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What Has Happened To Our Isaan Forum?


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Have all of you vacated Isaan and moved to bangkok?

Maybe some of you are taking a break. but, it seems that no one is posting much anymore.

Post here and let us know you are ok!!!

i'm still alive but am at work till 6th Jan. i hope everyone has a Chang for me over christmas.

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Have all of you vacated Isaan and moved to bangkok?

Maybe some of you are taking a break. but, it seems that no one is posting much anymore.

Post here and let us know you are ok!!!

i'm still alive but am at work till 6th Jan. i hope everyone has a Chang for me over christmas.

Judgeing by the sound of clucking chickens, the neighbours Karaoke machine on full blast, and the water buffalo in the rice paddy behind the house, I am still in Isaan.

Have a hapy Yule!

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Telling about the turkeys, ducks, the pond and my tractor is NOT very exciting. Actually not a lot up here is real interesting or exciting. Once in a while a post talking about a new type of construction draws a lot of comments but then killjoys ruin it and let the cat out of the bag. That kills the post. The most exciting thing lately is the election. My wife has decided that her Issan neighbors are stupid. She can't stand Samak and says even Thaksin was better and she didn't like him.

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I'm also working away from Issan at the moment.

I'm in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia and will be back in Buriram for about 10 days starting Jan 7-8. I get the impression that there are a few expats working to a similar cycle, mine is 6 weeks in KSA followed by 9 days leave. Its an odd life and I'm not sure I want to do it for too long but how else can I afford the Fortuner / Civic / Accord that the missus is after ?

In the complex where I live, there are a few guys from an Italian contractor with accompanying Thai wives / gf's. Anyone with experience of this arrangement ? I think she would be bored rigid within about 2-3 days of arriving (we currently work 60-70 hrs per week).


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As with others, nothing of interest to others to report. Slipped over for 3 weeks Oct/Nov for little sister's funeral (died from ARDS - no, not AIDS). The village funeral was a *very* different experience for me. Her death had a rather bad effect - and still does. TW is with her family for a few more weeks (3 months total), then it was back to the salt mines in Sydney. I didn't see much point in discussing the funeral here, as I'd only be told it doesn't happen like that.

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The village funeral was a *very* different experience for me.

........... I didn't see much point in discussing the funeral here, as I'd only be told it doesn't happen like that.

Oh you might not. If it was your first they are a bit of an experience!! :o

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I'm also working away from Issan at the moment.

I'm in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia and will be back in Buriram for about 10 days starting Jan 7-8. I get the impression that there are a few expats working to a similar cycle, mine is 6 weeks in KSA followed by 9 days leave. Its an odd life and I'm not sure I want to do it for too long but how else can I afford the Fortuner / Civic / Accord that the missus is after ?

In the complex where I live, there are a few guys from an Italian contractor with accompanying Thai wives / gf's. Anyone with experience of this arrangement ? I think she would be bored rigid within about 2-3 days of arriving (we currently work 60-70 hrs per week).


I work in Saudi also, (based in Al-Khobar), although my rotation is 45 days in country and 30 at home. I lived for about a year in Bahrain, (next door), with my wife and she enjoyed it there, (many thai's working there), but Saudi is a different kettle of fish. The restrictions on women are severe, she will feel like she is in prison. A friend of mine took a managers job that paid probably around $300,000+ per year but it meant living in saudi. He lasted 6 months when his wife said she was going back home and he had to quit and go back to the job he had before. Personally they could offer me double that and i would still not take it.

Lock your wife in the house for a week except if she goes out with you and make her wear a ninjas costume all day. She will change her mind soon enough!

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Have all of you vacated Isaan and moved to bangkok?

Maybe some of you are taking a break. but, it seems that no one is posting much anymore.

Post here and let us know you are ok!!!

Currently on a four week swing offshore China.

Be back early Jan. Merry Christmas everyone

Khun Andy

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I am working away at the moment, in Brazil. We will be ashore tonight, so should have a laugh. I have never spent xmas in Issan in 7 years.

Will get back to Bangkok on new years day 6.30am, home by 5pm to see the kids so will make up for it then.

All the very best to everyone.


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I'm still here but crashed on my motorcycle about 4 weeks ago coming back from Chaiyaphum. :D Had gone there with another Farang (Swede) looking for some kind of "bar" or Farang meeting place but if there is one there I sure couldn't find it. :D Fractured my left wrist and right upper forearm. Started out drinking Archa's from a straw and have now "graduated" to being able to drink a beer without the straw (thank God)! Am hoping to ride again :o in a few more weeks, but will leave finding that bar in Chaiyaphum to the more local guys....when you find it let me know. :D Merry Christmas.

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Telling about the turkeys, ducks, the pond and my tractor is NOT very exciting. Actually not a lot up here is real interesting or exciting. Once in a while a post talking about a new type of construction draws a lot of comments but then killjoys ruin it and let the cat out of the bag. That kills the post. The most exciting thing lately is the election. My wife has decided that her Issan neighbors are stupid. She can't stand Samak and says even Thaksin was better and she didn't like him.

