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Nice action shot.

Gives a kind of 'hopeless cause' feel to it....big boat, little people etc.

When they pushed it back...was anyone on board ? or we're they just trying to get rid of it ?


this shot works on many levels.

the relentless advance of the crashing waves pushing against the puny efforts of shaven headed and tattood mortals is almost a perfect metaphor for modern mans losing fight to selfishly and aggressively control nature .

the precarious tilt of the boat as it is pounded by the seas can be seen on a stricly metaphysical level as the futility of human life when pitted against the will of god.

the old fashioned wooden thai fishing boat watching mockingly and inactively in the distance as the high tech composite falang designed craft struggles in the might thai ocean can only be interpreted as selfish thai nationalsm and misplaced superiority over foriegn intrusion into their sacred land. the thai boat seems to be saying " we'll be there for the rich pickings of the salvage operation , but not before".

a polarising filter would have improved the sky too.

<snipped for brevity>


Brilliant Tax!!!

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

the old fashioned wooden thai fishing boat watching mockingly and inactively

If you look carefully there is a rope going out to sea, probably to the fishing boat,

waiting to the yacht to float before towing it to a safe mooring.

Splendid action shot.

Nice action shot.

Gives a kind of 'hopeless cause' feel to it....big boat, little people etc.

When they pushed it back...was anyone on board ? or we're they just trying to get rid of it ?

It was a single sailor from Australia and after a 17 days trip to Phuket he lost his anchor in Patong bay, he was stranded for about 2 weeks, waiting for the high tide.


this shot works on many levels.

the relentless advance of the crashing waves pushing against the puny efforts of shaven headed and tattood mortals is almost a perfect metaphor for modern mans losing fight to selfishly and aggressively control nature .

the precarious tilt of the boat as it is pounded by the seas can be seen on a stricly metaphysical level as the futility of human life when pitted against the will of god.

the old fashioned wooden thai fishing boat watching mockingly and inactively in the distance as the high tech composite falang designed craft struggles in the might thai ocean can only be interpreted as selfish thai nationalsm and misplaced superiority over foriegn intrusion into their sacred land. the thai boat seems to be saying " we'll be there for the rich pickings of the salvage operation , but not before".

a polarising filter would have improved the sky too.

..a bit wrong:

When you look a bit closer you will see the rope between the sailing boat and the Thai fishing vessel, but the sailor had to pay 6000.-Baht for that "help".


The timing works well for me...the whitewater just approaching the people at the stern of the yacht.

I would have liked to see a slightly differently timed shot with the whitewater spraying up as it hits the hull of the yacht.

But it's a good shot nonetheless.

PS. great to see the people trying to help but in reality they would have had no effect on moving the yacht. Without the tow from the boat further out the yacht would still be beached.

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