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Decrimination Against Farangs By Thais


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It just shows the education level of Thais in such professions is so low they cannot understand this simple concept of how banks fundamentally operate not least of all highlighting a xenophobic undercurrent that such rules are perceived to be protecting Thai people themselves.

Wot, you mean they're all <xxxxxxxxx>?



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went to the bank the other week for a statement to be printed. 3 tellers on duty, all sitting there text messaging on their phones paying no attention to the customer line. when statement was printed, it was on a recycled piece of paper, the flipside of the page being a photocopy of someones ID card..hahahahaha.

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It just shows the education level of Thais in such professions is so low they cannot understand this simple concept of how banks fundamentally operate not least of all highlighting a xenophobic undercurrent that such rules are perceived to be protecting Thai people themselves.

That's why they have foreign business act to prevent foreign competition stepping into their doorstep.

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Bangkok Bank are known to have the worst interest rates and the worst service!! simple change bank and forget about it, it's not worth the hassle or the stress that you put on yourself. I have used Krung Thai bank for the past 6 years with no problems.

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I bought some furniture at a store in Bkk. They told me that if I paid with HSBC credit card I would get another 5%. I was going to pay cash but thought for the extra 5% I would use the card. After the usual 20-30 minutes of filling out paperwork to purchase my stuff she asked for payment.

I handed over my credit card. She then told me that as it was issued in the UK could not have the 5%. I have a HSBC account in Thailand and the UK but the card came from the UK.

So I asked if she was sure and when she replied that this was national policy I left. She was amazed!! She said I could still buy the furniture but would have to pay full price. I don't think she forsaw that I would leave without completingthe sale. They were not too happy having done all the work.

Did I spite myself? Yes! Did I care? No!

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There's plenty of descrimination all over the world and I have certainly had my fair share in this lovely country.

I've read everything here and there are some interesting views. Though descrimination is WRONG at what ever level, time or location.

As for ignaorance, that's certainly a FACT.

Went to the SCB with the missus a few months ago to arrange to transfer funds between accounts. "Sorry cannot"...&lt;deleted&gt;???

Sat the lady down and asked her how she and all the staff got paid, did the bank close the doors on pay day with extra security and hand out cash to everyone??

"No no, they put in my bank"...

"Holy Christ...really..how the he_ll do they manage that?"

"Computer transfer".

"Well, there ya go sweetpea, how about you do the same for us then?"

"Aaaahh".......the light clicked on and the education level went up a notch.

Mind you, there was a slight hick up in that she typed in the transfer had to go from account B to A, when it was supposed to be A to B...still we got there in the end.

Bottom line to all the dual systems, ignorance, arrogance, xenophobia, stupidity etc....WALK and take the cash with you.

I stand and applaude ALL those that follow this simple principle, calmly and effortlessly. Always LOVE the look on their faces when you turn and walk, irrespective of whether they have busted their guts.

Money talks...BS walks...so any BS with me and I'm outta there....many a time, I've left the missus just standing there, exchanging glances with the sales person, not said a word and walked away....she soon understood and fell into stride next to me.

Cheers n Beers to all and have yaselves a bluddy great New Year.

Big Paulee.

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Bottom line to all the dual systems, ignorance, arrogance, xenophobia, stupidity etc....WALK and take the cash with you.

YES, Yes, and yes! You got it mate. The international language that cannot be ignored.

Absabluddyloutely...!!! Beautiful language it is too..!!

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Bottom line to all the dual systems, ignorance, arrogance, xenophobia, stupidity etc....WALK and take the cash with you.

YES, Yes, and yes! You got it mate. The international language that cannot be ignored.

Absabluddyloutely...!!! Beautiful language it is too..!!

You got it guys.............and it's as sweet whether you do it at your bank or at the fuel station (I boycott Esso) or at the supermarket till (I boycott Walmart company stores like Asda) or even with those little "made in China" labels on your products. Eventually, consumer pressure will win the day, if only the populace would wake up to its power. :o

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"U Rrrrr a europlean, if bank give Farlung more interlest, U send extra money back home and Thai people not have."

I find this the most objectionable statement of the whole affair.....I guess it's ok to use foreigners money, but no way can they

give you a bit of interest for using it.

This makes me think of all the THAI in my home country and around the world that are working in foreign countries ONLY to send all their money

back to thailand.

I seriously doubt very many foreigners are sending back money to their homelands that they have accrued here......and I'll wager

most money sent back is far less than they have brought into the country.

My husband IS thai, and after encountering the blatant incompetancy of the people working at BB he promptly asked for all

our money and promptly deposited it in Thai Panit Bank (SCB).


