/contact details, he has taken the cowardly approach of threatening my wife by email and shouting at her by phone-calls to her.

I am not concerned about this man if he shouts at me. But I am very, very angry about him threatening my wife. As some of you will know from previous postings, my wife is 'delicate' in both body and mind. She is now quite stable, our marriage is strong and we have a growing business. I do not want this bully damaging my wife's health.

Is there any legal action that I can take to 'nip this problem in the bud' and to ensure that he is forbidden from making any sort of contact with me or my wife? We have copies of the emails he has sent to her and witnesses who will support our version of events.

Thanks for any advice


Simon: Your wife should file a complaint with the Labour Department, they are the ones to investigate this guy, I believe he is engaging in a "prohibited business" for foreigners which is liable to a hefty jail term and deportation with "personna non gratis " stamp in his passport.

Good Luck

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Simon: Your wife should file a complaint with the Labour Department, they are the ones to investigate this guy, I believe he is engaging in a "prohibited business" for foreigners which is liable to a hefty jail term and deportation with "personna non gratis " stamp in his passport.

Good Luck

His business is definitely prohibited because he has no work permit. However, it's not illegal for a farang to own a real esate business, as many seem to think. There are many real estate business owned by farang and of course they deal with the selling of land at some time or another while still being legal in the classification of owner. It's techincally illegal to work as a real estate agent or something like that for another business I believe.

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Simon: Your wife should file a complaint with the Labour Department, they are the ones to investigate this guy, I believe he is engaging in a "prohibited business" for foreigners which is liable to a hefty jail term and deportation with "personna non gratis " stamp in his passport.

Good Luck

Indeed, unless the list has changed, one of the prohibited occupations for foreigners is land trade. It, of course, depends how he has set himself up in business.

Got to be worth a look at though :o

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i agree with loaded. op not telling us all there is to tell.

op doent give a hoot about losing 2.8 m baht yet worried bout harassing phone calls.

im assuming simon not wealthy by usa standards. given the fact he working in los in police work, they cant be highly paid.

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Here we go again with another one from the resident Drama Queen. Do try and see it from a Thai's point of view if you're figuring on following any of some of the aforementioned posters' advice. Whether it be a lawyer (well, what can I make out of this little wussy farang), the police (why doesn't this little wussy farang go sort it out himself), or wife (why doesn't my wussy farang husband just go round and put his lights out/call him back and give him as good as I get)). You're right blizzard, this man's not telling all is he. Wuss.

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I would have no qualms about hitting the guy except that he is at least 65 years old - I'm afraid that he might drop dead on me.... In any case, hitting him would not really help a legal case against him. I had a confrontation with him about this matter earlier this year and I thought he was going to have a heart attack. He just seems so stupid not to have backed off.


Sorry Simon from the verbiage you used i figured he was some menacing dude giving your wife a hard time. Please interoperate my advice as ignorant rambling. :o

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you work for the police !!!! surely you have some friends/contacts then....so whats the problem really.

Yeah, right?? You would think that they would be a better source of advice than a public / anonymous internet forum.....?

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  • 2 weeks later...

On one level, does your wife have any family ? A couple of Thai blokes would make this guy disappear without a trace (literally if required).

With no WP he is history. Force his hand with a Thai reporting him to immigration. The tax office will also want their share so inform them as well.

Seek legal action against him. Demand compensation and if he refuses, let them chuck him in the IDC.

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If you dealing with a crazy person you need to rely on yourself to elevate the situation. I would change my phone numbers, change my email and change my place of residence if I felt this was a life threaten situation or harm could come to my family or myself.

You should leave this business deal immediately. There are plenty of other deals out there to make money with. As a business man that is always in and out of deals, I remember a great quote that applies to this instance. Deals are like buses; as soon as one passes another is coming along.

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I am happy to report that my threat to report him to immigration for working without a WP seems to have done the trick.

I won't pass comment on many of the suggestions in this thread - suffice to say that it indicates that many posters have a total lack of understanding about the reality of living 'permanetly' in Thailand


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