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To What Degree Is Thailand Xenophobic?


to what degree is Thailand xenophobic?  

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I said isolated before; now I'll say that most Thais are resistant to foreigners precisely because we're not Thai, most of us do not speak the language well; some of us have stolen their women and mixed the Thai "race," many of us are far wealthier than them.

I'm just a blond anecdote, but even though I can't speak the language or eat the food or get a work permit, Thais don't hate or fear me. I amuse them.

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I am not angry - in stating my point of view i express what i see as being unfair.

The definition of xenophobic is having an "unreasonable fear" of foreigners. If we include every policy we think is unfair, we are redefining the word. Also, with regards to government policy we never really know what the reason for it is, so we can't say with any certainty whether it's a result of unreasonable fear or not.

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I'm looking at the raw data. breaking the % catgories into groups as;

0,10,20.30 % = slightly xenophobic with 35.5 % of the votes

40,50,60,70% = moderately xenophobic with 25.8 % of the votes

80,90,100% = overwhelmingly xenophobic with 38.7 % of the votes

appears the jury is still out on this. The thread has been running for less than a full day wait and see what the final tally is.

With only 62 respondents actually casting a vote, when its over, i'll plot the results and expect to get a normal distribution, the classic bell shaped curve.

Wonder why some of the respondents did not bother casting a vote, just wanted to wing, whine.

Camerata is right in that perhaps xenopobic was too strong a term in the strict dictionary definition. Too bad there is no way of verifying that voters used the criteria of both gov't an private sectors in casting their vote. Don't think any one has mentioned private sector experiences, being told to GET OUT or WE DON'T SERVE YOUR KIND by Thai people, business'.

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Wonder why some of the respondents did not bother casting a vote, just wanted to wing, whine.

Camerata is right in that perhaps xenopobic was too strong a term in the strict dictionary definition. Too bad there is no way of verifying that voters used the criteria of both gov't an private sectors in casting their vote. Don't think any one has mentioned private sector experiences, being told to GET OUT or WE DON'T SERVE YOUR KIND by Thai people, business'.

Actually, I think you should have defined xenophobia yourself and insisted everyone use that definition.

On my first visit to Japan I was refused service in a Shinjuku (Tokyo) restaurant. On my first visit to Greece, I was refused service in a Delphi pastry shop. I've never had any experience like that in Thailand.

I've heard farang ranting and raving about Thaksin "fanning the flames of nationalism," but in reality what did he ever do? He was a poster boy for globalization, educated in the West, his daughter educated in the West, chose exile in the West, bought an English football team and publicly praised Westerners for not spoiling their kids like Thais do. And he topped that by selling national assets - including a satellite used for military communications - to Singapore. Thaksin may have advocated a return to traditional Thai (social) values but he was no xenophobe. The authors of Thaksin: The Business of Politics in Thailand summed it up well: "While the foreign press and UN agencies are easy targets for Thaksin's nationalistic posturing, they are not demons who walk through the nightmares of the average Thai."

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His party was called Thai Rak Thai; you don't need any more evidence than that of the sentiment Thaksin was trying to politically exploit (and did indeed exploit). Whether the man himself felt much xenophobia is another matter. You can't debate that he exploited the feeling in the Thai voters.

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His party was called Thai Rak Thai; you don't need any more evidence than that of the sentiment Thaksin was trying to politically exploit (and did indeed exploit). Whether the man himself felt much xenophobia is another matter. You can't debate that he exploited the feeling in the Thai voters.

Encouraging Thais to feel good about themselves and proud of their nation is not the same as whipping up xenophobia.

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His party was called Thai Rak Thai; you don't need any more evidence than that of the sentiment Thaksin was trying to politically exploit (and did indeed exploit). Whether the man himself felt much xenophobia is another matter. You can't debate that he exploited the feeling in the Thai voters.

Encouraging Thais to feel good about themselves and proud of their nation is not the same as whipping up xenophobia.

You are naive and putting lipstick on a pig, but so be it if it makes you happy not to face reality.

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You are naive and putting lipstick on a pig, but so be it if it makes you happy not to face reality.

I detest Thaksin but I am realistic enough to see through his posturing. His objectives are power and money. Thais aren't exactly spitting on us in the street since he came to power. Salesgirls in department stores now wai to customers, the local cinema plays a version of the royal anthem with Thai instruments and girls aren't supposed to wear skimpy tops during Songkran. Big deal.

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Just had an experience that proves conclusivly to me how xenphobic Thai people are. B/f's best mate and family just stopped by by house. brought Christmas cards with them and presents. Can't get more xenophobic than THAT!

They are stealing our holidays!

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You are naive and putting lipstick on a pig, but so be it if it makes you happy not to face reality.