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There's plenty of descrimination all over the world and I have certainly had my fair share in this lovely country.

I've read everything here and there are some interesting views. Though descrimination is WRONG at what ever level, time or location.

As for ignaorance, that's certainly a FACT.

Went to the SCB with the missus a few months ago to arrange to transfer funds between accounts. "Sorry cannot"...&lt;deleted&gt;???

Sat the lady down and asked her how she and all the staff got paid, did the bank close the doors on pay day with extra security and hand out cash to everyone??

"No no, they put in my bank"...

"Holy Christ...really..how the he_ll do they manage that?"

"Computer transfer".

"Well, there ya go sweetpea, how about you do the same for us then?"

"Aaaahh".......the light clicked on and the education level went up a notch.

Mind you, there was a slight hick up in that she typed in the transfer had to go from account B to A, when it was supposed to be A to B...still we got there in the end.

Bottom line to all the dual systems, ignorance, arrogance, xenophobia, stupidity etc....WALK and take the cash with you.

I stand and applaude ALL those that follow this simple principle, calmly and effortlessly. Always LOVE the look on their faces when you turn and walk, irrespective of whether they have busted their guts.

Money talks...BS walks...so any BS with me and I'm outta there....many a time, I've left the missus just standing there, exchanging glances with the sales person, not said a word and walked away....she soon understood and fell into stride next to me.

Cheers n Beers to all and have yaselves a bluddy great New Year.

Big Paulee.


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Hah! Classic anti-falangism there!

But, in comparism to this scenario, my father (and my Thai mum) steps into their local branch dressed smartly, suit's and all, and immediately a member of customer services dashes over to them and they get served without having to wait behind the queue of Thais.

I'd love to see the prevailing protest and riots if England were to set up a high interest rate account for UK nationals only.

Best bet in the OP's case is to act real smooth. "Ok, then, I would like to transfer every last baht to another Thai bank that does not discriminate against foreigners'. Are you aware of one?"

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do"

By far the best advice!

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Hah! Classic anti-falangism there!

But, in comparism to this scenario, my father (and my Thai mum) steps into their local branch dressed smartly, suit's and all, and immediately a member of customer services dashes over to them and they get served without having to wait behind the queue of Thais.

I'd love to see the prevailing protest and riots if England were to set up a high interest rate account for UK nationals only.

Best bet in the OP's case is to act real smooth. "Ok, then, I would like to transfer every last baht to another Thai bank that does not discriminate against foreigners’. Are you aware of one?"

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do"


I have had similar experiences at local banks in Kratumbaen. When walking in with my now ex and her mom.

We would immediately be greeted and seated with cold drinks and sometimes a snack in complete disregard of the long line.

I actually felt somewhat uncomfortable doing this but again "When in Rome." :o

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Bottom line to all the dual systems, ignorance, arrogance, xenophobia, stupidity etc....WALK and take the cash with you.

YES, Yes, and yes! You got it mate. The international language that cannot be ignored.

Exactly, my New Zealand bank is giving me 9% interest p/a. Savings interest rates in Thailand(for Thais and Non-Thais) are a joke. My advice, only keep a bit of pocket money in your Thai bank ac. Keep your real dosh overseas.

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I reckon there’s not enough discrimination against Caucasians. Round where I live on Phuket there’s a load of Burmese labourers who get some very special treatment. They're not allowed to have mobile phones, not allowed to buy alcohol and have a strict curfew imposed on them. They’re not allowed out after 8pm.

I reckon the Caucasians should be treated like that. That’d knock em down a peg or two, stop em from getting all uppity about wanting Thai bank accounts. Further more I’d like to see em all sent to live in those little corrugated iron huts with one toilet for every 200. Take away their pick-up trucks and make em all go round on bicycles wearing little pointy hats.

Let em eat cake!

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I reckon there's not enough discrimination against Caucasians. Round where I live on Phuket there's a load of Burmese labourers who get some very special treatment. They're not allowed to have mobile phones, not allowed to buy alcohol and have a strict curfew imposed on them. They're not allowed out after 8pm.

I reckon the Caucasians should be treated like that. That'd knock em down a peg or two, stop em from getting all uppity about wanting Thai bank accounts. Further more I'd like to see em all sent to live in those little corrugated iron huts with one toilet for every 200. Take away their pick-up trucks and make em all go round on bicycles wearing little pointy hats.

Let em eat cake!

What a great idea...!!!

You go first and show us the way champ.

Happy New Year.

Big Paulee.

