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Dvd Players


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I'm thinking of buying a new dvd player as I have recently bought a dvd writer and My old player struggles playing some of the copies it plays dvd copies ok but skips sometimes, however doesnt play cd -r's at all really. So I wondered if anyone could recommend a decend player available here in thailand that will be able to play everything, all zones, all formats, all discs etc.

I saw a nice looking samsung dvd-p248k for 3500 baht anyone got one of these?



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If you want to futureproof you purchase find one that handles MPEG 4.



before you buy your DVD player, note the model and manuf. and do a little googling to find out if its a software (enter code with remote control ) or hardware ( solder or cut link ) hack to make it how you want it.

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i have a samsung 338k something or another that plays everything and has karaoke. and it seems to play most everything i put in it. one little thing is the front is silver, and i think it reflects the remote beam, you really have to work it.

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I just brought a new one,Aconatic (an-2160) ,so far its played everything I have put in.Its a PDVD,whatever that is.

I got it from carrfoure,very helpful staff,I spent about an hour making a selection,and the guy followed me the whole time and answered all my questions.Price B2700

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try not to go for the expensive brands like sony/pioneer, ...

Too late ! :D I bought a Pioneer DV-555K from Pioneer at the World Trade Centre bkk, (now: Central World Plaza) for 9,200 baht. Very expensive! But I had only just arrived in bkk and didn't know about cheap players. That's my excuse, anyway. But the guy at Pioneer promised it would play all region DVDs, VCDs, .mp3s and .mpgs - and it does! - even the bad copies you get from Pantip Plaza. :o

It did stop working a few weeks ago after some bad weather - really should unplug stuff like this during the rainy season, or use a mains filter. Got it fixed at a local repair shop - took it in at 6 pm, they called to say it was ready at 8 pm. Good service! :D

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It did stop working a few weeks ago after some bad weather - really should unplug stuff like this during the rainy season, or use a mains filter. Got it fixed at a local repair shop - took it in at 6 pm, they called to say it was ready at 8 pm. Good service!  :o

buy a UPS from panthip for 2k baht... you will never regret it..a couple of powerboards and run all your electronics from it

if you have a large amp maybe you might want to get one just for it cause it can draw a lot of power at max....but as a spike suppression tool... wonderful


francois don't forget Xvid video format also...it seems to be quite popular. I am encoding to Xvid the DVDs for my phone as they are played by smartmovie(lonelycat games) symbian client.

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It did stop working a few weeks ago after some bad weather - really should unplug stuff like this during the rainy season, or use a mains filter. Got it fixed at a local repair shop - took it in at 6 pm, they called to say it was ready at 8 pm. Good service!  :o

buy a UPS from panthip for 2k baht... you will never regret it..a couple of powerboards and run all your electronics from it

if you have a large amp maybe you might want to get one just for it cause it can draw a lot of power at max....but as a spike suppression tool... wonderful :D

Yeah! I can be pretty stupid sometimes - I've got a UPS in my "office" - 2nd bedroom - and run my PC, UBC decoder and TV from it. Don't know why I haven't done the same for the DVD player and TV and in the bedroom, especially as the DVD has gone 'pop' once already :D . OK a trip to the computer shop in Big C looks likely tomorrow! Cheers!

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