I detest Thaksin but I am realistic enough to see through his posturing. His objectives are power and money. Thais aren't exactly spitting on us in the street since he came to power. Salesgirls in department stores now wai to customers, the local cinema plays a version of the royal anthem with Thai instruments and girls aren't supposed to wear skimpy tops during Songkran. Big deal.

Governemnts set the agenda and can bring out the best or the worst in people according to their agenda. MR Thaksin was very concious of this and used populist policies, nationalism and xenophbia for his own gain. It was reported in the BK Post during the early years of his office that ' Thais should take as much money from foreigners as possible'

Governments in othere countries are also guilty - but they are better at covering up, not so blatent!

NB i can now spell xenophobia without spell checking (i think)

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Just had an experience that proves conclusivly to me how xenphobic Thai people are. B/f's best mate and family just stopped by by house. brought Christmas cards with them and presents. Can't get more xenophobic than THAT!

how did you defend yourself CM-H? pump gun? baseball bat? mace? share your experience! :o

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Just had an experience that proves conclusivly to me how xenphobic Thai people are. B/f's best mate and family just stopped by by house. brought Christmas cards with them and presents. Can't get more xenophobic than THAT!

how did you defend yourself CM-H? pump gun? baseball bat? mace? share your experience! :o



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You are naive and putting lipstick on a pig, but so be it if it makes you happy not to face reality.

there's that young goat in the vicinity i have a crush on. if it is possible to put lipstick on a pig doesn't that mean one can put lipstick on a goat too? suggestions how to proceed most welcome! :o

p.s. please don't tell my wife :D

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You are naive and putting lipstick on a pig, but so be it if it makes you happy not to face reality.

there's that young goat in the vicinity i have a crush on. if it is possible to put lipstick on a pig doesn't that mean one can put lipstick on a goat too? suggestions how to proceed most welcome! :o

p.s. please don't tell my wife :D

If you straddle the goat, (you didn't say if it was male or female), and hold it's neck between your knees you should be able to lean forwards and put the lipstick on from behind. Don't bother with mascara though, it runs too easy and makes them look trashy.

p.s. don't tell my wife i told you. i'd rather my dog didn't find out either. :D

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Try the Indian test and report back ...

Alright. I'll do it. The Indian Test. But hold on this means I have to talk to complete Thai strangers, random Thais! I mean I live in this delightful little area full of highly educated, professional…well you know…and I am going to have to go and talk to the noodle seller, the tuk-tuk driver, the…well this all sounds rather unpleasant…ok I give in. You win…now where did I put my cocktail shaker…

Here is the best way to do the Indian test. Ask any of the people you described above- the highly educated professionals on down to the tuk tuk driver;

"What do you do if you see a snake and an Indian?"

They will all give you the same answer, and it will shock you.

If you have a Thai father-in-law, start with him!

Edited by bino
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"What do you do if you see a snake and an Indian?"

I discovered recently that this is not an original Thai expression. According to Sven Hedin's book My Life as an Explorer it was in use centuries ago in Central Asia and it didn't refer to Indians. Actually, I think the expression is, "If you meet a snake and an Indian, which do you kill first?" :o

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"What do you do if you see a snake and an Indian?"

I discovered recently that this is not an original Thai expression. According to Sven Hedin's book My Life as an Explorer it was in use centuries ago in Central Asia and it didn't refer to Indians. Actually, I think the expression is, "If you meet a snake and an Indian, which do you kill first?" :o

You are correct Camerata.... except I wasn't going to post the answer. Let them find out by themselves.

And, even though the expression might not be Thai in origin, they all know it!

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Who can measure or quantify this sort of thing? Another idiotic post.

We are measuring people's impressions.

Also, I am sure that there are sociologists or people of related disciplines who could indeed quantify the degree of xenophobia in various countries. It wouldn't be that hard at all to come up with criteria to measure this, if you were so inclined. Human beings can measure most anything, aren't we great?

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Who can measure or quantify this sort of thing? Another idiotic post.

Man is very sophisticated - we have air and space travel, super computers, and many ways of measuring things - like exit polls! We can even measure the distance to far off planets and produce beer in vast quantities!

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{From other thread}

How about, "Thailand and most of its people have historically been isolated from events, and therefore sometimes tend to exhibit behavior similar to xenophobia."

Nice try but the old phrase walks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc. springs to mind. An example today, was an overheard conversation, {in Thai} where someone was discussing a TV programme about Amsterdam, and commented how clean it was, leading on to how dirty Bangkok was and how the main culprits were from Laos, to self evident agreement from the other chattering Thais there.


At least in Amsterdam the dirty filthy prostitutes are legal as well as many recreational drugs.

