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Girlfriend Borrows From Bank?

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Thai girlfriend says she borrowed money from bank to open a karoke club in her village and now she must repay the bank or the Thai police will come and she will spend 2 years in jail. does a bad debt to a thai bank really mean a trip to thai jail and can a debt to a thai bank interfere with a visa to america. :o

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Thai girlfriend says she borrowed money from bank to open a karoke club in her village and now she must repay the bank or the Thai police will come and she will spend 2 years in jail. does a bad debt to a thai bank really mean a trip to thai jail and can a debt to a thai bank interfere with a visa to america. :o

Hate to be bleak but you should run, run for your life. One technique of a 'dip' is to put a hand gently in your pocket to see if you feel it. If you seem not to, the wallet soon follows.

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I wonder if Thai people understand the two-fingered violin. :o

No, seriously, it seems all too common for a sob story to happen, and it's not too surprising in a society with such income and education disparity.

It's a tough challenge to keep one's guard up in the search for love in LOS.

Good luck.

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Have to agree, its time to test the water or run like hel_l.

I heard that from my GF She owed the government money for a loan said she could not leave Thialand untill it was paid, well she did and it wasent paid,

not by me anyway. was asking for 23000 as far as I know its still unpaid . Nothing too serious but it was a matter of principle. Like as been said give one Bhat and thay will ask for 10 more. Maybee later.

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You should ask to see paperwork, then call the bank(get the genuine number), paperwork in hand...to get the specifics.If it's on the up and up....offer to pay directly to the bank.

If you get the runaround (excuses such as lost paper work, bank no speak English etc.) Then I'm sorry to say your being scammed. It's a common thing unfortunately.

Be careful.

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In Thailand, a debtor has a huge edge over a creditor. It is a long legal process to get the money back from a debtor, it could take years. No jail sentence since not viewed as criminal. Anyhow your story is a long tale story that is not only unbelievable but also reflects the character of the gf. If you still stay around with her, there will be a few more stories like this one.

As to the visa, of course, it could affect the reliability of the gf and her financial standing if the story is true and made known to the officials.

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do thai bank lend serious munney to village gurls to open buznit.............lol.

how did she convince bank to lend her munny, what was her incum stream prior to borrowing, for example?

they do butt ownly for speshul buznits like... cleering snou after a blizart :o

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do thai bank lend serious munney to village gurls to open buznit.............lol.

how did she convince bank to lend her munny, what was her incum stream prior to borrowing, for example?

they do butt ownly for speshul buznits like... cleering snou after a blizart :o


Goog one Naam !

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Thai girlfriend says she borrowed money from bank to open a karoke club in her village and now she must repay the bank or the Thai police will come and she will spend 2 years in jail. does a bad debt to a thai bank really mean a trip to thai jail and can a debt to a thai bank interfere with a visa to america. :o

Check-bin and leave dude she taking you for a shmuck. But then again not enough information.

Remember the flow here; it's from you to them.


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The simple answer to the original question is that you cannot go to jail over an unpaid debt unless there is evidence that the loan was obtained by fraud.

If you are not totally sure that she is lying to you, then I suggest that you agree to help her by finding and paying for a lawyer to help negotiate with the bank on her behalf.

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its a scam, trying you and many other of her farang boyfriends to pay for something that does not excist

my god, this kind of scam is still going on

did you already or ever met this "girlfriend" ?

many years ago, i almost got fooled once but came to my senses

scam scam scam

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It is very common in Thailand to borrow money from a bank or a person using a property. To protect his loan, the lender will normally register a real right on the title deed. It's often what they call "sale with right of redemption", it could be a mortgage, etc.

Ask a copy of the title deed... it will be written on the back, with the date, etc. But in Thai.

She might tell you that she doesn't have it because the lender keep it. It could be true. But even if you go to the land department, you will see if there is a right on the title deed but you will not know for what amount... You need to see the contract between the lender and the borrower.

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"Thai girlfriend says she borrowed money from bank to open a karoke club in her village and now she must repay the bank or the Thai police will come and she will spend 2 years in jail. "

Is this just ANY Thai GF, or YOUR Thai GF? Why would you be in a relationship with a woman that lies? Regardless, it's HER debt, and it does not concern you. You should give her sympathy, but nothing else.

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A person that get 300.000 baht credit line in Thailand doesn't match the description of the girl , No doubt . Then as I understand she's pushing on the fact that , if she fail to pay back the debt she will be jailed for two Years ! c'mon U think that can really happen in a country were the justice allow assassins to go out on bail ? here 2 example that can give U better idea . First of all I'm talking about assassin , not suspect assassin . 1- Few month ago in Phuket a man shot a restaurant owner in the head , almost twenty customer identify him without dubt, he spend about a month on the run , then one day show up at the police station , pay the bail and go back home to watch tv and sleep in his bed as nothing happen. 2- A policeman ! Drunk ! in kanchanaburi following a loud discussion and a very short fight with a foreigner decide to kill him at cold blod that not satfisfy enough decide to follow the foreigner's girl friends in the parking ( shocked the girl was running away ) and kill her too ! The Bastard was allowed to go out on bail for the reason that he has to take care his family !!!!! This story was very popular at the beginning bcoz the 2 person killed were foreign ( the final part was slowly slowly less popular ...) I live here more than 15 years already , believe me in this country for this kind of debt , nobody is jailed , even for higher amount , you can be jailed only for a returned cheque ( till the payment is done ) if the person that own the debt , bring it to the police . In the meantime U can get very big troubles for a debt , with the wrong person ....even for a much lower amount of money ! Someone already suggest that this could be the true and I agree just to give her one chance. ......Tell him to stay far from her anyway and in case Your friend really need to give an help to someone in trouble ....tell Him that around the world , there are many many children that die , bcoz they no have nothing to eat ....Regards

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I have just been involved in stopping a friend falling into a similar trap in the other thread mentioned above. We got her to send all the documents relating to the deal. She scanned in loads of stuff - and sent by email.

It was all in Thai and looked very impressive, but once I had translated it, the information was mainly credit in other peoples names and nothing to do with the original deal.

So get all the info you can, get it translated and analyse it carefully.

If you get no information at all - or what you get is not relevant - run...

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I have just been involved in stopping a friend falling into a similar trap in the other thread mentioned above. We got her to send all the documents relating to the deal. She scanned in loads of stuff - and sent by email.

It was all in Thai and looked very impressive, but once I had translated it, the information was mainly credit in other peoples names and nothing to do with the original deal.

So get all the info you can, get it translated and analyse it carefully.

If you get no information at all - or what you get is not relevant - run...

and run really fast :o

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It's a 21st century buffalo story.. :o


Well one criticism we can't level at the Thais, girls at least, is that they are not moving with the times. How long before a bg opens a paypal (?) account?

as soon as paypal opens business here and accepts the Baht

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No she won't go to Jail even if it is true which is highly unlikely. How many times I have heard this story, hundreds and hundreds.

Apart from the fact that if true it it her problem not yours, I would say this is a scam. Keep your money in your wallet and run as fast as you can.

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as soon as paypal opens business here and accepts the Baht

Works already Mike- amost 2 yrs!

What the bg WILL need is a credit card. If she has that, she can open a paypal account and start taking payments right away!

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