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I reckon there’s not enough discrimination against Caucasians. Round where I live on Phuket there’s a load of Burmese labourers who get some very special treatment. They're not allowed to have mobile phones, not allowed to buy alcohol and have a strict curfew imposed on them. They’re not allowed out after 8pm.

I reckon the Caucasians should be treated like that. That’d knock em down a peg or two, stop em from getting all uppity about wanting Thai bank accounts. Further more I’d like to see em all sent to live in those little corrugated iron huts with one toilet for every 200. Take away their pick-up trucks and make em all go round on bicycles wearing little pointy hats.

Let em eat cake!

Your probably the governments Financial Consultant.

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I believe in the OP’s case it is not a question of the bank’s policy, but a misunderstanding on the part of a bank employee.

I strongly agree.

It is quite difficult to get the right info in Thailand, esp. from lower level employees, on any finer point. They don't KNOW and don't really care to know. You'll get a smile and shrug back, the wrong info, or a nonsense answer--as in this case. They also don't care if you take your business elsewhere but, since you're difficult, rather hope that you do.

So this is a rather typical experience, happens all the time. Recently I asked a Tesco floor clerk for a particular product, was immediately told "no hab," and then quickly found it for myself. Many times you can't buy something here simply because the employees are too ignorant to sell it to you. A lot of these people were raised in huts out in the country and have no sense of detail, curiosity, ambition, or work ethic.

Absolutely no point in getting angry at the ignorant people; it does NOT help anything but merely makes you look bad in their eyes as well as in the eyes of the farang dong (the veteran farang who know how things work here). Find it yourself, get it elsewhere, or do without.

One poster here mentioned going to a webpage and printing it out and showing it as evidence of a policy or product that the low levels don't even know about or misunderstand. That's an excellent idea. I've done it w/ great effect at The Bank of Ayudhya when nobody knew about the online banking procedures. I will do it again for Bangkok Bank, because my branch doesn't know that the Bank runs some mutual funds.

If you're kind and patiently (face-savingly) help a Thai person to learn something (that, yes, should have been known already), you've made a friend and improved relations between the cultures.

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Isn't it a fact that non-juristic / non-tax-payers cannot be paid interest because of legal restrictions?

How can a tourist "earn" money here? (From an interst-bearing account or otherwise) ... it is against the LAW!

Same in USA and other almost-first-world countries. How could banks report the earnings to the government without a matching tax number/SSN?

The OP should listen to all the jai-yen-yen advice he is getting (for free!) .... it's better than a few baht in the bank.


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I've read these posts with a great deal of interest (which is something you don't get from the banks here) and I agree with the "vote with your feet/take your money and walk" brigade. I do it every time after a wai and a "thank you so much". Sometimes though, one has to be a little flexible. I remember about a year ago, my TW and myself, her sister and her kids plus her kids' mates were all in my pickup on our way to a big dinosaur park up here. I'm driving along and we're almost there when I asked if this place has dual pricing. "Oh yes" says she. "&lt;deleted&gt;" said I. I pulled over and stopped and was thinking about re-arranging the kids riding in the loadbed and bunging myself in there and the missus could put the TopUp down. But I thought that this might set a bad example to the children. Yeah, yeah; I know it's Thailand etc, and they probably would have just laughed but I can't criticise the government in one breath and then act dishonestly myself the next. So I thought "hey, let's see what happens". We roll up to the booth and the guy counts all the Thai and then me and says the price. Yeah, you guessed it; I could get in for the same price as the rest of them combined. My Thai isn't that spectacular so I looked at the bloke and let him know that this wasn't really on, was it? "Ok, ok, they free, you pay. Ok?" In other words, I got in free or they all did; the effect was the same. But by letting them in for nothing, honour was served in his eyes. I gave him a smile, thanked him and drove off. I think my wife thought I was going to make a fuss but it wouldn't have worked in this case.

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Bottom line to all the dual systems, ignorance, arrogance, xenophobia, stupidity etc....WALK and take the cash with you.

YES, Yes, and yes! You got it mate. The international language that cannot be ignored.

Exactly, my New Zealand bank is giving me 9% interest p/a. Savings interest rates in Thailand(for Thais and Non-Thais) are a joke. My advice, only keep a bit of pocket money in your Thai bank ac. Keep your real dosh overseas.