It's amazing that they can keep the place clean while having so much fun... :o

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Try the Indian test and report back ...

Alright. I'll do it. The Indian Test. But hold on this means I have to talk to complete Thai strangers, random Thais! I mean I live in this delightful little area full of highly educated, professional…well you know…and I am going to have to go and talk to the noodle seller, the tuk-tuk driver, the…well this all sounds rather unpleasant…ok I give in. You win…now where did I put my cocktail shaker…

Here is the best way to do the Indian test. Ask any of the people you described above- the highly educated professionals on down to the tuk tuk driver;

"What do you do if you see a snake and an Indian?"

They will all give you the same answer, and it will shock you.

If you have a Thai father-in-law, start with him!


The way my darling little ex thai wife told it to me was

"If you see an Indian and a snake, which one do you kill?"

"The Indian, because if you don't it will come back"

Sabai, sabai krup... :o

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Try the Indian test and report back ...

Alright. I'll do it. The Indian Test. But hold on this means I have to talk to complete Thai strangers, random Thais! I mean I live in this delightful little area full of highly educated, professional…well you know…and I am going to have to go and talk to the noodle seller, the tuk-tuk driver, the…well this all sounds rather unpleasant…ok I give in. You win…now where did I put my cocktail shaker…

Here is the best way to do the Indian test. Ask any of the people you described above- the highly educated professionals on down to the tuk tuk driver;

"What do you do if you see a snake and an Indian?"

They will all give you the same answer, and it will shock you.

If you have a Thai father-in-law, start with him!


The way my darling little ex thai wife told it to me was

"If you see an Indian and a snake, which one do you kill?"

"The Indian, because if you don't it will come back"

Sabai, sabai krup... :o

If you see an americano and a snake, which one do you fear most?

The americano, because if you dont he will invade your country - eventually!

Edited by pointofview
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You are naive and putting lipstick on a pig, but so be it if it makes you happy not to face reality.

there's that young goat in the vicinity i have a crush on. if it is possible to put lipstick on a pig doesn't that mean one can put lipstick on a goat too? suggestions how to proceed most welcome! :D

p.s. please don't tell my wife :D

If you straddle the goat, (you didn't say if it was male or female), and hold it's neck between your knees you should be able to lean forwards and put the lipstick on from behind. Don't bother with mascara though, it runs too easy and makes them look trashy.

p.s. don't tell my wife i told you. i'd rather my dog didn't find out either. :D

:o Stop it. You guys are killing me. A classic example of why Thai Visa is a must-read every day.

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Try the Indian test and report back ...

Alright. I'll do it. The Indian Test. But hold on this means I have to talk to complete Thai strangers, random Thais! I mean I live in this delightful little area full of highly educated, professional…well you know…and I am going to have to go and talk to the noodle seller, the tuk-tuk driver, the…well this all sounds rather unpleasant…ok I give in. You win…now where did I put my cocktail shaker…

Here is the best way to do the Indian test. Ask any of the people you described above- the highly educated professionals on down to the tuk tuk driver;

"What do you do if you see a snake and an Indian?"

They will all give you the same answer, and it will shock you.

If you have a Thai father-in-law, start with him!


The way my darling little ex thai wife told it to me was

"If you see an Indian and a snake, which one do you kill?"

"The Indian, because if you don't it will come back"

Sabai, sabai krup... :o

If you see an americano and a snake, which one do you fear most?

The americano, because if you dont he will invade your country - eventually!


Can't say I've ever heard that one in Thailand before... :D

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You are naive and putting lipstick on a pig, but so be it if it makes you happy not to face reality.

there's that young goat in the vicinity i have a crush on. if it is possible to put lipstick on a pig doesn't that mean one can put lipstick on a goat too? suggestions how to proceed most welcome! :o

p.s. please don't tell my wife :D

I've always heard that Klingons are kinky! baah, baah, or do goats go bleet, bleet? :D

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Try the Indian test and report back ...

Alright. I'll do it. The Indian Test. But hold on this means I have to talk to complete Thai strangers, random Thais! I mean I live in this delightful little area full of highly educated, professional…well you know…and I am going to have to go and talk to the noodle seller, the tuk-tuk driver, the…well this all sounds rather unpleasant…ok I give in. You win…now where did I put my cocktail shaker…

Here is the best way to do the Indian test. Ask any of the people you described above- the highly educated professionals on down to the tuk tuk driver;

"What do you do if you see a snake and an Indian?"

They will all give you the same answer, and it will shock you.

If you have a Thai father-in-law, start with him!


The way my darling little ex thai wife told it to me was

"If you see an Indian and a snake, which one do you kill?"

"The Indian, because if you don't it will come back"

Sabai, sabai krup... :D

here's a picture of both for her.... :o


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