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High Powered Female Doctors And Lawyers

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Oh, thank you!

Also, I would be there for them. Isn't that what women often find missing? That there husband is not there? I would always be right there. And for those young ladies who bewail the difficulty in finding the man in the first place, well, I am never really doing anything very much. It is not as if my schedule would ever be a deterent.


as a girl, i can say that i couldn't put up with a layabout myself. i just wouldn't have any respect for them! i like people who work towards getting things they want, who have some passion for life. someone who does nothing would totally bore me!


Well, I would have worked towards and got everything I wanted by uniting with you, or your HPF sistern.

You might say I march to the beat of a different drum, but my passion, my inner drive, well I have it under control, and you can tell that to any of your friends in the Bar Association or New England Journal of Medicine, if they are asking questions.

I could be your trophy husband, as it were.

... and scotwumman, ye sound like a brae wee lassie. I will hae' a wee tot tae ye on auld lang syne :o


Why try to discourage the OP? There is great inspiration in the story of Porntip (Bui) Nakhirunkanok -- Miss Universe from Thailand in 1988 at age 19. She is now married to a 73 year-old American named Herb Simon... Herb is now retired and might just lie around the house as well.

What? Long term tourist visa runner doesn't mean equal or higher class?


There are no long term visas for the young and retired in LOS.

It's all relative... a lot of folks think long term means 30-90 days. Just look at all the visa run outfits that are still around. "Just follow our Cheesy Visa clunker to....."


Why try to discourage the OP? There is great inspiration in the story of Porntip (Bui) Nakhirunkanok -- Miss Universe from Thailand in 1988 at age 19. She is now married to a 73 year-old American named Herb Simon... Herb is now retired and might just lie around the house as well.

The ol' Anna Nicole Smith formula. Many of this type have figured out that a 10-20 year wait for a jackpot beats a lifetime of waiting for a lottery win.


Why try to discourage the OP? There is great inspiration in the story of Porntip (Bui) Nakhirunkanok -- Miss Universe from Thailand in 1988 at age 19. She is now married to a 73 year-old American named Herb Simon... Herb is now retired and might just lie around the house as well.

The ol' Anna Nicole Smith formula. Many of this type have figured out that a 10-20 year wait for a jackpot beats a lifetime of waiting for a lottery win.


I suspect, the Thai broad was a better catch than Anna Nicole. But the 30 year dispersion between the two seem to be the norm in Thia interatial marriages. Why a guy would want to marry a girl as young or younger than his daughter is beyond me.

But again, I think this plays into the concept that the man is suposed work/provide & the woman has the option to obtain gainful employment out of fighting boredom/choice etc.

If one was willing to watch a soap opera you would see women, laying around scheeming, shopping doing little with their life, all married to rich youn men!

This is the trash that inspires the young girls of today.


The woman, I know, don't work as doctors or lawyers. They generally work for large Multi-national companies, most in the Import-Export arena.

Average age is about 35 - 45 but still look quite good. One tour guide, who I dated for awhile, was making 80000 a month on average (She had some slow months of 30000 and some really good months of well over 100000). We only split because she was so consumed by her work. I felt like I was on standby all the time.


Sorry, but this guy's in fantasy land. What is his income? What is is his age and what are his educational accomplishments? If he's not on a par with her, forget it. If he's not Thai, he's already got one strike against him. A lady doctor is likely not some Issan farm girl.

More of a modern day main stream environment that probably resembles more of the real world, than some religious encampment.


my folks are as far from religious as u can get, dad worked goverment, mom a nurse--just their background was sort of woody allenish type (well, dad was poor slum lower east side u need to check out american immigrant history brooklyn) all living in d.c. as they moved for his job, to live among mostly WASP'S... i dont know anyone who was a housedad or a housemom (we lived near fort meade military base so officers' wives were housewives, and mostly asian actually remnants of vietnam and korea but that was on base ) everyone else i knew worked at something, even if it was half day secretary....

so i just dont know.

but i married way under my social and (previous) economic and educational 'level' (twice now)... but that is not the reason i am now divorced (we just went our separate ways). it never bothered me to have someone less educated or whatever. i dont need arm candy. i wanted someone without 'pose' (dress for success, power style, academic snob) , someone who doesnt mind earthy dirt, or care about what tag clothing they have on... and as someone else said, if i want to discuss the genetics of colour and deafness in white canines, then i will go to a forum or talk with my vet... at home, i want music, food, warmth, companionship, and the extras. but this doesnt mean i want my husband to laze around all day doing nothing so he can look pretty later on when the boss comes over. cause i couldnt care less what my boss or anyone else thinks about my partner.

