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Traveling To Thailand With (legal) Dr Prescribed Narcotics

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I had a spinal fusion 10 years ago and am suffering the domino effects-degeneration of the spine above and below the fusion with severe pain. As such I have a quite a lot of prescription pills-mini pharmacy--to transport--all Dr prescribed- but concerned this might be a problem when I travel throughout Thailand and Cambodia in a few weeks.

Any suggestions, warnings, precautions, ADVICE ON documentation other than just carrying medication in the original bottles, boxes ? As these are controlled Narcotics in USA. my Dr will not prescribe "extra" to carry with me just in case any are lost. He will give me a prescription however. If they were to be lost(stolen) would a pharmacy fill these or would I have to go to a Thai Dr? I have my insurance plans list of network Dr's/ Hospitals.


Hi, I am suffering from my back surgery and back pain also. As long as you have the original bottles of medication with your name on them, it shouldn't be a problem.

I mentioned my back pain because you are able to obtain some pain medications here over the counter like Tamadol, Tramil, etc. Don't know if you are taking anything stronger than that, but if you have scripts from your doc there, if the pharmcies here do not accept them, it's no problem seeing a thai doctor that can re-write them - at miminal cost.

Have a safe and enjoyable trip.


I come back from the U.S. every year with 200 vicodin(hydrocodone bitritrate) & 120 Valiums When I first moved here I brought up over 350 pain killers in the original prescription bottles several 100 Valium Percocet Marinol(class 2 narcotic) prednisone(for mango rash. The way to carry is to separate some with your personal effects & put the rest in checked in luggage. As long as it is a legitimate prescription you should be fine. I can't get any medium pain relief pills here as codeine I have heavy allergic reaction & does nothing for the pain.Tramadol just spaces me out & is useless for me. If you need Heavy stuff(I shy away from till I am dying!)you can get a "fentanyl patch"or morphine. It is quite expensive & the morphine can be very addicting along with becoming worthless as a pain reliever unless you double -triple...the dose. The patch can have adverse affects(similar to Demerol)

The U.S. customs don't seem to care if its legit & the Thais aren't to good at reading English especially if it is a Latin based name

I;E they see a 500 on it they assume its aspirin. If you bring in over the counter Chinese Vitamins or ginseng you are much more likely to have those items scrutinized! The Thai customs are way more engulfed in reading my Nascar Mags & drag photos

than the mondane chores!

P.S. I think you should have posted in the medical forum as the mods will most likely move it. The only thing I am not sure of is Viagra if you decide to take it as they are really trying to crackdown on the drug(god only knows why?) but if it is a prescribed drug I don't see how they would deny you the right to have it. Got a lot of years before I will think about Viagra unless it is on a Mark Martin #6 older edition die cast car!




If it's a painkiller, just be careful about Codeine as a constituent.

It is an Opium derivitive, totally illegal in Thailand

Yes yes I know, its not really harmful in the doses in the pain killing drugs, but such is the law.....

If it's a painkiller, just be careful about Codeine as a constituent.

It is an Opium derivitive, totally illegal in Thailand

I don’t think so. Many brands of prescription drugs containing codeine phosphate are available in Thailand from pharmacies, obviously only with a prescription, some for pain relief, others for the symptomatic relief of severe cough.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Codine is available over the counter in Thailand and only a year ago I was taking a cough syrup (before I knew I had TB) which was full of Opium !!!!! I wondered why I felt so weird after I'd taken it like I 'wasn't there' ... Freely available in South Thailand


ANything with codeine or any other opiate is now a controlled substance -- legal but only from a doctor/hospital. You might still find some pharmacies selling them but they are not supposed to.

For the OP...just be sure the meds are clealry labelled with your name and doctor's name. Would be a good idea to also have a short letter from the doctor summarizing your medical condition and need for the medication. In addition to being useful to show if you rae questioned coming in, it will also help in getting further prescriptions from thai doctors.

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