Holy crap NZ banks give 9% !? Makes me want to shift my money from the U.S. to New Zealand. :o What you say is true, I have lived in Thailand on and off for years and there's absolutely no reason to own a bank account here unless you plan on buying property or other big ticket items. Thai banks are fairly untrustworthy and there's no security here if one of them goes under or has "problems"..and they do all the time. My recommendations to anyone who hasn't done so is to open up multiple bank accounts back home with the best international atm rates and then just stick your money there. I own a few bank accounts, an online savings account, as well as a stock trading account. They all have no maintenance fees and I can easily withdraw money in thailand for a pittance as well as with the best exchange rate.

I find that Thai banks are really balanced on a razor's edge. They still give out loads of dodgy loans to unqualified Thai nationals and there's still lots of corruption in head management. I wouldn't be surprised if another 1997 meltdown happens down the road. I read the credit default rates here are staggering and the response of Thai banks is to pad their financial audits. Not a good sign.

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I reckon there’s not enough discrimination against Caucasians. Round where I live on Phuket there’s a load of Burmese labourers who get some very special treatment. They're not allowed to have mobile phones, not allowed to buy alcohol and have a strict curfew imposed on them. They’re not allowed out after 8pm.

I reckon the Caucasians should be treated like that. That’d knock em down a peg or two, stop em from getting all uppity about wanting Thai bank accounts. Further more I’d like to see em all sent to live in those little corrugated iron huts with one toilet for every 200. Take away their pick-up trucks and make em all go round on bicycles wearing little pointy hats.

Let em eat cake!

The inhuman treatment of Burmese labourer is terrible and it is a subject discussed earlier on TV. :o

However the influx of Caucasians and inhuman treatment of labourer originate from the same roots and its called greed.

Greed for more, i.e. more Caucasians means more dosh. Inhuman work camps, dictatorial treatment and underpaid labour, i.e. Burmese workers mean less cost.

But to get this circle going around without a stop in the cash flow means that they have to be careful with discrimination against Caucasians.

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I reckon there's not enough discrimination against Caucasians. Round where I live on Phuket there's a load of Burmese labourers who get some very special treatment. They're not allowed to have mobile phones, not allowed to buy alcohol and have a strict curfew imposed on them. They're not allowed out after 8pm.

I reckon the Caucasians should be treated like that. That'd knock em down a peg or two, stop em from getting all uppity about wanting Thai bank accounts. Further more I'd like to see em all sent to live in those little corrugated iron huts with one toilet for every 200. Take away their pick-up trucks and make em all go round on bicycles wearing little pointy hats.

Let em eat cake!

I think you probably are a Farang who is screaming out for help.

Maybe you had a tough childhood or were bullied at school.

My advice is that you seek professional help and keep taking the green tablets.

Good luck and hope you get better soon.

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I've never had any problem opening an account or getting interest from a bank in Thailand but I have to say the Bangkok Bank (Sukhumvit Soi 12) foreign exchange counter staff were among the rudest people I've met in my life. I stopped going there a decade ago. I suggest you vote with your wallet and take your money to a friendlier bank.

Cool. Another vote to avoid BANGKOK BANK.

:o hi Jingthing.. i think if we combine anyone's bad experiences alltogether, the only safe slogan we can think of is :

AVOID THAILAND !! .. :D .. thus i'm not advocating, what one particular moron in BB did, but as i do bank a lot here, beleive me thy are NOT even in the bottom 5 ! Now UOB or TMB for example will never ever pay interest to foreigner (BB still does)

UOB won't even let me open account, even thou i am their customer in S'pore .. We are treated differently Every single day here !! Sometimes better, sometimes worse .. saad really :D .. don't spend more time/$$ here than u have to if you want to make an impact me thinks .

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...I later tried my actual branch in the town and was told, no problem...

Thank you. This confirms what I suspected: the bank was not discriminating against you, but one of her employees is ill-informed and, judging from your description of your experience, appears indeed to be strongly xenophobic. No doubt she will be promoted until she reaches her level of incompetence.



My wife is Thai. Her ATM card stopped working. Don't ask what a hassle it is to get it replaced. We would have to go to Tonglor branch with the Bank book my written agreement in person (joint account). Imagine she would have been abroad and it happenen there? :o There is only one point I disagree with the origial poster. Most of the empoyees are unfriendly and unefficient with Thais and foreigners alike. (Bad management?) Do as we did stop doing business with Bangkok Bank.

Stop to doing any business with Bangkok Bank that's what I do. laugh.gif

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So how long have you been in Thailand, OP? You do realize you made yourself look like an idiot to everyone in the bank by your outburst? It's Thai culture. Ya you were discriminated against but so what? Got to take it in stride. And Jing Thing's response was so predictable. Quit being so sensitive and proud, everyone. Just take it down a notch. Good grief.

All the best.

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