and my kids are being raised with same values. neither colour, education, finance or social status are important (religion is important if it is important to you). it is the total package of the person broken chipped teeth and all.

but alas, in some cultures (such as, dakhar, the JAP (jewish american prince and princess) situation or the AP (asian prince or princess) ) all that is very very important (my son in law the doctor lawyer or reversed: whats a girl like u doing with a farmer? for that u went to college?! type questions... as i saw among the korean immigrants of the 1970's.

so, fanciman, maybe u should go to gourmet sushi or art studio courses and maybe u will meet an other kind of woman that does want this. why would u, who is so laid back, stay at home and make the pesto from fresh organic ingredients type person want to marry a hpf in the first place? just the words, high powered already scares me off, from both genders.


More of a modern day main stream environment that probably resembles more of the real world, than some religious encampment.


my folks are as far from religious as u can get, dad worked goverment, mom a nurse--just their background was sort of woody allenish type (well, dad was poor slum lower east side u need to check out american immigrant history brooklyn) all living in d.c. as they moved for his job, to live among mostly WASP'S... i dont know anyone who was a housedad or a housemom (we lived near fort meade military base so officers' wives were housewives, and mostly asian actually remnants of vietnam and korea but that was on base ) everyone else i knew worked at something, even if it was half day secretary....

so i just dont know.

but i married way under my social and (previous) economic and educational 'level' (twice now)... but that is not the reason i am now divorced (we just went our separate ways). it never bothered me to have someone less educated or whatever. i dont need arm candy. i wanted someone without 'pose' (dress for success, power style, academic snob) , someone who doesnt mind earthy dirt, or care about what tag clothing they have on... and as someone else said, if i want to discuss the genetics of colour and deafness in white canines, then i will go to a forum or talk with my vet... at home, i want music, food, warmth, companionship, and the extras. but this doesnt mean i want my husband to laze around all day doing nothing so he can look pretty later on when the boss comes over. cause i couldnt care less what my boss or anyone else thinks about my partner.

and my kids are being raised with same values. neither colour, education, finance or social status are important (religion is important if it is important to you). it is the total package of the person broken chipped teeth and all.

but alas, in some cultures (such as, dakhar, the JAP (jewish american prince and princess) situation or the AP (asian prince or princess) ) all that is very very important (my son in law the doctor lawyer or reversed: whats a girl like u doing with a farmer? for that u went to college?! type questions... as i saw among the korean immigrants of the 1970's.

so, fanciman, maybe u should go to gourmet sushi or art studio courses and maybe u will meet an other kind of woman that does want this. why would u, who is so laid back, stay at home and make the pesto from fresh organic ingredients type person want to marry a hpf in the first place? just the words, high powered already scares me off, from both genders.


Well said Bina .


Well said Bina, You sound like you have your feet on the ground - I like that in a woman. A minor point: I like the phrase "from both genders". Many would settle for "from both sexes".

Gotta say that I find high powered people, of both genders, boring, if not vaguely frightening.

Tried recently to find, unsuccessfully, a book that I bought some decades ago called The Cinderella Complex. It was written by a previously self-supporting literary woman who married a literary bloke. She discovered to her dismay that once married all she wanted to do was be a home-maker. Such people of course often seriously lack self-insight. Anyway I admired her intellectual honesty.

I forget precisely what I learnt from her, but an obvious 2008 observation to make might be that had the groom decided simultaneously that he wanted to house-husband rather than support, that, given the then zeitgist, her need would have priority (backed up by strong and irresistible societal approval). The point I guess is that before she married she 'happily' supported herself, but once a meal-ticket appeared she 'reverted to type'. And good luck to her.

I've always wondered - but not too deeply mind you - why it's thought to be a man's world. Fanciman wants it to be a man's world, and I can't imagine why he shouldn't. Given that men and women are supposed to be equals I would treasure a rational argument against fanciman's fantasy, not one based merely on tradition. Isn't tradition what the libbers wanted to circumvent?

