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It's not been a good month for me firstly my Stereo C.D. Player Died, then my D.V.D. and now my Computer monitor has given up the ghost. Even an old one a friend lent me passed away yesterday.

So now I'm in the market either for a resonable 2nd hand one or a cheap new one. Any ideas where to find here in Phuket would be most appreciated.

Thanking you in anticipation.


Done :D

I know the feeling, our neighbor's place got struck by lightning and the residual effects fried our fax, our modem and one of our desktops as well as the printer plugged into the fried desktop :o

There are a few second hand places on Phuket aren't there? Do they sell old monitors? If you were here I'd sell you my old one--it didn't get fried, just the computer :D


thaitanics have a couple of second hand monitors 1500 bht each

call 089 872 4450 yaimar

ps/ also have dvd mp3 dcd etc etc player in box

In my experience buying a desktop computer in Thailand is a bad bet. Stick to a laptop, it will last you more then two years before the hard drive nackers out and the monitor blows a fuse.

Slightly off topic, but I have gone through 3 HD's all under warranty due to corrosion of being in the salty air. Had some data backed up, then looked at the backup copies burned onto disc 

and they couldn't be read. Grrr...

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