Well, it's interesting for me! Screw the killjoys, please carry on!

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Telling about the turkeys, ducks, the pond and my tractor is NOT very exciting. Actually not a lot up here is real interesting or exciting. Once in a while a post talking about a new type of construction draws a lot of comments but then killjoys ruin it and let the cat out of the bag. That kills the post. The most exciting thing lately is the election. My wife has decided that her Issan neighbors are stupid. She can't stand Samak and says even Thaksin was better and she didn't like him.

Well, it's interesting for me! Screw the killjoys, please carry on!

I went up on the mountain today to my favorite watering hole to have a couple holiday beers. The husband of the lady who takes care of us came over and wished us a Merry kissmyass and a Happy New mia. Doesn't sound that funny now so I guess you had to be there. Everyone was in fine spirits even though Christmas is pretty much just another day up here.

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Have all of you vacated Isaan and moved to bangkok?

Maybe some of you are taking a break. but, it seems that no one is posting much anymore.

Post here and let us know you are ok!!!

Yo Expat...........I think many of us who now live in Isaan are kept quite busy (voluntarily and happily) when we are at home at this time of the year, I know I don't have enough hours in the day with my projects etcwhen I am home. Unfortunately this year I am one of the "Missing" too, finding myself in my Dubai office over Xmas and New Year, home on 18th January.

However, rather than reply on different threads I thought I would take the opportunity to support this one and use it to wish all Isaanites a very pleasant Christmas ...............and of course good health, happiness and best of luck for 2008. This is especially extended to FC Martin, my good pal and ex-cuzz who is currently having a difficult spell in life............may 2008 resolve your hiccups my friend.

References to Saudi and Yanbu bring memories to mind "londoedan"............is this a typo error Simon....should it have been "londoNdan!!!!!" Anyhow, I spent 8 years with ARAMCO in Ju'aymah...........Eastern Province...........back in late 70's and early 80's............Yanbu was just developing then and many of my old associates were transferred over there, I was in NLG program....PM me and make contact if we are on the same wave-length, I am interested.

In 1986 I was fortunate to have picked up a lucky number in Dubai, been here ever since.

All the best to my Buriram & Surin pals, hope to see y'all again soon in the New Year................ :o RayBan

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Talk about a Grinch!

I was hoping to sneak back to Nong Bhua Lamphu for a couple weeks in early January before my busy season set in, but troubles abound!

Good employee was hired away last week.

My # 1 person is back in the hospital now with some complications after heart surgery this summer. I'm off to visit her in the hospital on Christmas day in a few minutes.

Looks like I will be minding the office instead of enjoying a short visit to Isaan for the New Years.

The teelack is off to a wedding in Khon Kaen and Loei for the next few days and I'm going to have to call her tonight and give her the bad news! :o

Looks like a long wait until April for me at this moment.



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References to Saudi and Yanbu bring memories to mind "londoedan"............is this a typo error Simon....should it have been "londoNdan!!!!!" Anyhow, I spent 8 years with ARAMCO in Ju'aymah...........Eastern Province...........back in late 70's and early 80's............Yanbu was just developing then and many of my old associates were transferred over there, I was in NLG program....PM me and make contact if we are on the same wave-length, I am interested.

Hi Ray,

It wasn't a typo. Londo Edan is Javanese for Crazy Foreigner. Prior to my current assignment in KSA, I've had some great assignments in SE Asia, India and China. One of which was a 3 year stint in Indonesia. If I'm honest, I'm still torn between Indonesia and Thailand, the head says Thailand but the heart is still in the countryside of West Java.

I'm currently working on a big SABIC project (Ethylene Cracker and the associated plants). My first time here and its not much fun but the rotations aren't bad and the money is very good.

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I'm in Riyadh just at the moment and will be for the forseeable future. I just started a job last month and it is likely that I will be here for at least a couple of years I hope. At least now I have the opportunity to look forward to my holidays back home in Buriram. I have only been gone for a few weeks now and already I spend way too much time on GoogleEarth and PointAsia trying to find my house. I miss my wife very much but she will join me soon. I miss having a cold Chang with my mates too. And I miss pork. And I miss som tam. And I miss . . . shall I go on?

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I'm still here but crashed on my motorcycle about 4 weeks ago coming back from Chaiyaphum. :D Had gone there with another Farang (Swede) looking for some kind of "bar" or Farang meeting place but if there is one there I sure couldn't find it. :D Fractured my left wrist and right upper forearm. Started out drinking Archa's from a straw and have now "graduated" to being able to drink a beer without the straw (thank God)! Am hoping to ride again :o in a few more weeks, but will leave finding that bar in Chaiyaphum to the more local guys....when you find it let me know. :D Merry Christmas.

Im sorry to hear about your crash Ken. I saw the email photo and im happy to see the bike is ok :D

I'll be in Korat in 15 days! We have to have that drink this time.

I see alot of you work "offshore" I think I would like to try that, where can I apply?

I hope you all had a nice holiday, or at least better than mine.

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