I don't know what the Cinderella lady is up to these days, perhaps I should enquire...

really. and what century were u born in? or culture?

where i was raised by new york jewish parents living in wash d.c. of the 1970-1980's, and where i live now (a still very much original style kibbutz) i did not have a choice. i worked. from age 14 on, my parents raised us with the idea that we are individuals and no one is supposed to support us; on kibbutz, women work the same as men, just in the end, women are the ones that still come home and do the typically women role things.... so when my (now ex) would come home after 12 hour days in the fields, he could sit and do whatever and i still went to the kindergarten birthday parties things, and took kids to their ballet and pta meetings and did dishes and cooked if i wanted to (kibbutz has dining room) and did the house and went to visit my young kids in the childcare during the day, and stayed home when they were sick . i also worked 12 hour days outdoors and was equally tired. but a woman's work is never done. it had never occurred to me that women stay at home unless they are ill or have some problem with getting a job... my ex was raised on kibbutz and his role models certainly werent that the male supports the female as everyone is considered individually responsible for his/her self, and frankly ive never heard that either...


I was not born or raised in such a culture as yours. More of a modern day main stream environment that probably resembles more of the real world, than some religious encampment.

In Sweden housewives aren't valued highly either - (which is a bit of a shame as it can be a very demanding job depending on how one tackles it, but it's a fact). Fairly modern society too, and about as secularized as it gets.

Attitudes vary even within 'modern' societies.

Ok I will let you in the secret

You must be….

-Equal or better status than her (financially, academically, ect)

-Be ready to have a few "little fanciman" at a moment notice (her biological clock is ticking)

-Must be "socially" acceptable by her peers, family, and thai society in general

-Be able to take a role of "a trophy husband", someone she can show off to her friends, and family – having a big big face. Someone she can be proud of and others will be full of envy.(oh yeah, esp this part!)


Two other things she's not particular looking for are.....a maid and a doormat.

Be able to….talk sexy, walk sexy, and smell sexy are not required, however still looking sexy after the light comes on…. is a must! :o

Good luck

Agreed, read this post!!

Can we change the topic to something more interesting like "How much is the most a wealthy Thai women has offered you for a screw?" :D


the next time you are visiting court or doctors surgery do use a lot of pheromones?

I saw a study on TV where the number one smell that turns a women on is..........pumpkin pie!

They didn't have a reason for it but if you wanna get lucky, start baking.


Why is everyone looking for the perfect partner. Reality is relationships last 7-10 years and then people get bored with each other. I propose the abolution of marriage and we can then all then live in peace and harmony moving in and out of relationships as required, and stop giving money to lawyers!

Why try to discourage the OP? There is great inspiration in the story of Porntip (Bui) Nakhirunkanok -- Miss Universe from Thailand in 1988 at age 19. She is now married to a 73 year-old American named Herb Simon... Herb is now retired and might just lie around the house as well.

This is quite acceptable, it is a very common Thai female career.

Actually, I have met plenty of Thai woman with high paying jobs. 150000+ per month, cars, houses, great apartments etc. Who are looking for a farang boyfriend. They always ask me if I could hook them up with one of my friends back home. The only issue they have is that their parents would probably not approve. Many of these woman have been burned in relationships with Thai men and feel that Farang men are more on their level.


I reside in Chonburi, any ideas of address and contacts for me please ?? :o

the next time you are visiting court or doctors surgery do use a lot of pheromones?

failing that go for the bank clerks or nurses- not exactly what you wanted but plentiful and easy accessible

Thai Dr's do not earn that much either unless doing a lot of private work.

A senior colleague of mine tells often how little she earned in the Govt hospitals in Thailand and how after finishing she had to go work at a private clinic to make ends meet.

She was lucky to have family in BKK she could stay with - many others though have rich famlies to help out.

Even in Singapore Dr's do not earn that much unless right at the top - its why a lot come and work in Pharma in both countries - we pay more

150K a month.... I smell a reality check.

Cardiologist make around 50-60K at best. I know of one very attractive Thai female MS degree working for Siemens, and she is rakeing in the tremendous sum of 50K. She is all natural, tall slim, long hair, nice tight.....

Best stop there and cool off...

oh do they? i must tell that to some of the doctors i work with. they will be be amazed. some almost make that in a day.

not to mention my "wife" clears over 30 as the bar supervisor at an italian restaurant and could do more if she were willing to work longer hours.

a friend of hers manages a cigar shop for 35.

methinks you may be in need of the reality check

Why is everyone looking for the perfect partner. Reality is relationships last 7-10 years and then people get bored with each other. I propose the abolution of marriage and we can then all then live in peace and harmony moving in and out of relationships as required, and stop giving money to lawyers!

i agree for the majority... though i would say the limit is more like 3 years.

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